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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroquímica
Centro: CCENS
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- ItemEfeito dos óleos essenciais de thymus vulgaris e cinnamomun zeylanicum e seus componentes majoritários sobre o fungo fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-23) Lima, Wilker Pinheiro; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de; Belan, Leônidas LeoniThe tomato is the most consumed vegetable in the world, and its cultivation has a great economical and social importance. However, in its cultivation, the incidence of several diseases is favorable, among them the fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxyspor
- ItemAnálises físico-químicas e avaliação da qualidade de Coffea canephora Pierre e Froehner cultivados no Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-23) Pinheiro, Carlos Alexandre; Pinheiro, Patrícia Fontes; Oliveira, Daniela da Silva; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Parreira, Luciana Alves; Pereira, Lucas LouzadaThe State of Espírito Santo is the leader in the production of Coffea canephora (conilon and robusta) in Brazil. C. canephora is generally cultivated at altitudes below 500 m in hot climate regions. Coffees cultivated in regions with higher altitudes pres
- ItemEfeito do tratamento de sementes de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L.) com óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. e carvacrol na incidência da murcha de fusarium em mudas.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-23) Gonçalves, Débora Cristina; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Belan, Leônidas LeoniTomato plants can be grown in several regions of the world due to its adaptability to different climate types. This crop is susceptible to a series of diseases that reduce the tomato production, among them Fusarium wilt stands out as one of the most impor
- ItemAvaliação da adsorção de Cobre(II) e Cromo(III) utilizando resíduos de mármore branco como material adsorvente não convencional e de baixo custo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-27) Guimarães, Tiago; Profeti, Demetrius; Brito, Gilberto Augusto de Oliveira; Profeti, Luciene Paula RobertoThe adsorption process of Cu (II) and Cr (III) ions on white marble residue was investigated by batch experiments. The studies were carried out to identify the zero charge point (PCZ) of adsorbent material, time and equilibrium concentrations of Cu (II) a
- ItemEstudo da adsorção de Cu(II) utilizando biocarvões de palha de café conilon(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-28) Oliveira, Yago Ricardo de; Profeti, Luciene Paula Roberto; Profeti, Demetrius; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Tomaz, Marcelo Antônio; BRITO, G. A. O.Among the various forms of environmental pollution, water pollution with heavy metals is a concern for researchers and government agencies involved in pollution control. Several researches on the adsorption of metal ions by biochar has been developed, whi
- ItemQualidade da Água e do Sedimento de Corpos Hídricos do Município de Alegre, Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-05-03) Firmino, Elziane Favoreto Alves; Anastácio, Alexandre dos Santos; Anastácio, Alexandre dos Santos; Ferrari, Jéferson Luiz; Tomaz, Marcelo AntônioThe agricultural activity uses a great amount of agrochemicals for the guarantee and increase of its productivity. However, this practice affects the environment, especially the quality of water bodies. The persistence of agrochemicals in the environment
- ItemSíntese e avaliação das atividades fungicida, fitotóxica e citotóxica de novos 1, 2, 3-triazóis a partir do glicerol(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-18) Pinto, Roberta Tristão; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Morais, Pedro Alves Bezerra; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi deThe use of chemicals in agriculture is one of the most cost-effective management strategies. However, the compounds were subject to a number of resistance problems to microorganisms and weeds, as well as issues of environmental contamination. Triazoles ar
- ItemSíntese e avaliação das atividades fungicida, fitotóxica e citotóxica de derivados do glicerol contendo núcleo 1, 2, 3-triazólico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-18) Moreira, Luiza Carvalheira; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de; Morais, Pedro Alves BezerraTriazolic compounds are a class that has generated great interest in the scientific environment, since they have a wide range of biological activities and various industrial applications. This work aimed to synthesize a series of derivatives of the glycer
- ItemCaracterização química de biocarvão proveniente da casca de eucalipto da espécie "Eucalyptus grandis" em diferentes condições de pirólise(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-21) Polastreli, D'avila Leal; Profeti, Luciene Paula Roberto; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Profeti, DemetriusThe eucalyptus plantation in Brazil occupies an area of 5.7 million hectares, with emphasis on the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. The companies in the planted tree sector generated in 2016, 47.8 million tons of solid waste. Of t
- ItemPerfil químico e sensorial de grãos de diferentes genótipos de coffea canephora(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-25) Machado, Jéssica Louzada; Tomaz, Marcelo Antonio; Osório, Vanessa Moreira; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Pereira, Lucas LouzadaThe quality of the coffee is related to the characteristics of the flavor and aroma developed during the roasting. These characteristics are influenced by the chemical composition of the grains that can vary with the place of cultivation, genetic variety,
- ItemRisco de lixiviação de agroquímicos em ecossistema tropical pertencente a sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Baunilha, Espírito Santo - Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-25) Gandine, Simony Marques da Silva; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Santos, Gleissy Mary Amaral Dino Alves dos; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de; Santos, Alexandre RosaThe importance of the river basin as a unit of planning and management is given by its specific qualities. It is believed that they are regions with a diversified ecosystem, vulnerable to anthropic action and susceptible to the misuse of agrochemicals, fa
- ItemDefensivos alternativos para controle da antracnose e pinta-preta em mamão(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-26) Rodrigues, Lais Oliveira; Zucoloto, Moises; Tomaz, Marcelo Antônio; Belan, Leônidas LeoniThe papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a tropical crop, economically important for Brazil and susceptible to numerous diseases, such as anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and black-spot (Asperisporium caricae). Due to the possibility of phytopathogens
- ItemCaracterizações químicas dos primeiros cultivadores de lúpulo (Humulus lupulus L.) produzidos no Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-26) Silva, Camila Taiany Delfino; Pinheiro, Patrícia Fontes; Osório, Vanessa Moreira; Pereira, Alexandre Fontes; Osório, Vanessa Moreira; 1º membro da bancaThe hops flower (Humulus lupulus L.), used in the production of beers, is responsible to give flavor, aroma and bitterness to the beverage and in addition, it is considered a bactericide and natural preservative. The aromas and bitterness provided by hops
- ItemEfeito do óleo essencial de eucalipto e de substâncias húmicas no crescimento de Brachiaria e Estilosantes em diferentes condições hídricas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-27) Praca, Nayara Maria Pedrosa; Mendonca, Eduardo de Sá;;;;; Pecanha, Anderson Lopes;;; Burak, Diego Lang;;; Profeti, Luciene Paula Roberto;; degradation of pastures is associated with factors related to the establishment of forage and management, causing a decline in the natural fertility of the soil, which leads to the degradation of these areas exploited by livestock. Within the principles of soil conservation, the use of biostimulants of vegetative growth and the cycling of nutrients by green manuring, are proving increasingly favorable in the development of sustainable technologies. The objective of this work was to develop, evaluate and validate biotechnologies integrating the use of humic substances extracted from vermicompost and eucalyptus essential oil in the initial growth of the grass Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and in the leguminosa Estilosantes cv. Campo Grande. In chapter 1, humic substances extracted from vermicompost (SH) and eucalyptus essential oil (OEE) were used as vegetable biostimulants. In Chapter 2 and 3 the effect of the application of humic substances and eucalyptus essential oil on the growth and development of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Estilosantes cv. Campo Grande, respectively, in different levels of soil moisture (70%, 49% and 28% VTPOA). The parameters analyzed were aerial and root dry mass, plant height, gas exchange measurements and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) analysis. In Chapter 1, the main functional groups present in the humic substances were found, the stretching of -OH, stretching of C = O of -COOH groups, C = C stretch of aromatic groups, C-N-H stretch of amides, C-O stretching of carboxylic acids and polysaccharides. UV-visible analysis showed that SHs exhibit high structural condensation, ie, a large number of aromatic structures compared to aliphatic structures, due to a high degree of humification. By means of mass spectrometry, the 1,8-Cineole compound, identified in the OEE, was considered the majority, representing 88.03% of the total compounds. In chapter 2 the use of humic substances provided greater accumulation of N in the plant biomass of the plants of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, increasing 53.48% of the accumulation of N in the aerial part of the plants when compared to the control treatment. In Chapter 3, the application of OEE and SH promoted a higher production of MSPA, with a difference of 57.8% and 35.2%, respectively, over MS when compared to control. They also provided favorable results for MSPR production and nodulation increase.
- ItemSíntese catalítica one-pot/tandem de ésteres derivados de eugenol e timol e avaliação de seu potencial herbicida(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-27) Azevedo, Ana Flavia Nunes de Paula; Menini, Luciano; Menini, Luciana Alves Parreira; Fontes, Milene Miranda PraçaEsterification reactions are fundamental to the industry, since its product is applied in several sectors, from fuels to food. However, these reactions happen very slowly, requiring strategies that make them more efficient. Acid catalysis is widely used f
- ItemO desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões de timol ou óleo essencial de tomilho para o controle fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Melo, Davi Cardoso Aguiar de; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de; Costa, Adilson Vidal; Medeiros, Eber Antônio Alves; Maradini Filho, Antônio ManoelResearches realized have been demonstrated that essential oil of thymol (EO) represent a potential alternative to control Fusarium pxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL). However, the volatility of thymol, of EO and its low solubility in water hamper the in v
- ItemOxidação aeróbica dos monoterpenos Citronelol e Geraniol catalisada por Paládio para síntese de produtos de química fina(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-13) Venancio, Aldino Neto; Parreira, Luciana Alves; Menini, Luciano; Pinheiro, Patrícia FontesIn this work a catalytic oxidation system was successfully applied for the oxidation of two acyclic monoterpene alcohols, citronellol and geraniol. The catalytic system applied is based on the Wacker process, being used as catalyst palladium(II) acetate a
- ItemAvaliação da espectrometria no infravermelho próximo na determinação de C e N de solos da região Sul do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-15) Vieira, Camila Fernandes; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Burak, Diego Lang; Anastácio, Alexandre dos SantosThe present study aimed to investigate the predictive capacity of total organic carbon and nitrogen contents by means of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIR) and its potential for use in routine soil analysis. This method presents greater agility
- ItemREVESTIMENTO ATIVO COM INCORPORAÇÃO DE NANOEMULSÃO DE ÓLEO ESSENCIAL DE TOMILHO COM POTENCIAL APLICAÇÃO EM SEMENTES DE TOMATE(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-14) Guedes, Natalia Assis; Queiroz, Vagner Tebaldi de;;;;; Costa, Adilson Vidal;;; Filho, Antonio Manoel Maradini;; has limited production due to the high susceptibility to attack by pests and diseases. Treatment of tomato seeds helps to minimize the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL), the causative agent of fusariosis. The treatment with e
- ItemSíntese e Avaliação do Efeito Fungicida de Derivados 6-Hidroxi-Flavanona Sobre Fusarium Solani.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-03-02) Ribeiro, Rayssa; Junior, Valdemar Lacerda;;;;; Paula, Heberth de;;; Costa, Adilson Vidal;;; Morais, Pedro Alves Bezerra;; are an important source of compounds with pharmacological properties beneficial to human health. Among the classes of natural products, flavonoids comprise a large group of polyphenolic compounds that draws the attention of researchers due to the v
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