Doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2016
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019). Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.135 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Teoria e Análise Linguística
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    Atitudes linguísticas de falantes da área rural e da área urbana do Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-07) Benfica, Samine de Almeida; Scherre, Maria Marta Pereira;;;; Chaves, Raquel Gomes; Tesch, Leila Maria; Oushiro, Livia; Carvalho, Hebe Macedo de; Ferreira, Anderson
    This research is an investigation into the linguistic attitudes of speakers from Vitória and San ta Leopoldina, municipalities in Espírito Santo, to comprehend some linguistic notions that exist in these places and the value judgment on verbal agreement structures in first and third person plural without the plural ending (nós gosta, eles brinca). Analyzes are presented of the statements made by some speakers from these comunities about their individual speech and about the speech of their own community, and the perception of the use of variant forms of verbal agreement in the first person plural, with and without plural endings. The central objec tive of this investigation is to analyze the differences between the attitudes of members of an urban community, Vitória, and a rural community, Santa Leopoldina, towards language and the awareness of the varied use of linguistic forms in their own community, comparing the results of linguistic production research already carried out in the two locations, which descri bed the patterns of use of number agreement (Benfica, 2016; Foeger, 2014; Naro et al., 2017; Scherre; Naro; Yacovenco, 2018). To this end, the foundation was based on the theoretical assumptions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (Weinreich; Labov; Herzog, 2006 [1968]), and, more specifically, the notions of attitude, identity, consciousness and linguistic prestige (Fer nández, 1998; Labov, 2006 [1966]). Face-to-face interviews were carried out with residents of both communities, with open questions such as “What do you think about your own way of speaking?”, “Do you notice differences between the way of speaking of those who live in the city and those who live in the countryside ?”, “What do you think of this way of saying: 'We like to get together as a family'?”, among others. The analyzes were predominantly qualitative and showed that, in Vitória, speakers exhibit a more normative and less tolerant attitude towards forms considered less prestigious, especially the first-person variant without a plural mark, in addition to associating it with the speech of those who live in the interior or have less education. In Santa Leopoldina, participants revealed recognition of the use of these non plural constructions in their community, in addition to considering them natural, without ne gative validation, which signals a context of hidden prestige (Labov (2006 [1966]). With re gard to to the perception of the variable use of the first person plural, responses from an onli ne questionnaire carried out prior to the interviews were analyzed, and it was found that between the perception of use and the analyzes of production research there are congruences, when observing the directions of proportions of participant’s responses and quantitative re sults, but inconsistencies are also noted, especially between the production, evaluation and perception of the uses of the verb ir in the present and past tense, particularly the stereotypical expression “nós vai”, which is thought more more frequent than production research shows. It is concluded that speakers from the two communities, Vitória and Santa Leopoldina, are awa re of the varied uses of verbal agreement, and that those from the capital express their rejec tion of structures without plurals, while those from the capital express their rejection of struc tures without plurals from the interior express, in general, normality.
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    Coronavac e a genealogia do negacionismo vacinal : uma análise do discurso digital antivacina no facebook durante a crise sanitária da Covid-19 no Brasil
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-20) Ribeiro, Ana Paula Miranda Costa; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Orientador1;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    The objective of our research was to identify the genealogy of vaccine denialism in Brazil in 2020, based on the premise that the public discussion about the safety and effectiveness of coronovac is the trigger for vaccine skepticism that reverberated in digital environments. We sought to identify which discourses were in conflict in the context of the development of coronavirus vaccine in Brazil, called Coronavac, and which actors were competing to dominate the debate. To achieve this objective, we sought to establish a digital discourse analysis (PAVEAU, 2021) of anti-vaccine publications, encompassing 45,097 public posts in Portuguese made on Facebook from March 17, 2020 to November 30, 2020, during the testing phase of immunizers. Data collection was carried out using CrowdTangle, a digital data extraction tool made available by Meta, with subsequent analysis using Ford software, developed by researchers from the Laboratório de Estudos sobre Imagem e Cibercultura (Labic) at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes). From data modeling and graph creation using Gephi, we identified the main enunciative characteristics, lexicons, actors and thematic categories of anti-vaccine publications, while establishing the genealogy of vaccine denialism in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. To interpret the data obtained, we used digital discourse analysis (PAVEAU, 2021), to understand how the construction of the meanings of anti-vaccine posts happened over time, undertaking a perspectivist network analysis (MALINI, 2016). To understand the cognitive processing of false content shared on social networks, we use the notions of discursive virtue (PAVEAU, 2015), to understand which speeches were accepted as truth in that particular socio-historical context, and pre-discourse (PAVEAU, 2013), which allows us to understand the cognitive mechanisms activated in the processing of information by users. The notion of will to truth (FOUCAULT, 2014 and 2015) also gave us support for understanding power struggles between enunciators. We found that, at a crucial moment in the new coronavirus pandemic, when specific vaccines were being developed to combat Covid-19, groups linked to political movements stood out on Facebook, politicizing discussions regarding research into the development of new vaccines
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    @GretaThunberg e: Ativismo Pelo Clima: A Representação Do Ativismo Digital No Twitter
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-05) Cavalcanti, Camilla Reisler; Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de;;;;; Baronas, Roberto Leiser;;; Regattieri, Lorena Lucas;;; Vidon, Luciano Novaes;;; Goveia, Fábio;;
    This thesis addresses the trajectory and impact of Greta Thunberg on climate activism, which began in 2018 with her solitary protest in front of the Swedish parliament and quickly made her one of the leading voices in this movement. Her engagement on social media provided a global reach for her messages on climate change, criticism of the inefficiency of leaders and defence of science, mobilising millions for environmental action. The study seeks to critically analyse the discursive representation of the social actor @GretaThunberg and her interaction with the digital macro-movement according to the theoretical frameworks proposed by van Dijk (2021). The methodological approach combines qualitative and quantitative techniques, including digital network analysis and Critical Studies of Multimodal Discourse, focusing on the activist's publications between 2021 and 2023 on the former Twitter (currently X). The massive data collection carried out by LABIC allowed a multidisciplinary analysis that revealed the positioning of the actors, the dominant perspectives and the terms prevalent in the discussions. The research integrates the digital network analysis, as proposed by Malini (2016), with Critical Studies of Multimodal Discourse, based on the contributions of Ledin and Machin (2018, 2020) and van Leeuwen (2008), as well as the previous works of van Dijk (1998, 2006, 2012a, 2012b, 2014). This multidisciplinary approach aims to identify discursive strategies that contribute to constructing a cohesive social positioning within the network. The theoretical foundation incorporates considerations about ideology, context and recontextualization, allowing a deeper analysis of the discursive boundary between "us" and "them". This theoretical integration broadens our understanding of the social dynamics of digital activism and provides valuable insights into the formation and evolution of online engagement networks. The decentralised nature of social networks and the constant interaction between users were fundamental to understanding how multiple voices come together and challenge narratives. According to Bakhtin (2011), the dialogical chain concept is relevant in this context, highlighting how each interaction contributes to recontextualizing the discourse in real-time. Data analysis revealed a discursive boundary between "activists" and "inactivists", with Greta Thunberg consolidating a "majority of minorities" by holding the hegemonic status quo accountable. However, the movement faces challenges from social justice issues and external events, such as pandemics and international conflicts, affecting its effectiveness and cohesion. The research seeks to shed light onto the evolution of public perception of climate activism and the influence of networked actors in society. Furthermore, it highlights the challenges activists face in the era of digital platforms, such as vulnerability to digital ephemerality and the polarisation of discussions. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of the social dynamics of digital activism and to the knowledge of the mechanisms and validity of digital social movements in contemporary times.
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    A instrução na educação de surdos produzida na modernidade: a tríplice condução de surdos-professores
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-28) Carvalho, Daniel Junqueira; Vieira-Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa;;;;; Grejo, Camila Bueno;;; Rodrigues, José Raimundo;;; Teixeira, Keila Cardoso;;; Witchs, Pedro Henrique;
    The research in this thesis problematizes the matter of deaf education in modern times and its conduct practices. Since the founding of the institute by the Abbé de l'Épée, the fruits of his work, after his death, were taken over by the Abbé Sicard, who followed the same model of production with deaf-mute pupils. Some of the questions that guide our work are: When his deaf-mute pupils became the first repeaters and teachers, what was their role? What did they teach? Was it the same model as l'Épée and Sicard or not? Did they only teach signs for objects and signs for words? Did they have a specific method? How were they similar or different? How did they become repeaters and teachers for the deaf and dumb? Were there any rituals? What were the conducting practices of deaf-mute teachers like? Did the deaf-mute teachers show any resistance, or were they submissive to the practices of instruction by the abbots? These questions make it possible to look at things in different ways, as well as to think and act grounded on a problematization of how modernity has contributed to observing the forms and ways of a threefold conduction. Thus, in a challenging and risky way, I set out my central objective: to understand the practices of a threefold conduction of deaf-mutes in the 18th-19th centuries that produce the governing of themselves and others. As specific objectives, this thesis sought to analyze the discourses that were spread and contextualized in that time and space, building an analogy with our time: 1) to identify the documents of those who wrote about the linguistic instruction of deaf-mutes with the abbots l'Éppé and Sicard (1786); 2) to discuss the threefold conduction (philosopher, teacher, and politician) of the deaf-mutes Pierre Desloge (1779), Jean Massieu (1808-1820), Laurent Clerc (1815, 1818) and Ferdinand Berthier (1873); and 3) to problematize in the documents the practices of linguistic instruction of self and other subjects. Based on theorizations, we use one in the Platonic dimension by the threefold conduction and the other by governing oneself and others in the Foucauldian line of vision. This work intends to problematize this threefold conduction of deaf people and how it emerges in modernity in deaf education. The other question is: What were the governing oneself and others for deaf-mute subjects in the 18th and 19th centuries practices? The data that makes up an archive was used from the following series of documents: 1) Note G of the book l'Abbé Sicard (Ines historical series, volume 4) which deals with the letters exchanged between Abbé l'Épée and Abbé Sicard (1786); 2) Observations d'un sourd et muèt, sur un cours Élémentaire d'Éducation des sourds et muèts (Pierre Desloges, 1779); 3) Biographies de Jean Massieu - La reconnaissance est la mémoire du coeur (1808-1820); 4) Recueil des définitions et réponses les plus remarquables de Massieu et Clerc Sourds-Muets aux diverses questions qui leur ont été faites dans les séances publiques de M. L'abbé Sicard (1815); 5) Discours à l'examen des élèves (Laurent Clerc, 1818); 6) The banquets of the deaf and dumb (work on Ferdinand Berthier, 1834-1848) and 7) Abbé Sicard, a famous teacher of the deaf and dumb, immediate successor to the Abbé de l'Épée - Historical account of his life, his work and his successes (Ferdinand Berthier, 1873 – translated in 2012). In considerations that do not need to end, the results of the data analysis have shown us the practice of the triple conduct of each person, of the deaf-mutes and of the abbots, who at various times are conductors of the conduct of themselves (as philosophers), of others (as teachers) and, finally, of everyone (as politicians). The practices of the threefold conduct continue today in different ways and other modifications of the conduct of self, others, and everyone.
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    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-16) Lima, Dean Guilherme Goncalves; Almeida, Julia Maria Costa de;;;;; Junior, Rivaldo Capistrano de Souza;;; Nascimento, Jarbas Vargas;;; Lisboa, Flavia Marinho;;; Corbo, Wallace de Almeida;;
    This thesis assumes that criminal action implies discursive practices regulated by the Brazilian Penal Code, but which may play a vital role in the reproduction of racism. The theoretical approach comes from the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis (van Dijk, 2010, 2012; Fairclough, 1989, 2003), in dialogue with the Textual Linguistic’s referencing theory (Koch, 2004; Francis [1994] 2003). Having as corpus four legal documents, including sentences, rulings and other types, related to legal proceedings for a crime of racism committed by a professor at a Brazilian university. We aim to analyze, in the system of texts and discursive genres involved in the processing of the complaint, the linguistic-discursive strategies that tend to mitigate the crime of racism, mitigating the typification presented in the complaint. As a result, we observed that, although these genres are legal instruments through which justice is expected to be done, what is observed is that the agents who control this discourse – judge, prosecutor, judge, minister – are social actors and, therefore, carry beliefs, opinions and ideologies of the groups to which they belong and represent; and that this “justice”, although it occurs based on legality and following the rigor of the law, does not always occur in a fair way.