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Submissões Recentes

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    Não pense em crise, avalie!
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-02) Rocha, Nina Soares; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro ;;;;; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes ;;; Guimarães, André Rodrigues ;;
    This master's dissertation, grounded in historical dialectical materialism, is a documentary research that aims to investigate the political and ideological implications of the large-scale application of external assessments in literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil. By adopting this perspective, the research seeks to understand how social phenomena, such as the application of assessments, are the result of broader historical and social processes, marked by power relations and inequality. Initially, this work presents the main scientific contributions already produced, establishing the theoretical and political bases of the research. The study analyzed the OECD's guidelines for education during the pandemic and the literacy assessment policies of the state of Espírito Santo. The results show that the urgency to carry out these assessments, even in a context of health and social crisis, was intrinsically linked to the interests of the Brazilian bourgeoisie, which seeks to align education with the demands of the global market. The research concludes that the adoption of the OECD's recommendations by Brazil contributes to the reproduction of social inequalities and to the maintenance of an educational system at the service of capital. By prioritizing large-scale assessment, the country deepens the logic of training a workforce for the market, disregarding the specificities of the pandemic context and the needs of the most vulnerable students
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    A formação de professoras alfabetizadoras em universidades federais do Brasil
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-30) Clipes, Esther Salvador; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro;; Costa, Dania Monteiro Vieira; Evangelista, Olinda
    This study was developed with the aim to understand the guidelines and priorities for literacy in undergraduate Pedagogy courses at Federal Universities of Brazil in the context of the Resolution number 2/2015 from the National Education Council. From a documentary analysis based on the principles of historical materialism and language as enunciation, 37 Pedagogical Course Projects (PPCs) and the curricular policy in question were investigated. The results show that, on average, courses dedicate around 5% of their total workload to subjects related to literacy, which seems insufficient given the complex nature of teaching the mother tongue in its written form. In the courses, there is a wide dissemination of cognitive and “letramento” theories and, in general, there is a focus on the practical issues of teaching the language instead of linguistic knowledge itself. The Resolution number 2/2015 does not mention the term literacy and, by incorporating concepts such as flexibility and skills, reinforces the hegemonic discourse that the school, and teachers, should focus on learning attitudes that enable adaptation to bourgeois demands. The policy presents mechanisms that reinforce the deterioration of teacher training and its reconversion, in addition to transferring the focus of the curriculum from the most relevant knowledge for humanization to subjects that allow the creation of consensus. We conclude that, intentionally, the environment for training of teachers for literacy in Brazil is not the universities but the in-service training courses which, by their very nature, have an even more practical character, and can be quickly reformulated to the new demands of capital and carry greater coercive power over teaching performance when compared to policies established in initial training.
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    Estado do conhecimento sobre línguas bantu e educação bilíngue em Moçambique, 2017-2022
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-05) Lino, Cesário Lopes Manuel Nunes; Ngunga, Armindo Saúl Atelela;; Araújo, Débora Cristina de;;; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca; Timbane, Alexandre Antonio
    This dissertation is an in-depth exploration of academic research on the teaching of Bantu languages and bilingual education in Mozambique, conducted in both Brazil and Mozambique. The study critically examines theses, dissertations, and academic articles from 2017 to 2022, with the aim of analyzing scientific production related to Bantu languages and Mozambican bilingual education. Utilizing the State of Knowledge methodology (Morosini, Santos, Bittencourt, 2021), the study systematically maps academic works, highlighting their focuses, methodologies, and results. The findings reveal a growing recognition of Bantu languages in Mozambican scientific research, indicating a positive acknowledgment of these languages. However, political and social challenges are identified that need to be addressed for these languages to play a more significant role in society. Concerning bilingual education, there is skepticism about the current model, primarily due to the lack of human, material, and financial resources. Nonetheless, many view the model as a promising avenue for cultural and social inclusion. Additionally, bilingual education is considered a potential strategy to enhance access to education and promote the development of Mozambican languages, thereby contributing to educational quality and the strengthening of cultural identity in Mozambique.
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    Um olhar para estudantes com deficiência em contextos empobrecidos
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-14) Silva, Carla Briseida Choque Villarroel; Célio Sobrinho, Reginaldo;;;;; Simões, Renata Duarte;;; Rangel, Fabiana Alvarenga;;;
    This work aims to understand whether and how the condition of poverty shapes the schooling process of students with disabilities. To fulfill this investigative purpose, we looked for a school in a peripheral neighborhood in the municipality of Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil surrounded by two ocupations. The data collected weaves reflections in dialogue with the literature that deals with the themes of poverty and disability. In methodological terms, this work is outlined as qualitative research, using as a reference the assumptions of Figurational Sociology, developed by Norbert Elias (1994; 2014). The data presented presents the characterization of the school through socioeconomic data from the School Management System (SGE, 2024) and semistructured interviews. The analysis of this set of data allowed us to observe that the school shows that (79.23%) of the families live with a monthly income of less than 1820.00 reais and that the majority of households (57.62%) are the responsibility of mothers and that in the case of students with disabilities, mothers dedicate themselves exclusively to the student's care, which is why many depend on social benefits. Data referring to the territory shows that students who live in impoverished contexts face weaknesses and are affected by hunger, lack of infrastructure, violence in the territory and access to health, being one of the main difficulties presented by families of students with disabilities. Added to these variants are the stigmas experienced by the condition of poverty and disability, which have historically accompanied the poor and disabled throughout the social process and outline the daily lives of students in impoverished contexts and their schooling process shaped in the fabric of moving relationships that narrate their schooling. The data systematized in this study encourage us to consider that the principles of universality and equity of rights presuppose the creation and implementation of policies that consider poverty in school spaces, as the school alone cannot face such a challenge, on the contrary, the school comes being crossed by this context.
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    Pesquisa-ação, formação e inclusão escolar: diálogos com autores-pesquisadores da região sudeste do Brasil
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-30) Prederigo, Allana Ladislau; Almeida, Mariangela Lima de;;;;; Caetano, Andressa Mafezoni;;; Passos, Laurizete Ferragut;;
    The present study aims to analyze, in the light of Habermasian theory, the academic production carried out from the theoretical-methodological perspective of action research at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP), from 2012 to 2022, which focus on the theme of training education professionals and school inclusion. To this end, it establishes specific objectives to map the academic production developed with the action research methodology that focuses on the theme of training education professionals and school inclusion at Ufes and PUC-SP, in the period from 2012 to 2022; present the institutional contexts of PPGE/Ufes and PPGE: Curriculum (PUC-SP), in which academic productions at doctoral level are inserted; understand the theoretical, methodological and epistemological assumptions inherent to action research, considering the participants in our study; understand, through argumentative circles, the action process in reality considering the principles of action research and the ways of acting in the theory of Communicative Action; and identify, through the arguments of the author-researchers, arising from the texts of the theses and discursive spaces, the formative processes triggered by the development of action research in the doctorate. It takes as a theoretical-epistemological contribution Jürgen Habermas' theory of Communicative Acting, with its concepts of rationalities, ways of acting, world of life and the critical theory of knowledge. The study is qualitative in nature and takes as an epistemological-methodological perspective the comparative study through “action research research”. It comprises three moments of research: the mapping of academic production in action research, which focuses on the theme of training education professionals and school inclusion; understanding the context elements in which doctoral research is inserted, based on document analysis; and the Discursive Spaces with the authors-researchers of the theses participating in the study. Data analysis takes place through Argumentative Circles, undertaken through the authors' arguments in written texts and in Discursive Spaces. It is concluded that the productions analyzed in both contexts depart from a theoreticalmethodological and epistemological perspective that indicate the rupture of a positivist logic of doing science, with actions in the researched field prevailing through communicative action, which produce action research with a critical bias. It is understood that carrying out action research in the doctorate triggers different training processes for those who participate in the process, thus, it is clear, based on the arguments of the author-researchers, that the action research developed contributes beyond the resolution of a specific and momentary problem, triggering changes in the way professionals act and think.