Associação entre Propósito de Vida, Cognição e Funcionalidade em Idosos da Região Rural da Amazônia

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Campos, Hércules Lázaro Morais
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Growing old in a developing country is a major challenge and becoming old in the rural Amazonian context enhances, instigates and makes these elderly men and women develop resilience. It is known that in developing countries rural ageing is a male phenomenon, but studies on this population have female characteristics; it is the elderly women who take part in the research and it is from them that we have the most information. OBJECTIVES: To characterize and describe the presence of cognition, functionality and life purpose in elderly people aging in rural Amazonas. METHODOLOGY: A sociodemographic questionnaire was used to assess and characterize elderly women and men aging in rural Amazonas in 2020. To assess health, cognition, functionality and purpose in life, the elderly were visited in their rural communities and/or at home. To assess cognition, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied, with cut-off scores according to schooling; functionality and physical performance were assessed using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB); and to assess purpose in life (PiL), the scale validated in Brazil was applied. The database analyzed in this study has n=215 observations, with no missing data.Categorical variables were presented as absolute and relative frequencies, while numerical variables were described using measures of central tendency and dispersion. Pearson's chi-square test of independence and Fisher's exact test were used to test the association between the independent variables and the Life Purpose Scale. A binomial logistic regression model was adjusted for the variables that showed statistical significance in the association test, with the OR (odds ratio) being presented for the analyses; significance was used at the 5% level. All procedures were carried out using R Studio (2023.03.1+446 "Cherry Blossom") and R (4.2.2) software. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Rural ageing in Amazonas, as described in this study, is also female, surrounded by women farmers, with low levels of schooling, cognitive changes that deserve attention, are partially functional and, surprisingly, have a purpose in life. The first article recorded and produced a systematic review protocol on how to grow old from a cognitive, functional and life purpose point of view in a rural context around the world; the second article produced a systematic review on how to grow old in a rural context around the world, evaluating these crosssectional studies methodologically through methodological quality and risk of bias (OSQE), and found that until April 2023 there had been no publications on life purpose in the rural elderly population around the world. Finally, the last article found the presence of life purpose in rural elderly people in the Amazon and that working even after retirement and having moderate physical function are protective for future life goals. The way we age in a rural context from a cognitive, functional and physical function perspective is still very homogeneous, diverse and depends very much on the rural region in the world where this ageing takes place. CONCLUSION: The data on how people age in rural areas is still very homogeneous, sometimes confusing and contradictory, and more elderly men need to be included in this context. Life purpose, together with age, schooling and functionality were protective factors for the health of elderly people aging in rural Amazonas. This study is the first to verify the presence of life purpose in elderly people aging in a rural context. Presenting PiL is an important and protective factor for cognition, functionality, physical function and rural ageing in the barrancas of Amazonas.
Envelhecimento populacional , saúde rural , cognição , funcionalidade , metas