Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional

URI Permanente para esta coleção

Nível: Mestrado Profissional
Ano de início: 2006
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Portaria MEC nº 609, de 14/03/2019, publicada no DOU em 18/03/2019, seção 1, página 63. Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Matemática na Educação Básica
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    Considerações acerca do ensino de gráficos de funções quadráticas na rede estadual de ensino do Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-17) Xavier, Paulo Gustavo Magallan; Gonçalves Júnior, Etereldes;;;;; Dal Col Júnior, Alcebíades ;;; Prane, Bruna Zution Dalle;;
    In high school mathematics in Espírito Santo, quadratic functions occupy a notable place. However, in the study of its graph, the parable, fundamental elements such as the focus and the directrix are often neglected, as well as characteristics that have important applications such as the reflective property. We will therefore carry out a survey of previous work by PROFMAT colleagues on the topic in which we will highlight important notes that will serve as a basis for the considerations that will be made in this dissertation about teaching the graph of quadratic functions. These considerations will have the central concern of serving as guidance to fellow teachers in trying to minimize the aforementioned weaknesses
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    Exploração de distratores do ENEM como instrumento de ensino e aprendizagem em matemática
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-13) Santos, Rogério da Silva; Castro, Fábio Corrêa de;; Valentim, Fábio Júlio da Silva; Ferreira, Wenderson Marques
    This work investigates the errors in Mathematics made by students from public schools in ES in the ENEM. Through the ZBS Educação platform, it is possible to identify skills in which the target audience has a low level of mastery. The dissertation proposes a teaching practice centered on alternative resolutions and highlights "error" as part of the teaching and learning process. It also helps teachers and guidelines in planning strategies to overcome historical difficulties and also contribute to university approvals.
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    O poder dos juros compostos em investimentos de longo prazo - uma proposta de sequência didática
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-05) Ribeiro Júnior, Sérgio Baldotto; Bayer, Valmecir Antônio dos Santos;; Rosado Filho, Moacir; Silva, Pedro Mattos da
    This paper proposes a sequence of activities to introduce the topic of compound interest in high school classes, also focusing on financial education. The aim is to show how the exponential impact of compound interest can, in the long term, boost the growth of investments or debts influencing the construction of an individual’s financial wealth. Some activities also give a first idea of the basic aspects of the Brazilian National Social Security (INSS), evaluating the positive and negative points, assisting in decision-making and possibly in the construction of investments that form a complementary retirement plan. When developing the activities, we try to work with the concepts of simple interest and compound interest in a contextualized way, using simple and accessible language. To support the preparation of this dissertation, we have analyzed the PROFMAT dissertation database in search of papers that contained in their titles the terms "Financial Mathematics," "Investments," and "Didactic Sequence" to verify which of them had more similarity with the objective of this dissertation. Also, we observed the strengths and main strategies used in the proposed activities thus enabling the elaboration of exercises that have a more efficient reach and lead to the building of skills in students that promote confident decision-making for a healthier financial life. As a main result, we expect that the didactic sequence proposed here will help students to realize that, in the long term, the dividends generated by financial applications outweigh the monthly contributions and represent the largest part of the individual’s wealth, thus evidencing the exponential effect of compound interest, which is also known as the "snowball effect".
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    O ensino da Probabilidade com foco no ENEM
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-05) Fernandes, Dariomar Cano; Bayer, Valmecir Antonio dos Santos ;;;;; Rosado Filho, Moacir ;;; Silva, Pedro Matos;;
    The probability is present in human reasoning throughout the entire lifetime in different events: in a perspective of winning a prize, by guessing the sex of a baby, whether there willbe sun or rain, and others. The doubt regarding whether these events will occur or not encourage the interest of the spectators and of all the people involved. The probability study in Elementary and High School presents formulas and rules used to analyze these probabilities. This dissertation will approach this issue by investigate the methodology used in teaching these calculations and by contextualizing the contents and observe the examples resolutions. A research has been made based on a group of students who solved the proposed questions presented in the Brazilian National High School Exam. This students group discussed about the mistakes, difficulties and the right answers. An intervention has been made developed from this discussion in order to improve the students’ performance in exams during this year which has generated a high level o flearning. There was a highly satisfactory number of hits. Most mistakes have been occurred due to carelessness, text comprehension problems and by the anxiety common to many people when they are making exams, mainly due to the limited time and their classificatory nature. Therefore, it has been showed that there is a necessity to increase the number of training hours and activities resolutions in order to rise the students’ security. Besides practicing the resolutions, the students also need to practice and manage calm and concentration
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    Contribuições para o ensino de geometria espacial com uso do GeoGebra em articulação com realidade aumentada
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-03) Macedo, Fabrício Alves; Araujo, Alancardek Pereira;; Valentim, Fábio Júlio da Silva; Magela, Mateus Mendes
    This dissertation presents a didactic sequence for teaching the area and volume of prisms and pyramids, using the Geogebra application with augmented reality as a support tool. The aim of the study is to explore the pedagogical potential of technology in the teaching of spatial geometry, seeking to provide more dynamic and meaningful learning for high school students. The work begins with a review of the fundamental concepts of spatial geometry, including definitions of prisms, pyramids and calculations of their areas and volumes. It then goes on to detail the didactic sequence developed, which was applied to secondary school students. The sequence includes activities for constructing and manipulating geometric solids using Geogebra, allowing students to visualize and interact with three-dimensional objects in an innovative way, facilitating understanding of the overarching concepts.