A Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do Espírito Santo e a Rede Federal de Educação Profissional (1909-1930)

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Silva, Sheila Siqueira da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research aimed to historically investigate the Professional Education Federal Net, having as main focus the Artisan Apprentice Schools of Espírito Santo State (EAA-ES), between 1909 and 1930, its foundation and maintenance, regarding the proposals, functions and management actions. We start from the pretext that this Net, whose the initial representatives were the Artisan Apprentice Schools of Espírito Santo State (EAA-ES) founded in 1909 under the Decree 7.566, September 23rd, by President Nilo Peçanha, was one of the projects which were inserted in a greater proposal that was the construction of Brazilian nation from the idea of current modernity from that time. This way, we tried to identify which progress, work and educational representations were suitable by the intellectuality that defended the foundation of these schools and which actions (practices) were managed from this suitable representations. Thus, we based on Roger Chartier s thought and privileged the following sources: legislations related to the EAA s; reports from Business, Agriculture, Industry and Commerce State Department; reports and messages from the Presidents of Espírito Santo State; and documents issued by EAA-ES. We conclude that the first generation of republican intellectuality idealized the Professional Education Federal Net and forged its intentionality; a second generation created the EAA s and defined their functionality in a moment of disappointment about the direction the Young Republic was bound for; and a third generation, named modernist, remodeled the EAA s aiming to render the professional teaching more efficient. Then, throughout this research other functions for the EAA s were revealed which justify their distribution to cities that had advanced a little or did not advance anyway concerning industrialization, like Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo State, that received a unit of this institution. More than qualifying labor force for the industry, the EAA s were employed to spread a new order, whose goal was to train a mass of workers, molded into the perspective of disciplined work and maintenance of the order. In reference to the EAA-ES, we can note that, in a general way, they presented the same difficulties to execute their functions as their congeners: lack of qualified staff to work in the workshops, inappropriate buildings, a high evasion of apprentices; and difficulty of the population in arrogating the benefits of the institution. Yet, it was possible to observe the curious attempt of extinguishment of the EAA-ES, by the government of Espírito Santo State.
Artisan apprentice schools , History of Espírito Santo , Progress, education and work , Professional education , Professional Education Federal Net , Rede Federal de Educação Profissional , Escolas de aprendizes artífices , Progresso, educação e trabalho , Educação profissional , História do Espírito Santo
SILVA, Sheila Siqueira da. A Escola de Aprendizes Artífices do Espírito Santo e a Rede Federal de Educação profissional (1909-1930). 2013. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, 2013.