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- ItemA AÇÃO SOCIAL DO “MOVIMENTO COLABORA EDUCAÇÃO” EM POLÍTICAS EDUCACIONAIS INTERFEDERATIVAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-19) Rodrigues, Rodrigo Ferreira; Araujo, Gilda Cardoso de;;;;; Costa, Deane Monteiro Vieira;;; Santos, Wagner dos;;; Peixoto, Edson Maciel;;; Lima, Marcelo;; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria;;; Scarfoni, Eduardo NorciaThis research analyses the social action of the Movement Colabora Educação (MCE) ̶ established since 2016 by the Inter American Development Bank, Todos pela Educação, Itaú Social Foundation, Lemann Foundation, Ayrton Senna Institute, Natura Insti
- ItemA alfabetização/educação de surdos na história da educação do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-12-16) Rodrigues, Ednalva Gutierrez; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Jesus, Denise Meyrelles de; Bueno, José Geraldo Silveira; Rocha, Heloísa Helena PimentaThis work integrates a research group developed by the line of research Education and Languages belonging to the Post-Graduation Program of the Espírito Santo State Federal University. It is about a historic research that aims at investigating the history of literacy of the deaf in the State of Espírito Santo, from 1950 to 1970, based on the initial thesis that education/literacy of the deaf children, in Espírito Santo, in that period, had the purpose to teach the national language through oralization, owing to the developmental project adopted by the Federal President, Juscelino Kubistchek. The work is based on Marc Bloch (2001) conceptions, by considering the History as the science of men in time, with the purpose to understand the human action according to the historic conditions of that time and on the contribution of the Bakhtin conceptions of language, specially, the text concept as enunciation, taking into consideration that each text/document brings in its central a history lived by subjects in a certain social and historical context. This way, from the analysis of school documents, journalistic texts, booklets, pedagogical materials and official documents, the work is structured in the sense of understanding the national context that gave rise to the first initiations of decentralization concerning the education of the deaf, culminating with the creation of special classes in several Brazilian states, including Espírito Santo. The repercussions, in local ambit, were analyzed from two axes. In the first one, the political aspects were analyzed, highlighting that the Government disclaimer favored the partnership between the public sphere and the private one in the configuration of the special classes, within the regular schools. The second one stood out that the Oral Method and the Perdoncini Method, which rooted the literacy process and aimed at teaching the country’s official language, regarding the oral modality, dialogued with the pedagogical and psychological conception of that time, making the process clearly educational. The work concludes that the period was marked by an educational project considered consistent and coherent with the postulates of that time, having in the responsible and polyphonic action of the Teacher Álpia Couto-Lenzi its main interlocutor.
- ItemA arte do teatro de bonecos como disparadora de encontros na constituição dos curriculosafetos na escola(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-03-25) Pereira, Dulcimar; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Lopes, Eduardo Simonini; Perez, Carmen Lúcia Vidal; Ferreira, Martha Tristão; Ferraço, Carlos Eduardo; Simões, Regina Helena SilvaThe current study intends to present the meetings/gatherings produced between dolls and the school community of EMEF Tancredo de Almeida Neves, located in São Pedro III neighborhood–district of Vitória, in the constitution of their curriculumaffections. In the meetings, some knowledge was produced with constant exchanges among the ones practicing the everyday life. This way, the study main goal is to map the experiences of that group with dolls and stories, as well as the meetings developments. It has as theoretical intercessor: Spinoza (2008) and his contribution related to the good gatherings that increase the power of acting; Foucault (2006) and his studies about the esthetics of existence and people’s care with their own selves and the others; Deleuze (1992) and the intercessors importance; still constitute the intercessor dialogues that discuss about the production of curriculums in the daily school life, as Ferraço (2003), Alves (2004), Carvalho (2009), among others. The methodological paths are constituted during the mapping intercession with studies regarding everyday life. In order to produce data in this space-time, videos, conversations, pictures and pedagogical workshops were used. The study stands out that in those meetings between intercessors-dolls, instructor and student, the power of acting is increased and other proposals are elaborated in the weaving of knowledge and sympathy nets. the work concludes that the good meetings with the dolls theater art composed more colorful mosaics, which enlarged knowledge creating more fluid relations, less tense and that amid the molars and molecular lines were also produced escaping lines that instigated, provoked other movements, enabling the acting power to increase through the exchanges and the production of affection with other meanings of experiencing the school through the ethics-policy based on the each one self-care and the care with others, the existence ethics.
- ItemA atuação do legislativo municipal no processo de deliberação das políticas públicas para a educação : "em discussão", "encerrada a discussão", "chamada para votação"(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-12-21) Peixoto, Edson Maciel; Araújo, Vânia Carvalho de; Oliveira, Eduardo Augusto Moscon; Angelo, Vitor Amorim de; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Araújo, Gilda Cardoso deThis study aims at analyzing the operation of the city council of Vítória, ES, Brazil in the process of enacting public education policies, so as to understand how the means of participation are configured in this process. We opt for the study of institutions (formal and informal norms, rules and procedures that regulate legislatures), based on the new institutionalism side (LIMONGI, 1994; HALL; TAYLOR, 2003; PERES, 2008; MARCH; OLSEN, 2008) and of the parliamentary deliberation process (FERRAZ, 2007) through which bills are considered by legislative bodies. These options were motivated by the concern about the conditions provided by the institutions that regulate legislative power and about the modus operandi of the Municipal Legislature in the deliberation process of consideration of municipal education policies. This study sees participation as a complement to representative democracy (SANTOS; AVRITZER, 2009), allowing participatory democracy practices to be built in the process of education policy consideration. Based on a case-study, this investigation was carried out through the exam of the organic law; the inside policy of the legislative power; and the 197 bills that went through legislatures from 1/1/1989 to 12/31/2014 before they were enacted. For an in-depth analysis, this study highlights 20 bills considered to represent education policies and had structuring features to the Municipal Education System. Although cases of “active participation” (LIMA, 2003) have been found, there was little practice of democracy as representative characteristic of the Legislative Power operation in the study period. This practice was characterized by poor connections between representatives and those they represent; disinterest of representatives to discuss most of the propositions about education; limitations and constraints imposed by institutions regulating the decision-making process, which encourages “nonparticipation” or “passive participation” (LIMA, 2003); willingness to keep legislature as a hegemonic decision-making process that ensures the stability of results. This reduced democratic practice is highlighted by the procedures that end the consideration of most propositions: “Under discussion”. “Discussion ended”. “Call for voting”, without any intervention by councilors.
- ItemA campanha de educação de adolescentes e adultos no Brasil e no estado do Espírito Santo (1947-1963): um projeto civilizador(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-06-28) Costa, Deane Monteiro Vieira; Araújo, Gilda Cardoso de; Soares, Leôncio José Gomes; Veiga, Cynthia Greive; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria MendesThis dissertation analyzes, through a historical perspective, the first governmental initiative started in 1947 and promoted by the Ministry of Education and Health in educating youngsters and adults in urban and rural areas of Brazil and in the state of Espírito Santo. Entitled Campanha de Educação de Adolescentes e Adultos (CEAA) – Educational Campaign of Youngsters and Adults – it was a milestone in the process of elaboration of both theoretical and practical grounds for the education of youngsters and adults. With this purpose, official documents and various didactic productions elaborated by the Pedagogic Orientation Sector of CEAA of the Ministry of Education and Health are studied. These organizations, with a peacemaking approach of sanitation, patriotism, and education, proposed a civilizing process. In his book, O processocivilizador (The civilizing process), Norbert Elias analyzes the process through which western society went habit and behavioral changes, which started in the alterations in the relationships of interdependence among individuals and social groups, and therefore, in the relationships of power. In his analysis, he uses “after-school” texts distributed throughout the country by the Serviço de Educação de Adultos (Adult Education Service), targeted to students matriculated in CEAA classes that had already mastered reading. In this social figuration, therefore, the struggle against illiteracy generated stigmatization and dishonor processes of the others – the illiterate. The inferior place was declared with the type of language used in the CEAA official documents which utilized pejorative and depreciative terms and nicknames applied to the illiterate, and also the use of indicators of low expectations towards them, fact that may be noticed in the language used in the book JucaFubávisitaumacidade. In addition to that, in the book Mulheresexemplares – Ideal women - the amplification of the role of women, taking over different social functions starting in the decade of 1940 was also oriented by CEAA.The book indicated that the roles proposed by urbanization and industrialization could not compete with the role of national pride – the role of wife and housewife. The civilizing role of the working women highlighted by this “official” text helped us construct the image of “abstained” attributed to the teacher of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Zilma Coelho Pinto, who led the “initiative/battle” to eradicate illiteracy in her region, in the state of Espírito Santo. Her state, national, and international recognition happened after the creation of a not-for-profit organization whose main objective was to eradicate illiteracy in her municipality, the Campanha de Alfabetizaçãoe Assistência Social de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (CAASCI) – Campaign of Assistance and Literacy of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim –, and whose conception of education was similar to the one of CEAA, presented as the “redemption” of the Brazilian man. The teenagers, youngsters, and adults that attended this organization were seen as individuals in stage of development which could be shaped in to attend to the social demands, in other words, to occupy places that were attributed to them by the natural development of society. From the reflections raised in this study, we highlight that CEAA’s proposition of literacy played an integral role in the ongoing Brazilian civilizing process, which presented schooling since the XIX century as a civilizing reference, in its interdependence limits and of the local practice correlations in under development
- ItemA cartilha midiática de Capricho para a educação da jovem brasileira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-03-21) Mesquita, Letícia Nassar Matos; Rebouças, Moema Lúcia Martins; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Oliveira, Ana Cláudia Mei Alves de; Peruzzo, Cicilia Maria KrohlingThis study has as its theme the prescriptive discourse of the press media directed at the young female audience in Brazil. The corpus is CAPRICHO magazine, which has been published by Editora Abril since 1952. Currently this magazine is the publication for young girls with the largest circulation in the country. The issues under study were published in the period from January 2010 to December 2011, among these, 27 issues from 2010 and 25 from 2011. Our aim was to analyze how the discursive and narrative strategies impose on youth values in circulation in the magazine which enable the young readers to develop skills , attitudes and behaviors, turning the publication into a media booklet that teaches certain modes of presence in the world that constitute the Capricho way of being. Our thesis is that CAPRICHO is a didactic communication vehicle, a sort of booklet that dictates behavior, ways of being in the world, highlighting gender issues, especially regarding young Brazilian girls. To defend this thesis, the following hypotheses were tested: a) the Capricho way of being is built by reiterations of discursive and narrative strategies that contribute to the circulation of social values and axiologies; b) the syncretism of languages plays a major role in convincing the readers; c) the intersubjective interaction of intimacy is what characterizes the close interaction between enunciator and enunciatee, marking the acts of advising and following the advice; d) the manipulation strategy of seduction covers the prescriptive discourse which is valued as a daily participant; e) due to this condition of daily routine presence, CAPRICHO is valued as a manual that helps to make sense to the being in the world, the magazine is considered as an object of collection; f) as an accessible manual, it can leave the shelf according to the needs of the young readers. The analysis is based on the theoretical and methodological contributions of discoursive semiotic. The analysis is based on the theoretical and methodological contributions of discoursive semiotic, focusing on studies about syncretism of languages. As a result, it was found that as CAPRICHO uses rich plasticity and words taken from the young enunciatee, the reader is subjected to the social values attributed to Brazilian women: kindness, sociability linked to aesthetics and the importance of studying for the working market. Consumerism is embedded in each part of the magazine, like a driving force which makes the reader believe to be the addresser. The relevance of this thesis is also to prove that the analyzes of the relationship between visual and verbal writing are essential for grasping the meaning of a syncretic text and building a critical reader
- ItemA CONCEPÇÃO DE ENSINO MÉDIO INTEGRADO DOS DOCENTES DOS INSTITUTOS FEDERAIS DE EDUCAÇÃO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-01) Arantes, Ana Kelly; Fonte, Sandra Soares Della;;;;; Ramos, Marise Nogueira;;; Martins, Marcos Francisco;;; Ferreira, Eliza Bartolozzi;;; Lima, Marcelo; disease (CD) is a chronic infectious disease, considered an anthropozoonosis that represents a major public health problem and mandatory notification, with a high level of morbidity and mortality occurring throughout Latin America. Caused by a protozoan that belongs to the Trypanosomatidae family and the Trypanosoma genus, Trypanosoma species (Schizotrypanum) cruzi.CD can be transmitted in several ways, the most common being vector, through the bite of a hematophagous insect of the Reduviidae family, with the species Triatoma infestans being popularly known as “barber”, in Brazil, the main responsible for causing the disease in cycle domiciliary, being able to transmit the disease to their vertebrate hosts, which are several species of mammals, being man (accidental) and dog (main reservoir of the disease) the main hosts and to their invertebrate hosts such as triatomines. Once infected, the individual may present in the acute phase of the disease the sign of chagoma and the sign of pomegranate, accompanied by some clinical signs such as fever and inappetence. In the chronic phase, the disease can manifest itself in an indeterminate, cardiac, digestive, neurological or mixed form (more rare). As for their diagnosis, they can be made by different methods, parasitological, serological and molecular. Serological methods are the most used, due to the low parasitic load in the chronic phase, limiting the parasitological. Two serological tests are always recommended, due to their low specificity, and cross-reactions with other parasites of the same family such as Leishmania spp may occur, due to the low sensitivity and specificity of some tests, this project aimed to define using the profile of immunoglobulin subclasses ( Total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a way of differentiating between T. cruzi and the genus Leishmania, which is the main cause of serological cross reactions in the state of Espírito Santo for CD, through a low-cost method and that it can be used routinely in diagnostic centers.
- ItemA configuração da docência no ginásio do Espírito Santo (1906-1951)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-20) Borel, Tatiana; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Pinto, Antonio Henrique; Thiengo, Edmar Reis; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Salim, Maria Alayde AlcantaraIt analyzes the configuration of teaching in the Espírito Santo Gymnasium / State School in the first decades of the XX century (1906-1951). The temporal cut is marked by the creation of the Espírito Santo Gymnasium in 1906, and the foundation of the Philosophy, Sciences and Letras College of Espírito Santo (FAFI) in 1951. It aims to investigate the formative and professional paths of teachers who taught in the main Capixaba institution of secondary education, prioritizing glances for rituals that involved the starting point, the teaching conceptions, as well as traces of the practices that endured within the passing of time. It describes a historical overview regarding the gymnasium as a public secondary education institution in Espírito Santo, evidencing aspects of its creation and functioning. Amongst them, the alternation of administration between State and Church; the various addresses that housed the gymnasium; the salaries earned by teachers; open exams for professors; the teaching practices undertaken; the notoriety among the capixaba society; and intellectual production inside and outside the school space. In order to do so, it uses as sources: reports of inspectors and presidents of the State; newspaper clippings (various); official documents about the creation and operation of the GES (Espirito Santo Gymnasium); minutes of the Congregation and minutes and reports of open exams; legislation; various magazines, including Vida Capichaba and Revista Comandos; crafts; documents of assimilation with Colégio Pedro II; personal documents such as letters and photographs; as well as testimonies collected in an interview. The analysis dialogues with the theoretical contributions of the historians Marc Bloch (2001) and Carlo Ginzburg (2002). It values the importance of historical testimonies, the understanding of diversity and the tangling of sources. It was sought to narrow the scale of analysis to enable details to surface. The available sources were interrogated with the intention of making them speak. The final discussions indicate that, despite having suffered structural difficulties, the Gymnasium of Espírito Santo has never ceased to develop its activities, reaching the process of equating to Pedro II College, on two occasions. As far as professors were concerned, they were, for the most part, people who had a certain popularity and who had no education in the area of education, and who were, therefore, involved in other spheres of society. As for the entering of the teachers in the GES, political interference in the admission and / or permanence processes of the professors were frequent. It was also verified that, although it followed a specific regiment, the teaching practices were developed from particularities of the teachers, who engendered personal interests and affinities in the way of teaching in the Gymnasium of Espirito Santo / State School.
- ItemA CONSTITUIÇÃO DA DOCÊNCIA DE PROFESSORES DE HISTÓRIA DA ARTE DO CURSO DE LICENCIATURA EM ARTES VISUAIS – EAD – UAB/UFES: DIÁLOGOS ENTRE A MODALIDADE A DISTÂNCIA E A PRESENCIAL(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-27) Almonfrey, Juliana de Souza Silva; Reboucas, Moema Lucia Martins;;;;; Guimaraes, Leda Maria de Barros;;; Carvalho, Leticia Queiroz de;;; Foerste, Gerda Margit Schutz;;; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria;; present study focuses on the performance of Art History professors who became part of the teaching staff of the undergraduate course in Visual Arts in Distance Education (DE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. The questions that problematize
- ItemA constituição da escola activa e a formação de professores no Espírito Santo (1928-1930)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-04-11) Berto, Rosianny Campos; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Gonçalves Neto, Wenceslau; Vidal, Diana Gonçalves; Franco, Sebastião Pimentel; Ferreira Neto, Amarilio; Carvalho, Janete MagalhãesThe research historically analyzes the active school constitution process in the State of Espírito Santo, in the context of the public instruction reform in the State proposed by Attilio Vivacqua, Instruction secretary, between 1928 and 1930. It aims at searching for strategies that configure the teachers formation process as key element of the New School reform in Espírito Santo, taking the Rehearse Active School and the Course of Pedagogical Culture as irradiator centers of the “new” in Espírito Santo education, inspired by the New School precepts and, more specifically, by the active school in circulation in Brazil and all over the world. The documental corpus is constituted of government messages, reports of the Instruction Secretariat, articles published in local, national and international periodic (News, official and pedagogical), inspection reports, laws and decrees, bibliographic sources and images. For the document analysis, it is advised by the propositions of Ginzburg (1987, 2002, 2003, 2007), through the comprehension of the historiography as tapestry and searching for force relations that can permeate the production of sources and for an understanding that goes beyond the text. The work dialogues with the past/present relations regarding Bloch (2001) and with notions of strategy and tactics, Certeau (2004), in order to think the questions that involve: dialogues with the local and national academic productions about the reforms based on the active school precepts; interlocutions with other renovation movements, in other social ambits, in local and national scenes; configuration elements and the rigging of the instruction reform in Espírito Santo; formation of teachers within scientific principles and strategies to circulate ideas of the reform by the State of Espírito Santo, by the hands of the school inspectors or by the disclosure of the ideas through the press. It considers that the active school constitution in Espírito Santo was processed in nets weaved by the subjects who used to think about education and the reform in the State, owing to the articulation with the modernization ideas going on in national and international ambits. This research was developed among the tensions between the new and the old, nationalist wishes and Brazilianness feelings, at the same time when it was strongly dialogued with scientific precepts in a way to orientate, as the reform engine, process of teachers formation that could enable to propagate the active school ideas inside the Espírito Santo schools, what had as obstacles some economic issues and poor conditions to work as teachers in most of the schools in Espírito Santo.
- ItemA contrapelo da agenda pós: ciência, cultura e educação em Nietzsche(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-10-10) Oleare, Adolfo Miranda; Loureiro, Robson;;;;; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro;; Santos, Vitor Cei;;; Costa, Gustavo Bezerra do Nascimento; Carvalho, Daniel FilipeThis thesis problematizes the appropriation of Nietzschean philosophy by a particular sector of Brazilian scientific research in Education, whose theoretical framework is associated with what Ellen Wood (1996) names the Postmodern agenda. By taking into account the current scenario of neoliberal globalization of capitalism, the following research question is posed: to what extent can Nietzsche's criticism of the economicist instrumentalization imposed by industrial expansion on German culture and the educational system in his time – as elaborated in On the future of our teaching institutions (NIETZSCHE, 1979, 2014) – contribute, nowadays, to theoretical reflection on an emancipatory educational project that is rid of both market impositions and the affirmation of subjective characters such as intellectual independence and creative freedom? The central objective of the study is to show that by countering the critical (anti-dogmatic and anti-capitalist) with relativist perspectives, it is possible to reposition Nietzsche's philosophy within the scope of Brazilian scientific research in the field of Education. We thus argue Nietzsche's philosophy is situated within the critical tradition - namely, a theoretical domain committed to anti-dogmatism and anti-capitalism, respectively guided by the denial of reality taken for granted and by the envisioning of its overcoming. The literature review shows that as far as this critical perspective is concerned, Nietzsche's contribution to critical conceptions of the philosophy of Education has fallen into oblivion in the critical field of the philosophy of education, especially with regard to his theorizing on overcoming the capitalist system. Concomitantly, there is, to a large extent, an alignment of research in Education with the relativist reception of Nietzschean thought. The central hypothesis of the thesis is that in his first productive phase, Nietzsche develops a critical (HEIT; PICHLER, 2015; HEIT, 2018), non-relativist (MARTON, 2011a; AZEREDO, 2012; MARTON 2020), perspectivist phylosophy (CORBANEZI, 2013; MATTOS, 2013; DALLA VECCHIA, 2014), which is connected to a particular type of naturalism – liberal, non-scientificist, experimental, perspectivist (SCHACHT, 2011; LOPES, 2011a; HEIT, 2015; CARVALHO, 2018; ITAPARICA, 2018). Nietzsche's anti-dogmatism thematized in this thesis is based on our questioning of the legitimacy of what a significant part of scholarly work advocates: programmatically, the philosopher is thought to have cultivated an alleged enmity towards the sciences. We take issue with this view by underscoring the intense, long-lasting and historically necessary imbrication between Nietzschean thought and the scientific field. Based on translations of Nietzsche´s works into Portuguese (1979,1992a, 1992b, 1995, 1998, 2000a, 2000b, 2001a, 2001b, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020a, 2020b) and on stances taken by a number of commentators, we conclude that Nietzsche positioned himself both as an enthusiast of the scientific method and a critic of the dogmatism the sciences inherited from metaphysical tradition; of thematic specialization as well as of the pragmatic instrumentalization of scientific production. As for the cultural and educational transformation that was going on in Germany in the second half of the 19th century, it will be shown that Nietzsche's On the future of our teaching institutions (NIETZSCHE, 2014) offers consistent answers to the research question that guides the study. The contribution of Nietzschean thought as a basis for current critical research in education (anti-dogmatic and anti-capitalist) is also confirmed in the dialogue between the nineteenth-century philosopher's analyses and those elaborated by contemporary sociologist Christian Laval (2019) in Schools are not companies: neoliberal attack on public education, a book in which Nietzsche's view regarding education constrained by the impositions of efficacy is thought of as premonitory.
- ItemA CRIANÇA COM DEFICIÊNCIA INTELECTUAL E O DESENVOLVIMENTO DAS FUNÇÕES PSICOLÓGICAS SUPERIORES: UM OLHAR PARA AS PRÁTICAS PEDAGÓGICAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-03-04) Braga, Livia Vares da Silveira; Drago, Rogerio;;;;; Thiengo, Edmar Reis;;; Trugilho, Silvia Moreira;;; Filho, Jair Ronchi;;; Alves, Edson Pantaleao; study aimed to investigate how pedagogical practices can contribute to the development of higher psychological functions of children with intellectual disabilities in early childhood education. As specific goals, we sought to analyze the role of medi
- ItemA CRIANÇA COM SÍNDROME DE MOEBIUS NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: INCLUSÃO, APRENDIZAGEM E DESENVOLVIMENTO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-12-01) Bravo, Dirlan de Oliveira Machado; Drago, Rogerio;;;;; Moreto, Charles;;; Azevedo, Karla Veruska;;; Sobrinho, Reginaldo Celio;;; Coelho, Geide Rosa;; Junior, Octávio CavalariThis research aimed to analyze the inclusion, learning and the development processes of a child with Moebius syndrome in early childhood education. As specific objectives, we sought to weave understandings and notes on the concepts of inclusion, early chi
- ItemA criança surda na educação infantil : contribuições para pensar a educação bilíngue e o atendimento educacional especializado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-29) Teixeira, Keila Cardoso; Victor, Sonia Lopes; Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira; Célio Sobrinho, Reginaldo; Silva, Angela Maria Caulyt Santos da; Barroco, Sonia Mari ShimaThis study points out the need and the viability of the gradual implantation of bilingual and special education policies, with an emphasis on special education services (SES), that are constituted through language and collaboration among special education professionals, other professionals at the institution or school, local authorities and the families of deaf children, with the objective of appropriating knowledge. Through a historical-cultural approach, we defend that the child, as a sociohistorical subject, needs to appropriate and develop language based on his or her necessities, and in the case of the deaf child, the need to acquire and construct sign language as a first language. Inclusive education has proposed certain challenges, such as special education services (SES), which are present in the guidelines of public policies of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Bilingual education holds a place of distinction today in the debate around how to deal with the linguistic and cultural differences of deaf people, serving as a banner to fight for in the Brazilian deaf community and thus deserving of our special attention. Special education services, such as educational support, mean complementary and supplementary services that favor access to the school curriculum and can be offered within the classroom, as assistance for the teacher in relating to the strategies chosen, or outside of it, in student services during afterschool hours. In its complementary form, its objective is additional pedagogical work needed for the development of the competencies and skills of the different levels of teaching, carried out during afterschool hours and through the following services: resource rooms, pedagogical workshops for vocational and professional training. Our study’s general objective is to analyze, through language, the knowledge appropriation of deaf children in early childhood education, having as a reference the work carried out in the activity room and in the special education services, in a continual process of collaboration among institution, local authorities and families. This study also has the following specific objectives: a) to describe and discuss the proposal of bilingual education and SES proposed by local and national educational policies; b) to analyze the pedagogical practices developed for the learning and development of deaf children in early childhood education and carried out in activity rooms and in SES; c) to describe the deaf child’s processes of learning sign language in the different spaces of the common school and of the special education services; d) to reflect, based on the interaction and dialogue with the institutional professionals, the local authorities and the families, on the deaf child’s processes of learning in the early childhood learning institution, with the objective of the child’s inclusion in the school. In the collection of the necessary information for the preliminary analysis, we realized that there is a need to systematize information pertinent to the different groups and, in this case, to the deaf subject that is assisted by the municipality. This work has the objective of school inclusion through reflection with school professionals about policies of inclusion, bilingual policies, and the processes of language appropriation by the deaf child in an early childhood education facility. There is need for a broader discussion about the bilingualism that has been established in Brazil, and mainly for more information about the deaf movement in favor of bilingual education and how it is processed.
- ItemA disciplina de história da educação em perspectiva histórica : da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras à Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (1951-2000)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-03-27) Oliveira, Sandro Nandolpho de; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Gontijo, Claudia Maria Mendes; Fonseca, Thais Nívia de Lima e; Pinto, Antônio HenriqueThe research analyzes the historical development of the discipline “History of Education”, taught at the Sciences Philosophy and Letters Faculty of The Espírito Santo, subsequently incorporated to the Federal University of Espírito Santo, between the years of 1951 and 2000. It investigates the historical constitution of the discipline, the pragmatics, legal and institutional transformations related to the History of Education” discipline, as well the historiographical approaches, periodization and time concepts, history and education. The theoric and methodologic fundamentation articulates itself dialogically from the conceptual and methodologic constructions of Carlos Ginzburg and Mikhail Bakhtin. The voices and the dialogs, printed in the discipline and its guideline’s narratives (in the superficial or deep layers that were found in the consulted and analyzed documental corpus, that respond to: educational programs, transparencies, laws, curriculum, department documents, reviews and book reports, compulsory and complementary bibliography, valuations and interviews) were investigated from the polyphony and dialogism concept, common to both. Sought to reassemble a complex historical, and not a directly perceptible reality, apparently insignificant data, in the documental corpus – clues, evidences and signs -. While investigating historically the trajectory of the discipline "History of Education" and its teaching, (from the legal, pragmatics and institutionals parameters) was possible to see that the deeper changes operated in the discipline don’t originate from legislation and curricular restructuring, but from places of production and socialization of historical knowledge. During the reporting period, the two historiographical production spheres that most influenced the approaches, periodization and concepts of time, history and education of the discipline of “History of Education” in the researched Pedagogy course, were: the editor responsible for the publication and disclosure of the Manuais de História da Educação da coleção Atualidades Pedagógicas (1951-1979) e os Programas de Pós-graduação em Educação e História (1980 - 2000). Between 1951 and the late 1970’s the influence of Manuais de História da Educação is observed in the organization and programming of the teaching of “History of Education” and an philosophical approach toward the history of pedagogical ideas and analysis of philosophers and educators thoughts about education and its inserts in European philosophical doctrines. Since 1980, the economical, political and ideological approaches of the historical educative contexts began to predominate in the educational programs in the disciplines of “History of Education I and II” and remained until mid 1990. In the discipline of History of Education I, the approach is marked by analysis of production and organization contexts of social classes; with respect to the discipline of History of Education II, until mid 1995, dealing with Brazilian education. Since the approach grounded in the Teoria da Dependência after 1995, the consulted documents begin to show other brands that suggests an approach toward the political and social dimension, addressing the history of Brazilian education, from the social movements and its educational projects.
- ItemA educação do corpo no projeto republicano na cidade de Vitória (1908-1912)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-18) Campos, Karen Calegari Santos; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Pinto, Antônio Henrique; Salim, Maria Alayde Alcântara; Vago, Tarcísio MauroHistorical analyze the visibility given to the body in the urban scene in Vitória between 1908 and 1912 during Jerônimo de Souza Monteiro government context. Seeks to understand the formation of a new ethic that would displace the thought of bodily exercise associated both work as the legitimate practice of increase of the spirit through the strengthening bodily and the visibility that the body begins to assume on the urban scene as favorable and confluent practice to speeches in favor of modernity and progress. In continuity of this proposal, we turn to the gymnastics teaching constitutional process in schools and sports physical practices priority in clubs and associations, investigating processes that aimed to produce the educability of the bodies in the urban scene. The privileged scenery of the research is Vitória, capital of Espírito Santo, during the period analyzed, focused a significant number of Republicans investments, establishing itself as exemplary place of modernity and the capixaba progress. The documentary corpus consists of government messages, the Education Department reports, articles published in the local periodical press, laws and decrees, bibliographic sources and images. For the analysis of the sources of the understanding that the story establish through relations of power produced in the context investigated (Ginzburg, 1990, 2002, 2006, 2007). Dialogues with the notions of staging and drama in Balandier (1976, 1982) for analysis of issues surrounding the process of speculation and staging of republican principles linked to the notion of modernity. Considers that the government of Espírito Santo kept alert to the debate about the valorization and the spreading of sports, gymnastics and the civism coming to Brazil. Soon this spreading expands as practice and bodily prescription, adding references that lined to the civility and progress, becomes merchandise for consumption and production the ways of educability for the Republican body – evidence already observed in studies of Moreno (2001), Melo (2001), Linhales (2006) and Vago (1999).
- ItemA educação em cena : a Revista de Educação como circulação de representações sobre saberes educacionais no Espírito Santo (1934-1937)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-03-31) Nascimento, Geciane Soares do; Leite, Juçara Luzia; Aguiar, Thiago Borges de; Ramos, Márcia Elisa Teté; Simões, Regina Helena Silva; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria MendesThis study analyzes the processes of circulation and understanding of representations about school education knowledge spread by magazine Revista de Educação do Espírito Santo between 1934 and 1937. The study was based on Chartier (1990) and his concept of representation; Balandier (1982) and the concept of staging instituted power through the magazine, which displays political actions of a particular group; and Julia (2001) and the concept of school culture. From this theoretical framework, we employed research methodology departing from historical analysis of the source, i.e. different documents and records that make up our data source. It is about analyzing representations that debate training, spreading and understanding the set of pedagogical practices and knowledge addressing teachers by a group of local intellectuals who claimed to hold the project for modernizing the State of Espírito Santo in the Brazilian context. Revista de Educação/ES had among its main goals (in)forming teachers, that is, adapting their practice to new educational demands. Thus, the magazine was bound to an educational project in which intellectuals corroborated the widespread of a set of representations about modernity supported by the magazine. This is clear because even the magazine’s covers displayed "modernization monuments" such as school buildings and a whole complex array of symbolic artifacts that were often translated into school parties and rituals that evoked "a new era for education in this state", that is, making school education a spectacle.
- ItemA educação infantil para crianças surdas em municípios da região metropolitana de Vitória(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-21) Rabelo, Dayane Bollis; Oliveira, Ivone Martins de; Côco, Dilza; Trugilho, Silvia Moreira; Drago, Rogério; Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa VieiraThis study it had as objective to analyze the conditions of implementation of the educative proposals in vigor for deaf children in the infantile education in cities of the metropolitan region of Vitória (ES), capital of Espírito Santo state. The study it was carried through in four cities of metropolitan region: Serra, Vila Velha, Cariacica and Vitória. As procedure of collection of the empirical material, national official documents and of the investigated cities that guide the education of children and, specifically of deaf people had been analyzed; as well as interviews semistructuralized with professionals of Secretariat of Education of these cities and centers of infantile education that possesses registered deaf children in the period where the field research was carried through. As theoretician-metodológico arrives in port, he was based in the description-cultural perspective of the human development, understanding that the human being if constitutes in social relations e, this context, its development occurs in the relation with the other, mediated for the language. Beyond media, the language is basic for the constitution of the thought. This perspective considers that the insertion of the child in the culture allows the development of superior psychic functions, amongst them the language, a system of signs that is created and transmitted socially. The research points that politics of education of distinct deaf people in national level and municipal theatres come being elaborated. However, many are the doubts and tensions found for the professionals who take care of these children in what the conceptualization says respect on the deafness, teaching of Brazilian language of signals (Libras in portuguese) and pedagogical practical one effectively education bilíngue. The research concluded that it has fragilities in the proposals of education for deaf children in the infantile education, in the investigated cities, over all in what it refers to to the formation of the professionals for the practical development of one educative one that recognizes and considers its especificidades. We evidence that efforts have been envidados aiming at to the education of these children, however, it has very what to be analyzed on the official orientações, practical pedagogical and its conditions of implementation for an education that recognizes its singularidades and makes possible they it constitution as subject, the participation in the culture, the appropriation of its language, at last, its integral development.
- ItemA educação popular nas experiências e práticas de integração curricular no PROEJA do IFES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-01-31) Scopel, Edna Graça; Oliveira, Edna Castro de; Ferreira, Eliza Bartolozzi; Foerste, Gerda Margit Schutz; Pinto, Antônio Henrique; Rodrigues, Maria Emília de CastroThe problem issue that instigated this research reports to the way in which the experiences lived in the Proeja’s educational practices explicit the search for the curricular integration and the collective construction, in the perspective of the popular education. It has as general objective to analyze the experiences of the subjects involved in Proeja, in the Ifes - Campus Vitória, in contexts of differentiated educational practicesin aiming at the curricular integration and collective construction.The epistemological fundamentals of popular education, from a liberating perspective, are taken as the main theoretical and methodological contribution, to dialogue with practices and experiences In Proeja’s scope, from the field of studies produced in the Latin American context, characterized by a proper thought and a political and pedagogical practice of resistance to domination and neoliberal hegemonic thinking, having as basic option the transformation of the conditions that perpetuate inequality, injustice and social exclusion.We worked with the hypothesis that the Proeja, over 10 years of its implementation, has produced Innumerable experiences that, despite their contradictions, have been expressed in the observed changes in educational practices that incorporate some principles of popular education, in the search for curricular integration.We worked with the systematization of experiences as a methodological strategy, supported by the deconstructive epistemological approach and historical-dialectic, Attempting to the critical and analytical posture and the estrangement of who carry it out, and to the conditions of the context and the historical moment of realization of the experiences , Which involved 25 educators, 15 students and 5 gestores. The analyzes were performed from the production from records of the pedagogical meetings, the field diary, interviews and observations in loco. The experiences here systematized lead us to reaffirm the thesis that the epistemological foundations and practices of popular education constitute an alternative to rethink the educational processes in Proeja on Campus Vitória.The results indicate the protagonism of the subjects, their critical reflections about the practices in order to understand them and produce interferences in what demand transformation. In spite of the contradictions, is perceived the exercise of dialogue with one of the principles of the integrated curriculum, in the collective construction of general and specific knowledge.
- ItemA elaboração e instituição do currículo mínimo de matemática no Rio de Janeiro(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-05-29) Lião, Tarliz; Albernaz, Jussara Martins; Sad, Lígia Arantes; Carvalho, Janete Magalhães; Paiva, Maria Auxiliadora Vilela; Nasser, LilianThe curriculum brings himself behind the ideas of his time, the look of his society to human affairs and other policies tacitly. Brings within its scope an entire web of historical legacies and personal branding those who dedicated their construction. And thus analyze the plots of a math curriculum is much more than looking at a content linearly arranged sequence. It is, above all, understanding that this construction was woven in order to sustain a body of ideas that say about your time. This research showed the process of elaboration and institucion of the minimum curriculum in Seeduc/RJ and brought questions and concerns of cognitive and social nature. The first reason for those concerns is the disposal of contents of the previous curriculum, which resulted in a new one. This elaboration reflected the lack of dialogue between the various social segments and professionals of the field. Governmental interests went beyond the educational objective and in this course of action democracy was subtracted from public policy actions. The perception that there wasn’t clear ideas was evident when contrasted with the elaboration of this legislation. Formatting Minimum Curriculum sought to unify all the schools in the Seeduc/RJ, within a small and not academicist utilitarian perspective, disregarding local specificities of each group. Thus, denied educational dialectic and rhetoric of academic mathematics as a school subject, that can be seen as a particular form of social relationship from which passive teachers and students who are considered minimal immerge