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- ItemModelagem de qualidade de água como suporte ao processo de enquadramento de corpos d’água superficiais : considerações sobre a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Guandu(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-16) Pani, Deysilara Figueira; Rodrigues, Murilo Brazzali ;;; Reis, José Antonio Tosta dos ;;;;; Mendonça, Antonio Sergio Ferreira ;;; Silva, Fernando das Graças Braga da ;; water quality modeling is a fundamental tool in supporting the classification process of water bodies, enabling the analysis of various scenarios that directly contribute to decision-making regarding the definition of use classes. In this context, it is crucial that the simulations accurately reflect the water quality of the analyzed water bodies. Extrapolated results may lead to classifications whose implementation becomes costly and/or unfeasible. In this sense, the present study aimed to investigate the use of water quality modeling as support for the classification process of surface water bodies, focusing on the Guandu River basin, located in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The mathematical water quality modeling, conducted using the Water Resources Management GIS Integrated Tools (WARM-GIS Tools) model, was applied to two different scenarios, based on variations in the initial water quality data sets, reference flow values, and the adopted kinetic constants. Subsequently, with the support of the CPQ-WATER Decision Support System and for the different simulation scenarios, the frequency of compliance with the quality standards of the various use classes, the maximum allowable loads, the loads to be treated, the unused dilution capacity, and the pressure on the watercourse in a section of the Guandu River located downstream from the urban center of Laranja da Terra were evaluated. The results indicated that the reference flows used in the present study did not produce significant differences in compatibility with the quality standards of the different use classes. However, the initial water quality conditions and the values adopted for the kinetic constants significantly and diversely altered the water quality simulation results, affecting compatibility with the quality standards established for the use classes, and ultimately influencing the decision-making process associated with the classification of the watercourses
- ItemAvaliação da remoção de 2,4-d e atrazina por carvão ativado : um estudo da competição em adsorção(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-24) Rafalscky, Lays; Britto, Gilberto Maia;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Coelho, Edumar Ramos Cabral;;; Orientador2;;;;; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci;;; Capelo Neto, José;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; presence of pesticides in drinking water is concerning due to the toxicity and bioaccumulation potential of these compounds. In this context, adsorption by activated carbon has gained attention as an alternative for removing microcontaminants in water treatment. Several variables can influence adsorption, one of the most notable being the competition among multiple contaminants for the adsorption sites on the activated carbon. This work conducted a systematic review guided by the PRISMA guideline to establish the state of the art on competitive adsorption. The review data were obtained using the keywords “Competitive adsorption,” “Powder Carbon” “Activated Carbon,” and “Water Treatment,” covering the years 2000 to 2023. The selected articles were categorized into: competition between metals, competition between metals and organic compounds, and competition between organic compounds. The review results contributed to understanding the existing research gaps in the field. In the laboratory tests, the activated carbon was characterized by several techniques to identify functional groups, porosity, moisture content, and ash content, among other parameters. Then, the isolated and competitive removal of two highly commercialized herbicides in Brazil, atrazine and 2,4-D, was tested in the state of Espírito Santo, with adsorption evaluated in terms of kinetics and isotherms. The Freundlich model showed the best fit for both pesticides in isolated systems. The adsorption of 2,4-D was significantly affected by the presence of atrazine due to its hydrophilic nature in the study's pH range (6-7). A computational study was conducted to suggest potential mechanisms, and the results indicated a predominance of π-π interactions, which is consistent with findings in the literature. The results suggest that the commercial carbon from Bahia Carbon is a strong candidate for removing 2,4-D and atrazine in isolated systems, but the presence of atrazine may significantly affect the removal of 2,4-D
- ItemAvaliação da disposição a pagar pelo manejo de resíduos gerados em condomínios residenciais e efeito na sustentabilidade financeira da gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-12) Mascarenhas, Vitor Souza Pinto; Yamane, Luciana Harue ;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Siman, Renato Ribeiro ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Chaves, Gisele de Lorena Diniz;;; Günther, Wanda Maria Risso;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; study evaluated Brazilian residential condominiums in the Solid Waste Management (SWM), focusing on the economic-financial sustainability in the provision of management services. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out identifying the normative acts that deal with residential condominiums and charging for management services, and the aspects that influence the Willingness To Pay (WTP) for these services. In addition, a case study was conducted in the municipality of Vitória/ES, identifying through a questionnaire and the Contingent Valuation Method, the WTP for Waste Management in condominiums, and estimating the financial impact with the application of a transfer policy of responsibility. From the systematic review it was identified that there is no specific Brazilian legislation for charging for management services in residential condominiums. It was also identified that the influential variables in WTP are divided into four groups: (1) socioeconomic aspects, (2) informational level, (3) situation of management services, and (4) political and regulatory aspects, being the last still little studied despite representing a strong influence on WTP. The case study revealed that 58% of the interviewees living in condominiums are willing to pay an average of R$ 29.41 per month per household for management services, and this amount could be increased by 15% by disclosing information about the WTP. Finally, it was identified that the costs of waste management in residential condominiums correspond to around 23% of the entire SWM cost in Vitória/ES, and that the application of a responsibility transfer policy can relieve 19% of the costs. This work contributes to the development of policies for charging for waste management services in residential condominiums, describing the WTP, and the importance of disclosing information for greater acceptance of the policy. Due to the low adherence of interviewees, future studies are recommended to construct statistically representative scenarios and econometric models, which allow the calculation of the WTP and the assessment of the financial impact
- ItemDescarbonização do transporte público de passageiros: uma análise well-to-wheel de diferentes combustíveis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-03) Hoffmann, Bianca de Souza; Reis Júnior, Neyval Costa;;; Gama, João Luiz Calmon Nogueira da; Prata Júnior, Ademir AbdalaThe state of Espírito Santo (ES) has developed its Plano de Descarbonização e Neutralização das Emissões de GEE, aiming for decarbonization and emission neutralization by 2050. In this context, this dissertation aims to propose a method to environmentally evaluate the fuels used in public passenger transportation to reduce atmospheric pollutant and GHG emissions. The proposed method was applied to the Transcol system, which serves the Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória. Emissions of atmospheric pollutants (𝐶𝑂, 𝑁𝑂𝑥, 𝑆𝑂2, 𝑀𝑃 e 𝑁𝑀𝐻𝐶) and GHGs (𝐶𝑂2, 𝐶𝐻4 and 𝑁2𝑂), were evaluated across six different scenarios, considering the type of fuel and the Proconve phase of the bus fleet. The Well-to-Wheel (WTW) analysis, which is specific to the transport sector, was used to assess the environmental impacts throughout the entire lifecycle of the fuels, covering the two phases: Well-to-Pump (WTP) and Pump-to-Wheel (PTW). Real operational data from 2022 of the fleet, provided by the Vitória Urban Transport Company, were used. The emission factors for the WTP phase were obtained from the Ecoinvent database. The impact categories were analyzed using the IMPACT 2002+ method. The fuels analyzed were: BS-500, BS-10, electricity, and CNG. The analysis of the results revealed that replacing the fleet with 100% electric buses can provide significant reductions in emissions of all atmospheric pollutants and GHGs compared to all other scenarios. Partial fleet replacement with electric buses also showed reductions compared to all other scenarios, indicating that partial adoption of electric buses may be the best route for the decarbonization of the Transcol system. The use of CNG showed increases in 𝐶𝑂, 𝑁𝑂𝑥, and 𝐶𝐻4 emissions, as well as requiring investments for fleet adaptation with the installation of dual-fuel kits, proving to be an unsuitable transition route. Regarding the impact categories, replacing the fleet with 100% electric buses was the alternative causing the lowest impacts in all analyzed categories. The use of CNG presented an increase in impacts in the acidification/terrestrial nutrition category, also proving unsuitable as a transition route.
- ItemAnálise da influência dos fenômenos el niño e la niña na ocorrência de eventos climáticos de seca e enchente(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-18) Bragança, Cassiano Gustavo Juan Franco Neves; Mendonça, Antônio Sérgio Ferreira;;;;; Reis, José Antônio Tosta dos;;; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos;;; Pavani, Elaine Cristina Rossi;; effects of climate change are increasingly evident, with the incidence of drought and flood events being noticeable throughout the national territory and in the rest of the world resulting from changes in atmospheric systems. Among the factors that can influence hydrological and meteorological parameters in certain regions, it is worth highlighting the occurrence of the El Niño and La Niña phenomena, recurrently correlated with drought and flood events. Therefore, the main objective of the present work is to analyze the influence of El Niño and La Niña on drought and flood events recorded in Brazil. Historical series of precipitation and flow recorded between the years 1940 and 2018 were analyzed, covering stations installed and in operation in Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and Ceará. Then, the data were classified according to the incidence and intensity of the phenomena. The average annual precipitation totals from the historical series and during the El Niño and La Niña years were spatialized using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation method in the QGIS 3.28.8 computational application. Furthermore, the averages obtained with data referring to the period of water crisis that occurred in Espírito Santo between the years 2014 and 2016 were analyzed and compared, discussing the effects of El Niño and La Niña on the records of stations located in Espírito Santo Santo and verifying the variations in the Oceanic Niño Index – ONI in different periods. After preparing the results, historical precipitation and flow data were acquired from other periods within the interval between 1940 and 2018, considering the need to contemplate the greater number of El Niño and La Niña phenomena in other regions of the national territory. Data obtained from stations in Espírito Santo showed a reduction in average precipitation in years of strong El Niño in most stations in the state, with the inverse relationship occurring in periods of strong La Ninã, increasing precipitation and flow values. Interpolation using the IDW method showed a reduction in precipitation in the North of Espírito Santo in El Niño years and an increase in rainfall in the South region. Stations located in Rio Grande do Sul recorded an increase in average precipitation and flow during El Niño years. El Niño and the reduction in La Niña years. The stations of Minas Gerais, Bahia and Ceará presented variations in the analyzes considering the years of El Niño and La Niña; however, the values obtained were not very significant in indicating the influence of the phenomena, and it is prudent to consider the interference of other factors that may affect the hydrological variables analyzed. When analyzing the period of water crisis in Espírito Santo, it was found that the greater intensity of El Niño may be related to drought events in Espírito Santo, presenting a reduction in the average rainfall records in more intense El Niño years according to with ONI.