Mestrado em Administração
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2002
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Gestão de Organizações
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- ItemEntre a prática organizacional e a percepção de trabalhadores : estudo de casos múltiplos sobre gestão sustentável de recursos humanos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-23) Luchi, Raíssa; Silva Junior, Annor da ;;;;; Amaro, Rubens de Araújo;;; Ferretti, Amanda Soares Zambelli ;; research aims to understand how the practices of Sustainable Human Resource Management are articulated in organizations of the retail sector and how they are perceived by their workers. Theoretical assumptions were used that deal with sustainability, its connection with people management, which is translated into practices, and the respective perception of workers, that corresponds to the process of sense-building in the environment through the interpretation of sensory impressions. For this, a qualitative research was carried out, of descriptive and interpretative character, under the strategy of investigation of multiple case studies, combining documentary analysis techniques and semi-structured interviews to three groups of participants: strategic HR management, HR tactical representatives and workers. The Alfa and Beta cases were selected considering the size of the companies, being the first one in the retail market and the second one in the automotive sector. The data was analyzed by thematic analysis, resulting in the creation of themes and sub-topics that directed the discussion. The development of research points out that strategic HR directors in organizations are still linked to financial objectives and that the integration of sustainability into HR is still a process under construction; the study also indicates that companies make continuous attempts to internalize sustainability in their processes and, finally, it is inferred that workers perceive the implemented practices. However, it is emphasized that some of the main barriers are the understanding about sustainability and the strength of the HR system
- ItemEu conto ou vocês contam? A comunicação interna no Campus Aracruz e sua relação com a política de comunicação do IFES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-26) Chimali, Kenya Cristina Locatelli de Oliveira; Setubal, Flávia Meneguelli Ribeiro;; Vilela, Bruno de Almeida; Souza, Flavia Mayer dos SantosThe present work conducts a case study on internal communication at the Aracruz Campus of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes), aiming to analyze the alignment of this communication with the objectives established in Ifes’s Communication Policy. The research utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods, including questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, to collect data from campus employees, encompassing administrative staff, faculty, managers, and directors. Data analysis in the quantitative phase was performed using descriptive statistics, while the qualitative phase employed content analysis techniques, based on theoretical studies on Organizational Communication, Public Communication, Internal Communication, and Communication Policy. The results indicate that, although internal communication is recognized as a strategic tool by managers, there are significant gaps, particularly regarding staff's lack of awareness about the Communication Policy and the underutilization of certain communication channels, such as the Ticketing System. Furthermore, the study identified a need for greater coordination among campuses and for updates to the Communication Policy to reflect new technologies and practices. This study contributes to communication management at Ifes, offering insights that can be applied at both the Aracruz Campus and other campuses within the institution, aiming to improve communication effectiveness, alignment with institutional goals, and support for expected outcomes.
- ItemInclusão sociodigital para atividades pedagógicas não presenciais em meio a pandemia de Covid 19: a experiência no IFES - campus Ibatiba com a utilização do programa auxílio emergencial de inclusão digital(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-23) Amorim, Danyllo Rodrigues de; Sousa, Eloísio Moulin de;;;;; Souza, Susane Petinelli; Bohland Filho, JoséAs Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been unevenly disseminated worldwide, debates have emerged regarding digital inclusion and exclusion, relating these terms to social inclusion. In this context, the concept of sociodigital inclusion has emerged, addressing actions aimed not only at infrastructure and access but also at the social advancement of individuals. In 2020, the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic affected the world in various ways, particularly in education, where face-to-face activities were urgently replaced by non-presential and distance activities. However, not all students had the same access conditions and the ability to use technological resources, as evidenced at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes) – Ibatiba Campus, where difficulties and access limitations, especially in rural and peripheral areas, hampered adaptation during the pandemic period. This qualitative and exploratory research analyzed and explain how the Emergency Digital Inclusion Aid, a program of the student assistance policy of Ifes, promoted the inclusion of the benefited students in the implementation of Non-Presential Pedagogical Activities (APNPs) during the pandemic. The resources used were identified, and the results obtained and the social impact generated were evaluated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the research subjects, and content analysis was applied to the transcribed data. Additionally, documentary research was carried out, involving documents and publications available from Ifes and Federal Government regulations. The main conclusions of the study revealed that, despite the challenges, the Emergency Digital Inclusion Aid was crucial in ensuring that many students could access and participate in the APNPs, reducing digital access inequalities during a critical time. However, the study also highlighted structural limitations and the need for more comprehensive and effective public policies to address educational and digital inequalities, especially in rural areas.
- ItemCom que atributos você me define? : um estudo sobre a imagem organizacional de uma instituição de ensino pública na perspectiva do público interno(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-14) Costa, Juciéli Alves da; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Setubal, Flávia Meneguelli Ribeiro ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Vilela, Bruno de Almeida;;; Souza, Flávia Mayer dos Santos;;; 3º membro da banca;;; 4º membro da banca;;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca; study aims to investigate the attributes that form the organizational image of Ifes, as perceived by the internal public of Ifes - Campus Serra, including students, faculty, and administrative staff. To support the research, the following topics were addressed: image management, identity, organizational image and reputation, as well as themes related to organizational communication, public communication, and internal public, relating how these topics influence the organizational image. Methodologically, the Image Configuration Method (ICM), proposed by Schuler and De Toni (2015), encompassing both qualitative and quantitative approaches, was applied. In the qualitative stage, data collection was carried out through structured interviews to identify the main attributes that form the organizational image of Ifes, from the perspective of students, faculty, and administrative staff. Data analysis in this phase was based on Bardin's content analysis (2016). The terms and variables extracted from this analysis were used to prepare the questionnaire for the next phase. In the quantitative phase, data collection was conducted through a questionnaire, which measured the degree of importance and satisfaction regarding the attributes identified in the previous stage. The results revealed that the organizational image of Ifes - Campus Serra is formed by 25 attributes, some of which are negative. The central image is composed of the attributes: Educational Excellence; Pleasant Environment; Pride; Developed Activities; Hostile Environment; Transformative Education; and Interpersonal Relationships. Regarding the dimensions of the image, it is influenced by rational and emotional attributes. In terms of importance, all attributes are considered very important by the three groups. In terms of satisfaction, students perceive reputation, pride, autonomy, professional and technical training, innovation, and technology as well-rated attributes. From the faculty's perspective, reputation, pride, and the activities carried out at the institution are well evaluated. For administrative staff, only the location is well evaluated
- ItemO organizar do agroturismo em Venda Nova do Imigrante-ES a partir das práticas de cuidado multiespécies(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-05) Ribeta, Paola Brusco; Fantinel, Letícia Dias;;;;; Silva, Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da;;; Andrade, Ana Carolina Júlio da Silva;; aim of this dissertation was to understand the organization of agritourism in Venda Nova do Imigrante-ES from the perspective of multi-species care practices. As a theoretical framework, I chose to use studies focused on the multi-species perspective in the field of tourism (BERTELLA, 2021; JECZMYK; UGLIS; STEPPA, 2021; BERTELLA, 2022) and those associated with the ecofeminist conception of care (DONOVAN; ADAMS, 2007; BEACHAM, 2018; ADAMS; GRUEN, 2022; TALLBERG; GARCÍA-ROSELL; HAANPÄÄ, 2022), to contribute to the field of studies on organizing (BISPO, 2014; DUARTE; ALCADIPANI, 2016; FANTINEL, 2021). I conducted ethnographic research on the Céu Azul property (fictitious name), which offers agritourism experiences in the city of Venda Nova do Imigrante-ES. The analysis of the data allowed for the production of interpretative paths that highlight care as the central axis in organizing agritourism. This care materializes in multi-species practices that make up a complex and dynamic web of plants, humans and other animals united by living (and coexisting) among human and non-human companions, by producing food and feeding, and by welcoming tourists and visitors. Complex tensions and negotiations emerge from the relationships of co-dependence and mutual survival of this care, which imbricate human and non-human existences, revealing asymmetries of power between the different agents involved and reinventing the modern schism between nature and culture. As a contribution, we show the ways in which organizing agritourism, in order to happen on a daily basis, involves constant care for the existences of human and non-human beings, on which the lives and deaths of beings of different species depend. This advances the literature by making it possible to decentralize the human in the analysis of these practices, and by highlighting the conflicts and tensions that emerge from care practices.