O lugar do negro na formação nacional na produção literária de Carolina Maria de Jesus

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Leonardeli, Poliana Bernabé
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This is the english abstract.This research focuses on the study of three works by the writer Carolina Maria de Jesus, Quarto de Eviction: Diary of a Favelada (1960), Diário de Bitita (1986) and Casa de Alvenaria: Diary of an Ex-Favelada (1961), in which the author articulates her Afro-diasporic experience with the trajectory of national formation. The hypothesis of this work is that Carolina’s production reflects the trajectory of the black Brazilian people, as her literature is based on strong national social contradictions, which emerge from her production through a dialogical network that is linked to the African diaspora and the black-Brazilian diaspora. In view of this, through their narratives, the black body is delineated which, subjected to a project of Eurocentric power, transits in national rural and urban spatiality. In this way, his text broadens the understanding of the trajectory of these subjects in the face of the socioeconomic changes to which the country was subject after abolition, demonstrating, in the meantime, how, although legally free, these individuals continued to be immersed in a violent system of exploitation of their work and the plundering of their culture. That said, it is possible to affirm that Carolinian literature provides a broad and critical overview of the condition of black people in the national territory, especially in the first years of the republican period. To this end, the author articulates, metaliterally, her trajectory in the context of capitalism and the working conditions of black people under this new regime. This research also points out that this production was important for the advancement of national literature, as it caused ruptures in the canon by deconstructing stereotypical and discriminatory images about black people and their cultures, making use of an innovative linguistic structure and a dialogical network of senses. The research methodology adopted is bibliographical, and the analysis procedure of the works is guided by the historical-dialectical materialist method, as a way of analyzing, with more property, the developments of the national Afro-diasporic trajectory, mainly in the face of socio-cultural transformations. historical events that occurred in a context of the rise of capitalism as an economic model
Jesus, Carolina Maria de, 1914-1977 , Literatura negro-brasileira , Escravidão e capitalismo , Racismo e trabalho , Black-Brazilian literature , Slavery and Capitalism , Racism and Work