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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras
Centro: CCHN
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URL do programa: http://www.letras.ufes.br/pos-graduacao/PPGL
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- ItemO itinerário da estrela: deslocamento e construção da identidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-11-29) Pin, Adriana; Ribeiro, Francisco Aurélio; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Jozef, Bella KaracuchanskyEstudio sociocultural de la obra A hora da estrela de Clarice Lispector sobre el proceso de masificación de la industria cultural, discutiendo el descentramiento y la construcción de la identidad, envolviendo en un contrapunto el nuevo local de la cultura en tiempos de globalización. Considerando la masificación social y cultural, se toma el personaje Macabéa como punto central del análisis, asociándola a las dislocaciones del sujeto ocurrido durante el periodo histórico, a partir del siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad. Una vez que el contexto de la obra posibilita formular un estudio a cerca del movimiento migratorio, se establece una relación con la construcción y desconstrucción de la identidad, por medio de las dislocaciones ocurridas en términos geográficos, sociales y culturales. A partir del sujeto posmoderno que vive en una sociedad de consumo en forma de aldea global, se sostiene la hipótesis de que el fenómeno de la cultura de masa difundida por la industria cultural necesita ser estudiada en su particularidad y totalidad, evitándose el lugar común de una postura excluyente y preconceptuosa. Buscase observar el sujeto envuelto en ese proceso, como y por que eso ocurre. Se concluye que la ausencia del lenguaje y la dificultad en ser articulada por el personaje Macabéa consisten en algunos factores que llevan a la masificación sociocultural y a la imposibilidad de construir una identidad de forma conciente y libre. Con todo, hay una busca por el personaje, durante el itinerario narrativo, que culmina con la hora de su muerte, el momento en que tornase, metafóricamente, una estrella. En ese instante, Macabéa conoce la libertad, la posibilidad del lenguaje en el silencio y construye/desconstruye su existencia, su identidad.
- ItemDistopia e subversão em O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2005-12-09) Jareski, Lorenza Lakimé; Souza, Marcelo Paiva de; Amaral, Sérgio da Fonseca; Siewierski, HenrykThe purpose of this dissertation is to study the O Ateneu by Raul Pompéia, written in 1888, during the promulgation of the Slavery Abolition (Lei Áurea) and just before the Proclamation of the Republic. The novel assumes a prominent position in the Brazilian Literature what reflects on the singularity of the criticism devoted to it. After the realization of Ateneu (a boarding school) as an oppressive world and the broken and complex reality of its characters, the author of this dissertation proposes another reading of the novel, under a dystopian literature view. The evaluation broadens under the deeds of some citizens of Ateneu which suggests a dissident status. The harsh fulfillment the laws and order in force at the boarding school demands a dissident behavior, for the survival of some characters, revealed in different ways of subversion, always limited by narrow boundaries in space and time. Sex, love, faith, art and family relations emerge in opposition to the school s reality. At last, this dissertation investigates the way Pompéia s narrative builds characters whose behavior flee from the acceptable Brazilian standards of the 1800 s patriarchal society, indicating rupture of established social order.
- ItemA hora da palavra: intertextualidade em Caetano Veloso(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2006-09-22) Barbosa, Jorge Luís Verly; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Ferraz, Eucanaã de Nazareno; Souza, Marcelo Paiva deThe lyrics of Caetano Veloso are connected to the best poetical tradition, verses by nature, form and significance. They are setting by an inexhaustible self-reflection, endorsed by the world and the culture. Dialogical too in concern with the many literary and poetical traditions. Analyzing them by this way, this academic essay was constructed from a research about the connections between this poetic and the tradition, trough the studies of intertextuality. On this view, will show the authorial marks, direct and indirect, of tradition in the poetic production of Caetano Veloso, through of parodies, paraphrases, pastiches, quotations, references, allusions and others intertextual acts showed by the analysis of some of his poems.
- ItemHumanidade em pauta : uma leitura dos contos de Miguel Torga(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-05-14) Mendes, Camila Scalfoni; Amaral, Sérgio da Fonseca; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Alves, Ida Ferreira; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do
- ItemViva Iracema, viva Ipanema: o tropicalismo (ouvido) à luz do dilema latino-americano(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-05-25) Ribeiro, Jorge Evandro Lemos; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Amaral, Sérgio da Fonseca; Almeida, Lenivaldo Gomes de; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz doBy means of an anthropophagic ritual, Latin American literature ends up in the in-between place of submission and transgression. From point of view, we aim at reflecting about Tropicalism as a subversive answer to the conflicting relation between the metropolitan model and the cannibalistic nature of Latin America.
- ItemA poesia no horizonte do impossível: uma análise dos fundamentos utópicos da poesia concreta e do poema-práxis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-09-28) Quevedo, Rafael Campos; Machado, Lino; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Barros, Jose Americo de Miranda
- ItemA busca do amuleto perdido em Macunaíma : uma releitura antropofágica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-10-22) Souza Netto, Vanda Luiza de; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira de; Soares, Luis Eustáquio; Souza, Eneida Maria de; Carvalho, Raimundo
- ItemMachado de Assis, tradutor de Hugo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-11-23) Flores, Diego do Nascimento Rodrigues; Souza, Marcelo Paiva de; Faleiros, Álvaro Silveira; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa de; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython FerreiraThe Machado de Assis who is the object of this dissertation, the translator Machado de Assis, shall be examined here with the purpose of taking further steps towards a profile of his character as a translator. Thus, it was assigned to this stage of the research to examine the only novel translated integrally by the nineteenth century writer, Les travailleurs de la mer, by Victor Hugo. Firstly, we visited authors who theorize translation aiming at finding the arguments which would establish the ground for the form which this study would assume. We adopted as our fundamental theoretical reference the work of Antoine Berman, whose proposal for translation criticism is analyzed in one of the chapters in this work, and from which we outlined the method that should be used in the study of Machado’s translation. The next step was to try to delineate a profile of the translator basing ourselves in studies which preceded ours, as well as in texts by Machado himself. We did so with the objective of studying his translation taking into consideration the data we could gather about Machado’s relation with translation practice. However, before putting original and translation side by side, we dedicated a whole chapter to the analysis of the novel in question, which helped us determine which excerpts of the work would be elected for further analysis, accomplished later on. We henceforth arrive at the critical study of Machado’s translation, also taking into account two other translations of the same novel, aiming at comparing Machado’s decisions with those of other translators. What we looked for when comparing original and translation were not the “wrong” or “right” choices of the translator, but tried to evaluate his decisions bearing in mind that which the original proposed, even when the translator clearly shifted his course from what Hugo had written. When observing the young Machado de Assis in action, we noticed that even facing numberless adversities, the translator not only performed a memorable task, as well as proved to be a professional both competent and conscious, who does not exempt himself from the changes he believed to be necessary, even though that meant leaving the original author aside and that, moreover, there seemed to be a growing tuning in between author and translator during the translation process.
- ItemAna Cristina Cesar: o colóquio autobiográfico da esfinge de ray-ban(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2007-12-14) Pereira, Robson Tadeu Rodrigues; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; 1º membro da bancaabstract
- ItemO amor natural e o projeto poético-pensante de Carlos Drummond de Andrade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-04-14) Dalvi, Maria Amélia; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa de; Malard, Letícia; Machado, Lino; Soares, Luís EustáquioThe reading of O amor natural (1992) (Natural Love) – posthumous book of erotic poems – as the apogee of Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s poético-pensante (thinking-poetic) project. In the construction of the theoretical argumentation, important critical and historical studies about the poet from Minas Gerais are gathered, along with Martin Heidegger’s philosophy in “A origem da obra de arte” (“The Origin of the Work of Art”). In the first chapter, the critical fortune on Drummond’s poetics is reviewed; in the second, the whole of this production is read as a project; in the third, O amor natural (Natural Love) is described and analyzed.
- ItemO vervo satírico: provérbio e proverbialização na sátira galego-portuguesa(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-04-25) Falcão, Fernanda Scopel; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; 1º membro da banca
- ItemO papel da mulher e a mulher de papel: vida e obra de Maria Antonieta Tatagiba(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-07-31) Fleury, Karina de Rezende Tavares; Ribeiro, Francisco Aurélio; Duarte, Constância Lima; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira deCette étude cher che à répérer, à approfondir et à diffuser la vie et le travail de Maria Antonieta Tatagiba. Pour ce faire, elle a recours à des sources primaires et secondaires, afin de recueillir des données sur le poète. Reculant dans le temps pour mieux connaître l'histoire de la vie sociale et intellectuelle des femmes brésiliennes dans le contexte des XIX et XX siècles, elle met en scène Maria Antonieta Tatagiba. Sur ce point, elle discute les concepts de June Edith Hahner, Maria Beatriz Nader, Maria Stella de Novaes et Francisco Ribeiro Aurelio. Elle cherche à l'analyser la production littéraire, en prose, à partir du conte "A cruz da estrada", sous l’optique de la vision de la femme: soumission, transgression et fragmentation du moi, aussi bien que de la lettre aux enfants : l’ écrit d’un désir. En vers, elle présente l’ “A Frauta agreste”, le seul livre publié par Maria Antonieta Tatagiba, ainsi qu'une étude concise de la poétique d’inspiration pastorale développées par l'auteur. Pour autant, l’analyse se fonde sur la théorie critique puisée dans Massaud Moysés, Elódia Xavier et Maria Helena Mendonça, Ester Vieira de Abreu Oliveira, Paulo Roberto Sodré. En guise de conclusion, elle présente la réévaluation de l'importance de la légitimité des études universitaires dans ce domaine de la connaissance (la femme et la littérature), pour qu’on puísse offrir à la critique littéraire un nouveau corpus théorique-méthodologique tel que l'avait proposé Constânci a Lima Duarte.
- ItemA palavra, o trabalho das agulhas e o choro da donzela irmã de Persival d'A demanda do Santo Graal : uma alegoria cristã(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-08-21) Silva, Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira deMarks the presence of a feminine character – Persival's sister – like allegorical figure and, so, ideological, in A Demanda do Santo Graal. Undertakes a study on the allegory, considering the rhetoric theory on that resource as the universal form of reading that was prosecuted in the Medieval period and that was intending to reproduce the “truth”. Intends to discuss about the conception of the women in the Middle Ages, namely: the view of clerics and the view of the courtesans, by means of the study on the Medieval character and of the feminine social history.
- ItemExus, cus e ecos : a poética erótico-sagrada de Waldo Motta(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-09-26) Berçaco, Ériton Bernardes; Soares, Luis Eustáquio; Salgueiro, Wilberth Clayton; Miranda, Wander MeloEstudio de la obra poética de Waldo Motta, especialmente Bundo e outros poemas, a partir de la perspectiva del concepto erótico inspirado en Platón (Um Banquete), Georges Bataille (O Erotismo), Octavio Paz (A dupla chama: amor e erotismo), y a la luz de la concepción de sagrado motivada por Mircea Eliade y Bataille. A partir de tales referencias, se investigan diálogos polifónicos (Bakhtin) que posibiliten la constatación de una poética que se inscribe como mímese de mundos desautorizados en una literatura considerada occidental. Se busca percibir los efectos de una poesía que reitera ciertas relaciones analógicas de una tradición literaria, no obstante, que utiliza la ironía (Octavio Paz) como recurso anticanónico, en un juego que refleja y contesta expectativas de una poesía erótica “convencional”. Por fin, se analiza la relación entre tales formas literarias del erótico y el contexto teológico/filosófico que las rodea.
- ItemO nome na sátira medieval : estudo de três personagens dionisinos à luz da interpretatio nominis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-10-30) Verissimo, Thiago Costa; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Souza, Risonete Batista deAnálisis de los ciclos satíricos del rey-trovador Dom Dinis, destinados a Melion Garcia y a João Bolo, además de la cantiga destinada a Joan Simeão, a la luz de la interpretatio nominis. La investigación de esos textos – así como de su contratexto, resultante del juego de palabras cubertas – posibilita inquirir con respecto a la motivación de los nombres en ese hacer poético, teniendo en cuenta que los nombres son uno de los muchos signos que estructuran y sostienen el juego risible de las cantigas de escarnio. Esos nombres-bromas son, al mismo tiempo, pista de identidad y denuncia de las faltas de los visados. Con eso, el texto propiamente dicho y la persona satirizada, en una relación nombre/texto, se afirman como un objeto uno, funcionando el personaje – sea este presentado por un alias, un apellido, un apodo o incluso por un anagrama – como una clave de lectura.
- ItemO bovarismo de Jules de Gaultier (na ficção e na vida): fontes e vertentes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-10-31) Dalvi, Camila David; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Pontes Júnior, Geraldo Ramos; Souza, Marcelo Paiva de; Pinheiro, Maria Elizabeth de Sá CunhaCe travail se dédie essentiellement à l étude du concept de "bovarysme", inspiré par l oeuvre Madame Bovary, de Gustave Flaubert. La dissertation partira d un abrégé de la trajectoire du philosophe Jules de Gaultier qui l a institué, passera par une lecture critique de l oeuvre flaubertienne en question et suivra vers la définition de "bovarysme" selon la philosophie gaultierienne. Nous établirons des comparaisons avec quelques oeuvres de Flaubert et, éventuellement, avec des oeuvres d auteurs brésiliens comme Machado de Assis et Lima Barreto. Les correspondances de Flaubert seront évoquées, ainsi que des réflexions critiques et théoriques de Per Buvik, Émile Zola, Andrea Hossne, Mario Vargas Llosa et Arnold Hauser.
- ItemA cidade flutuante : espaços, deslocamentos e identidades na literatura pós-moderna(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2008-12-09) Pizzol, Rafaela Scardino Lima; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Jozef, Bella Karacuchansky; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz doThe city imposes to its inhabitants an endless movement, a displacement through spaces that do not show any signs of permanence — may it be identity, physical or urban. The urban text is made of constantly moving bodies that write it, many times, without ever getting to read it. In Paul Auster’s novels, and also in several contemporary novels, in a similar way, the characters only possibility of knowing the city comes from their walkings and the narration of what they experiment and testify. In their wanderings, they move through both subjective and empirical structures, as well as words, in an attempt to give shape to the city space and to the absence of any feeling of pertaining. This essay approaches how the urban structures and the contemporary wandering and subjectivity processes are literarily structured, taking as a guideline Paul Auster’s oeuvres, especially the narratives In the country of last things and City of glass, and, in a minor focus, other contemporary novels. In this conceptual panorama, we will discuss and analyze, therefore, the configurations of the contemporaneity in order to study postmodern subjective representations, their relation to the spacial organizations, the identity flotations and the wanderings in the urban space/time, as well as the ways those relations are composed in the postmodern literature.
- ItemTemas e teimas : o discurso feminino e feminista de Marina Colasanti(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-01-15) Monteiro, Maria Aparecida de Araújo; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Arcure, Sílvia Inês CárcamoIt shows the reading of the female identity development based on Marina Colasanti’s writing. Through this author, the writing performance is analyzed on different textual genres in order to build a female voice to find out its place on the text and in the history. It proposes a view over the female movement and the influence of this social movement on the literature on a broad perspective and specifically on Marina Colasanti’s production. It aims to analyze how the female movement decreasing happened and its gradual substitution on the genre matters.
- ItemMãe pobre: um livro de combate ideológico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-01-26) Laureano, Maria Helena; Orientador1; Sodré, Paulo Roberto
- ItemUma biografia portuguesa em Levantado do chão : lugares da metaficção em José Saramago(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-03-03) Venturotti, Fabiano; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Gonda, Gumercinda Nascimento; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz doJosé Saramago révèle une particularité expressive dans la littérature portugaise contemporain: il s'approprie de l’événement historique comme matériel littéraire pour la trame de certaines de leurs romances. La technique, aussi commune dans les romans historiques, permet de nouveaux chemins dans l'imagination créative de l'auteur, en s'utilisant de l'écriture comme réviseur du passé et instrument d'analyse et critique sociale. En partant de cette perspective, nous faisons un parcours dans le contexte de l'auteur à l'intérieur de la tendance néoréaliste portugaise du siècle XX, dont le style, en principe, supposé par l'auteur, progressivement a été substitué par la “métafiction historiographique”. En prenant en considération cette théorisation initiale, nous analysons et discutons un de leurs premières romans: Levantado do chão. En délimitant spécifiquement le corpus littéraire a une oeuvre, sans laisser de visiter autres ouvres de l'auteur, nous visons l'interprétation et l'analyse du processus de composition de le roman saramaguiano, surtout dans sa relation entre histoire et fiction. À partir de la théorisation qui vient de la littérature, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, surtout les concepts de mémoire, l'oubli, la métafiction, le roman historique et l'idéologie, nous analysons comme les formes de “violence symbolique”, sa production, reproduction et manutention, originaires des instances politiques et religieuses, sont organisée sur la diégèse romanesque de José Saramago en vue du contexte agraire portugais mis en scène.