Mestrado em Ciência da Informação
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2019
Conceito atual na CAPES: 3
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Tipo de Ato Normativo: Portaria - Número: 486
Data da Publicação: 18/05/2020
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Informação, Sociedade e Cultura
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- ItemDocumento, (Des)Informação e Poder: Memória da Ditadura Militar Brasileira pela Obra "1964 o Brasil entre Armas e Livros"(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-03-31) Soella, Gabriel Meneguelli; Fagundes, Pedro Ernesto;;;;; Lemos, Daniela Lucas da Silva;;; Grigoleto, Maira Cristina;;; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima do;;; Nemer, David Baião;; performs a conceptual ampliation about the notion of document, documentary practices, and regimen of information to analyze from relationship of know and power and of memory and forgetfulness the brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) presented on audiovisual document “1964: o Brasil entre armas e livros” from Brasil Paralelo producer, available on YouTube and your relationship with the political authoritarianism on post-truth. In the descriptive and exploratory research of qualitative approach from Information Science, in interdisciplinarity with the History and Sociology, presents theoretical-methodological basis about truth discourses, document, memory, disinformation, negationism, and post-truth, mediated by bibliographic research, documentary research, and critical-genealogical analyses of post-structuralist foucaultean basis of the discourse. It Identify practices from disinformation and negationisms network, on post-truth, demonstrating a double relationship of the post-truth with the illuminist “truth”, whereas it is heiress of the authoritarianist ideas from European colonialist civilizing process and recuse your rational basis in favor of idealized conservative past belief. Presents aspects from negationisms based on structural racism, Nazis anti-Semitism, and in the military anticommunism evidenced in the anti-historical negationism about brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) in the cyber space, present in the regimen of (dis)information of the/ in the audiovisual document analyzed. The results demonstrate the (dis)information materiality in authoritarianism favor, strengthened in the post-truth phenomenal, with negationists memories and disinformation practices from military and far-right civil narratives circumscribed in documents created to dispute memory narratives about brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985). It reflects about relationship between ultraliberal narratives and propagation of memories authoritarianists and counterfactual from far-right. This work highlights disinformation practices used by far-right on Brasil Paralelo movie for affirmation of negationists statements, of knowledge silencing, and of attack against the scientific-academic debates. Thus, it offers interdisciplinary contributes for coping of the authoritarianist negationism and of the disinformation practices enunciated by audiovisual documents in digital platforms on cyber space, fostering new studies.
- ItemO fluxo de informação dos processos de consulta tributária da Receita Federal do Brasil: análise baseada no modelo australiano Records Continuum(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-04-01) Gama, Juliano Rezende; Grigoleto, Maira Cristina;;;;; Vechiato, Fernando Luiz;;; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima do;;; Zorzal, Luzia;; research aims to analyze the implications of the guidelines and access to information and public transparency, brought by Law nº 12.527 / 2011, in the information flow of the tax consultation process of the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil, regulated by Normative Instruction RFB nº 1.396/ 2013. For that, we used as hypothesis the application of the Records Continuum model as a guiding resource for understanding that its use by the Public Administration can be a way to meet the wishes of the Access to Information Law, because the principles that guide this model aim not to enclose the records and documents. This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach that uses bibliographic and documentary research of an applied nature. It was explained about information flow in the context of information management and document management. More specifically, the information flow of the tax consultation was mapped and studied, which begins with the request of the consulting taxpayer and ends with the publication of the consultation solution by the Federal Revenue Service. This study also included data analysis in three stages: initially, an attempt was made to understand the axes and coordinates of the Records Continuum model applied to the tax consultation process. Then, this instrument of Tax Law was analyzed by the characteristics of the legal dimensions of the Records Continuum model. Finally, the information presented by the Federal Revenue was analyzed from the perspective of the Access to Information Law guidelines. The results showed improvements in line with the application of the guidelines of this Law in the informational environment assessed by the Federal Revenue, as the improvement in the mechanisms of access to information and transparency in the consultation solutions was identified and evidenced the Records Continuum model as capable of assisting the analysis of the flow of tax information by the Federal Revenue of Brazil to fulfill its mission of promoting tax justice for the benefit of society.
- ItemPráticas informacionais de travestis da Grande Vitória (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-06-08) Nascimento, Marcela Aguiar da Silva; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Casarin, Helen de Castro Silva;; social action derives from the double movement between subjectivity and cultural conditioning to which the subjects are based. Studies on informational practices show how daily actions, interrelationships, intersectionality and socio-cultural contexts dynamize and interfere in the informational path. Research on informational practices of LGBTQIA+ subjects shows that there is a gap with regard to the specificities of the processes of searching, accessing, appropriating, using and sharing information from the transvestite community. As transvestites are simultaneously visible (through the media) and invisible (due to discrimination), it is a challenge to examine issues related to their engagement with information. Taking into account that informational subjects are not isolated in a private environment, that identities are built from interrelations and that informational phenomena are crossed by political, economic, symbolic and identity demarcations, the following question was raised: to what extent does gender identity influence aspects related to the search, access, appropriation, use and dissemination of information about transvestites in Grande Vitória (ES) in their daily lives? In this sense, it became essential to investigate the needs, sources, social / collective dispositions and informational negotiations of this population in an intersectional bias, covering categories such as gender, race / ethnicity and social class. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to analyze the informational practices of transvestites in Grande Vitória (ES) in the face of the process of construction of gender identity. From a methodological point of view, it is an exploratory research with a qualitative character. As a tool for data collection, semi-structured interviews were used, guided by a three-block script, with eight transvestites living in Grande Vitória (ES). The results showed that, since childhood, transvestites are related to femininity and that the domestic environment is part of the extension of cisgender and heterosexual values. The main information needs are consistent with the restructuring of the body through synthetic and contraceptive mechanisms. The information sources most used by transvestites feed on the continuous cycle of information exchange: transvestites search with other transvestites. The difference markers (gender, race / ethnicity, social class) symbolize a triple inference in the informational search. The use of information occurs with the objective of rebuilding citizenship and in the dissemination of information about performance, body, identity and femininity through their feminized corporealities. The context of transvestites is imbricated by intersections and social interactions that influence the entire process of informational practices.
- ItemREDES DE BIBLIOTECA ESCOLAR NO ESPÍRITO SANTO: ESTUDO DE CASO DA REDE DE VILA VELHA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-06-29) Barbosa, Eliana Terra; Pereira, Gleice;;;;; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;; Bortolin, Sueli;; study seeks to understand the changes that have been taking place in school libraries, but specifically the forms of joint action articulated in networks, bringing with them modern and innovative characteristics in the educational environment. In the Brazilian context, the theme of the school library network is little explored. However, it is noted that, in the field of Information Science and in the history of Library Science, in the last ten years, the theme has gradually gained more followers among researchers in the area, sharpening the search for a more solid understanding of how this new form of action of libraries takes place in the spheres of education systems. Within this perspective, the main objective was to analyze the formation and configuration of school library networks in the State of Espírito Santo in their organizational and pedagogical dimensions, as well as to understand how these networks can indicate the strengthening and qualification of libraries as significant learning environments. The research methodology adopted was exploratory and documentary. The analysis of the results with a qualitative approach and the case study of the municipal school library network in Vila Velha/ES were established from the mapping of libraries in the state. The guiding axes and pillars for the delineation and identity configurations of a library network in the organizational and pedagogical dimensions were evidenced based on the theoretical framework (OLIVER, 1990; NOHRIA, 1992; KLIJN, KOPPENJAN, TERMEER, 1995; MIGUELETTO, 2001, CASTELLS, 2006; CARVALHO, 2017) and in documents concerning Library Science and Education. In the discussion of the research results, it was possible to verify that one of the main successes of the constitution of the network is the articulation, as it establishes communicative and dialogic actions, aimed at cooperation between the teams, and presents actions related to the effectiveness of quality products and services to the school community. From this, the network promotes internal and external entrepreneurship for libraries, librarians and the community in general. Based on the results, it concludes that when there is the establishment of a central coordination at the headquarters of the Department of Education, there is a significant representation in educational activities, strengthening actions that reverberate in all libraries, giving visibility and recognition to the professional, in addition to leverage claims for improvement in the physical structures of libraries and renewal of the collection. The study finds that the Vila Velha network, year after year, has been consolidating with the constitution of legal documentation and compliance with legislation in the area of Library Science and Education.
- ItemA INVISIBILIDADE DAS BIBLIOTECAS PÚBLICAS MUNICIPAIS DO ESTADO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO: UM PROJETO NEOLIBERAL COMO BARREIRA PARA UMA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA MUNICIPAL ORIENTADA PELO AGIR COMUNICATIVO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-08-12) Ramos Junior, Gerson Moreira; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;;;; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;; Lima, Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de;;; Almeida Júnior, Oswaldo Francisco de;; research that follows deals with the invisibility scenario of municipal public libraries in the context of contemporary capitalist society. The impact of neoliberal narrative and information and communication technologies on public policies for libraries in the scope of municipal governments in the State of Espírito Santo is analyzed. In this way, it is intended to verify how the neoliberal narrative focuses on the State and operates towards the emptying of municipal public libraries as spaces for promoting a society of rights. An analytical-critical documentary research is undertaken through which it seeks to analyze data relating to the public budget and through these instruments, it seeks to assess the budget for the promotion of culture in the selected municipalities and, if the resources are being used. to ensure the proper functioning of municipal public libraries. The objective is to unveil how the production of invisibility of BPMs in the State of Espírito Santo is constituted, in the context of contemporary neoliberal capitalist society, through the precariousness of this public service. By proposing to demonstrate the insufficiency of resources allocated to municipal public libraries, we intend not only to show that there is a precariousness project that makes this institution unfeasible, but also to defend that municipal public libraries are information mediating institutions with the capacity to establish cross-cutting dialogues and interactions. multidisciplinary with society to promote an informational path that provides an ethical relationship with a critical emancipatory function and through the mediation of information carried out by the librarian, guided by the communicative action, in a proposal of municipal public libraries as public spheres in the Habermasian perspective.
- ItemENTRE PROMESSAS E REALIDADE? As ações institucionalizadas de preservação da memória e do patrimônio cultural material de Bento Rodrigues e Paracatu de Baixo após o desastre ambiental(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-09-30) Vargas, Nayane Viale; Costa, Rosa da Penha Ferreira da;;;;; Cirilo, Aparecido Jose;;; Grigoleto, Maira Cristina;;; Oliveira, Eliane Braga de;;; Rodrigues, Georgete MedlegThe impacts on Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo with the collapse of the Fundão dam were diverse, compromising the historical, architectural, artistic and cultural heritage of the Mariana region, Minas Gerais (MG), which is still home to riches from
- ItemDiretrizes à mediação cultural com documentos arquivísticos: um estudo sobre práticas com o acervo do Arquivo Público De Vitória (ES) a partir da Base Nacional Comum Curricular.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-10-07) Costa, Fabíola Pereira; Aldabalde, Taiguara Villela;;;;; Souza, Neusa Balbina de;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Costa, Rosa da Penha Ferreira da;; general objective of this study is to investigate how the cultural mediation practices from the collection Arquivo Público Municipal de Vitória can collaborate in the teaching and learning processes of elementary school students according to the Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC guidelines and how this dynamic with the school can strengthen the ties of the Archive with the community. As specific objectives, the research discusses the concept of cultural mediation in archival environments in the context of Information Science; describes the institution Arquivo Público Municipal de Vitória and raise its practices of cultural mediation; presents the mapping and categorization of users of the Arquivo Público Municipal de Vitória; contextualizes the Base Nacional Comum Curricular, its trajectory and conceptions, highlighting the competencies in the teaching and learning process involving archives; compares the practices of cultural mediation developed in the archival environment in relation to the activities proposed in the BNCC to indicate the convergences as well as and the needs of adaptation to those guidelines; and presents the development of practices of cultural mediation associated with the normative guidelines of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular and the use of the collection of the Arquivo Público Municipal de Vitória (ES). Based on the objectives set for the development of the research, the study has aspects of an exploratory and descriptive research, characterized as a research-action with the use of bibliographic and documentary research using as instrument of data collection the application of questionnaires. As a result, it was observed that both the consulted literature and the data obtained from the participants corroborate the importance of the provision of educational services by the archival institutions, also indicating the need for such actions to be planned and articulated to the school curricula, so that in addition to being implemented, they can be part of the daily life of the institution in question.
- ItemAs vinculações entre competência em informação, tecnologias e protagonismo social: análise sob uma abordagem social(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-10-07) Fonseca, Monica Alves da; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima Do;;;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Sousa, Brisa Pozzi de;; investigates the theoretical-conceptual links between competence in information and the social uses of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) to produce social protagonism by social minorities. Under the social paradigm: a) it characterizes t
- ItemDados abertos governamentais: modelo de governança voltado a qualidade de dados para publicação em rede.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-10-08) Macedo, Dirceu Flavio; Lemos, Daniela Lucas da Silva;;;;; Mendonca, Fabricio Martins;;; Martins, Dalton Lopes;;; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima do;; escalation in the opening of government data is a phenomenon originated from long debates about the modernization of the State, counting, nowadays, with several world governments publishing a vast informational content on the net. Based on this finding, the research is motivated to understand the challenges imposed on the public administration in publishing data in line with the open movement from the perspective of data portals. The objective of this research was to propose a governance model aimed at the quality of data published in a web environment, with a focus on making government informational resources available with scope, consistency, efficiency, and transparency. The methodology was the first result of the research, being presented as a scientific instrument divided into three stages. In the first stage, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out, showing the historical background of the data opening movement, together with a current panorama of initiatives and stages of evolution, which led to the conduction of a pre-test in open data portals in the US, UK, Brazil, and Ireland, achieving as a result the definition of challenges for the opening of quality government data. Subsequently, these challenges served as input for defining the fundamental analytical dimensions to the proposition of the governance model. In the second stage, the maturity diagnosis for open data portals was exposed, also presenting the definition of the maturity levels that were used in the research. The diagnosis was validated on the same portals as the pre-test, with the final grades being presented and discussed. The validation results indicated that openness initiatives lack broader and more effective data policies, lack political commitment to put into practice formalized action plans, with little transparency in the execution of actions and insufficient social involvement in their formulation. In the third phase, the results were treated, generating the necessary inferences for the elaboration of the governance model aimed at data quality for network publication, which is based on the results obtained in the previous steps. The model will allow governments to build comprehensive and consistent data policies, mitigating publication barriers, and accordingly empowering and encouraging government technicians to publish higher quality data, benefiting the open movement and society.
- ItemBiblioteca universitária como espaço de aprendizagem: a competência em informação e a colaboração educativa entre bibliotecário e professor(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-03-16) Caetano, Alessandra Monteiro Pattuzzo; Pereira, Gleice;;;;; Mata, Marta Leandro da;; general objective of the research is to understand the process of planning and carrying out collaborative actions between librarians and teachers, oriented to information competence, in person and digital, of HEI libraries (public and private) located in Greater Vitória (ES). The theme is relevant for bringing to this discussion he pedagogical role of BU's, highlighting the professional librarian as an educator and or bringing as a reflection possibilities to develop collaborative practices and actions with professors demonstrating the most varied possibilities inherent to the universe of university libraries and for being aligned with the thematic area of Information Science. The methodology applied was based on a type of bibliographic research, carried out in books, works and articles by authors and theorists who discuss the importance of the university library as a space for learning and competence in information and educational collaboration between librarian and teacher, contextualizing directly with the research objectives. Along with the bibliographic research, a systematic analysis of the literature was also carried out, using the Knowledge Development Process–Constructivist (Proknow-C) methodology. in information and the Teacher/Librarian Collaboration Model (TLC) as a basis for the construction of some questions in the questionnaire, to verify the existence of collaborative work between teachers and librarians of HEIs. This research achieved its bjectives, as it made it possible to verify, based on the problematization raised for the study, that actions oriented to collaborative practice between teacher and librarian are carried out, even if in a timid way without the existence of a continuous program of competence in information, the Actions and practices happen by some managers in a planned way in strategic planning with academic direction that extends to the coordination of courses and teachers, at other times by separate requests for lesson planning by the teacher and by traditional routine by the librarian.
- ItemO papel da biblioteca no processo de obtenção da remição de pena pelo trabalho, estudo e pela leitura no Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri no Estado do Espírito Santo (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-06-15) Zamite, Adriana Isidorio da Silva; Grigoleto, Maira Cristina;;;;; Pizarro, Daniella Camara;;; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima do;; Estado do Espírito Santo possui trinta e seis estabelecimentos prisionais, destes, trinta possuem bibliotecas. Diante desta informação, este estudo investiga o papel da biblioteca no Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri nos processos de acesso à informação e da remição de pena pelo trabalho, estudo e leitura. Em específico, relata a conformação da pena e da prisão no cenário da execução penal no Brasil; identifica o funcionamento e as práticas de remição de pena desenvolvidas pelas unidades prisionais a partir de suas vinculações com as bibliotecas do Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri em Vila Velha no Espírito Santo; caracteriza os usos das bibliotecas prisionais como espaço para práticas socioeducativas e de acesso à informação para os internos do Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri, em Vila Velha; e analisa as potencialidades para a implementação de projetos voltados para remição de pena pela leitura no Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri, em Vila Velha, a partir de uma política emancipatória da unidade penal mediada pela biblioteca. Utiliza pesquisa exploratório-descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, emprega as pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Realiza levantamento bibliográfico e documental em bases de dados, livros, documentos oficiais e normativas do direito penal. Em relação à pesquisa de campo, utiliza como instrumento de coleta de dados questionário e observação. Durante etapa de pesquisa de campo, foram aplicados questionários presencialmente para a representante da Subgerência de Educação nas Prisões do Estado do Espírito Santo e para os internos que trabalham na biblioteca do Complexo Penitenciário de Xuri. Para a análise dos dados, utiliza o método de análise de conteúdo. Aponta nos resultados que a biblioteca possui relevância para os internos, por tratar-se de um espaço de conhecimento, de entretenimento e de trabalho, porém, é pouco explorada pela instituição. Conclui que a biblioteca é um dispositivo socioeducativo e cultural para os reeducandos, além de um lugar para remir a pena, mas que necessita ser (re) conhecida e valorizada como tal pela instituição, para que a mesma promova ações que contribuam para uso criativo e educativo do tempo do reeducando e de sua reintegração ao coletivo.
- ItemPROPOSTA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO DE REPOSITÓRIO ARQUIVÍSTICO DIGITAL CONFIÁVEL (RDC-ARQ): o caso do Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-08-29) Xavier, Rosemery Araujo; Moraes, Margarete Farias de;;;;; Flores, Daniel;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Gava, Tania Barbosa Salles;;
- ItemA Preservação da Memória Institucional: o acervo fotográfico do IFES Campus Cachoeiro de Itapemirim(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-08-30) Silva, Jacqueline Machado; Costa, Rosa da Penha Ferreira da;;;;; Mariz, Anna Carla Almeida;;; Silva, Luiz Carlos da;; was a revolutionary invention at the time of its creation, an instrument capable of paralyzing time, preventing the forgetting of events that occurred within a time lapse. It can be considered a support for memory, since through it we refer to facts that occurred in distant times. Over time, the photographic technique underwent modifications until it reached the current forms, which are capable of providing us with instant images in large quantities. This favored its use both on a personal and institutional level and we photograph everything we want to record within our daily context. At the institutional level, the contextualization of the photographic image as an archival document ratifies its value as evidence of institutional activities. That's why many institutions adopt photography as a way to demonstrate their actions. What, on the one hand, was an evolution also brought some embarrassment, as it is necessary to deal with this large amount of images produced daily. The management of these photographic collections is of paramount importance for institutions. It was around the 1970s that institutions realized that for their development it was necessary to preserve their memory. Therefore, contextualizing, organizing, preserving, making accessible and disseminating institutional photographic collections is important as a means of preserving the memory and history of institutions. This study aimed to investigate the process of production, receipt and constitution of photographic collections of the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santos (Ifes), Cachoeiro de Itapemirim campus, for the purpose of preserving its institutional memory, using case studies that, through From a questionnaire sent by email to the sectors, it identified those where the photographic collections are located, diagnosed the management procedures adopted and also the conditions for safeguarding and preservation, as well as verifying how the forms of access to these collections are carried out. From this knowledge, it was possible to suggest a management methodology that includes the production, receipt, organization, treatment, preservation and access to the collections and that is able to contribute to the preservation of the campus memory by maintaining the authenticity of the information.
- ItemPROJETO MEMÓRIAS REVELADAS NO ARQUIVO PÚBLICO DO ESTADO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO A PARTIR DO ACERVO DA DOPS/ES: Acervos arquivísticos e a Construção de identidade social(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-02) Rufo, Rosilda Adelaide; Fagundes, Pedro Ernesto;;;;; Stampa, Inez Terezinha;;; Scolforo, Joria Motta;;; Silva, Luiz Carlos da;;; Moraes, Margarete Farias de;
- ItemA COMPETÊNCIA EM INFORMAÇÃO EM INSTITUTOS FEDERAIS DE EDUCAÇÃO, CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA: sentidos, práticas e desafios a partir das Bibliotecas Multiníveis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-02) Moret, Ronald Tavares Leao; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Engelmann, Adriana Rosecler Alcara;;
- ItemDESENVOLVIMENTO DA COMPETÊNCIA LEITORA NAS BIBLIOTECAS ESCOLARES DE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: ESQUEMA METODOLÓGICO DE COMPETÊNCIAS NA ÁREA DA INFORMAÇÃO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-11-25) Oliveira, Vania Celia de; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;;;; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;
- ItemRegime de informação em contexto organizacional: a representatividade dos artefatos à luz da sociomaterialidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-12) Jantorno, Edma; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima Do;;;;; Grigoleto, Maira Cristina;;; Marques, Rodrigo Moreno;; delimits the focus on phenomena of an informative nature that permeate the organizational contexts of Brazilian federal universities, focused on the need, search, sharing and use of information. It analyzes the information environment of the Unified Postgraduate Department (SUPG/CCJE/UFES) categorizing it based on the elements that make up a regimen of information (actors, actions, devices and artifacts), a theoretical-analytical model developed in the last two decades by researcher Maria Nélida González de Gómez. It dialogues with the perspective of organizing, as it assumes a procedural view of organizations, understanding them as processes or practices in constant flux and transformation. In exploratory-descriptive research, with a qualitative approach to Information Science and interdisciplinary with Administration, it presents theoretical-methodological contributions on sociomateriality, characterized by highlighting the material dimensions of social activities and interactions, whose methodological basis is based on the principle of symmetry Actor-Network Theory (ANT). It employs, in terms of procedures, documental, bibliographic and case study research, using a focus group as a data collection strategy for the case studied. The result demonstrates that in the dominant regimen of information of SUPG, the social and the technical are ontologically inseparable, defining material forms and spaces.
- ItemFramework para programas de competência em informação no ambiente universitário: uma proposta para o Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-22) Almeida, Eliéte Ribeiro; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;;;; Gerlin, Meri Nadia Marques;;; Engelmann, Adriana Rosecler Alcará;; Literacy (IL) is essential for student teaching and learning, its emergence coincides with the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that influenced and drove many changes in society, including improviments in the educational field, the teaching and learning conditions. The development of this competence helps to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the reflective discovery of information, its use and its dissemination in an ethical and responsible way. Carrying out programs of this nature in university libraries should be a planned and preferably institutionalized activity, forming part of the institution's teaching plan, in order to include all levels of student path. The problem of this research is based on understanding how the elaboration of a Framework for the development of information literacy in higher education can help in the structuring of educational actions developed in university libraries, having as universe the Central Library of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (BC/Ufes). Therefore, the overall objective was to develop a Framework for structuring an information literacy program within university libraries, based on the theories of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL, 2016) and Santos (2020), the in order to specifically: a) contextualize the institutional scenario of the Central Library as coordinator of the Ufes Integrated Library System (SIB/Ufes); b) to verify the knowledge and perception of librarians in relation to the foundations and practices of Information Literacy; c) mapping the actions and services offered by the Central Library that are related to Information Literacy budgets; d) verify the contents related to the Information Literacy offered in the courses of the Central Library, according to the ACRL (2016) and with the dimensions of Vitorino and Piantola (2011). Thus, a descriptive-exploratory research with a qualitative approach was carried out, with preliminary bibliographic survey, case study and content analysis (Bardin, 2009). In addition, documentary research, questionnaire survey, interview and participant observation were used as support. Based on documentary research, the institutional scenario of BC/Ufes was contextualized, describing its characteristics and the educational activities offered. With the application of the questionnaire, it was demonstrated that librarians, in general, demonstrated satisfactory knowledge related to Informational Literacy, but there is a gap in relation to the practice of evaluating and disseminating this competence. In the interview, it was possible to verify that several educational actions related to Information Literacy are carried out in the library, however, there is no institutionalized practice. In the participant observation, it was verified that the actions carried out include contents that privilege the technical and ethical dimension, but are denoted components of other dimensions (VITORINO; PIANTOLA, 2011) and of aspects related to the knowledge practices of the ACRL (2016). Finally, a three-level framework for university libraries has been developed as a contribution to the practice of Information Literacy, offering librarians, information professionals, managers and teachers aids for: a plan to institutionalize, a plan to educate and a plan to learn.
- ItemDimensões da competência em informação: análise dos registros na Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-22) Pereira, Welington Batista; Mata, Marta Leandro da;;; Engelmann, Adriana Rosecler Alcara; Moraes, Margarete Farias de;, scholars and society as a whole experience the abundance of technologies and information, which has highlighted the importance of information literacy. This literacy refers to the ability to access, evaluate, interpret and use information effectively. Since the digital revolution, there have been significant changes in the skills required in the professional field and in social relationships. Information professionals have been leading discussions on the topic for more than five decades, emphasizing the importance of making people literate beyond reading and writing. In Brazil, researchers and information professionals have been active in information literacy studies, expressed in manifestos and declarations. The present study evaluates the dimensions of information literacy presented by Vitorino and Piantola (2011) in relation to the practice of registering requests for information, as a means of accessing information in public transparency, through the Fala.BR Platform. The research was based on a bibliographical survey and, later, on documentary research that provided raw data from requesters of information and records of requests for information made on the Fala.BR Platform, the basis for applying the comparative procedure method. The amount of these records of requests for information represents the set of elements of the research universe. With these tabulated elements, crossings and categorizations were carried out in alignments determined by the proposed objectives. The results obtained showed the importance of encouraging the promotion of information literacy and access to public information for citizenship, from the public with basic education, who least registered requests for information, to the public with higher education. The results also indicate that the absence of educational actions influenced information literacy skills and limited citizen participation, by demonstrating that applicants with higher education had a greater presence in records of information requests, as well as greater success in terms of the information provided. This may be leading many individuals to seek information from unofficial sources, controlled by hegemonic power groups, undermining the construction of critical thinking, and interfering with the real needs experienced.
- ItemPolítica arquivística: a digitalização de documentos na Procuradoria-Geral do município de Cariacica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-03-23) Euzebio, Ingrid Lima; Silva, Luiz Carlos da;;;;; Nascimento, Lucileide Andrade de Lima do;;; Chagas, Cintia Aparecida;; is a research focused on the theme of digitization, policy and records management, and, in addition, the need to understand the political and technical-scientific dimensions of the practices used in the digitization and records management at PROGER. The objective is to investigate the digitization of documents in the Current Archive of the Attorney General's Office of the Municipality of Cariacica (ES) in order to demonstrate the benefits and speed in processes and document flows to obtain success in the information that provide social return to the municipality. A descriptive qualitative study was carried out, through a case study, documentary research, bibliographical research and collection of evidence through semi-structured interviews. Data collected through the public policy cycle methodology were also analyzed. It should be noted that the information regime is used to support PROGER's documental practices, as legal norms applied in government institutions (federal and state) are accepted through it, justifying the use of relations between information, policy, access and preservation; in the procedures involving the management and digitization of documents, considering the purpose of speedy access and the protection and preservation of analogue archival documents. It is concluded that document scanning practices need to be based on archival policies, to guarantee access and long-term preservation of documents. However, there was a need to formalize archival policies and information policies at the institution. In this way, the importance of further research on the themes is evident, especially with regard to archival policy and digital preservation.
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