Geometria analítica no ensino médio: uma proposta com tratamento vetorial

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Silva, Robson Vieira da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Based on the course program of Analytic Geometry present in the basic curriculum of the State of Esp´irito Santo public schools, we propose a vectorial approach for the subject. That’s because, with base in analyses of textbooks used in the High School, it was possible verifying the absence of vectors in the mentioned discipline, although the method applied to the Analytic Geometry facilitates your teaching and learning. Under that prism, we produced a material that brings as main differential the introduction of vectors and your applicability, demonstrated also, in exercises. In the same way, we mentioned the straight line equation and we brought some considerations concerning to vectors in the discipline of Space Analytic Geometry. In that context, it was possible to simplify the understanding of fundamental concepts and to make possible a larger transition between the Algebra and the Geometry.
Analytic geometry , Vectors , High school , Textbooks , Vetores , Equation on straight line , Equação de reta