Etnoecologia da comunidade de catadores de caranguejo de Mucuri, Bahia

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Firmo, Angélica Maria Scaldaferri
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work was developed with the community of crab collectors in the municipality of Mucuri-BA, and the primary objective was to examine the ethnobioecological knowledge and interactions of the community of crab collectors in relation to the mangrove and its resources, as well as characterize the socio-economic profile of the people involved, identify the main techniques for capturing the crabs and the use of the resources and interact concepts of traditional knowledge with scientific knowledge. Following this context the study entitled “The Community of Crab Collectors of Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil: an Ethnoecological Approach” was divided into four chapters. The first chapter, entitled "Socio-economic profile and ethnobioecological knoledge of the crab collectors of Ucides cordatus (linnaeus, 1763) from Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil" deals with the socioeconomic aspects of the community of crab collectors, harvesting, marketing and bioecological knowledge about the species Ucides cordatus. The second chapter, called “Population density of the crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) in the municipality of Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil" aproaches the perceptions of the community of collectors of crabs in relation to the conservation status of the mangrove and density and productivity of the land crab in each of their areas, in order thereby to contribute to the management and conservation of this species in this region. The third chapter "Capture and commercialization of Blue Land Crabs (“guiamum”) Cardisoma guanhumi (Lattreille, 1825) along the coast of Bahia State, Brazil: an Ethnoecological approach” addresses bioecological knowledge of the community of collectors in relation to Cardisoma guanhumi, as well as capturing and marketing of this kind. And finally the chapter on "Perceptions of environmental changes and Lethargic crab disease among crab harvesters in a Brazilian coastal community” as the title emphasizes, describes the perception of the community of collectors in relation to Lethargic Crab Disease (DLC) and major environmental changes responsible for the reduction of stocks of the species Ucides cordatus. The methodology used in these four studies involved a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and the results demonstrated the existence of a large ethnobioecolgical knowledge on the part of collectors over the mangrove species and U.cordatus. Clearly, then, that the inclusion of this community in the process of making strategic decisions regarding the management and conservation of this species and its ecosystem can only be regarded as a correct attitude that will ensure success in the conservation of natural coastal and estuarine as well as ensuring the recovery and strengthening of culture, knowledge and rich history that has so much to contribute and collaborate on studies and scientific research, for the preservation and conservation of an entire ecosystem of major social and environmental, which is the mangrove.
FIRMO, Angélica Maria Scaldaferri. Etnoecologia da comunidade de catadores de caranguejo de Mucuri, Bahia. 2012. 186 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Tropical) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2012.