Doutorado em Engenharia Ambiental
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Navegando Doutorado em Engenharia Ambiental por Autor "Andrade, Larice Nogueira de"
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- ItemModelo de otimização multiobjetivo para outorga de diluição de efluentes e enquadramento de corpos d'água(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-08-10) Andrade, Larice Nogueira de; Mendonça, Antônio Sérgio Ferreira; Reis, José Antônio Tosta dos; Aquije Chacaltana, Júlio Tomas; Zuffo, Antonio Carlos; Reis, Luisa Fernanda RibeiroWastewater dilution authorization and water bodies classification are among the Brazilian Water Resources National Policy instruments that need strategic plans for implementation. These plans must consider economic efficiency, sustainability, flexibility and equity. This thesis presents the development of a multiobjective optimization model that considers in a single objective function different goals involved in the waste-load allocation. The developed model is capable of integrating different objectives and presents as its central idea to minimize costs to maintain receiving body water quality conditions, trying to maximize the improvement of, water bodies dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand parameters, and also taking into account users equity conditions. The model permits to vary both waste removal efficiencies and outflow discharges into water bodies, allowing the search for greater equity between users. The use of weights in the objective function of the proposed model allows a systemic approach to water management problems, by considering a range of objectives in an integrated and optimized way. It turns possible to reduce the complexity of the solution of problems that involve conflicting demands, by searching for the best compromise that satisfy the existing purposes. The model was integrated into a Decision Support System, that may allows more agile, flexible and efficient water administrative agencies and officials decision-making processes. It was verified, through various case studies, that the use of the developed Decision Support System can make wastewater loads allocation decision processes more orderly, objective and transparent, in the direction of a sustainable management of water resources.
- ItemSistema de suporte a decisão para planejamento, controle e redução de cargas difusas e pontuais em bacias hidrográficas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-12-18) Carvalho, Selena Lopes; Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira;;;;; Andrade, Larice Nogueira de;;; Prodanoff, Jorge Henrique Alves;;; Reis, Jose Antonio Tosta dos;; the planning of water resources, the water pollution and watershed water quality aspects, this research aimed to develop a methodological proposal for subsidizing diffused and point loads reduction planning in watersheds, in such a way that their watercourses quality parameters are kept in accordance with limits established by environmental legislation. The methodology is based on minimum diffuse and point loads treatments removal efficiencies for watercourses quality standards estimation. For runoff and diffuse loads quantification it was used the Event mean concentration and United States Soil Conservation Service methods. A model different diffuse and point pollution sources inflows. The Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) was utilized for the identification and selection of the lowest pollutant removal efficiencies values that could allow quality standards attendance. There was developed a Decision Support System incorporating the models and methods. The Decision Support System was applied to two watersheds, for which there were considered various scenarios. The results indicated significant differences amongst estimated diffused load productions in the scenarios proposed, pointing out the need for investigation about the contribution of diffused loads according to body water qualities. Demonstrating that concentrations of pollutants present in pollution can overlap the dilution effects of related incremental flows. It has been found that the first rain after drought can result in a critical pollution scenario. Towards different simulations performed, it was possible to estimate minimal efficiency of removal of point loads and diffused ones that would take the attendance of class quality into account and stablished to modeled body water, as well as considering different production scenarios of such loads. Which demonstrates that the algorithm of research implemented correponds appropriately to the issue necessities. The Support System of Decision, SIMPPOD, was able to effectively apply the method proposed, and consequently, attend the proposal of its idealization