Mestrado em Ensino, Educação Básica e Formação de Professores
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2016
Conceito atual na CAPES: 3
Ato normativo: Homologado no Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018, da Câmara de Educação Superior do Conselho Nacional de Educação, e no Parecer nº 00049/2019/CONJURMEC/CGU/AGU, da Consultoria Jurídica
junto ao Ministério da Educação, proferidos nos autos do Processo nº 23001.000335/2018-51. Divulgado na portaria 609 (14/03/2019) e publicada no DOU (18/03/2019- Edição 52/Seção 1/pg 63).
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Ensino
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemA utilização da variação social gírias no ensino da língua inglesa na educação básica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-30) Nascimento, Larissa Souza; Meira, Ana Cláudia Hebling;; Martins, Raisa Maria de Arruda; Santos, Kelly Barros; research aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of the use of slang in the context of English language teaching and learning. The theme aimed to include linguistic variation (slang) as a teaching and learning resource, in order to analyze whether this proposal was configured in a more attractive and meaningful format from the point of view of students immersed in the subject under discussion. In this way, the literature that underpins this study concerns the theoretical-methodological assumptions of sociolinguistics as well as the context of foreign language teaching and learning. This is a qualitative investigation, which was formalized through field research. The elements were produced through a discussion group (trigged by the semi-structured interview technique) and the introduction of a pedagogical workshop. An audio recorder was used as a tool for collecting information, and the recordings were later transcribed. The analysis resulting from the processes described was carried out using the content analysis method. In view of this, it is believed that the use of slang is effective because this linguistic variation usually makes up the daily vocabulary of young people, when used in the mother tongue, while at the same time enabling affinity and interest in the foreign language under discussion, since the presence of correlations between informal expressions in the Portuguese and English languages is perceived and, therefore, results in contextualized classes that have meaning and are meaningful to learners in the context of English language classes. The analyzed results showed that the pedagogical workshop, linked to the contextualization of the process with the use of slang as a methodology in language classes, resulted in linguistic education, which dialogues with the communicational reality of the research subjects.
- ItemA política de educação especial de Venda Nova do Imigrante – ES no contexto da educação infantil: desafios e possibilidades(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-12) Gonçalves, Cinthia do Carmo; Bregonci, Aline de Menezes;; França, Marileide Gonçalves; Nunes, Isabel Matos; Effgen, Ariadna Pereira SiqueiraThis study aimed to unveil and problematize the process of implementing public policies for special education in a public preschool in the municipality of Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES. To this end, we defined the following specific objectives: to characterize the policies and actions developed by the Municipal Education Department of Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES, to ensure the right to access, permanence, and learning for children who are the target audience of special education in early childhood education; to identify the accessibility and resources available for the effective implementation of public inclusion policies for special education target audience (PAEE) children in the researched school; and to analyze the materialization of educational policies directed at children with disabilities in the researched school. The theoretical foundation is based on the assumptions of historical-dialectical materialism, which underpins historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy. This approach allowed us to understand the development of humanity and the social function of the school. The research is characterized as qualitative in nature, following a case study methodology. For data collection, we conducted a bibliographic review, document consultation, and semi-structured interviews with the coordinators responsible for the Pedagogical Coordination of Specialized Educational Assistance and Early Childhood Education of Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES, teachers of regular classrooms who have PAEE students enrolled in their classes, the Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) teacher in the Multifunctional Resource Room (SRM), the pedagogue and director of EMEI Manacás, and maintained a field diary throughout the field research. The results highlight the municipality's efforts to establish quality education for children with disabilities. However, there is an evident presence of neoliberalism in the organization of municipal documents that guide municipal education in general. Additionally, the lack of intersectoral dialogue hinders collaborative work. We argue that to advance the implementation of inclusive education in the context of early childhood education, it is necessary to reflect on and reorganize continuous training policies, promote greater autonomy for schools and teachers, and improve communication and coordination between sectors and professionals. Implementing special education policy in early childhood education involves adopting a dynamic and collaborative view of the teaching and learning processes for children with disabilities.
- ItemFormação continuada com professores que ensinam matemática : uma abordagem sobre o uso de material didático manipulável(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-30) Silva, Lais Scorziello Feitosa da; Gualandi, Jorge Henrique ;;;;; Oliveira, Alana Nunes Pereira de ;;; Gazire, Eliane Scheid ;; educators have cited the importance of teaching progressing from the tangible to the abstract; hence, this research highlights the importance of using manipulable didactic materials (MDM) in mathematics teaching. It is claimed that the correct use of MDM promotes meaningful learning for students, in addition to developing logical, critical, and scientific reasoning. However, it is emphasized that MDM alone will not ensure that students understand the intended mathematical concepts, and for this to occur, the teacher's mediation becomes crucial. Furthermore, for the use of MDM in the classroom, it is essential that the teacher knows the chosen material and is able to organize a dynamic that promotes learning. Considering that the use of MDM in teaching is important and that the effectiveness of these resources depends more on the educator than on the material itself, the relevance of continuous training (CT) courses that assist teachers in this process becomes evident. Therefore, a CT course was developed with teachers who teach mathematics in the municipality of Piúma-ES, focusing on the use of MDM in teaching. In light of this, the objective of the research, with a qualitative and participatory approach, was to investigate whether a CT course related to teaching through the use of MDM contributes to what teachers who teach mathematics in schools in the municipality of Piúma-ES know and think. The developed CT course took place between August and October 2023, with 13 participants. The data collection instruments included questionnaires, discussion circles, and a field journal. It was found that the participating teachers were already using some MDM, recognized the importance of these resources for their students, but were eager to learn about other materials. Despite facing some challenges regarding the use of MDM, such as lack of resources, the need for more planning time, and large class sizes, the teachers used some materials during the CT course with their classes and were surprised by the positive results. Some shifts in perspectives regarding the use of MDM in mathematics teaching were observed. Some participants recognized the importance of MDM for fostering dialogue during the knowledge construction process, while others continued to use the materials. Additionally, changes in thinking about how to use MDM were identified, in order to better leverage the potential of the materials. Therefore, the need for the provision of CT courses focused on the use of MDM in mathematics teaching, as well as improving the teacher's work environment, is understood
- ItemGamificação e ensino de Ciências : possibilidades e desafios em uma turma de 7º ano da rede pública de Anchieta (ES)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-05) Carlos, Fabiane Lima; Souza, Luceli de ;;;;; Anastácio, Simone Aparecida Fernandes;;; Ferrari, Gláucia Maria;; about new methodological approaches that enhance the teaching and learning process is a challenge for contemporary society. The advent of new technologies and the adaptation of young people to these resources have led education to undergo transformations to align with new realities. Active methodologies, such as gamification, have been gaining acceptance in the educational context by using game elements to promote engagement, motivate, and inspire interest in learning. In this perspective, the objective of the research is to investigate whether the use of gamification with digital technology as an active methodology contributes to the teaching and learning process in Science and to identify the factors that may obstruct its application. The methodology employed was a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. For data collection, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, in loco observation, group discussions, and field diary were utilized. The participants of the research included one teacher and twenty-five 7th-grade students from a public school in the municipality of Anchieta (ES). The data were discussed based on Bardin's Content Analysis. The research results indicated that the participating teacher regularly updates her professional trajectory, is well-versed in the subject, and provides varied lessons in her teaching practice. She understands gamification as a collective game, with or without the use of technologies, offering possibilities for interdisciplinarity and, consequently, more dynamic lessons that can encourage student participation. As challenges, she highlights the lack of involvement of fellow teachers, the need to revise rules to avoid competitiveness and prioritize reasoning and knowledge in this type of approach. The students, on the other hand, use gamification across various subjects but are unfamiliar with the term. The experience provided by Kahoot brought to the classroom a way to approach scientific content differently, stimulating engagement and motivation so that everyone could participate in the process. As difficulties, they emphasized the limited time for them to answer the proposed questions, which may lead to errors during gamified activities, as well as internet connection issues, causing videos and Chromebooks to stop functioning. It was also evident that the use of gamification in the school environment requires teacher training, planning, investments in school infrastructure, technological resources, and a reformulation of the teaching hours to include gamification within the active methodologies to be employed in teaching practice, contributing to the learning process of diverse students
- ItemEducação alimentar e nutricional análise de abordagem no currículo de ciências para estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental da rede municipal de Varre-Sai/RJ(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-18) Oliveira, Hélida Ercília Macêdo de; Bortoleto, Edivaldo José;; Martins, Raisa Maria de Arruda; Santos, Clenise Maria Reis Capellani dosIt is important to recognize that eating is a voluntary and conscious process, where individuals seek food to satisfy hunger. However, eating goes beyond meeting biological needs; it is a source of pleasure, socialization, and expression of culture. Eating behavior begins in childhood based on what is transmitted by family and supported by traditions, beliefs, and taboos passed down through generations. With the publication of Law No. 13,666 on May 16, 2018, Nutrition Education (EAN) became part of the school curriculum, categorized as a cross-cutting theme. EAN is a field of action in Food and Nutritional Security and Health Promotion, crucial for preventing and controlling food and nutrition-related issues. Nutritional education has emerged as a prominent strategy in health education activities, focusing on disseminating information about healthy eating practices through a pedagogical and educational approach aimed primarily at behavioral change. Considering the above, this research aimed to investigate how Nutrition Education is addressed in the science curriculum for 5th-grade classes at a Municipal School in Varre-Sai, RJ. The study was conducted at E.M. Primo José Sobreira, located in the town center. Initially, the research involved document analysis of the educational materials used by 5th-grade teachers and how "Nutrition Education" is approached in the Science curriculum, following the guidelines of the BNCC (2018). Subsequently, semi-structured audio-recorded interviews were conducted with research subjects to assess their knowledge of the topic and how it is addressed in the classroom. Analysis of the results showed that teachers follow BNCC guidelines for content application, considering proposals from the Teacher's Manual. During interviews, teachers indicated a lack of specific knowledge in this area but expressed interest in integrating the topic into their classrooms, fostering discussions about students' and society's eating habits and nutrition.