Ditadura militar brasileira e violência de gênero em Tropical sol da liberdade, de Ana Maria Machado
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Bergami, Lucinei Maria
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Based on a reading of Tropical sol da Liberdade (2012), a novel by Rio de Janeiro writer Ana Maria Machado (1941), this text investigates the trajectory of the character Helena, before, during and after her exile, due to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship. The memories of the protagonist's childhood, youth and adult life, especially the period before and after her exile, in addition to the dialogue she establishes with her mother Amália, bear witness to the dictatorial era and the suffering of a community. Based on this narrative context, the research is based on aspects that date back to real events during the dictatorship, the social role of women, gender-based violence perpetrated by the regime, as well as the traces left by the military during the 21 years of repression. Not without reason, the development of this investigation included the contributions of scholars Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Wilberth Salgueiro, Jaime Ginzburg, Regina Dalcastagnè, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Nelson Martinelli Filho, Edward Said, Shoshana Felman, Aleida Assmann, Paul Ricoeur, between others. This thesis, therefore, joins the voices that call for not forgetting global catastrophes, dictatorships, mass extermination and any type of violence attributed to women.
Gênero , Testemunho , Ditadura militar