Discursos da UNESCO sobre a alfabetização de crianças no período de 2000 a 2015 para a América Latina e Caribe

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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The objective of this work is to understand speeches from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on children's literacy, from 2000 to 2015, mainly those aimed at Latin America and the Caribbean. The research methodology is a qualitative approach, of a documentary nature. Initially, we investigated which themes guided UNESCO's speeches on children's literacy during this period in the documents prepared and disseminated by the Organization's team and partners, published on the Unesdoc website. These documents expose the evolution of UNESCO member countries towards achieving the goals and objectives for achieving Education for All, completed in 2015. To this end, we are based on Bakhtin's (2011) conception of language with a focus in its concepts of ideology, discourse, dialogism and theme. We sought to study the main educational policies outlined by UNESCO, from its formation until the year in which we began this research. Next, we highlight the Fundamental Education Program, UNESCO's encouragement of access to books, the World Literacy Experimental Program (PEMA) and Edgar Faure's Learning to Be Report. We defend the thesis that, in the documents analyzed, the themes of school failure, dropout and evaluation as a tool for improving results in education underwent developments outlined by the political and economic interests of UNESCO to meet the needs of the world market.
Políticas de alfabetização infantil , Fracasso escolar , Evasão escolar