Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Profissional
Ano de início: 2011
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo:
Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
Área(s) de concentração: Administração Pública
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Submissões Recentes
- ItemA influência de vieses cognitivos nas tomadas de decisões no setor público(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2025-01-31) Campos, Guilherme Freitas; Soares, Marison Luiz ;;;;; Coelho Junior, Thalmo de Paiva ;;; Baldam, Roquemar de Lima ;;; Silva, Daniel Nascimento e ;; decision-making process in the public sector plays a crucial role in public administration, directly impacting efficiency, equity, and social well-being. However, decisions in this context are not always rational, as they can be influenced by cognitive biases, potentially leading to negative outcomes such as inefficient resource allocation, inadequate public policy implementation, and the erosion of public trust in government officials. Biases such as anchoring, sunk costs, overconfidence, availability, free effect, ownership effect, and status quo bias can distort judgment and compromise the quality of decisions. The main objective of this study is to analyze how public servants perceive and understand the influence of cognitive biases in decision-making and how they manage these factors. It also seeks to explore possible strategies to mitigate biases when they may be harmful. Theoretically, the research is based on literature related to Prospect Theory and Behavioral Economics, focusing on cognitive biases and their practical implications, supported by a systematic literature review on the topic. Regarding methods and procedures, semi-structured interviews were conducted with public servants holding or substituting for leadership positions or receiving additional compensation for special duties, with the Federal University of Espírito Santo as the research locus. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis in three stages: pre-analysis, material exploration, and results processing. Responses were categorized based on the interviewees’ level of understanding of cognitive biases, classified into null, vague, partial, and complete comprehension, according to indicators of clarity, depth, and connection with the core concept. The findings highlight that managers generally lack prior knowledge of cognitive biases, both broadly and specifically. However, when introduced to these concepts, they demonstrated comprehension, indicating that many public managers have only a limited understanding of biases and their implications for their daily routines and decision-making processes. In conclusion, certain cognitive biases, such as status quo bias, free effect, overconfidence, and ownership effect, seem to be more easily understood by public servants, suggesting a correlation with the nature of the public sector. Together with the tools identified by managers, the study suggests practices to reduce the influence of cognitive biases. As a technical product, an educational material was developed with practical guidelines and strategies focused on mitigating cognitive biases in the public sector. The purpose of this material is to provide recommendations and guidelines for implementing these strategies in decision-making processes, aiming to promote a more efficient and informed public administration
- ItemInovações da nova lei geral de licitações : um estudo sobre os impactos da Lei nº 14.133/2021 nas licitações públicas no Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo - IFES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-30) Alves Junior, Arisio Wingler; Oliveira, Fabricia Benda de ;;;;; Souza, Ariadne Marra de ;;; Brozeguini, Jardel da Costa ;; efficient and transparent management of public policies, especially in the context of government procurement, is a constant challenge, intensified by the need to meet growing demands with fiscal responsibility. Public procurement is the legal procedure for contracting goods and services by government institutions, which play a significant role as major consumers of public resources. With the enactment of the New Law on Public Procurement and Contracts (Law No. 14,133/2021), several mandatory innovations were introduced in all spheres of government, standing out as a transformation of great relevance to public administration. Given this context, the central problem investigated is: what are the concrete impacts of the changes promoted by the new legislation on the bidding processes of the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes)? The main objective was to identify the changes brought about by Law No. 14,133/2021 and analyze their impacts on the efficiency, security, and agility of the procurement processes, as well as to understand the training demands of the public servants involved. In theoretical terms, the research was based on the concepts of public governance, administrative efficiency and government procurement management, based on contemporary theoretical contributions on public bidding and administrative contracts. Regarding the methods and procedures, a qualitative and descriptive approach was adopted, with data collection through a questionnaire applied to Ifes contracting agents. The analysis was carried out based on the Critical Incident Technique, which allowed for the identification of challenges and good practices in the implementation of the new legislation. The results obtained include a detailed understanding of the impacts of the legislative changes in the context of Ifes, highlighting advances such as the implementation of the principles of governance and transparency, the virtualization of bidding processes, increasing efficiency and accessibility and the need for specific training focused on the operationalization of processes and the use of digital tools. As a technical/technological product, practical training was developed for employees, aiming to support the efficient implementation of the new legislation and foster the responsible management of public resources
- ItemDificuldades na transição de professor para gestor : a percepção dos docentes de uma instituição federal de ensino superior(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-23) Martinelli, Vanessa Bastos; Soares, Marison Luiz ;;;;; Coelho Junior, Thalmo de Paiva ;;; Baldam, Roquemar de Lima ;;; Silva, Daniel Nascimento e ;; are institutions that play an important role in the development of society. In these institutions, managerial work is commonly performed by teachers, who in addition to playing the role of teacher, researcher and extensionist, also assume the role of teacher-manager. The exercise of managerial activities by teachers involves facing several difficulties and, frequently, teachers show no interest in taking on managerial functions. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to understand the difficulties and/or resistances listed by teachers that make them not want to occupy management positions at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. In theoretical terms, this research is based on the discussion about public universities and the specificities of university management, aspects of the work of the teacher-manager and managerial skills. Regarding methods and procedures, qualitative research was carried out with an exploratory approach, using bibliographic, documentary and field research. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers who hold the role of department head and the data were processed using the content analysis technique. Results showed that teachers' resistance on assuming managerial positions is a natural response to various difficulties and limitations they face in performing their role, which makes managerial functions not desired by teachers. Based on the results, as a technical product, it was prepared a Conclusive Technical Report containing a diagnosis of the main difficulties and/or resistances presented by teachers that contribute to the non-acceptance of managerial positions, as well as suggestions to minimize these difficulties and/or resistance
- ItemImpactos da flexibilização da jornada de trabalho na qualidade de vida e no estado de flow dos servidores públicos em uma universidade federal(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-13) Santos, Natália Beatriz Honorato; Fiorin, Bruno Henrique;; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de; Sticca, Marina GreghiIntroduction: Quality of life and quality of life at work are concepts that are intrinsically interconnected and are relevant themes for understanding the impacts of working conditions on workers' lives. In the face of social changes and technological advances, these themes have been gaining even more prominence, since satisfaction and well-being bring benefits such as improved work climate and greater productivity to organizations. In this context, flexible work modalities, such as flexible working hours, are increasingly discussed. The Brazilian public sector is no different. Therefore, this work aimed to delve deeper into the reality experienced by employees of a Federal University with and without flexible working hours. The central problem lies in identifying whether flexible working hours have significant impacts on the quality of life at work of public servants, considering its implications on the state of Flow of these workers. The main objective was to evaluate the impact of flexible working hours on the quality of life and state of Flow at work of technical-administrative employees. In theoretical terms, this study covered topics related to Public Administration, Quality of Life (QL) and Quality of Life at Work (QVT), flexible working hours, as well as theories about Flow, in order to achieve the objective of this work. Regarding the methods and procedures, this was a cross-sectional study with a quantitative-qualitative approach in which three questionnaires were applied, one of which assessed the sociodemographic profile, another assessed the quality of life at work and the third characterized the flow at work of technical administrative employees in education (TAE's), whether on flexible working hours or not, thus collecting psychosocial data and making a correlation between them. The instruments used were the QVT formulated by Walton (1973) and the Work Flow Inventory (Freitas et al., 2019). The sample consisted of employees assigned to the Center for Human and Natural Sciences of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (CCHN/UFES). This research was submitted to the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings for consideration. The results, through the correlations between Quality of Life at Work (QVT) and the Flow state, indicated that technical-administrative employees in education (TAEs) with flexible working hours at CCHN presented, on average, a better quality of life at work compared to TAEs with traditional working hours at the same center. The study included the participation of 41 employees, mostly female (68.3%). Flexible working hours are adopted by 63.4% of the participants, with the support of management in 85.4% of the cases. The employees with flexible working hours demonstrated significantly higher averages in the domains "Social Integration and Constitutionalism" (t = 2.86; p < 0.01) and "Space in Life" (t = 5.40; p < 0.01). Based on these results, as a technological product, a technical report was prepared with a diagnosis regarding the impacts caused on the quality of life and flow state of the employees with and without flexible working hours at CCHN/UFES.
- ItemProcesso de indução dos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável em um tribunal de contas estadual(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-13) Fernandes, Guilherme Bride; Baldam, Roquemar de Lima;; Costa, Lourenço; Nogueira, Maria Aparecida Farias de SouzaThis research investigates the role of the Espírito Santo State Audit Court (TCEES) as a driver of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in line with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. Through a qualitative and exploratory approach, based on the action research methodology, the study analyzes institutional limitations and proposes strat egies for incorporating the SDGs into external control processes. The investigation was conducted in two stages. The first stage identified barriers and opportunities through documentary analysis and a focus group involving TCEES managers and technicians. The second stage developed and evaluated theoretical proposals for implementing a corporate governance model aligned with the SDGs, using tools such as the Current Reality Tree (CRT), the Future Reality Tree (FRT), and the SWOT Matrix. The results highlight the potential of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to promote sustainable de velopment by ensuring the efficiency and accountability of public policies. Additionally, this research strengthens the strategic role of the TCEES in the global sustainable development agenda, providing practical and theoretical contributions that can be rep licated by other SAIs.