Doutorado em Política Social
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Doutorado
Ano de início: 2012
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo:
Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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Submissões Recentes
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- ItemGrupos reflexivos para homens autores de violência contra mulheres no Brasil: uma nova política?(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-20) Guadalupe, Thiago de Carvalho; Sampaio, Daniel Pereira;; Elpídio, Maria Helena;; Barcellos, Gilsa; Velten, Paulo; Fernandes, Daniele Cireno; Ribeiro, Paula de MirandaThis study presents findings from an analysis of domestic and family violence against women, drawing on qualitative research about Reflective Groups for Male Perpetrators of Violence (RGMPV). For decades, this issue in Brazil was largely confined to the private sphere, but today, research predominantly focuses on individual behavior— whether that of the male perpetrator or the female victim. This shift highlights the pressing need to understand RGMPVs as a crucial element in policies addressing violence against women. The implementation of these groups was encouraged by Law No. 11,340, dated August 7, 2006 (the Maria da Penha Law), and more notably since 2022, when legislative amendments empowered judges to mandate the direct referral of male perpetrators to these reflective groups upon issuing an emergency protective order. The research methodology, encompassing document analysis and secondary data review, revealed that despite the existence of 312 initiatives across Brazil, identified by a national mapping conducted by CEJUR/CNJ (2021), a consolidated policy for the use of this mechanism remains absent. Moreover, the study's findings suggest that policies incorporating RGMPVs have not yet catalyzed structural changes in gender relations within the context of a capitalist, racist, and patriarchal society. Although RGMPVs are often seen as an alternative to the punitive approach of the criminal justice system, the analysis indicates a continuation of existing practices of penal selectivity and a trend towards punitive measures aimed at controlling these men’s behavior. Ultimately, this approach reflects a neoliberal emphasis on individual responsibility, often at the expense of collective welfare.
- ItemAs agroindústrias na produção dos assentamentos do MST(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-23) Amaral, Maísa Maria Baptista Prates do; Faleiros, Rogério Naques;;; Sampaio, Daniel Pereira; Nakatani, Paulo; Tsui, Jade Margareth Sit; Stédile, Miguel Enrique AlmeidaThe general aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how/if the implementation of the MST's agro industries contributes to the construction of new labor, production, and commercial relations in the settlements, and to see if they are an alternative to the production model imposed by agribusiness. Our research locations were the milk and dairy products processing agro-industry, Cooperoeste, located in the municipality of São Miguel do Oeste, Santa Catarina; the organic rice agro-industry, Coopan, situated in the city of Nova Santa Rita, Rio Grande do Sul; and the coffee processing agro-industry, Coopterra, located in the city of São Mateus, Espírito Santo. This is a qualitative study that involved a literature review on the agrarian question in Brazil, focusing on the struggle for land and the process of agro-industrialization, seeking to understand how this process develops in Brazil and its integration with global capitalist dynamics. In addition, field research was carried out to collect qualitative data. The data collected consisted of individual interviews with the producers who benefit from their production in these agro industries, the presidents of the cooperatives, and a leader of the MST's national production sector, totaling 33 interviewees. The interviews were analyzed using the content analysis technique. As a result, we identified that agro-industries, despite being part of an economy dominated by agribusiness, contribute to improving the quality of life within agrarian reform settlements, generating employment and income for settled families, youth, and women. In addition, despite the contradictions arising from being part of a capitalist society, they present themselves as an alternative to the agribusiness model, building new relations of production, labor, and marketing.
- ItemA superexploração do trabalho na teoria marxista da dependência : uma análise crítica à luz da realidade brasileira(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-08-29) Mandarino, Thiago Marques; Co-orientador1;;; Co-orientador2;;; Co-orientador3;;; Co-orientador4; ID do co-orientador4; Lattes do co-orientador4; Faleiros, Rogério Naques ;;; Orientador2;;;;; Moraes, Rafael ;;; Franklin, Rodrigo Straessli Pinto ;;; Rodrigues, Carlos Henrique Lopes ;;; Jurgenfeld, Vanessa Follmann ;; 5º membro da banca;;; 6º membro da banca;;; 7º membro da banca;; thesis aims to carry out a critical analysis of the overexploitation of the labor force, fundamental to the Marxist Theory of Dependence. As this analytical category has become increasingly frequent in left-wing debates, research, and movements, considering its potential for the apprehension of Brazilian reality is essential to those who envision revolutionary praxis. By scrutinizing the criticisms of overexploitation and resorting to classic authors of the debate on national formation – Caio Prado Jr., Florestan Fernandes and Celso Furtado -, it is clear that there are relevant elements to be considered, especially the fact that the colonial and slave-owning past establish, here, particularities with regard to the class regime, the dynamics of the class struggle, the constitution and the value of labor power. Thus, recovering the elements of the past, which are still being reconfigured in contemporary Brazil, at the same time that the perspective of national formation is regated, allows a questioning of super exploitation category itself, as well as prospecting an analysis that rests on the concrete reality of our history and the class struggle aimed at here
- ItemGestar no Brasil durante a pandemia de Covid-19: velhos novos e novos velhos problemas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-14) Braga, Dayeny Karyne Cordeiro Sabino; Garcia, Maria Lúcia Teixeira;;;;; Leal, Fabíola Xavier;;; Menandro, Leila;;; Sabadini, Mauricio de Souza;;; carloto, Cassia Maria;; Nogueira, Vera Maria RibeiroThis thesis' aim is to analyze whether and how the guarantee of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium in Brazil were ensured by health actions in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2021, verifying whether the rights to health and life protection were guaranteed to pregnant women, parturients and puerperae, within the scope of the Unified Health System. To accomplish this, we've compared data from the pandemic period (2020 and 2021) with data from the period before the health crisis (2000 to 2019). Thus, using the Prenatal and Birth Humanization Program (2000), the National Policy for Comprehensive Women's Health Care (2004), the National Pact for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality (2004) and the Stork Network (2011) as a reference, we've sought answers to the question: how has Covid-19 pandemic impacted on the changing of childbirth and puerperium care in the Unified Health System throughout Brazil? From a methodological point of view, we've conducted a mixed-methods study. In qualitative research, we've analyzed the National Health Plans from 2004 to 2023, the Annual Management Reports from 2004 to 2021, and the Technical Notes issued by the Ministry of Health in 2020 and 2021 that provided guidance on health care for women in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle during the new coronavirus pandemic. On the quantitative side, we've analyzed public data from the Mortality Information System, the Live Birth Information System, the Primary Health Care Information System and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Database on Covid-19, using the variables region, age group, race/ethnicity and education level of pregnant women, parturients and puerperal women. We've also analyzed the data on puerperium care reported by the Ministry of Health, requested via the Access to Information Law, through the Fala Br system, using the variables region, age group and race/ethnicity. We've carried out statistical tests such as chi-square, relative risk and odds ratios to decipher whether or not there was statistical significance, validated by the confidence interval, as well as the risk of maternal death or chances of survival of pregnant and postpartum women infected with SARS-CoV-2. The results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in the guarantee of women's reproductive rights in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle, with new expressions of social matters, mainly regional, age and schooling aspects, in addition to maintaining and deepening old inequities in maternal health, with emphasis on the women's ethnic-racial aspect in health actions is paramount for Brazilamian health policies' improvement. It was concluded that the old problems guarantee the reproductive rights of this group coexisted with the worsening of maternal mortality during the pandemic, and that the centrality of the paradigm of integrality of women's health in health actions is fundamental for Brazil's reproductive health policies improvement. We affirm, based on this study, that the health crisis of 2020 and 2021 has widened social inequalities in childbirth and postpartum care in Brazil, especially in the ethnic-racial aspect. We also affirm that the pandemic has implied new nuances for the health of pregnant and postpartum women, among which we highlight regional, age and schooling inequalities. In addition, the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has put Brazil even further away from achieving the Sustainable Development Goal target of reducing maternal mortality.
- ItemTecnologia, fetiche e ideologia: um estudo sobre Non Fungible Tokens(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-26) Maia, Eduardo Santos; Mello, Gustavo Moura de Cavalcanti;;;;; Sampaio, Daniel Pereira;;; Sabadini, Mauricio de Souza;;; Santana Junior, Edemilson Cruz;;; Höfig, Bruno; novelty of the subject and the small amount of publicity outside specialized circles turn non-fungible tokens (NFTs) something that is still mysterious and lacks materiality. In response to the question: "What are NFTs?", we will characterize them as digitally created assets that can represent virtual or non-virtual objects, which are registered on a blockchain, traded using cryptocurrencies and protected using cryptography. The research is linked to a class perspective, as an intellectual effort to confront and defend the overcoming of the capitalist order, inserting itself into the gaps in content and approach on the subject. The aim is to make a contribution to the existing knowledge that also take on the perspective of the working class in order to think about a diferente sociability from the current one. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze NFTs within capitalist sociability, as an object that arose in a specific context, under specific conditions and with underlying political-ideological values. The effort to understand specific contemporary phenomena can reveal clues that help us understand the capitalist system as a whole. In other words, NFTs offer an opportune way of shedding light on contemporary capitalism through the articulation between recent technological development and the theoretical tradition begun by Marx. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the links between new technologies, fetishism, alienation, and capitalist ideology, based on the phenomenon of NFTs. In this process, critical reflections on the categories of fetishism, alienation and ideology will be developed in order to understand the process by which NFTs, as an example of new technology, correspond to a fetish and thus contribute to the reproduction of capitalist ideology. As a working hypothesis, we sought to verify whether, and if so, how technologies that present themselves as revolutionary within the capitalist framework conform to capitalist society by exacerbating dominant social relations and contributing to the reproduction of its ideology, based on the case of NFTs. To this end, a bibliographical research was carried out, fulfilling the objectives of substantiating the object and positioning the research critically against current views. The scheme of successive readings, from exploratory to interpretative readings, met the need to discuss the subject critically and interpret it from our position and purpose. The theoretical framework was based on the Marxist tradition, taking up classic categories and authors and articulating them with contemporary authors. Through this process, the ways in which NFTs contribute to the reproduction of capitalist society were identified. Their discursive role and their role in propagating capitalist values go alongside the functions of enabling channels for capital appreciation and as a means of commodifying previously non-marketable objects. NFTs are both a reflection of the capitalist mode and an element that reinforces its logic, constituting fetishes.