Educação positiva: satisfação com o trabalho, forças de caráter e bem-estar psicológico de professores escolares

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Cintra, Clarisse Lourenço
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Positive Education develops in an effort to apply the Positive Psychology to educational institutions, which in addition to the teaching of academic skills, aim at teaching skills for the well-being by promoting the flourishing of individuals and institutions. In the model developed by the Geelong Grammar School (Australia), Positive Education is implemented throughout the school, emphasizing the importance of incorporating Positive Psychology broadly in the school community (teachers, staff, students and their families), allowing greater reach and sustainability of results. Based on this framework, the present dissertation aimed to map the national and international scientific literature on Positive Education by conducting a systematic review (Study 1) and to investigate the relationship among school teacher’s job satisfaction, the character strengths that are important to be a good teacher and the ones that describe them as teachers, and the psychological well-being of these participants (Study 2). In Study 1, theoretical and empirical papers attending the inclusion / exclusion criteria were selected in the following databases: SciELO, ERIC, PsycINFO and Redalyc. The review found 75 papers, mostly theoretical studies (53.3%); published mainly in the United States (44%) and Australia (16%); and the main topics were well-being (N = 16) and character strengths (N = 11). It was also observed a low frequency – and absence in Brazil – of papers that identify Positive Education, as well as a lack of studies made with teachers, especially school teachers. A total of 115 elementary and high school teachers from public and private schools took part in Study 2. Data collection was conducted via the internet using a structured questionnaire with the following instruments: Sociodemographic and professional questions, Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving, Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, Importance and Perception Scale of Character Strengths, WhoQol-Brief and the Job Affective Well-Being Scale. Data were organized and analyzed using SPSS software version 18. Correlation analyses showed significant associations among most of the dimensions of the studied constructs. Teachers showed a medium to high level of psychological well-being and a medium level of job satisfaction, and a strong correlation between these two constructs. Results showed the importance of investing in teachers’ well-being and job satisfaction to provide a quality teaching-learning process that goes beyond the academic training and promotes the flourishing of the entire school community. 
Positive education , Positive psychology , Psychological well-being , Job satisfaction , School teachers , Educação positiva , Psicologia positiva , Bem-estar psicológico , Satisfação com o trabalho , Professores escolares
CINTRA, Clarisse Lourenço. Educação positiva: satisfação com o trabalho, forças de caráter e bem-estar psicológico de professores escolares. 2016 109 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2016.