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- ItemDrummond, a crítica e a escola : a invenção de um poeta nacional pelo livro didático de ensino médio(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2010-09-03) Dalvi, Maria Amélia; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Malard, Letícia; Delmaschio, Andréia PenhaThe present study examines the “invention” of Carlos Drummond de Andrade as “the first great public Brazilian poet”, thanks to the reiteration of stereotypes put into circulation either through specialized criticism and the historiography it engenders or, and most especially, through the school books used in secondary education. The present research is characteristic of the bibliographic documented type, whose main source is that of written and published works. Its theoretical guideline concerns Cultural History of French origin, especially in dialogue with some concepts elaborated by Roger Chartier (cultural object, cultural representations, cultural practices, communities of interpretation and appropriation). As corpus of investigation, the book selected is one of the books evaluated and elected by the National Program for Didactic Books for Secondary Education (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio – PNLEM), sponsored by the Brazilian Education Department, in its 2008 edition, for use in the academic year of 2009. The conclusion of this study highlights the curious fact that one of the best didactic books for the formation of literary readers of secondary education, according to the PNLEM verdict, presents the work of a paradigmatic author of our collective experience, namely, Carlos Drummond de Andrade in a fragmented and partial way, disarticulated from the important role he holds as a thinker of cultural politics. This is so because the image represented does not correspond to his corrosive, metalinguistic, autophagic and autocritical poetry, one that problematizes, in an evidently provocative way, some of the pillars of Brazilian lifestyle: religiosity (in his explicitly atheist option), family, childhood, the idea of nationality, body and pleasure, the sense of taste of the average bourgeoisie, the belle-lettres and academia. It is also made clear that the representation of society (and, consequently, of literature its authors and works) built by didactic books and manuals correspond, in truth, to a reconstruction which leans more towards the presentation of society (and literature, its authors and works, its readers) the way one wished they were, instead of the way they actually are. Thus, this research verifies that by investigating a reconstructed Drummond (that is, one put together by considering the authorial figure), by examining didactic books, it becomes possible to imagine the kind of literature, authors, and readers society, and, in that vein, schools would like to have, regardless of what they do in fact have. Nevertheless, this research does not intend to “demonize” the didactic book, for it is clear that the school manual is also a space for erasures: one cannot foresee or control the appropriation which may take place.
- ItemAtividade docente : implicações ético-formativas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-08-26) Silva, Fabio Hebert da; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Heckert, Ana Lucia Coelho; Silva, André do Eirado; Amador, Fernanda Spanier; Gomes, Rafael da SilveiraThis thesis examines the relationship between teaching activities, formation and ethics in the context of some research experience in education, from the dialogue with literature, philosophy, stories of teachers, field diaries and research reports. The themes relate in the text to write some guidelines for an evaluation of methods of intervention in the processes of work in schools and research experience, considering the production of spaces for analysis of work processes. The theme of the formation examines the relationship between ongoing processes and procedures that point to the prospect of collective analysis of work processes. The ethical perspective is brought as the evaluation of the effects that certain sets of practices have produced, both in relation to the teacher and researcher. The research experience through the relationship between teaching activities, formation and ethics. The methodological issue gains importance in this sense in trying to turning in work processes and formation. We note as well, the nature of codependent relationship between the researcher and the teacher's activity, the formation of a researcher and teacher in what (and what) they do. And inspired by Bergson, we call intuition as a method of preparing and modulation of a science of real and alive, precisely because of his procedural dimension - manufacturing and invention.
- ItemO trabalho docente universitário em análise do ponto de vista da atividade : tessituras de vidas em uma Universidade Federal brasileira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-11-28) Rosemberg, Dulcinéa Sarmento; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Louzada, Ana Paula; Silva, Alacir Ramos da; Silva, Claudia Osório da; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de; Aragão, Elizabeth Maria AndradeIt is about thesis research that puts in question the university's teaching from the point of view of labor activity. Get into the empirical field, It was guided by the following points: to discuss how they are being engendered modes of production of life among the working processes at the university, to know the effects of forms of organization and management of teaching work in life, to analyze the relationships that emerge in, and on the activities work and development, putting into question the way that teachers give to their work activity. Uses, as reference theoretical and methodological principles of Clinical Activity and the self-confrontation. The images of the scenes from the work produced by the teachers themselves, it has become devices in dialogical movements with and reference of the study group. The research's participants in analyzing their own work from pictorial records, they understand that they can not exempt himself from debates about what is diminishing the power of action in the federal universities. They believe, therefore, in the spaces of collective analysis of work, aiming to increase its power to act, among other actions, involving the production of strategies to enhance the undeniable value of doing a university teacher among the contemporary challenges. In this direction, clues emerged, proposals and other modes of living and working at Ufes, being produced.
- ItemPoder, saber e subjetividades : constituição e formação dos sujeitos ADM(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-11-28) Souza, Susane Petinelli; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Schneider, Edgar; Carrieri, Alexandre de Pádua; Rodrigues, Heliana de Barros Conde; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Simões, Regina Helena SilvaThe aim of this work is to analyze the adm subject’s constitution and education. The materials and analysis were organized around three axes: subjectivities, powers and knowledges. The selected materials, the development of the analysis and the text in addition to the concepts about the education in Management course were based on Michel Foucault’s studies about codes that control the ways of conducting oneself and about production of truths as justifications. The axes are theoretical-empirical productions, since in these axes are the analysis of interviews and the theories, as well as the analysis of education in this course that have occurred from documents, legislation and historical elements. The interviews with teachers from Management course, senior students and managers recently graduated were the analysis shootings. The intention was not to produce a new truth about education in this course, but to map the conditions for the emergence of adm subjects and his education. Among the mapped conditions are: the ways how we are ruled, that is, the model of conduct guided by entrepreneurial ways of action, the professionalization, the systematization of education and the constitution of knowledge field. In brief, this research has faced education process, through college study, which can lead to reproduction of main methods and to production of ruptures with such methods.
- ItemCurrículo e educação especial: as ações da escola a partir dos diálogos cotidianos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-01-01) Vieira, Alexandro Braga; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de; Oliveira, Ivone Martins de; Drago, Rogério; Caiado, Katia Regina Moreno; Baptista, Claudio RobertoThis study aimed at investigating the actions of a public elementary school in order to involve students with disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders in the school curriculum. It was based on the theoretical contributions by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Michel de Certeau and Philippe Meirieu in order to have a sociological, philosophical and pedagogical discussion about the situations started by this investigation. In the curricular field, this study is founded on the theories by Silva, Moreira, Apple and Sacristán among other theoreticians who also analyze knowledge work in the school setting. In the Special Education field, it discusses productions by researchers who advocate the idea that the school inclusion process implies access to school, as well as permanence and the right to acquire knowledge that is socially produced. Collaborative critical action research was adopted as theoreticalmethodological framework, which maintains that, through scientific research, one can produce knowledge about social reality, promote changes in challenging situations, and involve study individuals into continuing education processes. The investigation was carried out in an elementary school of the Municipal Public School Network in Vila Velha, ES, Brazil, and it involved teachers, pedagogues, school principal, parents and guardians, and students enrolled in 1st to 6th grades. Data production process took place from July 2010 to July 2011. The researcher was in the school three times a week participating in classroom interventions, continuing education planning, and in informal occasions such as students’ arrival/leaving and playtime. Three correlated approaches were employed so as to carry out the study: participant observation and listening to discourses of students, teachers, technical-pedagogical team, and parents or guardians about the involvement of students recommended for Special Education in the school curriculum; monitoring spaces for continuing education and using the data produced in the first stage of the study as elements to support formative dynamics; supervising the school actions that aim at including educational needs of special education students in the school curriculum, which are based on reflections started in the spaces for continuing education. The results show the necessity of advocating a school curriculum that is more open to meet the learning needs of students with physical, psychic, intellectual or sensorial disabilities. This research is far from the line of reasoning that defends curricular flexibility such as emptying the curriculum in the name of students' conditions. We understand that between school curriculum and knowledge production by special education students there is a variety of situations that need to be analyzed by the school, such as texts produced about students’ learning; poor knowledge about human sexuality; challenges in the relationship between school and families; and the concept of normal/abnormal. These factors can be elements that hinder students’ success in their educational journey. However, they can also be used as questions to support continuing education. The study shows that through collaborative and critical action among school professionals it is possible to integrate actions that grant students with disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders the right to learn in a regular school.
- ItemFoucault, Lévinas e Marx em leituras sobre a escola no cuidado de si de pessoas com deficiência(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-03-12) Rangel, Fabiana Alvarenga; Victor, Sonia Lopes; Della Fonte, Sandra Soares; Haddock-Lobo, Rafael; Dias, Romualdo; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles deThis research aimed to understand the care of the self among people with disabilities into their school lives, with special attention to their subjective formation besides the interposition of the master along that formation and that care. For so, between 2009 and 2010, in a metropolitan city of Espírito Santo, we accomplished semi-structured interviews with two youths with disabilities, their mothers and also their masters of the care; beyond questionnaires applied to different education professionals of their schools. It was a qualitative research which had Michel Foucault, Emmanuel Lévinas and Karl Marx as its theoretical basis. On the thesis development, we observe that the subjective formation of those youths was strongly interfaced by issues historically constructed between education and labor. In the analysis, we understood that school presented itself as a privileged space of the care of the self, having in it a locus of productive subject formation, which is the ideal subject of normality. However, we noted that the accomplishment of the care of the self into school space required the responsible hand of the master of care. Without that hand egoistic man rights appealed to the totality of disability and to the Inclusive Education plenitude in order to refuse the presence of students with disabilities, provoking their faces’ murdering. In this sense, we arrive to the necessity of the transcendence of the normal and abnormal totalities, which would allow the issues that started the thesis to reach the ethics of alterity, besides promote the turning of that subject in a citizen.
- Item(Per)cursos na formação de professores de surdos capixabas: constituição da educação bilíngue no estado do Espírito Santo.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-04-18) Vieira-Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa; Victor, Sonia Lopes; Thoma, Adriana da Silva; Klein, Madalena; Lopes, Maura Corcini; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles deThis thesis discusses the knowledge, practices and experiences that permeate the formation of teachers for deaf students, including the constitution of the concept of bilingual education, in which does not happen linearly once it is a notion created from the practices and experiences of these individuals. In this way, this work aims to understand how the teachers become teachers for deaf people with the knowledge acquired from their previous experience as well as with the knowledge considered academic. The specific objectives of this thesis are: a)describing the historical process that constitutes the formation of teachers for deaf students; b) connecting the historical process and discourses developed in the classical training courses; c) discussing how the bilingual practices constitute their own concept; d) analyzing through the teachers’ narrative how the initial and continuing training transform them into teachers of deaf students, as well as the way this training constitutes the bilingual practices. Due to the fact that the deaf education in this country has been living in fluid moments, in which the training of educational professionals goes toward undetermined routes, it has created possibilities that sometimes are not the ones that would fit a proper bilingual education. This work had Michel Foucault as the theoretical basis which brought the possibility to discuss different ways of forming the constitution and subjectivity of teachers of deaf students and how the attitude and the counter-conduct model the bilingual education. Throughout this work the deaf movement was analyzed as a place of dialogue, struggle and possibilities of constitution concerning this concept. As the working methodology, it was used the narratives of teachers who work with deaf people and these narratives were organized and displayed as a network of conversations that made possible a series of actions: analysis of the curricula of teacher’s training for tutoring deaf students throughout history, the history of the deaf movements in Brazil and in the world and the formations from the bilingual education perspective. In this thesis, in order to discuss the narratives, the text “The Storyteller” by Walter Benjamin was used as a referenced. The present work was also written in a possibly essayist style, which dialogues with Larrosa. As the result, it is noticed that there are still serious misunderstanding when the functions of new professionals that appear in this process are mixed: the 12 interpreter of sign language and the bilingual teacher. In addition, it was presented through the teachers’ narratives the different paths in their formation and how these trajectories trace discourses that are from religious to scientific ones. Finally, this thesis is concluded by presenting possibilities of training, without role models, but indicating principles that choose to train teachers in a perspective that deaf people are actually protagonists in the process of bilingual education as they have been looking for it, in a school where they have access to an education of quality, in which, their language is the language of their instruction.
- ItemAs narrativas de professoras reencantadas pela educação ambiental : rede de formação tecida no/com o cotidiano(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-04) Ferreira, Nadja Valéria dos Santos; Ferreira, Martha Tristão; Schmidt, Elisabeth Brandão; Sato, Michèle Tomoko; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Simões, Regina Helena SilvaThe objective of this research is to understand the constitution of an instituting movement of teachers from a public school located in Xerém district, Duque de Caxias (RJ), which points what can be defined as self-collective and continuous, emerged into the principles of Environmental Education. The procedural form as it stands has the distinction of bringing an Environmental Education emancipatory potential, anchored in solidarity, in the dialog and in the collective action, triggered by an educational practice and policy, in the Youth and Adult Education, which focuses on inter and transdisciplinarity approaches. The focus of this research was the production of adult education teacher’s narrative, and the outstanding identity processes of the practitioners in the district of Xerém. Collective action to seek refuge in culture and is reflected in the complexity of the idea of an Ecology of Knowledge that reflects the environment they live and live the various subjects. The methodology chosen was guided by cartography to tell the stories of practicing teachers with their students from the production of data that allowed rediscover invisible knowledge translated into social and environmental practices
- ItemPropostas e práticas de alfabetização em uma turma de segundo ano do ensino fundamental no município de Vila Velha/ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-07) Stieg, Vanildo; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Pérez, Carmen Lúcia Vidal; Geraldi, João Wanderley; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Schwartz, Cleonara MariaThis research is configured of a study-case, which main hypothesis was the idea that the use of the term or perspective of literacy, by the official discourse (MEC), represented the possibility of conciliation between the constructivists ideas and the ones defended by the followers of the “old” literacy methods, both for what is about literacy practices and to what refers to the field of political decisions as well. Having such hypothesis as background, two actions were developed: a) a field research that aimed at analyzing the alphabetization practices (in time of literacy) that have been concretized throughout the school year of 2010, in a second grade group of the public municipal elementary school in the city of Vila Velha, State of Espírito Santo; and b) a discussion about the literacy proposals that were admitted and proclaimed by the official discourse (MEC), in the period between 1990-2009, intending to verify how and for what political purpose(s) such discourse treated and/or has been treating the teaching of reading and writing and nowadays it is characterized as literacy? Regarding the investigation developed concerning the teacher’s practices, it is inferred that our research hypothesis was partially proved, because only in the period of recovering learning, in the end of the school year, that it is possible to observe the teacher working with the children the activities that are referred to the work with words. Those activities goals were to work the gaps identified (by the Teacher) in the literacy process, that is, in the domain of the alphabetic writing. This moment, the work developed indicated that there is activities/proposals maintenance arising from the way the constructivists think about teaching and learning. However, it was not observed, as proposed by the phonic method defenders, the systematic work with syllables and phonemes. Regarding the analysis of the MEC official speech our hypothesis is proved in its totality, because it is seen during the decades of 2000- 2010, from north to south of Brazil, acceptances of constructivist literacy proposals and the ones based on the phonic method, by the Federal, State and municipal realms. The presence of literacy perspective conciliations in our country helps us think that MEC treated (has been treating) the teaching of reading and writing, in literacy times, as a product, as goods. Why? Just by the fact of being consistent with the intentionality of the world economy about our school/country. Until 2022 Brazil needs to prove that has complied (more) one of the main items of the neoliberal agenda, that is: to present to all instances of the world economy a Ideb 6, 0. A quantitative objective/data that seems not to have any improvements for the Brazilian school, since it was not proclaimed, by the official speech, in the beginning of the previous decade. Literacy fit perfectly in this direction, because it intends to form minimally readers and writers, enough so that they do the evaluations that may put the Brazilian businessman in evidence before the world economy discussions. In this context it is idealized, through literacy, the constitution of literate functional.
- Item[...] do caos ao thémata: por epistemologias e práticas na diversidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-11) Menenguci, Lilian Pereira; Jesus, Denise Meyreles de; Reily, Lúcia Helena; Baptista, Cláudio Roberto; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deEs una investigación que se centra en la configuración de conocimientos y prácticas como oportunidad para ampliar y fortalecer la red incluyente entre los campos de Educación, Cultura y Salud. Entiende, en este sentido, que el Arte presentase como una proposición conectora en la tesitura del movimiento que entrelaza cada una de estas áreas de actuacción práctica y los campos de producción de conocimiento. Pretende asegurar la inclusión de derechos además el piso y las paredes de la escuela común. Elige como estrtructura las contribuciones teóricas de Gregory Bateson y Edgar Morin, respectivamente. Caracterizado como una investigación-acción de complejidad sistémica, cuya metodología tejese en processualidade del estudio propio. Los sujetos participantes de la investigación de tema son, al mismo tiempo, autores y actores de este enfoques teóricos y metodológicos: auxiliar administrativo, trabajador social, actores y actrices, Licenciado en filosofía, fisioterapeuta, cultural Manager, instructores de teatro, danza instructores, intérprete de Libras, pedagogo, discapacitados, sordos, profesor de Arte, entre otros. Los datos fueron producidos y capturados en la circularidad de la búsqueda. Este movimiento, vivido en una Escuela de Arte de naturaleza pública en la ciudad de Vitória, además de la instituición de un grupo transdisciplinario de debate y propuesta de políticas inclusivas y prácticas tejidas en red, realizar un taller de teatro para personas sordas, resultó también la realización de la Muestra de Cultura y Diversidad, compartindo directamente com 180 protagonistas. Este proyecto tiene la incertidumbre como mote propulsor. Esto último no sólo recibiendo la curiosidad epistemológica de sus participantes, ya que provoca cambios en sistemas de aprendizaje para ellos representaban inaugurando políticas y prácticas inclusivas transdisciplinarios.
- ItemAs "artes de fazer" e de viver de professoras e alunos nas interfaces entre culturas, currículos e cotidianos escolares(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-18) Silva, Sandra Kretli da; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Lima, Alexandra Garcia Ferreira; Oliveira, Ines Barbosa de; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Ferreira, Martha Tristão; Simões, Regina Helena Silvaabstract
- ItemA campanha de educação de adolescentes e adultos no Brasil e no estado do Espírito Santo (1947-1963): um projeto civilizador(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-06-28) Costa, Deane Monteiro Vieira; Araújo, Gilda Cardoso de; Soares, Leôncio José Gomes; Veiga, Cynthia Greive; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria MendesThis dissertation analyzes, through a historical perspective, the first governmental initiative started in 1947 and promoted by the Ministry of Education and Health in educating youngsters and adults in urban and rural areas of Brazil and in the state of Espírito Santo. Entitled Campanha de Educação de Adolescentes e Adultos (CEAA) – Educational Campaign of Youngsters and Adults – it was a milestone in the process of elaboration of both theoretical and practical grounds for the education of youngsters and adults. With this purpose, official documents and various didactic productions elaborated by the Pedagogic Orientation Sector of CEAA of the Ministry of Education and Health are studied. These organizations, with a peacemaking approach of sanitation, patriotism, and education, proposed a civilizing process. In his book, O processocivilizador (The civilizing process), Norbert Elias analyzes the process through which western society went habit and behavioral changes, which started in the alterations in the relationships of interdependence among individuals and social groups, and therefore, in the relationships of power. In his analysis, he uses “after-school” texts distributed throughout the country by the Serviço de Educação de Adultos (Adult Education Service), targeted to students matriculated in CEAA classes that had already mastered reading. In this social figuration, therefore, the struggle against illiteracy generated stigmatization and dishonor processes of the others – the illiterate. The inferior place was declared with the type of language used in the CEAA official documents which utilized pejorative and depreciative terms and nicknames applied to the illiterate, and also the use of indicators of low expectations towards them, fact that may be noticed in the language used in the book JucaFubávisitaumacidade. In addition to that, in the book Mulheresexemplares – Ideal women - the amplification of the role of women, taking over different social functions starting in the decade of 1940 was also oriented by CEAA.The book indicated that the roles proposed by urbanization and industrialization could not compete with the role of national pride – the role of wife and housewife. The civilizing role of the working women highlighted by this “official” text helped us construct the image of “abstained” attributed to the teacher of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Zilma Coelho Pinto, who led the “initiative/battle” to eradicate illiteracy in her region, in the state of Espírito Santo. Her state, national, and international recognition happened after the creation of a not-for-profit organization whose main objective was to eradicate illiteracy in her municipality, the Campanha de Alfabetizaçãoe Assistência Social de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (CAASCI) – Campaign of Assistance and Literacy of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim –, and whose conception of education was similar to the one of CEAA, presented as the “redemption” of the Brazilian man. The teenagers, youngsters, and adults that attended this organization were seen as individuals in stage of development which could be shaped in to attend to the social demands, in other words, to occupy places that were attributed to them by the natural development of society. From the reflections raised in this study, we highlight that CEAA’s proposition of literacy played an integral role in the ongoing Brazilian civilizing process, which presented schooling since the XIX century as a civilizing reference, in its interdependence limits and of the local practice correlations in under development
- ItemFotografia e interação: modos de apresentação do adolescente e da escola no ciberespaço(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-10-02) Zanin, Larissa Fabricio; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Martins, Raimundo; Oliveira, Sandra Regina Ramalho e; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Schwartz, Cleonara MariaInformation technology has cleared the way for sharing images and information providing new forms of sociability through digital social networks. Within this context, this work proposes to understand the meanings of photographs of teenagers in Orkut albums and the ways that the school is presented by adolescents on these albums and digital social network itself, considering this albums on Orkut as carriers of meanings that presents from those articulations, in languages that syncretized form, verbal and visual. It presents as theoretical studies relating to discourse analysis that permeate the discourse and Semiotics studies about the scheme proposed by Eric Landowski visibility, among other relevants considerations to sociossemiótica. It also addresses questions about the power of the photographic image and the character of veridiction, beyond the issues inherent at the construction of identity / alterity through social practices experienced in cyberspace
- ItemInfâncias e educação infantil : redes de sentidosproduções compartilhadas no currículo e potencializadas na pesquisa com as crianças.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-10-16) Nunes, Kezia Rodrigues; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Tavares, Maria Tereza Goudard; Pérez, Carmem Lúcia Vidal; Ferreira Neto, Amarílio; Carvalho, Janete MagalhãesThe purpose of this text consists in understanding the relationships between the concepts of child, childhood and upbringing. The text discusses, relates and also connects these concepts in order to erase their commom meaning. This way it updates what has been understood as the way they function together, to what they have become. The research uses two diferente sources: First, it looks into some graduate studies (specially Deleuze’s and Guattari’s) which approach these concepts relating them to the philosophy of difference. It gathers 13 articles published by Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (Anped), 3 articles by Revista Brasileira de Educação (RBE) and also 12 graduate program education theses. The second one involves research performed in a CMEI in the city Cariacica/ES/Brazil during 2011. This research consisted in observing the conversation among seventy children between four and five years old, studying in the afternoon. It bases its methodology on the daily school research thoughts (ALVES 2008a, 2008b, AZEVEDO 2008, FERRAÇO 2003, 2007, 2008) and also on the cartography (KASTRUP 2007, DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995). The text uses different research tools, such as: a field journal, photographic and filmic records, chats with adults and children and also interview games created for the research. These tools allowed the research to stratify, to organize, to deterritorialize and to produce escape into these different concepts. Continuous intensity zones multiply the concepts into eight plateaus that extrapolate the final image in order to negociate with the children. It was noticed the children’s logic as far as the research mapped the children’s works and wishes, most of time, can’t be related to the adults’. This research allowed us to understand the children and their world better. It enabled us to connect to them, deeper than we could, considering our previous knowledge. The following concepts were considered in order to make the discussions relevant: The school as a meeting place; to play with one’s friends; to grow into diferente moments of childhood (such as: studying, reading, writing, painting, drawing, playing, creating, fabling, falling in love); to extend the chronological time into aiônico time; to cause experimentation that consider all children as unique and different beings; to expand the understanding of childhood considering its duration and potentiality; to induce dialogue about the childhood plays, to consider the children’s and school’s modulations according to the crying and dissatisfaction and other lines that get away. It is accepted that children summon us, incite us, challenge us, invite us to share other production networks, new demands, and other possibilities with them. Much more often than adults do. These concept’s de-re-territorialization consist on a political bid on a changing wish. One that considers the necessity of recreating ourselves in adults and children simultaneously. Turning the relations parallel in order to open the children’s demands, the regular ones and also the ones inside us, the adults.
- ItemValores em circulação : A Gazeta na sala de aula(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-10-17) Salles, Marilene Lemos Mattos; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Nascimento, Geraldo Carlos do; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Ferreira, Giovandro MarcusThis study is included in Education and Language Research Line. It´s related to a research in Educommunication area, a field of study which investigates communication and education interface, for the purpose of analyzing the program A Gazeta na Sala de Aula (A Gazeta Newspaper inside the classroom), developed by Gazeta Network, the biggest communication company of Espírito Santo. The Program, which is linked to the Newspapers National Association, takes place in 348 municipal schools of Espírito Santo, involving almost 30 thousand students. The objective is to identify the education concept supported by the communication company, through a project with pedagogic characteristics that aims the formation of critic readers. Concerning the analysis, we based ourselves on the methodological and theoretical referential of Discursive Semiotics and Social Semiotics. From the trajectory that generates meaning, we tried to understand the construction of the talker of “A Gazeta na Sala de Aula” program as a reliable person, who leads the interlocutor to trust in his/her autonomy in developing the tasks and having enough knowledge. For that investigation, we selected as the analysis corpus Pedagogic Workshops put into practice by the Program in 2011. The research allowed us to identify how Gazeta Network presents itself as being qualified to educate teachers and which values this company is diffusing in the scholar space.
- ItemA leitura literária em espaços não escolares e a universidade : diálogos possíveis para novas questões na formação de professores(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-11-19) Carvalho, Letícia Queiroz de; Foerste, Erineu; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Bicalho, Delaine Cafiero; Fichtner, Bernd; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Foerste, Gerda Margit SchützThe research presents as its main point the teaching of literature in teacher development. It tells about the relationship between the University and nonschool spaces. It starts from the belief in the social aspects of literature and reading that not only sets in within the school environment, showing therefore our relations and social practices (BENJAMIN, 1996; FREIRE, 1987, 1996). We seek to answer questions like: is it possible to establish dialogues between literature at the University and the one that exists in non school spaces? What kind of Portuguese Language and Literature teacher we aim to form in graduation courses? What changes could be made during supervised periods in both Portuguese and Pedagogy courses from the insertion of literary reading in social projects that go beyond the school environment? To develop this research, it was chosen the qualitative research methodology, which focuses participant observation and intervention and also with some peculiarities of action research methodology. Our investigative actions occurred in literary workshops with graduation students of Literature and Pedagogy, in non formal education spaces - nursing homes, group homes, and other cultural centers - places that allowed us an outside movement (BAKHTIN, 2000, 2010) coming from the articulation of differences among these reading practices which showed provoking issues for a redefinition of teaching as a profession (NÓVOA, 1992, 2002, 2009; ZEICHNER, 1997, 2000, 2008). The results indicate the reformulation of supervised periods should be guided by discussions that should promote the integration of the literature teacher in any social space which allows any conscious and responsible movement while participating in culture.
- ItemProcesso avaliativo de tutores a distância em um curso de Pós-Graduação e reflexões sobre mudanças de condutas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-12-03) Nunes, Vanessa Battestin; Albernaz, Jussara Martins; Menezes, Crediné Silva de; Nevado, Rosane Aragón de; Cury, Davidson; Pinel, HiranIt was analyzed in this work the evaluation process of distance tutoring in a postgraduate course, with reflections about conduct changes occurred. This is a case study for the postgraduate course in Informatics in Education of CEAD/Ifes. An evaluation process was built in this context and can be adapted to other realities. Our focus was the distance tutor, an important actor in the students learning process. Bibliographic and documentary researchs and the participation of students and the course team contributed to generate four versions of the evaluation process. We analyzed the instruments created, which allowed the evaluation of distance tutors for different looks (students, teachers, presential tutors and self-assessment), as well as other monitoring methods: through virtual resources (especially by the Moodle learning environment) and face meetings (individual, discipline and team). The evaluation process aimed to help the distance tutors to better understand their role in the course and identify gaps in their work, seeking improvements and favoring thus awakenings and the constitution of a reflexive tutor. We analyze, in a quantitative and qualitative manner, the performance of distance tutors in the course disciplines, the impact of the evaluation process in their activities, the difficulties and problems encountered during their journey, conduct changes observed, resistances and advances. We used content analysis, triangulation and statistical method. Interviews were also conducted with a selected group of tutors. For construction of the evaluative process and to perform the analyzes we used, especially, the theories related to the constructivist and socio-historical conception of education. We achieved results that show that the evaluation process has contributed in improving the performance of distance tutors of the course, as: in the constitution of the tutor, in forming a reflective tutor, in the students monitoring, in supporting the knowledge construction of students, in communication with these and with team members, among others. Moreover, this work opens new perspectives for future study.
- ItemDevires em cor : movimentos de vida pintados em cenas cotidianas das escolas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-12-11) Gomes, Marco Antônio Oliva; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Victório Filho, Aldo; Amorim, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Pinel, Hiran; Simões, Regina Helena Silvaabstract
- ItemO sentido de ser professor de educação física pelos “modos de ser sendo junto ao outro no mundo” perverso- fascista e democrático : a vivência real & no filme “Má educação”(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-01-01) Sobroza, Marcio Colodete; Pinel, Hiran; Chicon, José Francisco; Rossoni, Rodrigo; Mettrau, Marsyl Bulkool; Sá, Maria das Graças Carvalho Silva de; Cola, César PereiraINTRODUCTION: What are the " ways of being together with each other in the world " Physical Education teachers of the Municipality of Serra, ES , located in what is called " real" and Professor of Physical Education Father Joseph in the film " Bad Education " Pedro Almodóvar located in what is called " fictional " ? Reflective contributions that can bring such data ( analyzed hermeneutically ) for Continuing Education of Teachers of Physical Education [ 3 ] ? OBJECTIVE : To describe the " ways of being together with each other in the world " [1 ] Physical Education teachers working in public schools in the Municipality of Serra, the ES & [ 2 ] Father Jose , fictional character , Professor of Physical Education the 2004 Spanish film " Bad Education " doing it first through a classic research ( descriptive and hermeneutic ) and then a literaturalizada and Art ( hermeneutics ) . THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK : This is an existential phenomenological discourse proposal ( theoretical ) Marxist trend set by Pinel ; METHODS: This was an existential phenomenological research following recommendations Forghieri (2001 ) and Pinel (2006 , 2012) - among others . The 29 Physical Education teachers were challenged to show their " ways of being together with each other in the world " craft Physical Education teacher . After this provocation was taken to the same character in the film . RESULTS & DISCUSSION : been described [ 1 ] the " ways of being with the other being in the world " of physical education teachers in the dimension of the real and the fictional (cinema ) , and is not aimed to compare as much as it has become evident . These teachers , in 2011/2012 , experiencing a democracy ( im ) perfect Brazilian [ that has to neo-fascist tendencies ] , even more so democracy - were always included taking a north / path / direction by subjectivity Guides Sense ( GS - Pinel ) democratic recognition [ of the group demand to be valued , recognized ] in ( im ) potency [ impotence and power can always come to light ; strength and his other hand , the weakness of being ] affecting [ what is practiced and think / feel affects oneself, others and the world ; the impact produces more subjectifications ] dreaming [ no demand always make life projects ; the project to be always becoming, always under construction ; is an imprecise precision ] , healthily insane [ how close may be experiencing sanity and madness and madness is as sane as creative , inventive , productive , opposition to the established ] - themselves next to each other in the world becoming subject . [ 2 ] But Professor of Physical Education of Father Jose almodovariana film is a teacher who can immediately be perceived as solid and fixed in its fascist perversion , legitimizing it as part of the Spanish State of Franco, in the 60s , probably in 1964 that is , in fiction , the space-time of Joseph and his pedagogical and psychological ( and physical education ) actions . But fascism is not only what makes a breeder a fascist fascist everyday , because after all , parallel to it in the present and in fiction , were generous , tough and resilient people who acted against these pressures almost mostly coming from the whole ( State ) - were individually democratic and people in small and large groups ; were an example of resistance against the dominant ideology established by then. Joseph in a fascist institution failed to reflect and act differently , ie with more mental health, choosing ( in freedom ) be fascist, be smaller ( bit ) - opted not more . Finally, the same data are presented in other aesthetics possible and always open , unfinished , becoming ... The arts and poetry ( and literature ) look carefully unfold the " ways of being with each other in the world " Physical Education teacher in the world real and imaginary ( filmic ) unveiling often indissociados . PÓSCRITO : The author describes the possible implications of his study for physical education always based on a proposal to create an unyielding discussion focusing on the idea that research demand narrate the life and literaturalizar science .
- ItemA arte do teatro de bonecos como disparadora de encontros na constituição dos curriculosafetos na escola(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-03-25) Pereira, Dulcimar; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Lopes, Eduardo Simonini; Perez, Carmen Lúcia Vidal; Ferreira, Martha Tristão; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Simões, Regina Helena SilvaThe current study intends to present the meetings/gatherings produced between dolls and the school community of EMEF Tancredo de Almeida Neves, located in São Pedro III neighborhood–district of Vitória, in the constitution of their curriculumaffections. In the meetings, some knowledge was produced with constant exchanges among the ones practicing the everyday life. This way, the study main goal is to map the experiences of that group with dolls and stories, as well as the meetings developments. It has as theoretical intercessor: Spinoza (2008) and his contribution related to the good gatherings that increase the power of acting; Foucault (2006) and his studies about the esthetics of existence and people’s care with their own selves and the others; Deleuze (1992) and the intercessors importance; still constitute the intercessor dialogues that discuss about the production of curriculums in the daily school life, as Ferraço (2003), Alves (2004), Carvalho (2009), among others. The methodological paths are constituted during the mapping intercession with studies regarding everyday life. In order to produce data in this space-time, videos, conversations, pictures and pedagogical workshops were used. The study stands out that in those meetings between intercessors-dolls, instructor and student, the power of acting is increased and other proposals are elaborated in the weaving of knowledge and sympathy nets. the work concludes that the good meetings with the dolls theater art composed more colorful mosaics, which enlarged knowledge creating more fluid relations, less tense and that amid the molars and molecular lines were also produced escaping lines that instigated, provoked other movements, enabling the acting power to increase through the exchanges and the production of affection with other meanings of experiencing the school through the ethics-policy based on the each one self-care and the care with others, the existence ethics.