Comportamento de antibióticos da classe das fluoroquinolonas na urina humana durante tratamento para reciclagem de nutrientes via estocagem e evaporação

dc.contributor.advisor-co1Pena, Angelina Lopes Simões
dc.contributor.advisor1Gonçalves, Ricardo Franci
dc.contributor.authorZancheta, Priscilla Garozi
dc.contributor.referee1Kiperstok, Asher
dc.contributor.referee2Paulo, Paula Loureiro
dc.contributor.referee3Ramos, Rogério
dc.contributor.referee4Cassini, Sérvio Túlio Alves
dc.description.abstractThere are interesting prospects from the use of human urine as fertilizer in agricultural, mainly in developing countries due to high concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. However, the urine is the major route for excretion of drug and metabolites making it necessary to remove residues pharmaceutical to prevent longterm risks to the environment. The present work aim at developing and validating of a method for simultaneous quantification of the class of fluoroquinolones antibiotics, fluoroquinolones (FQs), ofloxacin (OFLO), norfloxacin (NOR) and ciprofloxacin (CIPRO) in human urine, to evaluate the behaviorof these antibioticsin human urine during treatment for recycling of nutrients for storage and evaporation and analyze the performance of solar evaporators for volume reduction of human urine. The method describes a method for analytical high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FD) without clean-up step which usually requires the use of large quantities of organic solvents and other procedures such as extraction solid phase. The method is selective with linearity of r> 0.99, sensitive, with recovery of 80% to 107% and suitable for routine analyzes (low cost, simple and use of small volume of solvent) for ecological approaches. This method was applied to evaluate the behavior of the three FQs in human urine during the storage and evaporation. Urine used for both treatments was collected only from males, healthy and without medication use. This was divided into two types, normal urine (without acidification) and acidified urine. During the two treatments were also evaluated the behavior of nutrients from human urine and microbiological analysis in normal urine during storage. For the analysis of the storage, the FQs were used only acidified urine and in evaporation the two kinds were used. The storage of the acidified urine was not able to reduce the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals in significant quantities, considering the detection limit of the chromatographic method (1.0 µg l -1). Therefore, monitoring the presence of these pharmaceuticals in human urine must be implemented, when the storage treatment is used as a single treatment. In microbiological tests realized with normal urine during the storage treatment, was found that after a period of 15 days and at room-temperature, the levels of total coliforms and E. coli tended to zero. The evaporation tests showed greater resistance to degradation for OFLO and high degradability for NOR and CIPRO under different conditions of pH and temperature. The urine acidification increased the resistance to degradation the NOR and CIPRO under the temperatures used. The speeds and efficiencies of degradation were reduced relatively to the tests with normal urine. It is concluded that acidification is not an effective method for the conservation of nitrogen and degradation of the OFLO in urine under evaporation conditions tested.For evaluation of evaporation in the two processes we used only acidified urine. The results showed that the volume can be reduced using both techniques. When related the rates of evaporation and energy efficiency, solar parabolic concentrator performed best over the evaporator tray, showing a shorter residence time and higher rates of degradation of FQseng
dc.description.resumoExistem interessantes perspectivas a partir da utilização da urina humana como fertilizante em uso agrícola, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento devido às altas concentrações de nutrientes, como nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. No entanto, a urina humana é a principal via de excreção de fármacos inalterados e seus metabólitos fazendo-se necessária a remoção de resíduos farmacêuticos para evitar em longo prazo riscos ao meio ambiente. O presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver e validar um método para quantificação simultânea de antibióticos da classe das fluoroquinolonas (FQs): ofloxacina (OFLO), norfloxacina (NOR) e ciprofloxacina (CIPRO) em urina humana, avaliar o comportamento desses antibióticos na urina durante tratamento para reciclagem de nutrientes via estocagem e evaporação e analisar o desempenho de evaporadores solares para redução de volume da urina humana. O método desenvolvido descreve uma metodologia analítica por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a um detector de fluorescência (CLAE-DF) sem recorrer à etapa de clean-up que geralmente exige o uso de grandes quantidades de solventes orgânicos e outros procedimentos, como extração em fase sólida. O método demonstrou ser seletivo, com linearidade de r > 0,99, sensível, com recuperação de 80% a 107% e adequado para análises de rotina (baixo custo, simples e utilização de pequeno volume de solventes) para abordagens ecológicas
dc.identifier.citationZAMPROGNO, Bartolomeu. O uso e interpretação de análise de componentes principais, em séries temporais, com enfoque no gerenciamento da qualidade do ar. 2013. 117 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Ambiental) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2013
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Espírito Santo
dc.publisher.courseDoutorado em Engenharia Ambiental
dc.publisher.departmentCentro Tecnológico
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental
dc.rightsopen access
dc.subjectHigh-performance Liquid Chromatographyeng
dc.subjectCromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiênciapor
dc.subject.cnpqEngenharia Sanitária
dc.titleComportamento de antibióticos da classe das fluoroquinolonas na urina humana durante tratamento para reciclagem de nutrientes via estocagem e evaporação
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