Movimento camponês e camponês em movimento: (estudo histórico da violência na frente pioneira do Noroeste do Espírito Santo: 1950-1960)

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Muramatsu, Luiz Noboru
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Ecoporanga, municipality located in the northwest of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, about 290km from the capital city Vitoria, was the stage for intense agrarian conflicts between 1950 and 1962. At that time, this area was known as “Contested Region”, due to the undefined border limits between the states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. Located in a pioneer zone and having large amounts of unclaimed land, Ecoporanga started to receive a strong flow of land-seeking immigrants from the south of the State of Bahia and east of Minas Gerais. Two forms of legal rights were confronted at that time: the supposed farm owner's property rights and the peasants' ownership. The spread idea of agrarian reform in Goulart’s Federal Government helped worsen the fights. The historical denouement was the expulsion of all landholder’s families using police force, during the Lindemberg State Government. This study aims to discuss the use of micro-history and the oral history resource so as to recover memories of the landholders’ saga, including a short comment on the rise of a reportedly mysticalreligious movement led by Udelino Alves de Matos.
Udelino Alves de Matos , Agrarian conflict , Camponeses - Revoltas , Micro-history , Conflito agrário , Memory and oral history , Historia oral e memória
MURAMATSU, Luiz Noboru. Movimento camponês e camponês em movimento: (estudo histórico da violência na frente pioneira do Noroeste do Espírito Santo: 1950-1960). 2015. 342 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2015.