Afetos e representações de famílias negras na literatura infantil: por uma educação literária

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Alacrino, Daniela Santos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The general objective of this research was to identify the family structures of black characters and their emotional relationships in children's literature on African and Afro-Brazilian culture, contributing to a literary education. The specific objectives sought to: analyze the family configurations present in the works, whether single-parent or two-parent, heterosexual or homosexual, and other models; identify, based on a specialized theoretical framework, the way in which emotional relationships involving black characters are characterized in Brazilian works and those from African countries; verify how and if there are influences from African cultures or traditions in the family structures present in works contextualized in countries of the African diaspora, especially in Brazil; reflect on how literary education, in accordance with Law 10.639/2003, can provide contact with diverse emotional bonds. To this end, this dissertation presents studies on family organizations in the African context based on Somé (2009) and Oyèrónkẹ (2021), authors who, together with bell hooks (2019; 2022) and others, were central references for literary analysis. The methodology adopted was bibliographic (Gil, 2008), using as source the books from the LitERÊtura group collection composed of 392 children's literature titles (BARRETO, 2023). The works analyzed were: “Julián é uma sereia”, by Jessica Love (2021); “Agora pode chover”, by Celso Sisto (2018); “Eu também!”, by Patricia Auerbach (2021); Quintal das irmãs”, by Waldete Tristão (2024); “Cadê você, Jamela?” and “Feliz aniversário, Jamela!” by Niki Daly (2006, 2009); and “A mãe que voava” (The Flying Mother), by Caroline Carvalho (2018). The titles were divided into four categories: “Family and Sexuality”, “Ancestry and Lordship”, “Paternity”, “Bonds between Siblings and Extended Families” and “Maternity”. The methodological procedures of the State of Knowledge were used for the bibliographic review, which showed a significant number of works that deal with motherhood and the relationship between children and older relatives, usually their grandmothers. On the other hand, there are still few studies focused on black boys and men. The results of the literary analysis showed positive results in relation to family representations, as they do not reinforce stereotypes, but promote the expansion of children’s literary repertoire. Furthermore, it diversifies and values the history and culture of the black population and the consolidation of affective relationships.
Literatura infantil , Famílias negras , Educação literária