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Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2010
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.136 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51)
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS
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- ItemLa influencia del blues y el jazz en tres autoras afro-estadounidenses: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker y Gayl Jones(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-05-27) Cobo Piñero, María Rocío; Guijarro González, Juan Ignacio; Coser, Stelamaris; Rudolphi, Maria Frias; Raidagas, David Rio; Iglesia, María Ángeles Toda; Gomes, Heloísa Toller; Almeida, Júlia Maria Costa deThis Thesis approaches blues and jazz from a multiple perspective: as literary themes, as transgressive rhythms, as sites of vindication and as symbols of the music that emerged from the cultural contact during the diaspora. We explore the influence of these musical genres in three literary works written by each of the following authors: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Gayl Jones. These texts, mainly published between the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, show the influence of the musical legacy of the female blues singers, the syncopated rhythms of jazz and the vernacular culture of US African descendants. Female black writers break with the literary tradition of connecting just male authors with blues and jazz, leading the black female literary renaissance of the 1970s. This investigation brings together black feminist criticism, literary studies, and the history of black music to establish the role of blues and jazz as a means of resistance to race, class, and gender inequalities; the latter was pointed out by the female blues singers first and by the authors analyzed in this Thesis afterwards. The connection between the social background of music and the historical time in which the literary texts are settled is highly emphasized in this study.
- ItemLiteratura oral e performance: a identidade e a ancestralidade no Ticumbi de Conceição da Barra, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-06-30) Schiffler, Michele Freire; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Queiroz, marino Oliveira de; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira de; Oliveira, Jurema José de; Lyra, Maria Bernadette Cunha deThis research examines the importance of oral literature in quilombola communities identity building from the North area of Espirito Santo State, known as “Sapê do Norte”. It is observed their singing, their plot, melody, tune, verbal and body performance which were recorded and transcribed from the regional festival “Baile de Congos de São Benedito”. The corpus shows a series of social tensions surrounding the region of “Sapê do Norte” communities, which shows a strong relation between cultural heritage, ancestry, and territorial issues, as well as constant processes of dispossession and hybridism in the religious, social, and linguistic fields. In performance, past time is present in the memories of African traditions, which are lived and updated in speech moments, enabling an hybrid symbolic writing that translates its plural identity narrative for the historical subjects from Ticumbi. It is in this tension space that tradition and ancestrality are sung in verses from the “Bailes de Congo” and became part of the local culture, engendered by traditions and fights. It is a place where wealth, wisdom, and symbolic universe of communities comprise an intangible cultural heritage to be preserved, wide spread and socially legitimated.
- ItemA representação do espaço na Odisseia: definindo isotopias, heterotopias e utopias na Grécia antiga (séculos X-VIII a.C)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-08-18) Gabrecht, Ana Penha; Silva, Gilvan Ventura da; Lima, Alexandre Carneiro Cerqueira; Sebastiani, Breno Batistin; Lessa, Fábio de Souza; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Leite, Leni RibeiroThe Ancient Iron Age (12th -8th b. C.), in continental Greece, was a moment in which communities were transitioning from a process of isolation. After the destruction of the Mycenaean palaces – a series of simultaneous events that took place around the turn from the 13th to the 12th century b. C. – the Greek world plunged into a period that lasted about four centuries – between the 11th and the 8th centuries b. C. – in which an accentuated reduction of material production and of demographical development was felt. At the same time, the disappearance of written documentation hampers the understanding of what happened during those centuries. A researcher interested in that period of Greek History is able to use, besides the analysis of elements of material culture, the two epic poems traditionally assigned to Homer: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Orally transmitted through a long chain of rhapsodes and fixed in writing around the 7th or 6th century b. C., they transmit important information about the societies that lived in Greece at different moments in time. While we are aware that the works attributed to Homer are poetic texts, we believe that Literature can be an important instrument to historians, if we consider that literary genres are closely related to the historic conditions that produced them. Therefore, in this research, we decided to use the Odyssey as source of analysis, because it is considered to have been composed later than the Iliad, and, consequently, more representative of the final phase of the Ancient Iron Age. We will refer, especially, to the process of formation of new Greek settlements outside of continental Greece, mainly in the Italic Peninsula, which represented, in our opinion, a reconfiguration in how space is understood. We believe that, based on excerpts of the Odyssey, it is possible to understand the process of formation of identities and alterities in the Greek world, especially during the 7th century b. C., the period in which we concentrate our studies, because that was a moment of radical transformation for the Greeks. In this reseach, we associated the spaces described by Homer, to the concepts of isotopia, utopia, and heterotopia as developed in Henri Lefebvre’s theoretical table, in order to capture how one could define a Greek identity. Keywords: Odyssey. Homer. Space.
- ItemA intuição como método na composição de Água viva (versão final), de Clarice Lispector: a vizinhança da literatura e a filosofia de Bergson(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-08-26) Oliveira, Carlos André de; Soares, Luís Eustáquio; Miranda, Wander Melo; Chiaretto, Marcelo; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia Dalvi; Azevedo Filho, Deneval Siqueira deThe present study aims to investigate the intuition as the method of creating Clarice Lispector process, analyzing the relationships between literature and philosophy. It can be seen in the writings of this author a thinking experience with literary language in the vicinity of philosophy. The Water Live text (final version), border text, which is located in the medial space, the margin between the literary and philosophical, is the main corpus of this work, allowing certain boundaries. However, other texts Clarice also serve as support of research. The hypothesis guiding this research would be that the literary work of this author was ever actually thought about. No logical thinking, rational, Cartesian or existentialist. But another mode of thought: the thought behind the thought, the duration, and its variations, which in our view is directly linked to intuition and allows closer Clarice Lispector and the philosophy of Henri Bergson. But our goal is not to seek a relationship of absolute identity between the literature of Clarice Lispector and the philosophy of Henri Bergson, but to find becomings which are linked with or coexist in levels, in areas of proximity, indiscernibility, undifferentiated . The intuition that appears in the text of Clarice Lispector is not identical to Bergson (philosophical intuition), but another kind of intuition: the aesthetic intuition that goes further than philosophy because it makes things more in length, putting us directly duration in real temporality.
- ItemLinguagem, poema e indizível: grafismos de uma poética em Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-08-27) Borges, Alexander Jeferson Nassau; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Gonda, Gumercinda Nascimento; Ornellas, Sandro Santos; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia DalviThe corpus of this thesis is Obra breve, the poetic reunion of Portuguese author Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão (1938-2007), and its theme is the conformation of the self in her body of language, in the construction of provisory significations of poetic subjectivity through experiences of both the rupture of established notions of world and the subject translated in writing. We seek to comprehend how this poetic gesture implicates the contact with the unexpected, the inapprehensible aspects of poetical meaning, which is reflected in the subjective search and its own limits — especially when there are vacuums, silences that live in the acts of speech, unutterable, whose traces indicate that the subject inscribed in this space is an effect of the same act of incompleteness.
- ItemElegias de Tibulo: tradução e comentário(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-27) Alves, João Paulo Matedi; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa de; Martins, Paulo; Prado, João Batista Toledo; Leite, Leni Ribeiro; Sodré, Paulo RobertoThis study proposes a literary translation of ancient Roman writer Albius Tibullus and a comment-study that simultaneously reveals aspects of the poet’s elegies and a little of the translation steps, the mechanics of its construction. In this picture, we propose the simultaneous genesis of translation and comment because one justifies the other's existence. Within the comment, Tibullus’ work and the translation choices emerge side by side, in a single move. In order to create this proposal, this study points to (as necessary and enriching tool) the literary translator’s job as a fruit of translation “theory”, some critical studies on Tibullus and ancient poetry, and readings of philological comments on the classic poet’s elegies. By gathering such material, we expect to understand aspects of Tibullus’ elegies and the translation project in these pages, as well as cooperating to understand the ancient elegiac genre among us.
- ItemEntre o encenado, o visto e o escrito : o silêncio : escuta do diário de Frida Kahlo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-27) Del Maestro, Maria da Penha Kopernick; Siega, Paula Regina; Pereira, André Luis Mitidieri; Lyra, Maria Bernadette Cunha de; Dalvi, Maria Amélia; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz doThe central corpus of this research is The Diary of Frida Kahlo, an intimate self-portrait, posthumous edition of the report made by the artist in the last ten years of his life (1944- 1954). The book is composed of a hybrid text overlapping self-portraits, colors, collages, figures and various types of writing: thoughts, poems, letters and stories of dreams, mixed with everyday alleged author. As it appears in its public version, the diary seems to be a passive interlocutor of Frida Kahlo’s thought, apparently disordered and illogical. But, for him, we can see the power and the fragility of the work and figure of the author, and the ability to resist living within your time and pass him through his artistic legacy, in which we find traces of his personal memory, indivisible of Mexican memory.From theoretical postulates about the writing itself, autobiography, diary, memory and performance, as well as on the history andculture of Mexico, we’ll try to understand how Frida Kahlo builds this hybrid form. Styling-pictorial text and interpreting it as a manifestation of the author's poetic, we will try to verify the hypothesis that, in his diary, Frida Kahlo uses performance to stage for herself and her work, mise en abyme.
- ItemPoéticas da visualidade: a literatura multigenérica na cena contemporânea brasileira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-27) Pimentel, Daise de Souza; Azevedo Filho, Deneval Siqueira de; Trefzer, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Paiva, Jair Miranda de; Delmaschio, Andreia Penha; Souza, Geraldo Majella deThis work proposes a panoramic investigation on Brazilian Contemporary Literature. Its main focus is the mixture of the several codes and hybrid genres in this literature. The multiartist Nuno Ramos appears as the main writer who represents this tendency. His works Cujo (1993), O pão do corvo (2001), Ensaio Geral (2007), Ó (2008), and Junco (2011) are analysed briefly in this dissertation. In a complementary way, my text also brings to light some brief analyses on short stories by Silviano Santiago, Sérgio Sant’Anna and João Gilberto Noll and on a novel by Lourenço Mutarelli, a graphic-novel writer. To give theorical support to my own arguments, I had the help of texts by Walter Benjamin, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière, David Harvey, Hal Foster, Georges DidiHuberman, Catherine Millet, Anne Cauquelin, Lucia Helena, Helena Bonito Pereira, Karl Erik Schøllhammer, Eduardo Jorge and others literary philosophers, historians and critics of the current art.
- ItemMemória social em Leite derramado, de Chico Buarque : uma alegoria da formação do Brasil moderno(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-30) Canabarro, Tânia Cristina Vargas; Amaral, Sergio da Fonseca; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Ribas, Maria Cristina Cardoso; Delmaschio, Andréia Penha; Vermes, Viviana MônicaBased on the novel Leite derramado (Spilledmilk), by Chico Buarque de Hollanda, this thesis focuses on the study of brazilian social memory in the formative period of modern Brazil, portrayed in the novel by the narrator Eulálio. In this sense, the hypothesis guiding this study is that the novel can be read as an allegory of Brazil, since the character-narrator gets his, the memory of the country. To confirm this hypothesis, this paper attempts to explore two aspects of memory in Leite derramado (Spilledmilk): one from reading Proust made by Deleuze, the memory of the person acting as a search for truth and the other from Le Goff, memory collective, making room for studies Ecléa Bosi. Ie: at the junction of the two aspects, found in the narrator of the novel, one can work at the individual and collective memory as form and matter to the allegorical construction of brazilian history that would put two simultaneous search of a truth: the personal and social. Thus, by means of Eulálio’s senile memory, the reader can trace an overview of the major brazilian social problems that occurred in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, such as: class conflicts, patriarchy, the decay of the traditional oligarchy of the country, the existing prejudices against minority social groups.
- ItemA recepção da obra de Paulo Coelho pela crítica literária e pelo leitor(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-31) Pin, Adriana; Soares, Luís Eustáquio; Martha, Alice Áurea Penteado; Salgueiro, Maria Amélia Dalvi; Oliveira, Anelito Pereira de; Oliveira, Jurema José deWe propose a study onthe reception of Paulo Coelho’s work by literary critics and readers, involving culture industry, from the perspective of Sociology of Literature.The research is justified by the large number of readers that Paulo Coelho’s work reaches: it is translated into 81 languages and it is read in 168 countries, with good acceptance by different readershipprofilesand by many literary critics from other countries.In Brazil, the writer’s productionis received with a littlereserve by literary criticism. The interventions of the culture industry are discussed through a dialogue established between Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Pierre Bourdieu, Umberto Eco, Luiz Costa Lima and Muniz Sodré. Then a discussion about aesthetic valueis established related to contemporary literature. Later, we discuss the recurring thematic elements and the closeness ofcoelhana’s narrative with orality, from the influence of songs written in partnership with Raul Seixas and the role of parable and fable genres.The critical reception is analyzed, based on studies of Mario Maestri, Eloésio Paulo, theses and dissertations, among others. The reader reception as theoretical contribution Antonio Candido and Roger Chartier, among others, supported on the Aesthetics of Reception, specifically in Hans Robert Jauss studies and Regina Zilberman.It is analyzed the reception of Paulo Coelho’ workby readers of thesocial network called Skoobin order to verify the level of gender, age, education, socioeconomic and cultural conditions and theirreading impressions. When we try to understand these subject readers, historically, and drawing on other aspects (rather than aesthetic) presented Sociology of Literature, it is possible to establish dialogues between the preferences of those readers with works already legitimized by theory and literary criticism, expanding their repertoire and also contributing to the mediation and promotion of reading in Brazil.
- ItemMuros de todos e de cada um: uma murologia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-10-31) Silva, Paulo Muniz da; Amaral, Sérgio da Fonseca; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Cunha, Eneida Leal; Pinto, Wilson CoêlhoVoyage littéraire et architectural sur les murs, mettant en évidence les contradictions entre délimiter et lésiner; confiner et abriter; et d'embellir et de polluer. Monnaie courante dans la vie quotidienne et récurrente dans la littérature, ce qui est connu sur l'histoire des murs dans leurs expériences quotidiennes et les textes, en plus de leurs fonctions pour entourer protéger et maintenir? Comme nous ne savons pas les murs en face de nous, donc les distinguer couramment dans la surface bombée de banal, nous ne savons pas la signification qu'ils attachent à la vie quotidienne et dans de nombreux domaines de la connaissance. Au-delà des périmètres d'isolement, la vie privée et à la protection, si les murs agenciariam réception, les émissions et les émissions divers graphiques et documents iconographiques, que l'impact de l'environnement dans lequel ils opèrent. Pour vérifier ces impacts, nous regardons des textes de différents régimes discursifs et des auteurs tels que Coulanges (2006), Mumford (1991), Marcuse (2004), Zanotelli (2014), Herkenhoff (1983), Péré-Christin (2001), Eco (2010) e autres plus, les murs de certains de ses aspects. Dans le niveau d'achèvement, nous prévoyons qu'audelà hostile, accueillant, à l'origine, d'ornement et pollueur, le mur que l'écran peut aussi être potentiellement poétique parce que, comme "Cloud Peintre" et photographe, est en mesure de proposer des images.
- ItemA canção dos deslocados: rap e (i) migração em tempos globalizados(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-12-04) Nathanailidis, Andressa Zoi; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Soares, Luis Eustáquio; Almeida, Júlia Maria Costa de; Gonçalves, Ana Beatriz; Nercolini, Marildo JoséThis paper aims at performing a comparative analysis between rap lyrics and performances correlated to the phenomenon of immigration. From methodological premises related to cultural and intersemiotic translation, this study has the objetive of comprehending the discoursive content of rappers’ aesthetic works produced by immigrants and their descendants and captured in the cyberspace. Starting from an analytical-comparative study, this research intends to propose problematizations regarding the nature of aesthetic manifestations of this type, as well as the assumed relevance due to its transnational reach, factors which many times come from neoliberal practices and from the ‘post-colonial’ intensification of reality. In order to do so, it will be adopted as an object of analysis productions of Yoka (Brazil/ World); MC Yinka (Africa/ Greece); Anita Tijoux (Chile/ France) and the group Tensais MCS (Brazil/ Japan). So as to enable this proposal, it will also be necessary to use specific theoretical support, which is related to the field of Aesthetic Studies, Cultural Studies and Neopragmatist Phylosophy. Among the authors present in this research are: Júlia Kristeva (1994), Stuart Hall (2007), Hommi Bhabha (2007), Rogério Haesbaert (2009), among others.
- ItemEspumas de histórias calcadas na história: "A insólita fortuna" de Luiz Guilherme Santos Neves num jogo dialógico com outras obras desse autor, preenchimento de vazios(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-27) Barros, Cláudia Fachetti; Azevedo Filho, Deneval Siqueira de; Franco, Sebastião Pimentel; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira; Delmaschio, Andréia PenhaIn this work we discuss the possibilities for a dialogue between History of Clio and Literature of Calliope, glimpsed in the works A nau decapitada, As chamas na missa, O templo e a forca and O capitão do fim, Luiz Guilherme Santos Neves. The creative role of literature enters the threshold of its contact with history where the narrative activates the imagination. We will review the look of the fictional author, his writing and insight into the historical moment experienced in Brazil in the narratives studied. Both seek to uncover the world of Clio, the world of suspicion and uncertainty, and, what was once told in a way, can be counted tomorrow another. And in this retelling discuss issues, History, Literature, Historical Fiction and Novel, in which literary and historical texture approach and also depart in a dialogue has been resumed with greater emphasis on contemporaneity.
- ItemManifestações de utopia na narrativa de José Saramago(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-03-25) Feitosa, Fabiana Curto; Soares, Luis Eustáquio; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Lopes, Orlando; Oliveira, Anelito de; Alves, LuisThis research proposes a reflection about the manifestation of utopia in the fictional work of the Portuguese writer José Saramago. The literary production of the writer shows up, compared to a contemporary reality that dehumanizes, something professedly engaged. Though he does not make pamphlet literature, Saramago demonstrates to stand out by the indicators elements of utopia as a social phenomenon. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the manifestations and (re)configurations of the utopian thoughts in the work of Saramago, seeking to collect elements that allows to define how his aesthetic and ethical project builds an structured utopia in the perspective of a left-wing writer, approaching the concrete utopia elaborated by the Marxist philosopher Ernest Bloch. Also, it dialogues, in that sense, with the conception -be left? created by Gilles Deleuze. Resuming some deleuzian approaches such as the question of perception and the becoming-minority, this study is dedicated to the literature of Saramago, in order to point out some features that assists in the process of identifying the type of engagement and politicization proposed in his works; as well in an attempt to investigate how the utopian elements presents themselves inserted in his works, while motto that awakes the critical consciousness, in a literary speech that reshapes the importance of concrete utopia as hope, praxis and resistance. Among the literary corpus studied, stands out Levantando do Chão, O conto da Ilha Perdida, Jangada de Pedra, Memorial do Convento and Ensaio sobre a cegueira.
- ItemO Haroldo de Campos transfinito: espírito, signo e matéria num possível (neo)romantismo em A máquina do mundo repensada(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-06-25) Pachito, Ernesto de Souza; Azevedo Filho, Deneval Siqueira de; Cunha, Betina Ribeiro Rodrigues da; Delmaschio, Andreia Penha; Paz, Gaspar Leal; Machado, LinoSince Courbet times, many artists tried to suppress metaphysics from the language of arts in general, including poetry. Many of them made this wide and deep movement with a sense of struggle of classes, being marxists or not. In XXth century, many wings of modernism intensified the search for this goal. At the end of the same century, in the turning to XXIst century, Haroldo de Campos wrote his poem A Máquina do mundo repensada (2000) a work where the lyric subject finds himself caught between complementary oppositions that didn't go to a superior term, at the end of the writting. These dualities were not subsumed under any general term. Metaphysics or not? A world constituted only by matter or there would be something more beyond matter? In this work Haroldo de Campos made the historical and philosophical review of practically all cosmology since Ptolomeu to contemporary times. At the end of the poem he is still in a dilemma between an immanent and a transcendental God, or agnosticism. A Máquina do mundo repensada is a construction full of reverberations of sounds and images, these echoes make fields that project themselves and all signs beyond mere phonetic and imagetic matter, and they operate with symbols (in Wolfgang von Goethe's sense) whose semantic field vanishes into uncertainty and infinity. Peirce, his concept of quale-counsciousness, his monism and his sinechism. The possibility and/or the importance of a sense of ethics in arts after so called relativistic post-modernism.
- ItemO sol por testemunha : o acordo do homem absurdo com o mundo e a ambiguidade da natureza em Noces e L'étranger de Albert Camus(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-06-26) Jesus, Angela Regina Binda da Silva de; Trefzger, Fabiola Simão Padilha; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Paixão, Grace Alves da; Merçon, Francisco Elias Simão; Sánchez, Damián SánchezCette recherche examine l'influence du soleil, et de la nature en général, sur la conduite des protagonistes de L'étranger et Noces, d‘Albert Camus. Établit un rapport entre l'homme et la nature, en prenant comme point de départ le concept de l'absurdité de la vie humaine, sentiment qui mènent les personnages de l'écrivain français-algérien à se déplacer dans un monde sans sens dont la seule certitude est la mort. Ensuite propose une étude sur certains aspects de l'enfance de l'écrivain, comme la pauvreté et la lumière méditerranée, des facteurs qui y apparaissaient comme pertinents pour la littérature d'Albert Camus. Enfin, analyse le rôle ambigu que joue la nature dans le contexte fictionnel de L'étranger et Noces, en se révélant comme raison tantôt de contentement, tantôt de trouble pour les personnages de ces œuvres.
- ItemLiteratura em Libras e Educação Literária de Surdos: um estudo da coleção “Educação de Surdos” e de vídeos literários em Libras compartilhados na internet(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-07) Silva, Arlene Batista; Dalvi, Maria Amélia; Bunzen Júnior, Clecio; Carvalho, Letícia Queiroz de; Vieira, Lucyenne Matos da Costa; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Dalvi, Maria Amélia; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa deThe work includes a number of academic research developed with the focus on the Literary Studies in the line of research literature and expressions of otherness (LEA) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), particularly in the research group "Literature and Education". It is characterized a documentary research, whose main source are audiovisual records. This work has aim to investigate of the reader representations, reading and literature which are outlined from literary works in the contemporary sign language that circulating in the context of school education of deaf people inserted the elementary school, based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural history, in according with Roger Chartier's thought. Assuming that, the literary reading, the cultural objects, the formation of the reader are cultural practices created by humans, marked and transformed by society throughout history, it takes as work's corpus as DVDs of the collection "Deaf Education" produced by the National Institute of Deaf Education (INES) in 2003 and distributed by the MEC to schools across the country, in comparison with the videos of literary productions in Pounds, posted on Youtube of noninstitutionalized way. In the analysis of a first part of the corpus (DVDs), it was found that these are built from the perspective of deaf as bilingual subject in order to meet the interests of the country's Inclusive Education Policy to present a new model the standard bilingual to be built by the school community. Added to this, the teaching about of literature educational propose activities to the deaf modeled on literature traditional practices, such as: know the literary genres (lyrical, epic / narrative and dramatic) and draw comparisons between languages and, thus, they do not favor the debate or discussions around the thematic and aesthetic content, nor on the literary creation of the deaf (as author, interpreter / translator or reader), to reflect on your place in the world. Added to this the fact that the material constitutes a type of distance learning to direct the work of teachers and, above all, enable him to further their education in language and signs of literature. In the videos of Youtube, there was a production with different materiality, in which literature is presented as subjective and community life, such as creating identity and expression; the reader how critical subject, active and fluent in Pounds to access the text of the senses, and the literary reading as an activity that requires the engagement, the reader's interaction with the text to produce senses. However, we find that in both classes of cultural production, circulation and appropriation context and supporters who give them material issues are essential dimensions for the different representations and practices of reading these works, which can erase the reading protocols attached to objects .Therefore, we conclude that both DVDs as Youtube videos are ambivalent objects that can serve the interests of inclusive education policy, inculcating the standard "bilingual" and a literary reading with educational goals that everyone should incorporate, but also allow escape this inducing by reading through with focus on literature as an expression of memories and own visual experience of the deaf community.
- ItemAs coisas que são uma só no plural dos nomes: poiesis e episteme no diálogo poético de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Álvaro de Campos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-17) Corrêa, Danilo Barcelos; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Trefzger, Fabiola Simão Padilha; Borges, Alexander Jeferson Nassau; Rocha, Karina Bersan; Machado, Lino; Sodré, Paulo RobertoIn this study, we verify how in the poems from “A máquina do mundo”, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and “A passagem das horas”, by Álvaro de Campos, Fernando Pessoa’s heteronym, the poetic self of each text directs that who recognizes one self in those poems in the sense of getting in touch with what Heidegger calls the “poetry power sphere”, place where poiesis creative forces operate in order to being restoring. Moreover, we will analyze which questionings and conceptualizations are developed by each poet about being, language, poem, poet, poetry and poetic process, putting us closer to the concepts brought forth from Philosophy and Psychoanalysis – especially the writings by Martin Heidegger, Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan –, and the Literary Theory and the Poetic studies, especially the writings by Luiz Costa Lima, Jean-Pierre Vernant and Marcel Detienne.
- ItemSobre modos e moda : a escritura de Emilia Pardo Bazán e Ilza Etienne Dessaune(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-24) Fleury, Karina de Rezende Tavares; Caser, Maria Mirtis; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira de; Patrício, Cláudia Paulino De Lanis; Nader, Maria Beatriz; Drumond, Josina Nunes; Bomfim, Renata OliveiraAbout manners and fashion: Emilia Pardo Bazán’s and Ilza Etienne Dessaune’s scriptures are a research work which brings a focused eye in a dialogue in texts written by these two writers, in the light of theory and criticism of the comparative literature. As an objective, it analyses the intertextual aspects regarding the reflections about fashion and the way of thinking and expressing women in society from the mid- nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, as a present subject both in the chronicles of Pardo Bazán as in the Dessaune , corpus of this research. Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851- 1921), a Spanish, Galician woman, born in La Goruña, has a successful literary production and, in this study, it is pointed out the publications in section like “La Vida Contemporánea”, from the magazine La Ilustración Artística. She is well-known for leading the fight for women’s rights to education and paid work in Spain. Ilza Etienne Dessaune (1900 - 1988), a Brazilian woman, born in the countryside of Espírito Santo known as Vila do Itapemirim, was a columnist of modes and fashion “Feminea” column, of Vida Capichaba Magazine, which had an huge repercussion in its State of Espírito Santo. The press was a great woman’s ally who became reader and also a contributor, editor and owner of newspapers and magazines, such as Pardo Bazán and her Nuevo Teatro Crítico. Fashion was the impulsive force that supported and authorized the printed female voice. The chapters of this work get in touch with the historical investigation collected in primary and secondary sources, as well as from exploratory investigation carried out in bibliographic survey and texts analysis that led to the understanding of our object of study. As theoretical and critical contributors there are authors like Dulcília Helena Buitoni, Ana Maria Díaz Marcos, Guilles Lipovetsky, Hans Robert Jauss, June Edith Hahner, Ana Maria Freire López, Eduardo Ruiz-Ocaña Dueñas, Maria Mirtis Caser e Michelle Perrot.
- ItemPaideia e cultura política nas Gálias : os panegíricos latinos e as moedas como vetores dos rituais da basileia (século IV d.C)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-08-18) Zardini, Thiago Brandão; Silva, Gilvan Ventura da; Carvalho, Margarida Maria de; Funari, Pedro Paulo de Abreu; Leite, Leni Ribeiro; Trefzer, Fabiola Simão PadilhaThe Dominato, a political system that takes shape in the Late Third Century, remains as a centralized structure throughout the Fourth Century. Among the various instances in which the Roman State normally intervened at that time – from public administration to the ecclesiastical organization – we intend to address the power struggles brought out during the rituals of basileia, the sacred royalty that is characteristic of the Late Antiquity period. On the occasion of public ceremonies, like the aduentus, when city elites were preparing to welcome the Emperor in an attempt to strengthen their bonds with the imperial house, laudatory speeches were recited in his honor. In response to the citizen’s reception, it was customary for the emperor to distribute commemorative coins, another essential element of the ceremony. Thus, as we demonstrate in this thesis, the rituals of The Roman Royalty in Late Antiquity emerged from the combination between discourses of literary and imagery nature. The corpus of laudatory speeches selected for our research is entitled Panegyrici Latini and includes works ranging from 289 to 389, thus delimiting our temporal interval. The panegyrists were authors originated from the rhetorical schools of Gaul, and the theme of their works is linked to events taken place in this region, thus confining our spatial field of investigation to two cities in particular: Augustodunum and Burdigala. The numismatic corpus, in contrast, was selected based on the dating of the eulogies, comprising ceremonies that took place in Gaul during the Tetrarchy, the government of Constantine, Julian and Theodosius. In the present thesis, we analyze the role of coinage and panegyrics as vectors which directly assisted in the construction of the Imperial Political System. The first for portraying symbols, inscriptions and images that the emperor intended to spread, getting his subjects involved with the current policy; the latter, erected according to the rules of paideia, were able not only to express the expectations of the speakers with respect to the empire, but also convey wishes, desires and demands related to the very location of the speaker, in this case, the Gaul. Thus, we can see the Dominato as something beyond a system of domination, while realizing that the power struggles that emerge from the rituals of basileia involve a Political Culture that entwine both the interests and alliances of the court, of regional groups and elites of the cities.