Doutorado em Letras

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Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2010
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.136 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51)
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS
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  • Item
    Literatura e política : conflitos, ditaduras, guerras em verso e prosa
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-22) Vogas, Vitor Bourguignon; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia Dalvi ;;; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira ;;;;; Martinelli Filho, Nelson;;; Dutra, Paulo Roberto de Souza ;;; Alves, José Hélder Pinheiro ;;; Paula, Marcelo Ferraz de ;;
    With a distinctly fragmentary nature, this thesis proposes an extensive reflection, based on literary texts, on the far-right mentality that has resurged in contemporary Brazil, governed the country from 2019 to 2022, and ultimately traces back to the Nazifascism that culminated in World War II. Throughout the following pages, I intend to examine how this ideology, or “system of thought” (LEVI, 1988, p. 7), resonates in our present, with a detour through the Southern Cone dictatorships of the 1970s. To achieve this, I have structured seven essays on various authors, constituting the first part of the thesis, followed by a compilation of 39 Political Broadsheets authored by myself, presented in the second part. The chapters follow a guiding axis: all converge on the phenomenon of the resurgence of the far-right in Brazil, with distant roots explored throughout the work. At first glance, the chapters may appear independent – and they may indeed be read as such. However, they also interact with each other, forming a chronological and cohesive whole, centered around a central idea that pervades them all: on one side, political authoritarianism in its various facets; on the other, literature, in both prose and verse, that serves as political testimony and resistance through multiple approaches and artistic dimensions, which precisely rises, through the medium of art, against various forms of authoritarianism and state violence throughout history. This is the fundamental opposition that I will address here. To this end, I will critically and analytically explore lyrical and narrative texts (mostly direct or empathetic testimony) by authors such as Primo Levi, Svetlana Alexievich, Raul Seixas, Luisa Valenzuela, Bernardo Kucinski, Pedro Tierra, Beatriz Leal, and Alex Polari, culminating in a compilation of my Political Broadsheets produced over the past decade (2014-2024) as a professional journalist. My analysis will be grounded in the critical, theoretical, and philosophical contributions of thinkers such as Theodor Adorno, Jaime Ginzburg, Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Alfredo Bosi, Maria Zilda Cury, and Alberto Pucheu. In the amalgamation of the fragments of this grand mosaic offered to readers, I hope the central argument I propose will emerge: the ideological premise underlying Nazifascism, a system of thought that not only endorses the idea of the summary elimination of the other but also practices it, currently finds conducive conditions to resurge in Brazil, in an updated version condensed into “Bolsonarism,” just as it found fertile ground to flourish during the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship of 1964-1985 and in the concurrent exception regimes of neighboring countries like Argentina
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    Ditadura militar brasileira e violência de gênero em Tropical sol da liberdade, de Ana Maria Machado
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-21) Bergami, Lucinei Maria; Martinelli Filho, Nelson;; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Paz, Gaspar Leal; Cunha, Marcelo Durão Rodrigues da; Dadalto, Weverson
    Based on a reading of Tropical sol da Liberdade (2012), a novel by Rio de Janeiro writer Ana Maria Machado (1941), this text investigates the trajectory of the character Helena, before, during and after her exile, due to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship. The memories of the protagonist's childhood, youth and adult life, especially the period before and after her exile, in addition to the dialogue she establishes with her mother Amália, bear witness to the dictatorial era and the suffering of a community. Based on this narrative context, the research is based on aspects that date back to real events during the dictatorship, the social role of women, gender-based violence perpetrated by the regime, as well as the traces left by the military during the 21 years of repression. Not without reason, the development of this investigation included the contributions of scholars Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Wilberth Salgueiro, Jaime Ginzburg, Regina Dalcastagnè, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Nelson Martinelli Filho, Edward Said, Shoshana Felman, Aleida Assmann, Paul Ricoeur, between others. This thesis, therefore, joins the voices that call for not forgetting global catastrophes, dictatorships, mass extermination and any type of violence attributed to women.
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    Faces da violência na literatura de Luís Dill : um estudo de três narrativas para jovens
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-29) Souza, Danilo Fernandes Sampaio de; Silva, Arlene Batista da ;;;;; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia Dalvi;;; Paz, Gaspar Leal;;; Martha, Alice Áurea Penteado ;;; Ramalhete, Mariana Passos ;;
    This thesis is linked to the investigations of the Research Line “Literature: creative writing, translation and teaching” of the Postgraduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, integrating the dialogues of the Research Group “Literature and Education” of the same institution. With a qualitative approach and bibliographic-documentary character, this study aimed to investigate the different faces of violence in the youth literature of the Gaucho author Luís Dill. For this, three works were selected that make up the main corpus of analysis: The night of the emeralds (1997), The day in which Luca did not return (2009) and 100 thousand followers (2019), each representing a different decade of the writer's literary production. The analysis and interpretation of the presence of different forms of violence in the selected works were based on theoretical studies on the subject, such as those by Yves Michaud, Slavoj Žižek, Byung-Chul Han and Marilena Chauí, among other researchers. Furthermore, the work dialogued with research on contemporary Brazilian literature, from authors such as Karl Erik Schøllhammer, Tânia Pellegrini and Jaime Ginzburg, and investigations on Brazilian youth narrative, with contributions from João Luís Ceccantini and Alice Áurea Penteado Martha, among others. The analyzes indicated a progression in the forms and manifestations of violence in Luís Dill's narratives, reflecting the current political-economic system in contemporary times. Through his texts, the author constructs a credible reality, based on the historical and social conditions of the objective world, at the same time as he carries out a scathing critique of the modus operandi of capitalist society. His works show how violence finds different ways of existing and reinventing itself over time
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    O lugar do negro na formação nacional na produção literária de Carolina Maria de Jesus
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-08) Leonardeli, Poliana Bernabé; Dutra, Paulo Roberto de Souza ;;;;; Caser, Maria Mirtis ;;; Forde, Gustavo Henrique Araújo;;; Oliveira, Luiz Henrique Silva de ;;; Gonçalves, Ana Beatriz Rodrigues ;
    This is the english abstract.This research focuses on the study of three works by the writer Carolina Maria de Jesus, Quarto de Eviction: Diary of a Favelada (1960), Diário de Bitita (1986) and Casa de Alvenaria: Diary of an Ex-Favelada (1961), in which the author articulates her Afro-diasporic experience with the trajectory of national formation. The hypothesis of this work is that Carolina’s production reflects the trajectory of the black Brazilian people, as her literature is based on strong national social contradictions, which emerge from her production through a dialogical network that is linked to the African diaspora and the black-Brazilian diaspora. In view of this, through their narratives, the black body is delineated which, subjected to a project of Eurocentric power, transits in national rural and urban spatiality. In this way, his text broadens the understanding of the trajectory of these subjects in the face of the socioeconomic changes to which the country was subject after abolition, demonstrating, in the meantime, how, although legally free, these individuals continued to be immersed in a violent system of exploitation of their work and the plundering of their culture. That said, it is possible to affirm that Carolinian literature provides a broad and critical overview of the condition of black people in the national territory, especially in the first years of the republican period. To this end, the author articulates, metaliterally, her trajectory in the context of capitalism and the working conditions of black people under this new regime. This research also points out that this production was important for the advancement of national literature, as it caused ruptures in the canon by deconstructing stereotypical and discriminatory images about black people and their cultures, making use of an innovative linguistic structure and a dialogical network of senses. The research methodology adopted is bibliographical, and the analysis procedure of the works is guided by the historical-dialectical materialist method, as a way of analyzing, with more property, the developments of the national Afro-diasporic trajectory, mainly in the face of socio-cultural transformations. historical events that occurred in a context of the rise of capitalism as an economic model
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    A infância de Guirigó e de outras crianças da obra de João Guimarães Rosa
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-11-27) Oliveira, Rízia Lima; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira ;; Martini, Marcus De ; Belúzio, Rafael Fava ; Lima, Sandra Mara Moraes ; Sarmento-Pantoja, Tânia Maria Pereira
    Thinking about the relationship between childhood and Literature, we propose a consideration of child characters in the work of João Guimarães Rosa, taking as a starting point the boy Guirigó, from the novel Grande sertão: veredas, in order to deepen the study of the social constitution of the child as a product of the backlands environment, marked by misery and violence, considering its physical, psychological and social aspects and its black origin. The analysis of other boys and girls who are characters in the complete works of Guimarães Rosa will be presented, with the aim of tracing, based on similarities and differences, the construction of the boy Guirigó. To this end, Rosa's critical fortune and important texts by authors such as Antonio Candido, Vania Maria Resende, Willi Bolle were fundamental for the construction of the analyses. The corpus is composed of critical studies that relate Literature and History, with support from theoretical studies such as those by Alfredo Bosi and Giorgio Agamben, aiming to problematize (a) the way in which childhood was conceived for Brazilian society within and outside literature, (b) the place of children in literature and (c) the way in which, in works by the same author, it is possible to find a diversity of childhoods, some of them marked by misery, inequality and violence, while others are surrounded by care and privileges. Theoretical, philosophical and conceptual works on childhood, violence, character composition and the role of the boy in literature, by authors such as Mary Del Priore, Philippe Ariès, Walter Benjamin and Roberto Schwarz were used for discussions about the creation of this role and its aspects. The aim, in addition to surveying the recurrence of childhood in the work of the author from Minas Gerais, is to consider the unusual among childhoods. Therefore, what we seek is what is unusual between Guirigó and other children of João Guimarães Rosa