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- ItemA ampliação da revisibilidade da má aplicação de precedentes para a integridade do direito brasileiro: por precedentes normativos pragmaticamente vinculantes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-09-19) Souza, Guilherme Vieira Victor de; Moussallem, Tarek Moyses;;; Goncalves, Tiago Figueiredo;; Zaneti Junior, Hermes;; Freire Junior, Americo BedeThe formal incorporation of precedents to Brazilian legal system marks the reencounter of the legal traditions that formed it since the Republic origins, making it part civil law, part common law. The 2015 Civil Procedural Code, a Code developed by jurisprudence and welcomed by legislators, redeem common law’s influence over Brazilian Law and promises an uniform, stable, integrate and coherent body of case law, be it either for the well development of law itself and to rationalize access to judiciary service. Despite the Code’s seven-year in effect, litigation rates seam stable though. Brazilian legal culture doesn’t look ready to deal with precedential institutes, keeps applying excerpts of case law as if it were statutes, worsening the gap between judiciary practice and the foundation of its legal and democratic legitimacy. And supreme courts resist in reviewing the improper application of precedents by ordinary courts, transforming the maxim treating like cases alike an inconsequential codified promise. This attitude does not allow the consolidation of stare decisis, which in Brazil, historically, is stillborn. New Code’s precedents may be normative and formally binding, but they are not pragmatically normative nor pragmatically binding yet. By analyzing the binding precedents theory under the combined lights of the linguistic turn, logical-semantical constructivism’s norm theory, the theory of source of law as its enunciation, and law as integrity theory, this paper aims to encourages the Brazilian precedential culture development thru changing the legal actors’ structure of incentives. Thru the proposition of broad reviewability by supreme courts of the bad application of their precedents by ordinary civil courts, Law and Economics elements are used to demonstrate that give judiciary practice a standard differ from defensive case law is not only a legal duty, but something that can be put in effect.
- ItemA aplicação da probatio levior em matéria de prova diabólica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-15) Rodrigues, Sandro Bortoluzzi Madeira Lamêgo; Silvestre, Gilberto Fachetti;;;;; Bufulin, Augusto Passamani;;; Rodrigues, Marco Antonio dos Santos;;; Siqueira, Thiago Ferreira; dissertation analyzes the formation of the judgment of fact through the production of evidence, focusing on the repercussion of insufficient evidence to the process. Its purpose is to analyze situations in which the parties are subjected to a case of probatio diabolica or devil’s proof. It departs from the premise that the judgment of the dispute based on the burden of proof rule (in its objective aspect) is not a satisfactory jurisdictional response, if the evidentiary insufficiency arises from the presence of diabolical proof imposed on both parties. It outlines as a problem to be answered whether there would be a judge's duty to correct the difficulties arising from the presence of diabolical proof in the process. It develops the hypothesis that there is an inherent duty to the jurisdictional function to correct the difficulties of evidentiary instruction when diabolical proof is present, reducing the evidentiary rigor for the formation of its conviction, from the application of the probatio levior. Objective: Its general objective is to analyze the main ways of coping with the diabolical proof already provided by the law or accepted by the legal literature. It has the specific objectives of characterizing the diabolical proof and its hypotheses of occurrence; determine the legal nature of probatio levior and its scope of application; and to investigate cases of application of probatio levior as a way of facing the diabolical proof in brazilian Law. Methodology: the research is developed through a qualitative approach, from the reading of the collected bibliographical and documentary material, constituted by the existing legal literature on the researched topic, including books, theses, dissertations and scientific articles. It proceeds to search and read foreign bibliographic material — in particular, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Argentinean, North American and French legal literature —, as it is the primary source of discussion regarding various points of the research, as well as in reason of the scarcity of Brazilian works that promoted an analysis of probatio levior. It also conducts case analyzes, aiming to verify exemplary cases of judicial decisions in which the probatio levior technique was applied, even without its express recognition and mention. The research is developed through the deductive method, as it proves to be more suitable for achieving the proposed objective. Results: It was found that the legal system must have a satisfactory response to the pathology created by the diabolical proof in the process, since the evidentiary activity is also developed in the interest of the State and the jurisdiction. It confirms the established hypothesis, recognizing the existence of a duty imposed on the court to reduce the standard for the decision. Based on the observed problem — difficulties arising from the existence of diabolical proof in the process —, the need to apply an existing legal technique as a way of confronting it was recognized, through the elaboration of a theoretical model regarding the application of probatio levior. Contributions: the work stands out scientifically for systematizing the few existing sources on probatio levior, elaborating a propositional and pragmatic thesis, redefining the importance of the matter. In the practical aspect, it solves a procedural problem arising from the existence of diabolical proof, recognizing the duty to apply the probatio levior as a corollary of the inalienability of the jurisdiction. From the social point of view, it allows for satisfactory protection of rights to be given to those under jurisdiction, avoiding the rendering of decisions based on mere judgment based on the burden of proof.
- ItemA Aplicação das Tutelas Provisórias nas Ações Eleitorais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-07-07) Nogueira, Pedro Lenno Rovetta; Jorge, Flavio Cheim;;;;; Junior, Americo Bede Freire;;; Rodrigues, Marcelo Abelha;;; Siqueira, Thiago Ferreira;; essay analyses the need of an effective protection for the brazillian democratic system, avoiding that the time lapse during its process compromise the exercise of democracy. With that, the study was developed to investigate the compatibility of the
- ItemA base vem forte: A formação das jovens garotas futebolistas no Brasil em tempos de mídias sociais(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-28) Silva, Kerzia Railane Santos; Martins, Mariana Zuaneti;;;; Souza Júnior, Osmar Moreira de; Reis, Heloisa Helena Baldy dosThe regulations introduced by CONMEBOL in 2019 can be considered one of the main reasons that boosted the development of women's football in Brazil. His targeting of football clubs was important in opening doors to aspiring athletes. In this way, we seek to answer the questions: What are the transformations that women's football has undergone in recent years? How do they interfere with career investment opportunities for new generations? How are they developing a career and how are they managing investments? The objective of this study was to investigate how young Brazilian girls are accessing training work in football clubs, taking into account the life project associated with the sport and career projection. This research is anchored in a qualitative approach in which 14 semi-structured interviews were carried out with aspiring athletes. In the case of those who are minors, a family member or responsible person was also interviewed. They are integrated into the training work at prominent football clubs on the national scene. The constructed data was analyzed using reflective thematic analysis. By results, we point out that in Brazil, the projection of the football career and its investments in the training of female football athletes is a recent phenomenon, with the update of the 2019 regulations being an important contributor to opening up this context of possibilities. However, issues such as the decentralization of the supply of training clubs are necessary, considering the prevalence in states such as São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Therefore, it is imperative that sports institutions (public and private) and government bodies, as well as such as digital and television media, perform collaborative work in order to drive the continued development of the sport in the country, overcoming regional challenges, among other issues.
- ItemA CIDADE DELAS – COLETIVO DAS MINA E AS MARCAS NARRATIVAS DE UMA TERRITORIALIDADE DAS MULHERES NA CIDADE DE VITÓRIA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-09-19) Jesus, Mariana Batista de; Cirilo, Aparecido Jose;;;;; Souza, Flavia Mayer dos Santos;;; Alves, Gabriela Santos;;; Rangel, Livia de Azevedo Silveira;; pesquisa visa analisar as formas de ação e resistência e as marcas narrativas produzidas a partir destas ações empreendidas por mulheres como meio de romper com os regimes de invisibilidade a que estão submetidas no território da cidade. Compreendend
- ItemA CONCESSÃO ANTECIPADA DO DIVÓRCIO NO CÓDIGO DE PROCESSO CIVIL DE 2015(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-03-24) Cunha, Mirya Bregonci da; Bufulin, Augusto Passamani;;;;; Neto, Francisco Vieira Lima;;; Herkenhoff, Henrique Geaquinto;;; Simoes, Thiago Felipe Vargas;; present research analyzes divorce, a measure capable of dissolving the marital bond of living people. The institute has been the subject of constant social and legal developments, and is currently recognized as a mandatory right. In this sense, the wo
- ItemA dança como projeto educativo nas décadas de 1930 e 1940: circulação, discursos e propostas em torno de um objeto de ensino(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-10-25) Carneiro, Bruna Teixeira; Schneider, Omar;;;;; Locatelli, Andrea Brandao;;; Barros, Jose Costa D Assuncao;;; Bruschi, Marcela;; analyzes the debates around Dance, as a content of the Physical Education discipline, to understand the struggles of representation between different authors who published in the specialized periodical press in the area, throughout the 1930s and 1940s. It aims to identify the forms and meanings attributed to dance. Dance in schooling, after the mandatory Physical Education in the educational system, has as a source of the pedagogical and various forms of Physical Education. As a theoretical framework, it uses the concepts of representational struggles (CHARTIER, 1990), strategy, tactics, consumption practices and devices (CERTEAU, 1994), and microhistory (GINZBURG, 1999), with the evidential paradigm and cultural circularity, in addition to in Chervel (1990), establish a nexus with the history of school subjects, and in Julia (2001) approaches school culture as a historical object. Methodologically, it makes use of documentary criticism (BLOCH, 2001). As a result, it can be seen that there was a struggle of representations between different ways of interpreting the meaning of dance in schooling, despite the authors dialoguing with literature and very close representations, the result of a time and of social and political needs to be resolved by the school. It is concluded that there was a large consumption of North American authors, mainly men and doctors, perceived through references and translations, to talk about the meaning of dance, such as health, aesthetics, femininity, and the production of virtues, attributing to it different social and school functions, establishing a precise gender relationship, which changes over time, with the appearance of other discourses and proposals on this teaching content, especially after 1945, which are produced not only by theorizations but for knowledge that is born from the daily life of the teaching processes, carried out by actors linked to the Escola Nacional de Educação Física e Desportos.
- ItemA desconsideração judicial de interposta pessoa física: uma análise processual acerca da (im)possibilidade e real necessidade de utilização do incidente previsto nos arts. 133 a 137 do CPC na hipótese de simulação por interposição de pessoa física(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-03-23) Vitória, Fernanda Montalvão da; Bufulin, Augusto Passamani;;;;; Lima Neto, Francisco Vieira;;; Pedra, Adriano Sant'Ana;; present work performs an analysis on the theory of "Judicial Disregard of the Interposed Individual", defended by Prof. Dr. Rolf Madaleno, in order to verify the possibility and relevance of its application. This theory seeks to use the procedural mechanism aimed at incidente of the hypotheses of simulations perpetrated in collusion with interposed natural persons. Due to the purpose of this work, a brief study was carried out about the disregard and the normative hypothesis that the theory defended by Rolf deals with, going on to discuss the "incident" of disregard of the legal personality and the procedural instrument established by the legal system to protect simulation cases. After carrying out this analysis, a conclusion is made about the possibility, usefulness and fe 3 to 137 CPC, in the event of simulation by interposition of an individual.
- ItemA discussão histórica dos métodos de ensino de línguas para sujeitos surdos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-30) Patrocinio, Ramiris Raniery Nilo; Machado, Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira;;;;; Bregonci, Aline de Menezes;;; Witchs, Pedro Henrique;;
- ItemA ditongação diante de /s/ na fala de Vitória - ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-08-08) Oliveira, Jacqueline Alves de; Meireles, Alexsandro Rodrigues;;;; Tesch, Leila Maria;; Dias, Valter de Carvalhoabstract
- ItemA exceptio dominii no juízo possessório(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-29) Neves, Guilherme Valli de Moraes; Silvestre, Gilberto Fachetti;;;;; Goncalves, Tiago Figueiredo;;; Santos, Thiago Rodovalho dos;;; Siqueira, Thiago Ferreira;; study analyzes the cognitive limitation in typical writs of possession regarding the abstract and generic exclusion of the exceptio dominii, that is, the impossibility of discussion in the injunction procedure regarding other rights of ownership effectiveness on the thing (jus possidendi). Traditionally, the understanding is that in writs of possession of new force, only the jus possessionis (the possession itself) can be discussed. In this regard, the research focused on the option made by the Brazilian legislature for the treatment of the possessory phenomenon and the way in which the judicial mechanisms for its protection are put, more specifically the writs of possession. In order to do so, it was necessary to approach the possession as an autonomous right guarenteed by the law Worth of judicial protection, and treated the institute from the main legal theories that sought to explain and conceptualize it, namely: subjective theory, objective theory and social theories. After verifying the legal treatement of that kind of exception, the arguments found in legal literature to justify its prohibition, and taking in consideration the elements tha justify the protection of possession itself, the research revealed that the current understanding on the subject is not the better in the context of contemporary civil proceduralism. It has been revealed that the assumptions used - such as the need to protect the possesion in an effective and autonomous way and safeguarding social peace - are true, but do not lead to adequate and desired operability in the legal sphere regarding the existing procedure. This conclusion was reached when we analyzed the effectiveness of possession writs under the consideration of other fundamental values of the judicial procedure, especially of its reasonable duration, which drove us towards a new proposal to understand the domain exception within the possessory actions, making it admissible in the second stage of the procedure, since the article number 558 of the Code of Civil Procedure determines the transmutation of the special possessory procedure to the common procedure in which cognition may be extended. At the end, it finds that this proposal depends only on a new hermeneutics about the institutes, which is perfectly compatible with the current legislation and with the various theories and perceptions of the possessory phenomenon, simply by neglecting some overly formalist preconceptions that brings no benefit for the operability of the legal categories and the satisfaction of possessory conflicts sub judice.
- ItemA EXPRESSÃO DA OBRIGAÇÃO NAS CONSTRUÇÕES TER QUE + INFINITIVO, DEVE + INFINITIVO E PRECISAR + INFINITIVO: UMA ANÁLISE VARIACIONISTA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-03-27) Pinto, Tarsila Machado; Scherre, Maria Marta Pereira;;;;; Tesch, Leila Maria;;; Yacovenco, Lilian Coutinho;; present research has as its main objective to investigate the variation between the periphrastic constructions of the modals of obligation ter que + infinitive, dever + infinitive and precisar + infinitive. These constructions refer mainly to deontic
- ItemA expressão do sujeito pronominal em textos escritos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-13) Sousa, Vinícius Afonso Catazano de; Tesch, Leila Maria;;; Marchon, Amanda Heiderich;
- ItemA FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DO(A) PROFESSOR(A) DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL NAS TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES DO PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM EDUCAÇÃO DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ESPÍRITO SANTO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-12-27) Silva, Giovana Barbosa da; Foerste, Erineu;;;;; Ulrich, Claudete Beise;;; Côco, Valdete;;; Sodré, Liana Goncalves Pontes;;; Araújo, Vania Carvalho de;; research was developed through a survey of nine academic productions carried out within the scope of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation: theses and dissertations, defended in the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PPGE/Ufes), between the years from 2006 to 2017 and which thematized the Continuing Education of Early Childhood Teachers; aims to investigate how training movements, elaborated through the interaction between the object of such research and praxis (FREIRE, 2017) of Early Childhood Education teachers. In addition, it relies on the critical theory approach on the researcher/reflective teacher (STENHOUSE, 1975; SHÖN, 2000; PIMENTA and GHEDIN, 2002) in order to elucidate this doctoral dissertation on the question: which academic-scientific research contributions make possible the praxis of teachers which corroborate the affirmation of the intellectual teacher (GRAMSCI, 1989; GIROUX 1997) of Early Childhood Education? Thus, we projected the composition of this work as a qualitative approach at an exploratory bibliographic level in the collection of data (analytical corpus) that are interpreted through hermeneutics (GADAMER, 1997; GHEDIN, 2008) and also through the use of research of the research to support the construction of a paradigmatic scheme (GAMBOA; 2007,2013) as a methodological and analytical tool. Drawing on these assumptions, we list analytical categories I (The history of training movements) and II (A paradigmatic scheme for each research of the analytical corpus/PPGE-Ufes) order to make visible the constitutive aspects of educational research, as well as the means by which the interactions between the praxis of teachers and scientific productions can persist when given by " finalized”. The overall conclusion is that stricto sensu research in the Continuing Education of Early Childhood Education teachers is extremely relevant.
- ItemA formação do relacionamento fraterno entre irmãos biológicos e adotivos: uma análise sob a ótica da Teoria Bioecológica.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-29) Nascimento, Danielly Bart do; Rosa, Edinete Maria;;;;; Trindade, Zeidi Araujo;;; Aranzedo, Alexandre Cardoso;;; Vargas, Elisa Avellar Mercon de;;; Moura, Gabriella Garcia;
- ItemA História da Ciência no Ensino de Química: Um estudo sobre o ensino da Tabela Periódica desenvolvido com futuros professores(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-06-03) Gomes, Rodrigo da Vitoria; Mendes, Ana Nery Furlan;;;;; Pereira, Marcia Regina Santana;;; Kavalek, Debora Schmitt;; to what the idea of common sense may bring, the History of Science goes beyond telling stories about a scientific fact, but it studies the process of building knowledge to make the student critical. The History of Science is not a replacement f
- ItemA IMPOSSIBILIDADE DE REDIRECIONAMENTO DA EXECUÇÃO TRABALHISTA SOB O FUNDAMENTO DE CONFIGURAÇÃO DE GRUPO ECONÔMICO À LUZ DO ART. 513, § 5o CPC/2015 E A NECESSIDADE DE INSTAURAÇÃO DO INCIDENTE DE DESCONSIDERAÇÃO DA PERSONALIDADE JURÍDICA PARA RESPONSABILIZ(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-04-11) Albuquerk, Luana Assuncao de Araujo; Bufulin, Augusto Passamani;;;;; Francischetto, Gilsilene Passon Picoretti;;; Rocha, Claudio Jannotti da;;; Simoes, Thiago Felipe Vargas;; purpose of the presente scientific work is to study the establishment of the incident of the disregard doctrine as an adequate mechanism to allow the inclusion of the joint labor debtor in a labor claim alleging the formation of an economic group base
- ItemA influência da esperança na saúde mental de estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-11-23) Lima, Gustavo Manenti; Guerra, Valeschka Martins;;; Gusmao, Estefanea Elida da Silva; Ramos, Fabiana Pinheiro;; a society where reports of anxiety and depression among undergraduate and graduate students are increasing every day, the study of protective factors for mental health becomes even more crucial. Thus, Hope, a concept defined by Rick Snyder as a cognitive set focused on goal attainment, where motivation directed towards goals (agency) and planning to achieve these goals (pathways) continually interact, presents itself as a potential contributor to the maintenance of psychological well-being. Therefore, this dissertation aimed to investigate the impact of hope on anxiety and depression in undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to examine its association with well-being and psychological flexibility as predictors of good mental health. To this end, two separate studies were conducted. The first study was carried out through an integrative literature review. This systematic method of article search was adopted to map the scientific production in Psychology on the topic of Hope Theory worldwide, between the years 2006 to 2022. Searches were conducted in the databases Redalyc, PePSIC, SciElo, Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE, and PsycArticles, using the descriptors "Hope Theory" and "Teoria da Esperança." In total, 110 publications were selected. The results revealed over 20 themes addressed, with the influence of Hope in the educational context at various levels being the predominant theme, with 19 articles found. Regarding the production location, publications were found in various countries, suggesting global dissemination of this research topic, with the United States having the predominance with 60 publications, while Brazil presented only 2. Thus, considering the diverse presence of Hope Theory in academic literature, it remains in constant scientific development, despite having been introduced over 30 years ago. The second study adopted a quantitative method approach with online data collection, proposing the use of standardized instruments to investigate associations between hope and anxiety, depression, well-being, and psychological flexibility. The main results showed a positive association between hope and well-being variables, such as positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, sense of purpose, achievement, physical health, and overall well-being. This study will contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors affecting the mental health of students and may inform future interventions and psychological support programs targeted at this specific group.
- ItemA militarização do discurso da segurança pública no Brasil: A guerra híbrida e a permanência histórica da polícia política(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-02-01) Cordeiro, Lorraine Carla da Costa; Rodrigues, Marcia Barros Ferreira;;;;; Rosa, Pablo Ornelas;;; Dadalto, Maria Cristina;;; Coelho, Claudio Marcio;; problem of this dissertation starts from the following question: What is the place of the debate on urban violence in speeches about public security in Brazil? The object of the research is the hegemonic discourse narratives about public security in Brazil in the period of 2016-2020. The objective of the research is to present a mapping of the hegemonic speeches on public security, analysing the military tours in a brief historical outline, punctuating dynamics and genesis of the militarization phenomenon in its most truculent and antirrepublican tendency. Specifically, the focus is to concisely present the war of narratives based on digital evidence around the support of hegemonic military discourse. The hypothesis raised that thenarrative of the militarization of public security in Brazil has monopolized the debate since 1930, taking into account the critical discourse, centering the discussion around the role and the performance of the police and militias, leaving the discussion in the background the criminal question in the republican pact and the legal perspective that hegemonized the selection and punishments in Brazilian penal system against civil society. The proposed methodology is a investigation of the war of narratives based on an evidentiary inventory in digital media (discourse, choice, photos, videos, etc.). In summary, the intention of the research is to gather evidences that allow to enter the study in adeeper way in the proposed conjuncture from the assembly of a historical sociological mosaic. Thus, the highlight is the effective presence of the militarization of the discourse in the debate on public security, which gains strength in the production of narratives and post- truth driven by the hybrid war. The examination will bring elements that make it possible to infer maneuvers performed intentionally with a place to bringthe public security debate to the military field. Furthermore, the central issue will be demonstrated that this displacement masks the interventionist role of militarized police in the democratization process. The emphasis on the idea of a crisis in public security is strategic to increase and equip the police officers and their permanence as repressive devices against civil society.
- ItemA modelagem matemática como estratégia facilitadora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de áreas e perímetros de figuras planas na rede estadual de ensino(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-18) Zeferino, Rhuana Carla Mauri; Rosado Filho, Moacir;;;; Guimarães Filho, Florêncio Ferreira;;; Prezotti Filho, Paulo Roberto;; work talks about the influence of mathematical modeling in the teachinglearning process of mathematics in elementary school, high school and youth and adult education (EJA) grades. The National Curricular Parameters (PCN) are also related to the proposal of mathematical modeling as a tool in this process. Aspects of "doing mathematics" in the school context are approached, through investigation and theoretical basis. The work also reports an application of mathematical modeling as a teaching and learning strategy of perimeter and areas of plane figures in a contextualized way. This application of the modeling took place with students from the 2nd grade of high school at the State School of Elementary and Secondary Education Ilda Ferreira da Fonseca Martins. Through practical activities, construction of the school's floor plan, students applied the contents in everyday situations, which aroused interest and curiosity for learning, providing opportunities for meaningful learning and at the same time strengthening the affective bonds between educator and students.