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Navegando Doutorado em Engenharia Ambiental por Autor "Andrade, Maria de Fátima"
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- ItemCaracterização química e morfológica de partículas sedimentadas na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória - ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-06-27) Conti, Melina Moreira; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Kerr, Américo Adlai Franco Sansigolo; Andrade, Maria de Fátima; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo de Almeida; Santos, Jane MériThe main objective of this thesis is to study the dustfall in the Metropolitan Region of the Great Vitória (RMGV),including an alysisordepositionflux, physico-chemical characterization, size distribution and morphologicalcharacterization to classifysource categories withhigh degree of similarityandcontributing to identifythe main sources of the region. The samples were collected between the months of May and November 2010 atfour sitesin RMGV, by using copper plates and samplers based on the American Standard ASTMD1739-98 (2004). The deposition flux was determinedby gravimetric methodbased on the Brazilian Standard ABNT MB3402 (1991). The analysis of the chemical composition andmorphology were performedby Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with individual-particle X-ray analysis(SEM/EDS). Threemaingroups of particles were found:particles with high contentofSi and Al with low concentrations of K, Ti and Fe; particles with high content of C; and particles with highcontent ofFe.The first group is probably aluminum silicatematerials related to the crust and dirt roads. The second group the particles may have anorganic origin, related to biogenic processes, burning or coal handling. For the third group, the particlesareprobablyrelated to iron-ore processingand steel manufacturingin the region. It wasalso found a significant presence of NaCl particles, C-Caand high content of Ca-Mg. It was observed that more than 95% of the sampled setted the particles are smaller than 10 μm pelleted, however, more than 95% of deposited mass correspondsto particles larger than 10 μm.Regarding the determination of originof the particles, a comparisonbetween the results obtained here and previous CMB source apportionment study, performed by using CMB, indicates that the results obtained by both techniques are fairlyconsistent, but the use of SEM/EDSenables better source separation/identification, since it relies not only on chemical composition but also on morphological characteristics of the particles.
- ItemChemical Characterization of Particles in Iron-rich Atmosphere of Urban and Industrialized Regions.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-30) Galvão, Elson Silva; Lima, Ana Teresa Macas; Stuetz, Richard Michael; Santos, Jane Meri; Albuquerque, Taciana de Almeida; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Andrade, Maria de Fátima; Martins, Jorge AlbertoEpidemiological studies have shown the association of airborne particulate matter (PM) size and chemical composition with health problemsaffecting the cardiorespiratory and central nervous systems. Therefore, PM source identification is an important step in air quality managementprograms. Receptor models are frequently used for PM source apportionment studies to identify the contribution of local sources. Despite the benefits of using receptormodels for air quality management, limitations such as collinearity effectsin which sources have similar chemical profilesrestrict their application or compromise theaccurate separation of sources. For highly correlated sources, the identification of specific markers is still the best way for more accurate source apportionment. There are several works using different analytical techniques in PM chemical and physical characterization to supply information forsource apportionment models. The choice amongavailable techniquesdepends on:particles physical properties, sampling and measuring time, access to facilities andthe costs associated to equipmentacquisition, among other considerations. Despite the numerous analytical techniques described in the literature for PM characterization, laboratories are normally limited to in-house available techniques, which raisesthequestion if a giventechnique is suitable for the purpose of a specific experimental work. In this work, the state of art on available technologies for PM characterizationis stablished anda guide to choose the most appropriate technique(s)for a specific study is proposed. A new approach is also proposed to identify the most appropriated sourcesassociated to the factors revealed by the Positive Matrix Factorization modelling by characterizing inorganic and organic chemical species and usingpollutant roses. PMsamples werecollected in a coastal, urban/industrialized region in Brazil andanalyzed by EDXRF, TD-GC-MS and TOC for the characterization of metals, PAHs, EC and OC. This region presents an atypical iron-rich atmosphere due to the presence of pelletizing and steelmaking industries. The proposed methodology revealed that consolidated markers for vehicular: elemental carbon(EC) and organic carbon (OC), sea salt: chloride (Cl) and sodium (Na), and industrial: iron (Fe) sources, were also associated to other sources. Cl,a typical marker of sea salt,was also attributed to industrial sintering activities. Some PMF factors showed high OC loadings, a typical marker for both vehicular exhaust and coal burning. The definitionof the most appropriate source for those factors was only possible due to the assessment of the pollutantroses. Potassium (K), a usual marker of biomass burning, was predominantly associated to winds from an industrial parkplaced at Northeast of the sampling sites and, therefore, most likely associated to sintering emissions. Some PAHs such as naphtalene, chrysene, phenanthrene, fluorine and acenaphtylene were keymarkers allowing the apportionment of sources with similar inorganic chemical profiles, among them theindustrialsintering, pelletizing and biomass burning. viiResults showedthat combining both organic and inorganic chemical markers with pollutant roses for identification of the directionality of predominant sources improved the interpretation of PMF factor numbers in source apportionment studies.In addition, theResonant Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction (RSr-XRD) technique wasconducted at the Laboratório Nacional de Luz Synchrotron(LNLS) in Campinas, Brazil, to analyzesettleable particles (SP),totalsuspended particulate matter(TSP), PM10, andPM2.5samples showinghigh levels of iron-based crystalline phases. In comparison to the use of chemical elemental species, the identification of the crystalline phases provided an enhanced approach to classify specific iron-based source markers. α-Fe2O3, metallic Fe, FeS2andK2Fe2O4areassociated, respectively, toiron ore, pelletizing, and sintering; blast furnaces and steelmaking; coal deposits; andsintering emissions. The attribution of crystal rather than elemental composition in the identification of sources improvedthe accuracy of source apportionment studies.Compounds such as K2Fe2O4 andNH4ClO4 arespecificallylinked to thesintering process, mainly formed during raw materials furnace roasting. Uncommonsulfates crystalssuch as FeAl2(SO4)4.22H2O and (NH4)3Fe(SO4)3 present in the PM2.5 samples showed the high influence of α-Fe2O3in the atmospheric photo-reduction of Fe into sulfates. Results also showedhigh influence of other sourcesthan seawith a highClcontribution, such as sintering and coke ovens. Therefore, we believe that the use of receptor models in tandem with source profiles defined bycrystalline phases, elemental species, andorganic compounds, such as the PAHs, can improve distinction of highly correlated sources.
- ItemInfluência da poluição atmosférica por SO2, MP10, MP2,5 e sua composição elementar na incidência de doença respiratória aguda em crianças(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-09-15) Nascimento, Antônio Paula; Mill, José Geraldo; Santos, Jane Meri; Reis Junior, Neyval Costa; Andrade, Maria de Fátima; Leon, Antonio Carlos Monteiro Ponce de; Reisen, Valdério AnselmoThe aim of this study is to investigate the influence of atmospheric pollutants such as SO2, MP10 and MP2,5 in acute outcome of respiratory diseases in 12-year old children living in urban and industrial areas and to ascertain the influence of inorganic elements, as well as elemental carbon present in fine particulate (MP2,5) in those outcome within short periods, during Winter and Summer times in the South hemisphere. Data on SO2 e MP10 concentrations were obtained through measurements made in six stations of the air quality automatic monitoring net placed in the Great Vitoria Metropolitan Region (RMGV). Samples of MP2,5 were collected in the same region using the MiniVol sampler during a 24-hour period in alternate days. They were weighted in a scale with 1 μm sensitivity and the analysis of its components was carried out using the energy dispersion X-Ray fluorescence technique and by the reflectance technique. Cases of common health care as well as hospital patient admissions due to acute respiratory diseases in CID-10 JJ00 - JJ99 groups were obtained in three hospitals (one public and two private). All data were obtained during the Winter (from 21/06/2013 to 21/09/2013) and the Summer (from 21/12/2013 to 19/03/2014). To quantify the correlation between acute respiratory diseases to the pollutant concentrations the Generalized Additive Model (GAM) with Poisson distribution was applied. Results have pointed out greater relative risk (RR) of acute respiratory events due to the presence of SO2, a 1,28 RR (IC 95%: 1,22 – 1,34) and MP10, a 1,14 RR (IC 95%: 1,09 – 1,20), within the day of exposure (lag 0). With respect to fine particulate, exposure effects have shown more evident effects after a six-day period from the exposure, with a 1,05 RR (I.C. 95%: 1,01 – 1,10). Chemical components present in fine particulate showing a larger RR of causing acute respiratory diseases were: Si – 1, 22 RR (IC 95%: 1,15 – 1,29), S – 1,09 RR (IC 95%: 1,06 – 1,12), Ti – 1,09 RR (IC 95%: 1,01 – 1,17), the black carbon (BC) – 1,07 RR (IC 95%: 1,03 – 1,11) for a same day occurrence of exposure and outcome. For outcomes due to a two-day period after exposure, the greatest RR of respiratory diseases in the short term is associated with the presence of Se –1,14 RR (IC 95%: 1,06 – 1,23) and Ni – 1,10 RR (IC 95%: 1,02 – 1,19).