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- ItemA influência das configurações urbanas na qualidade do ar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-21) Silva, Fabiana Trindade da; Junior, Neyval Costa Reis;;;;; Santos, Jane Meri;;; Goulart, Elisa Valentim;;; Lopes, Luis Manuel Bragança de Miranda;;; Pires, Miguel José das NevesUrban morphology is a fundamental aspect of understanding the pollutant dispersion in the urban environment. In addition, block typology is a key element in modeling scenarios closer to reality. The urban planning usually defines urban indexes to conduct
- ItemAnálise das deformações viscosas e da segregação de fases em floculadores tubulares helicoidais e suas relações com a razão de curvatura(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-12-02) Sartori, Maurício; Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Pires, Eduardo Cleto; Rauen, William Bonino; Aquije Chacaltana, Julio Tomás; Rigo, DanielHelical tubular flocculators (FTHs) when compared with the currently employed hydraulic flocculato s in water and wastewater treatment plants have demonstrated high efficiency in the floc formation with low hydraulic retention time (Tdh) and high power dissipation levels, challenging the current flocculation paradigm (high Tdh and low energy dissipation levels). However, the mechanisms that enable these flocculators operating satisfactorily in these operational conditions have not yet been elucidated. It is known that the fluid viscous deformations present a great influence on the collision opportunity and, consequently, on the flocculation. Another factor that also has relevance in the flocculation is the particles’ concentration which, in the current models, it is assumed uniform throughout the reactor. In this context, aiming at enhance the understanding of the flocculation in those flocculators, this work presents an evaluation of the influence of the FTHs’ curvature ratio (d/D, where d is the tube diameter and D is the coil diameter) on the fluid elements strain rate, which has been assumed to be the main collision mechanism between particles. It is also shown that d/D influences the phase segregation, a characteristic of two-phase flows in curved pipes. For this purpose, we evaluated 5 FTHs configurations with curvature ratio of 0.0091, 0.0182, 0.0364, 0.0729 and 0.1458, with the support of computational fluid dynamic simulations (monophasic and biphasic), with and without considering the gravitational field, by adopting horizontal and vertical coil axes, respectively. The results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the linear strains, neglected in some collision models, besides the direct relationship of the curvature ratio with both angular and linear strains, and, consequently, with the shear strain rate. Regarding the phases segregation, there was an inverse relationship with the curvature ratio. However, this segregation is influenced by the reactor's position relative to the gravitational field. In horizontal coil axis reactors, at each turn, there is a cycle of segregation and mixing. In vertical axis FTHs, there is a significant increase of particles’ concentration in the reactor region close to the inner wall, due to the combined effect of the secondary flow drag and gravitational attraction.
- ItemAnálise de componentes principais em séries temporais multivariadas com heteroscedasticidade condicional e outliers : uma aplicação para a poluição do ar, na Região da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-04-01) Monte, Edson Zambon; Reisen, Valdério Anselmo; Bondon, Pascal; Ispány, Márton; Munaro, Celso José; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Reis Junior, Neyval CostaIssues relating to air quality have become increasingly important, since many health problems come from air pollution. In addition, air pollution contributes to the degradation of the environment, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Thus, several studies adopting technical statistics have been conducted in order to contribute in the making of public and private actors with regard to combating pollution, prevention of high concentrations and formulation of laws for this purpose. The classical principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical methodologies adopted. The PCA is used for dimensional reduction, cluster analysis, regression analysis, among others. However, among the studies that have adopted the classical PCA, a common feature is to neglect the conditional heteroscedasticity and/or the presence of additive outliers, which may lead to spurious results (misleading), since the estimated autocovariance matrix may be biased (estimated incorrectly). It is possible to note that the time series related to air pollution tend to present conditional heteroscedasticity and additive outliers. Then, the first paper of this thesis proposed to apply a multivariate filter VARFIMA-GARCH to the original data and use the classical PCA on residuals of the VARFIMA-GARCH model. Besides the volatility, this model was used to filter the temporal correlation and the long memory behavior. The application of the PCA on the residuals of the VARFIMA-GARCH model was more consistent with the environmental characteristics of the Greater Victoria Region (GVR), Esp´ırito Santo, Brazil, than the application using the original data The second paper, that is the core of this thesis, the technique of principal volatility components (PVC), proposed by Hu e Tsay (2014), was extended for a robust approach (RPVC), in order to capture the volatility present in the multivariate time processes, but considering the effects of additive outliers on conditional covariance, since these outliers may mask (“hide”) the conditional heteroscedasticity or even produce spurious volatility. The proposed RPVC improved the predictions of PM10 exceedance days in the Laranjeiras station, in the GVR.
- ItemAnálise de métodos de avaliação social do ciclo de vida em organização pertencente a sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-06) Mattos, Flavio Vassallo; Gama, Joao Luiz Calmon Nogueira da;;;; Mendonça, Antonio Sergio Ferreira;; Buarque, Diogo Costa;;; Silva, Eduardo Henrique Borges Cohim; Bravo, Alencar SoaresDue to the problems caused on Earth by human activity, the search for sustainable development has arisen, thus the need to verify the Environmental, Economic and Social impacts of processes, products or services. In this context, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology has emerged, specifically, Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) to assess social impacts. In the development of LCA, different assessment methods were created and applied in various areas, including Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) which, in developing countries, may include waste pickers. These people’s activities include the collection, sorting and sale of reusable and recyclable materials and they may be associated in Waste Pickers Organizations (WPO). Their purpose is environmentally correct, as they return to the production chain materials that would otherwise be sent to landfills or discarded in the environment. Accordingly, the goal of this study is to compare the results of five different SLCA methods applied to WPOs in Vitória, Espirito Santo State - Brazil. The performance of the methods to the results of the impacts were assessed in both subcategories and categories. The AHP Method and Likert Scale were also used to define a ranking of the stakeholder categories and subcategories by the importance, which supported the comparisons made. All the methods followed the Type I approach, using quantitative, qualitative and semi-quantitative data, obtained through field research, via interviews, online questionnaires and publicly available electronic data. The Worker category ranked the highest with MSWM experts, and also had the most subcategories and indicators (metrics) in the methods analyzed. The method used by Ibáñez-Forés and other authors was the most successful in evaluating the subcategories of the Worker category, while the Ciroth and Franze method fared better for the other subcategories. As for the category level, Ciroth and Franze's method was also the most successful at assessing WPOs. Therefore, due to the greater availability of secondary data, methods that use it can evaluate more subcategories and are more successful in comparing evaluations. Regarding the social impacts, the results of the different SLCA methods applied to WPO were not unanimous when using Performance Reference Points combined with a Type I approach.
- ItemANÁLISE DO POTENCIAL EÓLICO ONSHORE E OFFSHORE NO ESTADO DA BAHIA UTILIZANDO O MODELO WRF(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-11-03) Souza, Noele Bissoli Perini de; Moreira, Davidson Martins;;;;; Chaves, Gisele de Lorena Diniz;;; Santos, Jose Vicente Cardoso;;; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio;;; Santos, Alex Alisson Bandeira; Furieri, Bruno;;; Moraes, Marcelo Romero deThis work has as main objective the elaboration of an onshore and offshore wind map of the state of Bahia using the WRF mesoscale model with a spatial resolution of 3 km and a time period of 5 years (2015-2020). Initially, to evaluate the best physical
- ItemAnálise espectral de séries temporais de concentrações de poluentes atmosféricos com dados faltantes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-22) Pinto, Wanderson de Paula; Reisen, Valderio Anselmo;;;;; Franco, Glaura da Conceicao;;; Junior, Neyval Costa Reis;;; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida;;; Palma, Wilfredo; Bondon, Pascal; Ispány, MartonAir pollution has significantly affected living beings, even when their values are below what is allowed by regulators. In this regard, air quality issues have become increasingly important as a number of health problems arise from air pollution. In this way, several studies applied time series analysis techniques have been carried out, aiming to contribute as tools in the decision making of the public and private agents with respect to the prevention of high concentrations, the control of air pollution and the formulation legislation for this purpose. One of the sta tistical methodologies adopted is the spectral analysis, which is used to identify properties of the dataset, such as seasonality. However, it is noted that among studies that have adopted this technique, a common feature is to neglect the presence of missing data, which may lead to un derestimation of the accuracy of the results. Note that in the time series related to atmospheric pollution a frequent problem is the presence of missing data, usually due to the failure of the monitoring equipment. Thus, this paper concentrates on the study of methodologies used to estimate the autocorrelation function and the spectral density of univariate time series in the presence or absence of missing data. The suggested estimators are based on the Amplitude Modulated methodology, proposed by Parzen (1963), and in the Lomb-Scargle (LOMB, 1976; SCARGLE, 1982) periodogram. In addition, we proposed estimators of autocovarianance and autocorrelation functions of time series, considering the connection between the time domain and frequency by means of the relation between the autocovariance function and the spectral density. Thus, in the first article of this thesis were presented three methods to estimate the au tocorrelation function of univariate stationary time series in the presence of missing data. The theoretical properties of the estimators were evaluated and their performances for finite sam ples investigated through a numerical simulation study. Finally, it was proposed the application of these methodologies to evaluate a time series of concentrations of PM10 of the Region of Greater Vit´ oria (RGV), Esp´ ırito Santo, Brazil, with missing data. The second article presents an estimation method for the autocorrelation and autocovariance functions of time series con sidering the connection between time domain and frequency. The asymptotic properties of the method are evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation study for different sample sizes and percentages of missing data. In the third article, which is the main contribution of this thesis, two methods were proposed to estimate the spectral density function of stationary time series in the presence of missing data. The effect of the percentage of missing data on the employed estimators was studied. The methods were analyzed through simulations and an application to actual PM10 data monitored at the RGV was also considered. allowed by regulators. In this regard, air quality issues have become increasingly important as a number of health problems arise from air pollution. In this way, several studies applied time series analysis techniques have been carried out, aiming to contribute as tools in the decision making of the public and private agents with respect to the prevention of high concentrations, the control of air pollution and the formulation legislation for this purpose. One of the statistical methodologies adopted is the spectral analysis, which is used to identify properties of the dataset, such as seasonality. However, it is noted that among studies that have adopted this technique, a common feature is to neglect the presence of missing data, which may lead to un derestimation of the accuracy of the results. Note that in the time series related to atmospheric pollution a frequent problem is the presence of missing data, usually due to the failure of the monitoring equipment. Thus, this paper concentrates on the study of methodologies used to estimate the autocorrelation function and the spectral density of univariate time series in the presence or absence of missing data. The suggested estimators are based on the Amplitude Modulated methodology, proposed by Parzen (1963), and in the Lomb-Scargle (LOMB, 1976; SCARGLE, 1982) periodogram. In addition, we proposed estimators of autocovarianance and autocorrelation functions of time series, considering the connection between the time domain and frequency by means of the relation between the autocovariance function and the spectral density. Thus, in the first article of this thesis were presented three methods to estimate the autocorrelation function of univariate stationary time series in the presence of missing data. The theoretical properties of the estimators were evaluated and their performances for finite samples investigated through a numerical simulation study. Finally, it was proposed the application of these methodologies to evaluate a time series of concentrations of PM10 of the Region of Greater Vit´ oria (RGV), Esp´ ırito Santo, Brazil, with missing data. The second article presents an estimation method for the autocorrelation and autocovariance functions of time series considering the connection between time domain and frequency. The asymptotic properties of the method are evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation study for different sample sizes and percentages of missing data. In the third article, which is the main contribution of this thesis, two methods were proposed to estimate the spectral density function of stationary time series in the presence of missing data. The effect of the percentage of missing data on the employed estimators was studied. The methods were analyzed through simulations and an application to actual PM10 data monitored at the RGV was also considered.
- ItemAnálise fatorial em series temporais com long-memory, outliers e sazonalidade : aplicação em poluição do ar na região da Grande Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-20) Sgrancio, Adriano Marcio; Reisen, Valdério Anselmo; Zielgmann, Flávio Augusto; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Bovas, Abraham; Thavanesswaran, AerambamoorthyStudies about air pollution typically involve measurements and analysis of pollutants, such as PM10 (particulate matter), SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and others. These data typically have important features like serial correlation, long dependency, seasonality and occurence of atypical observations, and many others, which may be analyzed by means of multivariate time series. In this context, a robust estimator of fractional robust autocovariance matrix of long dependence and seasonal frequency for SARFIMA model is proposed. The model is compared to SARMA model and is applied to SO2 concentrations. In addition of the mentioned features the data present high dimensionality in relation to sample size and number of variables. This fact complicates the analisys of the data using vector time series models. In the literature, the approach to mitigate this problem for high dimensional time series is to reduce the dimensionality using the factor analysis and principal component analysis. However, the long dependence characteristics and atypical observations, very common in air pollution series, is not considered by the standard factor analysis method. In this context, the standard factor model is extended to consider time series data presenting long dependence and outliers. The proposed method is applied to PM10 series of air quality monitoring network of the Greater Vitoria Region - ES.
- ItemAnálise Multicriterial, Teoria dos Jogos e Indicadores para Promoção da Intensificação Agrícola Sustentável em Pequenas Bacias Hidrográficas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-16) Ribeiro, Anna Paula Lage; Teixeira, Edmilson Costa;;;;; Ribeiro, Márcia Maria Rios;;; Buarque, Diogo Costa;;; Medeiros, Yvonilde Dantas Pinto;;; Reis, Jose Antonio Tosta dos;
- ItemAssessment of MSW management strategies for mid-sized metropolitan areas for developing countries(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-06-27) Ramalho, José Carlos Martins; Gama, João Luiz Calmon Nogueira da;;;;; Buarque, Diogo Costa;;; Rosa, Rodrigo de Alvarenga;;; Colvero, Diogo Appel;;; Bravo, Alencar SoaresThis goal of this thesis was to conduct an environmental and economic analysis of different MSW management strategies proposed for the municipalities of Great Vitória Metropolitan Region, in Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Even though the situation in this region is overall better than in the rest of the country, because the dumps were replaced by licensed landfills, the proposed diversion targets by the Brazilian Solid Waste Plan are a long way from being met. For that reason, the proposed technological road maps included options for biowaste treatments, namely open and closed composting, anaerobic digestion with energy recovery and biomethane production, and recycling. As for commingled waste disposal, incineration with energy recovery was put against landfilling. So, the first part of the study focused on the use of biomethane from anaerobic digestion by waste collection and transport vehicles compared to the current diesel counterparts. The results shown that using biomethane is a much better option, with about one tenth of environmental impacts of diesel. Conversely, both the second and third chapters analyzed the entire waste management system from an environmental and economic perspective, respectively. Overall, to abide the most ambitious diversion targets ensures the best results from both perspectives, i.e., to recycle and treat the biowaste as much as possible. As for the ways to achieve this, anaerobic digestion with biomethane production has the best environmental performance, even though it is more costly. However, if a social project instead of a profit-oriented one is foreseen, the service cost for the citizens increases only so slightly. The scenarios with incineration were penalized for their performance in toxicity impact categories, but were better than landfills regarding climate change. Additionally, the high investment costs may push investors away from incineration, since the current landfills are recent and one has energy recovery. Nonetheless, the service fees can actually decrease with incineration, again if no profit is sought in the investments. Finally, the focus of management should follow the waste hierarchy instead being sent directly to final disposal, because the fraction of biowaste represents half of the total municipal solid waste in the studies area, and recycling creates opportunities for including pickers in the materials recovery facilities.
- ItemASSESSMENT OF THE USEPA FLUX HOOD PERFORMANCE TO MEASURE VOLATILISATION RATE OF ODOROUS COMPOUNDS FROM PASSIVE LIQUID SURFACES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-28) Cupertino, Kamila Furtado; Santos, Jane Meri;;;;; Junior, Neyval Costa Reis;;; Azevedo, Luis Fernando Alzuguir;;; Goulart, Elisa Valentim;;; Junior, Ademir Abdala Prata; Stuetz, Richard M.abstract
- ItemAVALIAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE DE ÁGUAS ASSOCIADAS A SISTEMAS HEMODIALÍTICOS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-12) Gomes, Yohanna Mayelle; Cassini, Servio Tulio Alves;;;;; Goncalves, Ricardo Franci;;; Mendonca, Antonio Sergio Ferreira;;; Santos, Kenia Valeria dos;;; Schuenck, Ricardo Pinto;; objective of the research was to characterize the water quality for hemodialysis and to describe microorganisms present in the water. Ion chromatography methodologies were used to determine nutrient concentration in water, Elisa for microcystins detec
- ItemAvaliação de racionalidades do uso da água na agricultura : desenvolvimento de modelos conceituais e de procedimento metodológico em apoio à co/auto-gestão de microbacias(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-04-14) Lopes, Marcos Eugênio Pires de Azevedo; Teixeira, Edmilson Costa; Mendonça, Antônio Sérgio Ferreira; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Medeiros, Yvonilde Dantas Pinto; Paz, Vital Pedro da SilvaThis work presents the development of an innovative methodological procedure, applicable to real situations which integrates participatory methodology and multicriteria analysis. The adopted participatory methodology was the River Basin Game and the method utilised in the multicriteria analysis was the Weighted Average Method. The problematic that justified this study refers to: (a) a dominant understanding about the rationalisation of the use of water resources in irrigation that represents a partial perspective, essentially underpinned by the need of technological advances and (b) the imbalance in between formal and local water management, in part stemming from the aforementioned problematic, whereas various aspects are related to, amongst them, conceptual constraints of water policies, gap between technical-scientific institutions and society, low levels of society participation in water management. This reality results in the low (or inadequate) implementation of water policies that ends up perpetuating development models based on dominant concepts and, often, excluding society’s most disenfranchised groups. In this sense, the developed methodological procedure was applied in a real situation: the analysis of agricultural water management in the catchment of Sossego creek (Itarana city, Espirito Santo state, Brazil). In this area, smallholder farmers and irrigated agriculture are predominant. It was possible to analyse how the study area is subject to Brazilian formal water policy and faces water scarcity, predominantly due to intensification of and inadequate distribution of water in irrigation. The integration of the adopted tools was rather significant as, amongst other advances, it allowed, richly and significatively, the involvement of different stakeholders with diverse levels and kinds of knowledge (Academy, farmers, public institutions) aiming at the construction of a local model and the gathering of alternatives to the search for solutions to the inadequate water management. Hence, this promoted balance between local and technical knowledges. Furthermore, through the application of the methodological procedure, the dominant idea of rationalisation was corroborated, though there is evidence that new rationalities could be (or have already been) adopted, with the benefits and consolidation of adaptive co-management.
- ItemAvaliação do desempenho, da formação de depósitos e da composição da microbiota em um reator anaeróbio com membranas (AnMBR) tratando esgoto sanitário(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-10-02) Agostini, Rodolfo dos Santos de; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci;;;;; Cassini, Servio Tulio Alves;;; Subtil, Eduardo Lucas; Campos, Rosane Hein de;;; Silveira, Daniele Damasceno; Coelho, Edumar Ramos Cabral;; membrane reactors (AnMBR) have gained prominence in the in recent years, mainly due to its ability to decouple the time of detention hydraulic retention time of the cell, allowing for the slow growth of the anaerobic microorganisms, the adoption of high organic loads, and the obtaining quality effluents with good methane productivity. One of the The main limiting factors of AnMBR reactors is the formation of deposits in the membranes (fouling), which is associated with a complex interaction of factors biological, physical and chemical effects that occur in reactors, affecting in a transmembrane pressure and permeate flow are important. The Present The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of an AnMBR by treating sanitary effluent on a pilot scale and characterize the physical fouling layer and microbiologically. This work was divided into three articles. In the first article the treatment efficiency of the AnMBR reactor was evaluated in comparison to a UASB reactor, treating the same sanitary effluent. The AnMBR reactor featured greater efficiency in the removal of organic matter, solids and pathogens, with COD removal efficiencies of 87.1 ± 8.1%, OSH of 95 ± 5%, and 106 E. coli In the second article, the characterization of the fouling. An important influence of the cake layer on the reduction was observed of the permeability of the membranes, accounting for 80.1% of the resistance to filtration. The results point to a role of biopolymers in the fouling formation process in membranes. In the third article, the microbiological characterization of the mixed liquor of the reactor and the fouling layer. Great microbiological diversity was observed in the reactor, highlighting a nucleus of microorganisms formed by the Deltaproteobacteria classes, Clostridia, Bacteroidia and Epsilonproteobacteria, which correspond to 51.94% of the identified microorganisms. A great similarity was also found between the microorganisms present in the mixed liquor and in the cake layer, however Great differentiation in relation to membrane-adhered microorganisms After physical removal of the cake layer, 15 genera of microorganisms exclusively in this sample.
- ItemBootstrap Local para Séries Estacionárias Incompletas na Presença de Observações Atípicas: Uma Aplicação a Problemas na Área da Qualidade do Ar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-23) Solci, Carlo Correa; Reisen, Valderio Anselmo;;;;; Franco, Glaura da Conceicao;;; Junior, Neyval Costa Reis;;; Goulart, Elisa Valentim;;; Rodrigues, Paulo Jorge Canas;;; Bondon, Pascal; about air pollution typically involve measurements and analysis of pollutants, such as PM10 (particulate matter with diameter lower than 10 µm), SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and others. These data typically have important features like serial correlation, seasonality, missing observations and the presence of peaks that despite not being atypical observations (outliers) because of their high frequency of occurrence, can be modeled as such owing to the effect that they have on the series. All these features demand special attention during data analysis and complicate the obtainment of confidence intervals for the parameters of stationary time series models through asymptotic theory. With this motivation, this study proposed bootstrap methodologies in the frequency domain for weakly stationary time series in the presence of missing observations and/or of contamination by additive outliers. The suggested methodologies are based on the local bootstrap of Paparoditis & Politis (1999), with the robustness being achieved by the substitution of the classical periodogram with the M-periodogram of Reisen, L´evy-Leduc & Taqqu (2017) and when there is presence of missing observations the original time series is replaced by its amplitude modulated version proposed by Parzen (1963). In this context, the efficiency of the proposed bootstrap methodologies in estimating confidence intervals of parameters of models for weakly stationary time series was verified through Monte Carlo studies under different scenarios, including: additive outliers contamination and presence of missing observations. For comparison purposes, in some cases it was also considered the bootstrap methodology of Paparoditis & Politis (1999), as well as the parameter estimates without the bootstrap via the classical and robust versions of the methodologies of Whittle (1953) and of Dunsmuir & Robinson (1981). The practical purpose in air pollution is to evaluate if the confidence intervals of the parameters obtained by the robust methodologies present a reduction in the effect of left shift that the classical intervals have due to the memory loss caused by the additive outliers, in addition to the possibility of calculating these intervals without using imputation techniques to obtain a complete time series. The proposed bootstrap methodologies were applied to calculate confidence intervals of parameters of adjustment of the autoregressive (AR) model, and in some cases also of the seasonal autoregressive (SAR) model, to MP10 data of stations of the air quality monitoring network of the Greater Vitória Region - ES.
- ItemCaracterísticas sensoriais e o risco microbiológico em águas cinza tratadas para reúso predial(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-11-04) Oliveira, Laila de Oliveira Vaz; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci; Cassini, Sérvio Túlio Alves; Coelho, Edumar Ramos Cabral; Magri, Maria Elisa; Paulo, Paula LoureiroRisk perceptions are triggered by emotional reactions and are represented as a feeling or instinct to indicate quickly whether something is good or bad, safe or unsafe. Thus, judgment and perceptions of risk are less knowledge-based than "think" about a hazard and more about how you feel about it (affective reactions). Thus, perceptions as pleasant or unpleasant odor of the effluent to be reused can induce feelings of low or high risk to the user, directly influencing the user's decision to reuse the water. This study aims to analyze the sensory characteristics (odor) of the greywater at different stages of treatment to different types of reuse systems through sensory methodologies, and to evaluate the microbiological risk inserted into the reuse of greywater. The main focus is to identify possible links between these characteristics and their effects on the microbiological risk and the perception of the users of treated greywater. The main objective of the survey is to provide technical support for the practice of consolidation of reuse in Brazilian buildings according to criteria and parameters which ensure the health and environmental performance of building reuse greywater systems. Therefore, was developed three items: (1) Greywater reuse in buildings In Quantitative Assessment Of Microbiological Risk Perspective, (2) Quantitative Assessment Of Microbiological Risk Arising From Greywater reuse in buildings Treated For A Anaerobic Filter Followed From Wetlands and (3) Study of the perception of the reuse system user via olfactometry analysis of greywater treated at different quality levels. It is possible to establish a relationship between the olfactometry analysis and microbiological risk. The results of olfactometry analysis revealed that the treated effluent in Wetland presented odor with enough intensity to be perceived, even with their considerably reduced intensity indicating that treatment as satisfactory in removing the odor generating effluent of good acceptance and microbiologically safe, not adding risk the user. As technical support for the practice of consolidation of reuse in Brazilian buildings becomes plausible to propose a limit on water reuse in sanitary basin 1000NMP / 100ml without adding risk to the user.
- ItemCaracterização química e morfológica de partículas sedimentadas na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória - ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-06-27) Conti, Melina Moreira; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Kerr, Américo Adlai Franco Sansigolo; Andrade, Maria de Fátima; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Santos, Jane MériThe main objective of this thesis is to study the dustfall in the Metropolitan Region of the Great Vitória (RMGV),including an alysisordepositionflux, physico-chemical characterization, size distribution and morphologicalcharacterization to classifysource categories withhigh degree of similarityandcontributing to identifythe main sources of the region. The samples were collected between the months of May and November 2010 atfour sitesin RMGV, by using copper plates and samplers based on the American Standard ASTMD1739-98 (2004). The deposition flux was determinedby gravimetric methodbased on the Brazilian Standard ABNT MB3402 (1991). The analysis of the chemical composition andmorphology were performedby Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with individual-particle X-ray analysis(SEM/EDS). Threemaingroups of particles were found:particles with high contentofSi and Al with low concentrations of K, Ti and Fe; particles with high content of C; and particles with highcontent ofFe.The first group is probably aluminum silicatematerials related to the crust and dirt roads. The second group the particles may have anorganic origin, related to biogenic processes, burning or coal handling. For the third group, the particlesareprobablyrelated to iron-ore processingand steel manufacturingin the region. It wasalso found a significant presence of NaCl particles, C-Caand high content of Ca-Mg. It was observed that more than 95% of the sampled setted the particles are smaller than 10 μm pelleted, however, more than 95% of deposited mass correspondsto particles larger than 10 μm.Regarding the determination of originof the particles, a comparisonbetween the results obtained here and previous CMB source apportionment study, performed by using CMB, indicates that the results obtained by both techniques are fairlyconsistent, but the use of SEM/EDSenables better source separation/identification, since it relies not only on chemical composition but also on morphological characteristics of the particles.
- ItemChemical Characterization of Particles in Iron-rich Atmosphere of Urban and Industrialized Regions.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-30) Galvão, Elson Silva; Lima, Ana Teresa Macas; Stuetz, Richard Michael; Santos, Jane Meri; Albuquerque, Taciana de Almeida; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Andrade, Maria de Fátima; Martins, Jorge AlbertoEpidemiological studies have shown the association of airborne particulate matter (PM) size and chemical composition with health problemsaffecting the cardiorespiratory and central nervous systems. Therefore, PM source identification is an important step in air quality managementprograms. Receptor models are frequently used for PM source apportionment studies to identify the contribution of local sources. Despite the benefits of using receptormodels for air quality management, limitations such as collinearity effectsin which sources have similar chemical profilesrestrict their application or compromise theaccurate separation of sources. For highly correlated sources, the identification of specific markers is still the best way for more accurate source apportionment. There are several works using different analytical techniques in PM chemical and physical characterization to supply information forsource apportionment models. The choice amongavailable techniquesdepends on:particles physical properties, sampling and measuring time, access to facilities andthe costs associated to equipmentacquisition, among other considerations. Despite the numerous analytical techniques described in the literature for PM characterization, laboratories are normally limited to in-house available techniques, which raisesthequestion if a giventechnique is suitable for the purpose of a specific experimental work. In this work, the state of art on available technologies for PM characterizationis stablished anda guide to choose the most appropriate technique(s)for a specific study is proposed. A new approach is also proposed to identify the most appropriated sourcesassociated to the factors revealed by the Positive Matrix Factorization modelling by characterizing inorganic and organic chemical species and usingpollutant roses. PMsamples werecollected in a coastal, urban/industrialized region in Brazil andanalyzed by EDXRF, TD-GC-MS and TOC for the characterization of metals, PAHs, EC and OC. This region presents an atypical iron-rich atmosphere due to the presence of pelletizing and steelmaking industries. The proposed methodology revealed that consolidated markers for vehicular: elemental carbon(EC) and organic carbon (OC), sea salt: chloride (Cl) and sodium (Na), and industrial: iron (Fe) sources, were also associated to other sources. Cl,a typical marker of sea salt,was also attributed to industrial sintering activities. Some PMF factors showed high OC loadings, a typical marker for both vehicular exhaust and coal burning. The definitionof the most appropriate source for those factors was only possible due to the assessment of the pollutantroses. Potassium (K), a usual marker of biomass burning, was predominantly associated to winds from an industrial parkplaced at Northeast of the sampling sites and, therefore, most likely associated to sintering emissions. Some PAHs such as naphtalene, chrysene, phenanthrene, fluorine and acenaphtylene were keymarkers allowing the apportionment of sources with similar inorganic chemical profiles, among them theindustrialsintering, pelletizing and biomass burning. viiResults showedthat combining both organic and inorganic chemical markers with pollutant roses for identification of the directionality of predominant sources improved the interpretation of PMF factor numbers in source apportionment studies.In addition, theResonant Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction (RSr-XRD) technique wasconducted at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Synchrotron(LNLS) in Campinas, Brazil, to analyzesettleable particles (SP),totalsuspended particulate matter(TSP), PM10, andPM2.5samples showinghigh levels of iron-based crystalline phases. In comparison to the use of chemical elemental species, the identification of the crystalline phases provided an enhanced approach to classify specific iron-based source markers. α-Fe2O3, metallic Fe, FeS2andK2Fe2O4areassociated, respectively, toiron ore, pelletizing, and sintering; blast furnaces and steelmaking; coal deposits; andsintering emissions. The attribution of crystal rather than elemental composition in the identification of sources improvedthe accuracy of source apportionment studies.Compounds such as K2Fe2O4 andNH4ClO4 arespecificallylinked to thesintering process, mainly formed during raw materials furnace roasting. Uncommonsulfates crystalssuch as FeAl2(SO4)4.22H2O and (NH4)3Fe(SO4)3 present in the PM2.5 samples showed the high influence of α-Fe2O3in the atmospheric photo-reduction of Fe into sulfates. Results also showedhigh influence of other sourcesthan seawith a highClcontribution, such as sintering and coke ovens. Therefore, we believe that the use of receptor models in tandem with source profiles defined bycrystalline phases, elemental species, andorganic compounds, such as the PAHs, can improve distinction of highly correlated sources.
- ItemComportamento de antibióticos da classe das fluoroquinolonas na urina humana durante tratamento para reciclagem de nutrientes via estocagem e evaporação(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-08-03) Zancheta, Priscilla Garozi; Pena, Angelina Lopes Simões; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci; Kiperstok, Asher; Paulo, Paula Loureiro; Ramos, Rogério; Cassini, Sérvio Túlio AlvesThere are interesting prospects from the use of human urine as fertilizer in agricultural, mainly in developing countries due to high concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. However, the urine is the major route for excretion of drug and metabolites making it necessary to remove residues pharmaceutical to prevent longterm risks to the environment. The present work aim at developing and validating of a method for simultaneous quantification of the class of fluoroquinolones antibiotics, fluoroquinolones (FQs), ofloxacin (OFLO), norfloxacin (NOR) and ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) in human urine, to evaluate the behaviorof these antibioticsin human urine during treatment for recycling of nutrients for storage and evaporation and analyze the performance of solar evaporators for volume reduction of human urine. The method describes a method for analytical high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FD) without clean-up step which usually requires the use of large quantities of organic solvents and other procedures such as extraction solid phase. The method is selective with linearity of r> 0.99, sensitive, with recovery of 80% to 107% and suitable for routine analyzes (low cost, simple and use of small volume of solvent) for ecological approaches. This method was applied to evaluate the behavior of the three FQs in human urine during the storage and evaporation. Urine used for both treatments was collected only from males, healthy and without medication use. This was divided into two types, normal urine (without acidification) and acidified urine. During the two treatments were also evaluated the behavior of nutrients from human urine and microbiological analysis in normal urine during storage. For the analysis of the storage, the FQs were used only acidified urine and in evaporation the two kinds were used. The storage of the acidified urine was not able to reduce the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals in significant quantities, considering the detection limit of the chromatographic method (1.0 µg l -1). Therefore, monitoring the presence of these pharmaceuticals in human urine must be implemented, when the storage treatment is used as a single treatment. In microbiological tests realized with normal urine during the storage treatment, was found that after a period of 15 days and at room-temperature, the levels of total coliforms and E. coli tended to zero. The evaporation tests showed greater resistance to degradation for OFLO and high degradability for NOR and CIPRO under different conditions of pH and temperature. The urine acidification increased the resistance to degradation the NOR and CIPRO under the temperatures used. The speeds and efficiencies of degradation were reduced relatively to the tests with normal urine. It is concluded that acidification is not an effective method for the conservation of nitrogen and degradation of the OFLO in urine under evaporation conditions tested.For evaluation of evaporation in the two processes we used only acidified urine. The results showed that the volume can be reduced using both techniques. When related the rates of evaporation and energy efficiency, solar parabolic concentrator performed best over the evaporator tray, showing a shorter residence time and higher rates of degradation of FQs
- ItemConservação de água no projeto e operação de shopping centers: análise comparativa com base no método analytic hierarchy process (ahp)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-19) Bastos, Celso Silva; Gama, João Luiz Calmon Nogueira da; Lopes, Luis Manuel Bragança de Miranda e; Buarque, Diogo Costa; Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci; Elesbon, Abrahão Alexandre AldenUrban areas seeking new water service options, to ensure the supply. The academic literature deals with the thought that the water crisis is related to urban growth, however the predominant factor is the increased consumption, regardless of population growth, because behavioral factors should be reviewed to from simple daily habits. Entrepreneurs don't focus only on economic issues or on top of environmental discussion, as well ensuring autonomy, because water insecurity is increasingly growing. Development like shopping malls, can consume water equivalent to consumption of 5 thousand people. In order to know the perceptions of the actors involved in the projects and management of shopping malls, this work used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, with the support of Expert Choice software, with the application of questionnaires and the combined results among all those involved, to then compare them to the thoughts of researchers. The resulting data show that the knowledge of professionals and companies does not always correspond to the concepts of good practices in water conservation, since at a given moment, the blowdown, with low production, was the one of greater value of judgment, as alternative source. The survey carried out in the Vila Velha shopping center is a reflection of a project executed with few concepts of water consumption reduction. The indices of the offers and demands presented a possible reduction of consumption of drinking water, in the order of 49%, and this economy could have been higher if concepts of good practices in the development of the enterprise were contemplated. The basis of all actions lies in the knowledge and application, to produce more sustainable enterprise, with environmental, social and economic gains.
- ItemCorrelação entre percepção do incômodo e exposição ao material particulado presente na atmosfera e sedimentado(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-06-30) Melo, Milena Machado de; Reisen, Valdério Anselmo; Frere, Severine; Santos, Jane Meri; Leon, Antonio Carlos Monteiro Ponce de; Lisboa, Henrique de Melo; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo AlmeidaParticulate matter is an air pollutant that harms the health of humans, animals and plants, affects the climate and causes annoyance when settled on objects, materials and surfaces of common use. In metropolitan areas, particulate matter is originated mainly from industrial sources, carriers, soil suspension and construction sources by means of which the wind effects (direction and speed) promote the dispersion and sedimentation of the particles. This thesis investigates and evaluates the perception of annoyance caused by particulate matter in metropolitan and industrialized regions in order to identify the determinants of the perceived annoyance and its relation to the levels of particulate matter (PM10, PTS and Settled Particles). Data were collected through surveys conducted face-to-face and by telephone in the period 2011-2014 as well as concentration data of the measured pollutants in fixed stations monitoring air quality. Data were analysed through the application of multivariate statistical techniques, named multiple correspondence analysis, principal component analysis and both multiple and simple logistic regression. The results showed that approximately 90% of respondents reported being annoyed by air pollution, mainly by dust. Generally, the variables listed as determinants of annoyance are: importance of air quality, industrial risk perception, perception of pollution, occurrence of health problems, gender, occupation and age. The exposure versus response analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the perception of annoyance (reported by respondents) and particulate matter concentration levels (PM10, PTS and Settled Particles). This work contributes scientifically and socially in order to provide guidelines for setting a standard of air quality despite of the annoyance caused by settled particles in the area of Greater Vitoria (Brazil). Finally, by the analysis of the combined effect of pollutants, estimated values for the relative risk of annoyance showed that an increase in the particle deposition rate contributes significantly to increasing the risk of annoyance.