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Submissões Recentes
- ItemDiscursos da UNESCO sobre a alfabetização de crianças no período de 2000 a 2015 para a América Latina e Caribe(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-25) Azevedo, Alcione Aparecida de; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes;; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Sousa, Elaine Constant Pereira de; Leal, Telma FerrazThe objective of this work is to understand speeches from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on children's literacy, from 2000 to 2015, mainly those aimed at Latin America and the Caribbean. The research methodology is a qualitative approach, of a documentary nature. Initially, we investigated which themes guided UNESCO's speeches on children's literacy during this period in the documents prepared and disseminated by the Organization's team and partners, published on the Unesdoc website. These documents expose the evolution of UNESCO member countries towards achieving the goals and objectives for achieving Education for All, completed in 2015. To this end, we are based on Bakhtin's (2011) conception of language with a focus in its concepts of ideology, discourse, dialogism and theme. We sought to study the main educational policies outlined by UNESCO, from its formation until the year in which we began this research. Next, we highlight the Fundamental Education Program, UNESCO's encouragement of access to books, the World Literacy Experimental Program (PEMA) and Edgar Faure's Learning to Be Report. We defend the thesis that, in the documents analyzed, the themes of school failure, dropout and evaluation as a tool for improving results in education underwent developments outlined by the political and economic interests of UNESCO to meet the needs of the world market.
- ItemLiteratura e ensino: a leitura integral de a metamorfose, de Franz Kafka, em sala de aula, e algumas implicações para a formação de leitores críticos na educação básica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-26) Guimarães, Sheila Cristina Trevisol; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia Dalvi;; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria; Chaves, Priscila; Zanelato, Rosana Cristina; Annibal, Sérgio FabianoThe research aims to provide a theoretical and practical basis for pedagogical work based on the complete reading of literary works in high school. Its purpose is to understand the relationship between literature and school education, with a focus on teaching literature in high school; it understands that the main objective of this teaching is the appropriation of literary works that contribute to the education of students with a view to omnilaterality. Such appropriation cannot occur without the complete reading of these works, for which reason the thesis takes as its object of analysis a teaching experience with the reading of The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. The proposal for the complete reading of literary works and a pedagogical work that aims at the critical appropriation of the knowledge developed related to such works is based on Historical Critical Pedagogy, initially formulated by Dermeval Saviani. This is a pedagogical theory that supports a historical-critical didactic approach, with a teaching method organized in articulated and mutually implied moments, aiming at the transition from the empirical to the concrete, through the mediation of the abstract. We defend the guarantee of space and time for the complete reading of quality literary works, which requires, on the part of teachers, theoretical knowledge about the potential of literary texts and their importance for human development, in addition to the search for appropriate methodologies for pedagogical work with this type of text in schools. In social terms, this work cannot be effected without adequate material conditions.
- ItemAs internacionalizações da educação superior e a mobilidade acadêmica : discursos e experiências em diálogo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-30) Mendes, Ana Rachel Macêdo; Sevilla-Pavón, Ana ;;; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca ;;;;; Delboni, Tânia Mara Zanotti Guerra Frizzera ;;; Guimarães, Felipe Furtado ;;;; Amorim, Gabriel Brito ;;; Castellano, MargaridaThe internationalization of higher education institutions acquires different meanings depending on their context and interactions with other texts. However, international academic mobility occupies a central role in most approaches. This research, informed by the Bakhtin Circle’s view of language as an ideological phenomenon and the contributions of decolonial studies, examines the meanings attributed to the internationalization of higher education and academic mobility. The analysis focuses on official documents and institutional practices of a Brazilian federal university. The main objective is to understand how the institutional vision of internationalization and mobility—expressed in formal documents—relates to everyday experiences and perceptions of these processes. To achieve this goal, the discourses in the documents were put in dialogue with the autoethnographic contributions of the researcher, who is a PhD cotutelle candidate in Brazil and Spain and works in the outgoing mobility sector of the international office of the Brazilian university. The data indicate that the vision of internationalization and the practice of academic mobility in Brazil are strongly influenced by guidelines from national funding agencies and global governance, often in exchange for funding and international recognition. Consequently, the flows and relationships established in international mobility predominantly favor the global North, reinforcing its economic, cultural, and epistemic hegemony over the global South. Nonetheless, alternative perspectives emerge from everyday life that advocate for institutional actions focused on local needs and interests. In light of this, it is proposed that the internationalization of higher education be redefined to value subordinate relationships prioritizing strategies that promote fairer and more balanced internationalization
- ItemO papel das línguas no processo de internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro: evidências e implicações a partir de um estudo de caso de uma universidade federal do sudeste(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-18) Taquini, Reninni; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca;; Guimarães, Felipe; Figueiredo, Eduardo; Amorim, Gabriel Brito; Sarmento, SimoneThis doctoral dissertation aims to analyze the role of languages in the internationalization process of higher education. To this end, a case study that surveys the countries and languages included in institutional practices and policies (linguistic policy and internationalization policy), as well as in the academic curricula of graduate professors at a Brazilian federal university located in the Southeast region is carried out to inform and contextualize the discussion of the role of languages in this process. The theoretical framework includes the Bourdieusian notion of symbolic capital (Bourdieu, 1985) in dialogue with the global language system (De Swaan, 2001) to explain the distribution of languages situating the discussion of their role in the internationalization process of the university investigated. The method used for analyzing the role of languages in the internationalization process is mixed, with a quantitative approach regarding the analysis of the occurrence of countries, languages, and international output of the institution's graduate faculty, and a qualitative approach regarding the analysis of autoethnographic data produced by the author based on her experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at the investigated university. The research results indicate that language policies and practices within the university shape the process of internationalization of HE, as the choice of certain languages in policies and teachers’ experiences contribute to a more multilingual and plural vision and practice of internationalization in the production and dissemination of knowledge, fostering an ecology of languages and knowledges in the internationalization of higher education.
- ItemEscolas primárias no Espírito Santo pelas lentes da fotografia (1908-1928) : a historiografia e suas fontes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-16) Malverdes, Clara Zandomenico; Simões, Regina Helena Silva ;;;;; Berto, Rosianny Campos ;;; Salim, Maria Alayde Alcantara ;;; Barreto, Sonia Maria da Costa ;;; Abdala, Rachel Duarte ;; study focuses on the possible uses of photography as a source for writing the History of Education, asking how the analysis of images of elementary school can contribute to understanding and problematizing the processes of schooling in Espírito Santo in the early years of the Republic in Brazil (1908- 1928). It uses photographs of school institutions in Espírito Santo and the people who lived in them as privileged sources, establishing structures and the multiple configurations of the institutions photographed as axes of analysis. The documentary corpus consists of photographs, government reports, legislation and newspaper publications, which are analyzed in a constant cross-referencing. The analysis of the sources, based on the indicative method (Ginzburg, 1989), takes into account the historiographical understanding supported by Bloch (2001) and Ginzburg (2002, 2004, 2007), which prioritizes attention to traces and clues that provide information about the object under investigation. In the process of reading and cross-analyzing the sources, the historiographical practice we designed made it possible for traces, indications and apparently inaccessible or negligible clues to lead our gaze through the labyrinths of the past (Ginzburg, 2007). In this way, the microscopic analysis, the integration of iconographic and commissioning data and the understanding of the power relations involved in the production, storage and use of the sources used in the research were enhanced through the use of the indicative method. We set out to analyze school institutions located in four municipalities in Espírito Santo - Santa Leopoldina, Vitória, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim and São Mateus, seeking to discover and understand, through the lens of photography, elements of the constitution of each school photographed, and established relationships with the different contexts in which they were produced. From the images analyzed, we verified the singularities and multiple configurations of public primary schools in Espírito Santo in operation in the initial decades of the first republic