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Navegando Mestrado em Biotecnologia por Assunto "Acidente vascular cerebral"
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- ItemAnálise de um sistema de reabilitação para membros superiores utilizando ambiente de realidade virtual baseado em Kinect e sEMG(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-02-29) Cardoso, Vivianne Flavia; Frizera Neto, Anselmo; Bastos Filho, Teodiano Freire; Nogueira, Breno Valentim; Ferreira, André; Andrade, Adriano de OliveiraImpaired motor function appears as one of the most common symptoms stroke. When the upper limbs are affected, carrying out daily activities is compromised. The recent developments in the field of rehabilitation are exercises in virtual reality environment (RV). Another method used for rehabilitation of the upper limbs of patients after stroke is the EMG biofeedback. Through this biofeedback, the myoelectric signals from the muscle are converted into visual and audio information that allows the patient to control and regulate muscle activity. The objective of this work is to design and evaluate a new form of rehabilitation by biofeedback using RV and surface electromyography (sEMG) to complement conventional therapy upper limb post-stroke patients. The system was developed in accordance with the requirements in the design phase and design, considering the patient's functional limitations, residual skills, a motivating environment and ease of use. He is able to provide feedback of sEMG, the result (through the score in the game) and the angle described. The three games developed, aims to motivate the patient to perform elbow extension movements and meet the principles of motor learning. To develop and evaluate the system experiments were conducted with individuals without motor or neurological involvement. Analyzing the graph obtained by the myoelectric signal filtered and rectified is possible to observe a co-contraction of Bícpes Brachial (BB) and Trícpes Brachial (TB). When we analyze the results of feedback, the data show that and were not found significas differences (p = 0.9216) when playing with the dominant arm (BD) versus non-dominant (BND). However a significant difference is observed when comparing both arms versus BD (BD / BND) and p = 0.0003 vs. BND BD / BND, p = 0.0018. The results of the evaluations through the System Usability Scale (SUS), in the experiments of stage 2 (E2) was ± 81.4; SD ± 3.4 and stage 3 for participants (E3 / P) ± 82.5; SD ± 14.3 and rehabilitation professionals (E3 / PR) ± 81.1; SD ± 7.4). In Goal Attainment Scale (GAS), E2 was ± 73.3; SD ± 2.7; E3 / P ± 72.2; SD ± 6.1 and E3 / PR ± 73.5; SD ± 2.7. The results show good acceptance of the system by the users, and that the objectives expected during the use of the system have been achieved.
- ItemAnálise do padrão de ativação muscular de indivíduos hemiparéticos pós-AVC em marcha assistida por andador robótico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-20) Loterio, Flávia Aparecida; Frizera Neto, Anselmo; Bastos Filho, Teodiano Freire; Andrade, Adriano de Oliveira; Nogueira, Breno ValentimStroke is a leading cause of damages in the neuromuscular system. Robotic devices have been widely developed and studied in order to be used in gait assistance and gait training during the rehabilitation. The goal of this work is to evaluate the assisted gait by the AROW (Assistive Robotic Walker) in post stroke hemiparetic individuals through accelerometer signals and surface Electromyography (sEMG) analysis. The analyzed muscles are vastus medialis (VM), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius medialis (GM). Furthermore, the evaluation methods GAS (Goal Attainment Scaling) and SUS (System Usability Scale) were used. Nine hemiparetic subjects participate of the experiments. The gait speed was decreased using the walker and, consequently, there were some changes in the duration of gait phases, for instance longer of support phase (p = 0.0174). The muscle activation pattern for the analyzed group did not show statistically significant difference (onset VM: p= 0.4999; offset VM: p= 0.5647; onset BF: p= 0.1186; offset BF: p= 0.7823; onset TA: p= 0.5833; offset TA: p= 0.8393; onset GM: p= 0.6077; offset GM: p= 0.1429).. However, assessing the muscle activation pattern individually, some benefic changes can be noted, for example, the reduced co-activation between tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medial. The results of evaluations through GAS (54.8) and SUS (81.4) about the use of the AROW showed good acceptance among users, and the desired results during the use of the walker were achieved. The fast adaptation, easiness of use and feeling of safety when using the device are positive points that were obtained using the AROW.
- ItemJogos sérios para reabilitação de membros inferiores de pacientes pós-AVC utilizando kinect, ambientes virtuais e sinais mioelétricos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-11-17) Lyra, Janaína de Oliveira Muniz; Bastos Filho, Teodiano Freire; Fernandes, Antônio Alberto Ribeiro; Naves, Eduardo Lázaro MartinsIncapacities are the most common symptoms after stroke. When lower limbs are affected, the performance of daily activities are compromised. A recent development in the rehabilitation field is the use of serious games composed of virtual environments (VE) associated with sEMG Biofeedback to increase and improve the performance of rehabilitation. Through this biofeedback, myoelectric signals are converted into visual and auditory information, allowing patients to control their muscle activity. The objective of this work is to design and evaluate an assistive technology (AT), based on serious games, focused on the rehabilitation of lower limbs of post-stroke volunteers. This AT is composed of VEs and sensors of motion and surface electromyography (sEMG). The system has been developed considering the functional limitations and residual abilities of the target audience, seeking to create a motivating environment. The developed system provides the user with biofeedback in real time, showing his/her muscle activation level in the screen of the VA. The VEs aim to motivate volunteers to perform the movements of stand-up/sit-down and extension/flexion. In order to evaluate the system, trials were performed with nine post-stroke volunteers, which assessed the system through the following questionnaires: System Usability Scale metrics (SUS), Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) and Virtual Environment Assessment Questionnaire (QAAV). Based on the results, the system was well evaluated, highlighting some points to be improved in future releases. Moreover, an analysis of the myoelectric signals and range of motion showed that the system was efficient to accomplish its main purpose.