Mestrado em Geografia
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2007
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemO ciclo de vida familiar e a mobilidade residencial das famílias na RMGV em 2010 e 2022(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-12) Veloso, Gearley Leopoldino; Aparício, Cimar Alejandro Prieto; Dota, Ednelson Mariano;; Castiglioni, Aurélia Hermínia; Lobo, CarlosThe family is a fundamental institution, playing a central role in social organization and the production of urban space. Demographic and socioeconomic transformations throughout the 20th century have influenced both family structures and the spatial distribution of households, particularly in Brazilian metropolitan regions. Despite extensive literature on migration and urbanization, the familial dimension in the context of population spatial mobility remains underexplored, particularly concerning residential mobility patterns and their relationship with social inequalities. This dissertation aims to understand how family organization shapes urban structures and the spatial distribution of households in the Greater Vitória Metropolitan Region (RMGV), addressing residential mobility patterns in correlation with socioeconomic inequalities and the family life cycle. The research adopts a quantitative approach, conducting spatial analysis of intrametropolitan migration and indicators derived from 2010 census data. The analysis revealed that intrametropolitan migration in the RMGV during the period was influenced by income disparities. Many migrants concentrated in Vitória's central areas and nearby regions, contrasting with the high-income coastal areas, which exhibited a lower presence of migrants. Interdependencies among municipalities such as Vitória, Vila Velha, Cariacica, and Viana were observed, highlighting historical influences jointly driving metropolitan urban expansion. Descriptive statistical analyses were also employed to examine the relationships between household arrangements and residential mobility. Residential mobility is influenced by socioeconomic conditions and the family life cycle, occurring earlier in high-vulnerability areas due to economic pressures affecting household arrangements, particularly single-parent households. In contrast, residential mobility in low vulnerability areas tends to be delayed due to greater economic stability across various household typologies. These findings underscore the importance of the family as a unit of analysis, enhancing the understanding of the relationship between residential mobility and family arrangements—an aspect that remains insufficiently explored in the literature.
- ItemPluviosidade e movimentos de massa nas áreas de risco do Maciço de Jaburuna, Vila Velha–ES: um estudo de correlação como subsídio para boas práticas de proteção e defesa civil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-31) Felix, Fernando de Almeida; Goulart, Antônio Celso de Oliveira;; Coelho, André Luiz Nascentes; Zamprogno, Bartolomeu; Paula, Eduardo Vedor deThe town of Vila Velha, placed on the Metropolitan Region of Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo, has been historically affected by mass movement, associated to extreme events of rain. The occurrence of those phenomenon in urban environments shows great potential to cause disasters and human, material, and environmental losses. This research has the objective of elaborating a study to estimate a correlation between rainfall and mass movements events, by means of an empirical based model of measured rain database and geodynamic process registers in the risk areas of Maciço de Jaburuna, Vila Velha – ES through the analysis of inspection report from municipality Civil Defense, in order to produce a subsidy to deploy early warning systems and to implement others good practices on Civil’s Protection and Defense. There were identified 43 geological occurrences registered in this location during the period of 2005 to 2022, surveying the specification of the landslide, the event date, the horary, the kind of rupture occurred and the geographic coordinates of each one of these processes, which could be correlated with the information obtained from the rainfall database built to this region. The evaluation of the correlation curves indicates the time intervals of 6 hours, 24 hours and 96 hours are the most influential in triggering landslides. Notably, the great intensity and short-term rains play a significant role. The analysis suggests that these rains can cause mass movement independently of early accumulated rainfall. The minimum values observed for geological events are 22.99 mm/6h, 39.22 mm/24h and 53.63 mm/96h, defined as monitoring thresholds at the observation level. Values above 39.22 mm/6h, 39.22 mm/24h and 58.08 mm/96h have been defined as attention level thresholds. As warning level thresholds, values above 93.91 mm/6h, 111.23 mm/24h and 132.05 mm/96h were established.
- ItemAnálise da difusão espacial da COVID-19 no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-28) Rodrigues, Maicon dos Santos; Catão, Rafael de Castro;; Miranda, Marina Jorge de; Faria, Rivaldo Mauro deAppeared in 2019, in China, COVID-19 arrived in Rio Grande do Sul in February 2020, revealing major challenges in the detection, notification and treatment of cases, in addition to promoting intense disputes in the sphere of public administration in search of mitigating its impacts. in public health, human relations and the production process. In this context, this research analyzes the spatio-temporal dynamics of COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the period between February 2020 and January 2023, with the aim of understanding the pattern of spread of the disease and analyzing political decisions in managing this health crisis, seeking to discuss future strategies for new cases of spread of viral epidemics in the state. Geography has shown itself throughout history as an important instrument for articulating different areas of thought and, in the case of Health Geography, its spatial analysis techniques have been used in mapping since the 19th century for this purpose, when under the theoretical focus of Medical Geography. This research was designed based on public data on COVID-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, collected on January 15, 2023. To process the data in order to understand the behavior of the pandemic in the state's territory, the method of Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data, which made it possible to identify propagation patterns that, when crossed with the spatial structures of the territory and its demographic characteristics, offered fundamental reading keys to achieve the proposed objectives. The spatial behavior of the disease between epidemiological weeks nine and 36 showed the diffusion characteristics that predominated in different periods in the state. The observed expansion was influenced by intense flows from metropolitan regions, with a rapid advance to the north coast and, later, to the north region. The final completion of the saturation of contaminated municipalities occurred in the general West and South direction. This study finally revealed that demographic density and the complexity of economic connections were drivers of COVID-19 in the territory. The disease initially took hold in large and medium-sized municipalities, traveling along the federal highways BR290, 116 and 386, later spreading to other highways with lower traffic. COVID-19 as an actor deforming space and human relations showed the weaknesses and choices based on the logic of governmentality of the subject in the 21st Century.
- Item“Tudo é mãe”: geografias do cotidiano de mulheres chefes de famílias monoparentais na região da grande São Pedro, Vitória/ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-06) Assis, Kamilly Antunes de; Martins, isis do Mar Marques;; Robaina, Igor Martins Medeiros;;; Girardi, Gisele; Plácido, Vera Lúcia Santos; Pires, Rosely Maria da SilvaThe spectrum of themes in studies about families within the Humanities is diverse, making it a well-established subject. In Geography, the trajectory of these studies develops from the issues that encompass this group as agents of production and reproduction of socio-spatial actions and relationships. Considering this approach, the project 'Family demographic dynamics and migration patterns in Brazil: transformations since the 1990s' was developed, to which this master's research is linked and expands upon, addressing female-headed single-parent families in the Greater São Pedro region of Vitória, ES. The study aimed to understand the impacts of female-headed households on the formation of spatialities in these women's life trajectories. This spatial-temporal dimension involves ruptures and continuities related to aspects of unequal gender relations, contributing to the meaning of female leadership. To achieve this, the research was methodologically guided by a qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews, in which the everyday life experiences of these women were analyzed, focusing on aspects such as residential mobility, productive work dynamics, formation of social protection networks, and life projects. From this perspective, family leadership emerges as a process where structural adversities coexist with a set of events, practices, and daily actions mobilized by women towards exercising family leadership, specifically concentrating on raising their children. The spatial dimension formed in this context is established in relation to the characteristics of women's time use and their daily mobilities, which open up as a means and condition for understanding their entry and permanence in this position.
- ItemGeomorfologia antropogênica aplicada em obra rodoviária paralisada na BR-342 no município de Ecoporanga - ES com apoio de geotecnologias contemporâneas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-30) Barros, Lincoln Duques de; Goulart, Antônio Celso de Oliveira;;;; Coelho, André Luiz Nascentes; Ramos, André Luís DemunerThis research aims to understand the role of humans as geomorphological agents, identifying and classifying new relief forms generated by anthropogenic activity, both direct (created) and indirect (induced), resulting from halted earthworks and the acceleration of erosion processes along the BR-342 highway in the municipality of Ecoporanga, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The objective is to classify types of anthropogenic relief based on the concept of current process forms, derived from the 6th taxon of Ross, and to propose an interface between Anthropogenic Geomorphology and Road Engineering, combining and adapting different methodologies, while also highlighting environmental impacts. The choice of this theme is justified by the scarcity of studies on Geomorphology applied to terrestrial transport infrastructure supported by contemporary geotechnologies, as well as the challenges in identifying and characterizing landscapes with anthropogenic morphologies. Through the application of presented concepts and with the support of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry integrated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), it was possible to conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses for the classification of anthropogenic road morphologies and their relationships with the original geomorphological system. Geoprocessing techniques for analysis and the production of characterization maps for the study area, fieldwork, data collection via UAV, photogrammetric post-processing, generation of new high-resolution geospatial data, photointerpretation, and spatial analysis were crucial for identifying, characterizing, and classifying current process forms and the impacts caused on the environment. The results obtained reveal the various possibilities for applying the proposed methodology, particularly through the use of geotechnologies, which are essential for improved planning and serve as auxiliary tools for decision-making processes in departments of transportation and infrastructure agencies, as well as environmental bodies, especially for actions aimed at planning, environmental recovery, and achieving a better balance in the relationships between society and nature.