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    Conhecimento, atitude e prática de pacientes submetidos ao cateterismo cardíaco e à intervenção coronária percutânea
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-23) Souza Netto, Priscilla Gabriel de; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida; Fioresi, Mirian;; Sipolatti, Walckíria Garcia Romero; Pedraza, Leticia Lópes; Furieri, Lorena Barros; Filetti, Filipe Martinuzo
    Introduction: Within the context of interventional cardiology, the nurse plays a crucial role in providing care, not only during the hemodynamic procedure but also as an educator. The guidance provided by this professional is fundamental to ensuring patient safety and preventing misconceptions that could pose risks in the pre- procedure, during, and post-procedure phases. Analyzing the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of elective patients who will undergo cardiac catheterization and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) will provide support for the development of educational actions that can enhance accuracy and safety in the preparation and execution of these procedures. This will, therefore, contribute to the management planning of actions aimed at this target population, promoting optimal handling and reducing the risk of complications. General Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization and percutaneous coronary intervention. Methodology: This dissertation consists of two interdependent studies conducted in Vitória, Espírito Santo: 1) a methodological study for the construction and validation of a KAP questionnaire, conducted between August 2023 and June 2024; 2) a cross-sectional study aimed at evaluating the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of elective patients undergoing cardiac catheterization and percutaneous coronary intervention, with data collection from June to July 2024. The methodological study was conducted in two phases: a) identification of the domains and preparation of the KAP survey questions; b) validation of the KAP survey. The cross-sectional phase involved the application of the KAP survey to 49 patients admitted for cardiac catheterization or percutaneous coronary intervention at a university hospital in the Southeast Region. Data analysis was based on the responses regarding patients' knowledge, attitudes, and practices about cardiac catheterization and percutaneous coronary intervention. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results: All domains of the KAP survey demonstrated content validity (CVC greater than 0.8) and nearly perfect internal consistency, with Cronbach's alpha values exceeding 0.80. The final questionnaire included the following domains: (1) Sociodemographic characteristics, with 22 items; (2) Pre-procedure knowledge, comprising 13 items related to cardiac catheterization and 5 items related to percutaneous coronary intervention, totaling 18 items. The overall evaluation of pre-procedure knowledge revealed that only 3 patients (6.1%) had "good" knowledge. In contrast, 34 patients (69.4%) displayed positive attitudes, and 42 (85.7%) demonstrated good practices. The post-procedure evaluation of the KAP survey showed that only 14 (28.6%) patients had "good" knowledge, while 44 (89.8%) and 46 (93.4%) patients exhibited positive attitudes and practices, respectively. Variables associated with higher knowledge, positive attitudes, and proactive practices concerning CAT and PCI included patients’ desire for information about the procedures, owning a mobile phone, and education level, particularly those with at least a high school diploma compared to illiterate individuals. Conclusion: This dissertation produced a KAP survey for elective patients undergoing cardiac catheterization (CAT) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), which is freely available online for use throughout Brazil. The cross-sectional study provided insights into these patients' knowledge, attitudes, and practices, including their preparation for the procedure, self-care management, and recognition of complications. It is anticipated that these findings will assist in the development and implementation of educational programs aimed at imroving the self-management practices of these patients.
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    Chatbot para apoio a consulta de enfermagem à gestante em investigação para toxoplasmose e às infectadas
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-06) Zamboni, Rafaela Cassiano; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida ;;; Prado, Thiago Nascimento do ;;;;; Almeida, Márcia Váleria de Souza;;; Carmona, Ana Paula dos Reis;;; Primo, Cândida Caniçali;;; Nunes, Elisabete Maria Garcia Teles;;
    Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a disease that affects a significant number of pregnant women, whose infection can occur at any stage of conception. Maternal involvement can cause complications to the fetus, therefore, it is essential that nurses act in capturing infected pregnant women in the investigative process carried out during prenatal care, requiring professionals to perform interventions based on multifactorial assistance, with a view to an immediate approach, anchored in use of technologies that enable teaching on the subject and guaranteeing the patient a safe pregnancy. Objective: Develop and evaluate a conversational technology to assist nurses in tracking toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and monitoring those infected. Method: This is applied technological development research. This study will be developed in three stages. In the first stage, the content was developed through documentary research by surveying the main needs related to pregnant women with toxoplasmosis. In the second stage, the script was developed, the platform was chosen, the chatbot conversational design and the development of educational technology were developed. In the third stage, the usability assessment of the technology will be carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) applied to nurses who will participate in the research. Product: Guiding conversational technology to assist in tracking toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and treating those infected. Result/Product: The tool was developed to assist nurses in tracking toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and monitoring those infected. The tool has synthesized information to cover the actions recommended by the Ministry of Health in less time and making teaching viable. The Toxobot application is unprecedented and serves as support for the execution of prenatal activities, advising the Primary Care nurse in clinical reasoning and in making diagnostic decisions in an assertive manner. Conclusion: the study made it possible to create a tool to support teaching learning with adequate and synthesized information for tracking toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and monitoring those infected, constituting a disease surveillance strategy and allowing the necessary interventions, having potential for organizing the work process of PHC nurses, being a relevant product for scientific and technological development, with the potential to generate impact and be applied at a local, regional and national level, as they can be used by other professionals and health services when carrying out pre-service -Christmas. The technology is a demand from the municipality of Vila Velha that was validated with the Primary Care nurses
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    Burnout e fadiga por compaixão em trabalhadores de enfermagem do serviço de nefrologia
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-30) Ribeiro, Lisiane Silva; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Batista, Karla de Melo ;;; Orientador2;;;;; 1º membro da banca;;; 2º membro da banca;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    Introduction: Burnout Syndrome and Compassion Fatigue are conditions that negatively affect the physical and mental health of nursing workers, resulting in physical exhaustion, anxiety, depression and depersonalization in relation to work. The quality of care provided is also compromised, due to fatigue and decreased empathy when interacting with patients. Signs of Burnout have been observed among nephrology nursing staff, with effects on the health of the worker and the work environment. Objective: To identify the determinants of Burnout Syndrome and Compassion Fatigue, to describe Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in nursing workers, to analyze the perception of nursing workers in relation to Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, and to build an educational technology for coping with Burnout and Compassion Fatigue for nursing workers. Method: Applied research, with technological production, carried out with nursing workers from the nephrology service of a university hospital in the southeast. The research was carried out in four stages: 1) Literature review; 2) Quantitative data collection; 3) Qualitative data collection; 4) Technology development. Results: The integrative literature review includes work overload, lack of institutional support and continuous contact with situations of suffering as the main determinants for the development of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue among nursing workers in the nephrology sector. These factors were corroborated by the study's findings. In the quantitative analysis, 47% of the participants showed high levels of stress and 53% showed signs of Burnout; in addition, 65% reported symptoms of Compassion Fatigue, and the majority of those affected were women, 70%. In the qualitative analysis, the following categories emerged: emotional and work overload, lack of professional recognition and lack of psychological support. Product: Chatbot-type educational technology, with an artificial intelligence interface and self-management, in which the virtual secretary can identify workers' demands regarding Burnout Syndrome and Compassion Fatigue, presenting personalized strategies based on user interactions. Final considerations: This study revealed an overview of the information collected in the assessments of Burnout Syndrome and Compassion Fatigue among nursing workers in the Nephrology Unit. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, it was possible to measure the severity of these conditions using psychometric scales and to explore the professionals' subjective perceptions. The quantitative analysis revealed high levels of stress and emotional exhaustion, while the qualitative analysis highlighted categories such as emotional overload, lack of professional recognition and absence of psychological support. Based on these findings, educational technology was developed in the form of a chatbot, designed to help professionals self-manage Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, responding to the specific needs of workers
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    Tradução do conhecimento em amamentação : protocolo para prática clínica no alojamento conjunto
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-30) Salgueiro, Michele Anne de Oliveira Batista; Freitas, Paula de Souza Silva ;;; Primo, Cândida Caniçali ;;;;; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida ;;; Galvão, Dulce Maria Pereira Garcia;;; Almeida, Márcia Valéria de Souza;;; Paula, Cristiane Cardoso de ;;
    Introduction: Breastfeeding is a complex, dynamic, and interactive process that depends on several factors that can influence it positively or negatively. This project aims to meet an institutional demand for improvements in breastfeeding care for newborns in rooming-in facilities, and is aligned with the research line on the organization and evaluation of health care systems. Objectives: To describe the knowledge and care practices of health professionals on breastfeeding. To develop a multidisciplinary protocol on breastfeeding. To implement the multidisciplinary care protocol on breastfeeding in the maternity ward. To evaluate changes in compliance with recommendations for evidence-based practices after the implementation of the protocol. Methodology: Participatory research, which used the Knowledge to Action Cycle model to implement a Knowledge Translation project. The study was carried out in a university hospital in Espírito Santo, Brazil, with the participation of the interprofessional team of the rooming-in facility and milk bank. In the knowledge cycle, the existing knowledge was assessed using the self-assessment questionnaire of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI); To develop the knowledge tool, a working group was formed with the interprofessional team, and the clinical protocol was developed based on the synthesis of knowledge. In the action cycle, theoretical and practical training was carried out; the protocol was implemented; the barriers and facilitators of the implementation process were assessed; and the impact was assessed through 3 strategies: 1) assessment of care indicators; 2) assessment of the knowledge and skills of health professionals; and 3) self-assessment as recommended in the IHAC self-assessment questionnaire; maintenance of the use of knowledge will be done through continuing education actions and events in Golden August. To analyze the qualitative data, the recordings of the groups were transcribed using an online tool, read exhaustively, and submitted to categorical content analysis. Results: Products: Protocol for breastfeeding premature and low-weight newborns. Flowcharts, process maps, and infographics to guide the work of employees and the role of parents in this process. Multidisciplinary and intersectoral training. Final considerations: This project achieved the objective of improving the evidence-based practice of the multidisciplinary team and enabled the development and implementation of the first protocol for breastfeeding care for newborns cared for in the institution's shared accommodation. The protocol and products have already been implemented and are generating positive impacts in the institution. This research has the potential to be applied at regional and national levels, as it systematically describes an innovative method with the steps and resources necessary for the implementation of the best scientific evidence. The research influenced changes in practice, but maintaining evidence-based care recommended in the protocol requires ongoing education of the neonatal team and other sectors involved to assist in adherence and better results
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    Feridas crônicas em membros inferiores e as experiências de violência por parceiro íntimo : estudo com mulheres residentes no município de Vitória, Espírito Santo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-31) Pattuzzo, Adriana Monteiro; Xavier, Fabiana Gonring ;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Leite, Franciele Marabotti Costa ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Pimenta, Rosângela Aparecida;;; Fiorotti, Karina Fardin;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;;
    Objective: To analyze the frequency of chronic wounds in the lower limbs and experiences of violence by an intimate partner, among women living in the city of Vitória, Espirito Santo and the development of an E-book on violence against women. Method: This is a descriptive study, carried out in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo. This research is part of a larger population-based study where 1,086 participants aged 18 years and over were interviewed, and from this group, the entire population with chronic lower extremity injuries was removed, which constituted a number of 39 women. The interviews took place at home. Data analysis was carried out using the Stata 14.0 program. Results: It was found that 12.8% of women were victims of physical violence committed by an intimate partner during the pandemic and 28.2% psychological violence. Of 20,048 records of physical violence, this corresponds to 56.2% of the notifications, although data is close to that found in the present research, it is superior and demonstrates the greater vulnerability of women with chronic wounds to violence by an intimate partner. Conclusion: The research allowed us to understand the profile of women with chronic wounds living in Vitória, reinforcing that most used the SUS, had comorbidities and had experience of violence perpetrated by an intimate partner during the pandemic, as well as the production of an E-book on the theme of violence where many women will be able to access to expand their knowledge, being a tool to combat violence