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    O papel das línguas no processo de internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro: evidências e implicações a partir de um estudo de caso de uma universidade federal do sudeste
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-18) Taquini, Reninni; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca;; Guimarães, Felipe; Figueiredo, Eduardo; Amorim, Gabriel Brito; Sarmento, Simone
    This doctoral dissertation aims to analyze the role of languages in the internationalization process of higher education. To this end, a case study that surveys the countries and languages included in institutional practices and policies (linguistic policy and internationalization policy), as well as in the academic curricula of graduate professors at a Brazilian federal university located in the Southeast region is carried out to inform and contextualize the discussion of the role of languages in this process. The theoretical framework includes the Bourdieusian notion of symbolic capital (Bourdieu, 1985) in dialogue with the global language system (De Swaan, 2001) to explain the distribution of languages situating the discussion of their role in the internationalization process of the university investigated. The method used for analyzing the role of languages in the internationalization process is mixed, with a quantitative approach regarding the analysis of the occurrence of countries, languages, and international output of the institution's graduate faculty, and a qualitative approach regarding the analysis of autoethnographic data produced by the author based on her experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at the investigated university. The research results indicate that language policies and practices within the university shape the process of internationalization of HE, as the choice of certain languages in policies and teachers’ experiences contribute to a more multilingual and plural vision and practice of internationalization in the production and dissemination of knowledge, fostering an ecology of languages and knowledges in the internationalization of higher education.
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    Escolas primárias no Espírito Santo pelas lentes da fotografia (1908-1928) : a historiografia e suas fontes
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-16) Malverdes, Clara Zandomenico; Simões, Regina Helena Silva ;;;;; Berto, Rosianny Campos ;;; Salim, Maria Alayde Alcantara ;;; Barreto, Sonia Maria da Costa ;;; Abdala, Rachel Duarte ;;
    This study focuses on the possible uses of photography as a source for writing the History of Education, asking how the analysis of images of elementary school can contribute to understanding and problematizing the processes of schooling in Espírito Santo in the early years of the Republic in Brazil (1908- 1928). It uses photographs of school institutions in Espírito Santo and the people who lived in them as privileged sources, establishing structures and the multiple configurations of the institutions photographed as axes of analysis. The documentary corpus consists of photographs, government reports, legislation and newspaper publications, which are analyzed in a constant cross-referencing. The analysis of the sources, based on the indicative method (Ginzburg, 1989), takes into account the historiographical understanding supported by Bloch (2001) and Ginzburg (2002, 2004, 2007), which prioritizes attention to traces and clues that provide information about the object under investigation. In the process of reading and cross-analyzing the sources, the historiographical practice we designed made it possible for traces, indications and apparently inaccessible or negligible clues to lead our gaze through the labyrinths of the past (Ginzburg, 2007). In this way, the microscopic analysis, the integration of iconographic and commissioning data and the understanding of the power relations involved in the production, storage and use of the sources used in the research were enhanced through the use of the indicative method. We set out to analyze school institutions located in four municipalities in Espírito Santo - Santa Leopoldina, Vitória, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim and São Mateus, seeking to discover and understand, through the lens of photography, elements of the constitution of each school photographed, and established relationships with the different contexts in which they were produced. From the images analyzed, we verified the singularities and multiple configurations of public primary schools in Espírito Santo in operation in the initial decades of the first republic
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    Desde quando educar se resume a seguir manuais? : propostas de implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) no ensino de língua portuguesa divulgadas pela Nova Escola
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-17) Januário, Tatiana das Merces; Schwartz, Cleonara Maria ;;;;; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes ;;; Lima, Marcelo ;;; Carvalho, Leticia Queiroz de ;;; Rodrigues, Rodrigo Ferreira ;;
    This research is linked to the Center for Studies and Research in Literacy, Reading and Writing of Espírito Santo (NEPALES/UFES) and inserted in the context of implementing policies to standardize the minimum content submitted to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). The Lemann Foundation, a non-governmental institution and representative of the business sector, was active during the process of preparing the BNCC document and, in contemporary times, has prescribed teaching models through instructional materials, called lesson plans, made available free of charge on the Nova Escola Digital Platform. This research, therefore, proposes to investigate the pedagogical concepts enunciated in these materials for teaching Portuguese in the Final Years of Elementary School. To this end, 190 lesson plans were analyzed in light of the Bakhtinian theoretical-methodological and historical cultural framework, allowing us to consider the historical and social contexts in which the documents were produced, as well as the axiological foundations and basic commitments that support them. Through these materials, Nova Escola enunciates technical pedagogical concepts, in which the student is limited to the role of information receiver and the teacher to a task executor. Regarding the content of the Portuguese language component, these lesson plans do not present significant innovations, remaining focused on the linguistic dimension and normative rules, to the detriment of the discursive-enunciative dimension of language. Consequently, they do not contribute to improving the quality of education from the perspective of human development, but serve to advance educational policies and projects subject to neoliberal standards
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    Análise dos elementos constitutivos do planejamento didático à partir da teoria pedagógica histórico crítica
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-18) Gobbi, Adalgiza Gonçalves; Galvão, Ana Carolina;; Fonte, Sandra Soares Della; Franco, Adriana de Fátima; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Lavoura, Tiago Nicola
    This study is part of the research line "Teaching, Curriculum, and Cultural Processes" within the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. It is a theoretical and bibliographical research grounded in historical-dialectical materialism, adopting historical-critical pedagogy as the pedagogical theory that underpins the central thesis of this research: didactic planning is an essential element for ensuring quality education, as it intentionally aligns pedagogical objectives with educational practices, fostering the comprehensive development of students and addressing contemporary challenges in school education. The general objective is to analyze the core components of didactic planning based on historical-critical pedagogy. Specifically, the research examines the levels of planning, identifying their legislation and applications in practice; explores how the topic of didactic planning has been and is addressed in various pedagogical theories; and investigates the constitutive elements of didactic planning from the perspective of historical-critical pedagogy. The study highlights that didactic planning, grounded in historical-critical pedagogy, is crucial for promoting pedagogical practices that take into account the particularities of students' development. It argues that planning should go beyond the mere organization of content, constituting an intentional and continuous process, integrated with students' concrete realities and the relationship between theory and practice, aiming at meaningful, contextualized learning that encompasses cognitive, emotional, and social aspects. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the importance of continuous teacher education, focused not only on the development of technical skills but also on the critical appropriation of pedagogical theories that support their practices. As a practical implication, the study underscores the necessity of allocating time and space for reflection in the act of planning, ensuring pedagogical actions that are oriented toward the comprehensive development of students and the quality of school education.
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    O Programa Ensina Brasil e a rede de fabricar docentes : instrumentos da política neoliberal
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-23) Santos, Kefren Calegari dos; Ferreira, Eliza Bartolozzi ;;;;; Ventorim, Silvana;;; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de ;;; Normand, Romuald ;;; Hypolito, Álvaro Luiz Moreira ;;
    This study looks at the Ensina Brasil program, an initiative of the NGO of the same name which, as part of the global Teach for All network, aims to train leaders in the field of education. It investigates the origin, organization, development and implications of this program for the teaching profession, with the specific objectives of: a) mapping the emergence, development, relations and functioning of a network of new actors and non-state organizations linked to the program; b) analyzing the production/circulation of ideas, norms, values and/or policies for the teaching profession through this program; c) analyzing the implications of this established political network and its discourses/practices for the teaching profession. The study is part of the field of educational policy research, adopting a pluralist theoretical perspective, with multiple references that allow us to approach the complexity of the object of study and understand it in the context of neoliberal educational reforms. It prioritizes two approaches: a) the critical sociology of policies, with emphasis on Stephen Ball's studies on policy mobility, global educational policy, privatization and performativity; and b) the sociology of public action, especially the cognitive approach to policies and its notion of referentiality. It employs network ethnography as a methodological tool to trace relationships and movements in Ensina Brasil, using the strategy of “following the policy”, with systematic research on the Internet, mainly on the website and social networks of Ensina Brasil and its partners, as well as analysis of normative-legal and bibliographic documents. The results were organized into three chapters: a) a systematic review of the literature; b) the institution of the Ensina Brasil program in the states and municipalities; and c) mapping the political networks and the process of making and governing the neoliberal teacher subject. The conclusion is that the Ensina Brasil program is a political network for manufacturing teachers, and is the effect and instrument of neoliberal educational policies. It emerges to catalyze and advance neoliberal educational reforms in the country and deepen privatization in and of education. It can be seen that the programme fulfills three central functions: it provides professionals for funding and partner organizations, especially non-state ones; it disseminates a neoliberal teacher subjectivity through the “power of example”; and it creates business opportunities. The operation of Ensina Brasil is akin to a business, manufacturing the “teacher-leader” through the hybridization of professional discourses and practices. This hybridization, together with the flexibility and superficiality that characterize the development of this “new professional”, leads us to call him or her a hybrid-generic professional, with a mobile identity, networked and project-based work. The Ensina Brasil program is not limited to an alternative teacher training model, although it is one. And, to that extent, it fulfills the task of “destabilizing” the historical political and cultural tradition of teacher training in Brazil, by circulating a model that radicalizes the emptying of its theoretical-critical dimension and moves it outside the scope of higher education institutions