Mestrado em Letras
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 1999
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC Nº 609, de 14/03/2019).
Publicação no DOU 18 de março de 2019, seç. 1, p.136 - Parecer CNE/CES nº 487/2018, Processo no 23001.000335/2018-51)
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS
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Navegando Mestrado em Letras por Autor "Albertino, Orlando Lopes"
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- ItemA matéria do nada: potências, flutuações, e experiência no nada poético de Carlos Drumond Andrade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011-04-11) Corrêa, Danilo Barcelos; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Pessoa, Fernando MendesCarlos Drummond de Andrade, in his poems, reflects aesthetically about the self, time and language, silencing his readers so power over nothing acts on them. To think about nothingness s matter in the poet s poems is treading a path in his thinking, feeling poetically as he shows, "the power of speech and silence" of his verses creating the self. Analyzing his poems as the poet reflects on the twentieth century and its major problems, in tune with the different disciplines of knowledge and central issues of that time period. By checking this it is understood how the poet conceives the concepts of poem, poetry, time and silence. Establishing these points it becomes possible to see how poems effect and suspend the self in nothingness, unmaking and remaking the self in the poetic thought of Drummond.
- ItemA morte e a morte em Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-11-24) Santos, Nanine Renata Passos dos; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Moraes, Alexandre Jairo Marinho; Albertino, Orlando LopesMachado de Assis is definitely one of the most well known Brazilian writers in the Literature scenario. He is considered by the critics one of the most important and complex names in our Literature. Machado is, above all, an icon to the modernity of our Portuguese language. Therefore, to discuss about his masterpiece is surely a big challenge, considering that there is a wealth criticism in which lays his texts. Having this in mind, we selected his first novel from the second productive period as the reference for analyzing one of the most intriguing themes from human kind history and one of the biggest mysterious: the death. The Machado’s novel according to the critics, opens his second production period. Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas shows the death as a place starting since the beginning, to produce a different discourse that had been elaborated by Machado so far. This way, we are able to recognize all the narrative components not only in this work, but also in each novel that Machado has written after 1881.
- ItemA topoanálise em A ceia dominicana : romance neolatino de Reinaldo Santos Neves(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-27) Sessa, Ariel; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Borges Filho, Ozíris; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão PadilhaEste análisis del trabajo argumentativo se presentó con el fin de estudiar el elemento "espacio", más específicamente el lugar de la obra A ceia dominicana: romance neolatino (2008), de Reinaldo Santos Neves. Tuvo como objetivo analizar la importancia y relevancia de los lugares en esta obra literaria en sus diversas formas, cómo relacionar las reflexiones y la importancia de la espacialidad en el comportamiento de los personajes y su consiguiente función para ayudar a guiar la narrativa, la recepción lector para la construcción de los espacios a través de la semiosis, la involuntária identificaciónextra-textual del espacio “capixaba” mediante la cartografia presentada de nuevo ficticiamente en el libro a través del mundo empírico, junto con la apropiación del espacio por el interfaz clásicoSatiricon/A ceia dominicanay el simbolismo de los signos relacionados con este espacio literario particular. La base teórica utilizada fue Gaston Bachelard (2008) y Oziris Borges Filho (2007), con la contribución de otros teóricos respetados en el mundo académico relacionado con los estudios literarios y la apropiación de la contribución teórica de otras áreas del conocimiento, como Geografía Humanista, Física, Psicología y Filosofía. Metodológicamente, he buscado una dimensión más amplia al análisis por la amplia diversidad de líneas de investigación, que la obra de Reinaldo Santos Neves promueve desde su diversidad y riqueza interpretativa como una obra literária, por lo que el post-estructuralismo fue utilizado por lo tanto para que haya absorción de conocimiento de tales áreas guiado por la característica de escritura de un autor contemporáneo. Con esta posibilidad, la obra ganó aire de los ensayosacadémicos para romper tenuemente la formalidad con respecto a composición de la disertación analíticamente, respetando, sin embargo, la forma monográfica en sus divisiones y subdivisiones. En general, este estudio pretende ratificar al lector el conocimiento de la importancia de los espacios en la construcción de narrativas mediante el uso de una literatura para permitir análisis del topos extensamente y didácticamente.
- ItemDoutrina do engrossamento de Graciano Neves: organização, estudo introdutório e notas para um livro eletrônico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-03-24) Huapaya, Raoni Schimitt; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Klinke, Karina; Soares, Luís Eustáquio
- ItemEntre a visibilidade e o sumiço : autor e autoria em Se um viajante numa noite de inverno, de Italo Calvino(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-06-13) Silva, João Paulo Tozetti da; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Trefzger, Fabíola Simão Padilha; Costa, Rita de Cássia Maia e SilvaIn the late 1960s, some scholars as Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes contributed to modify the action of the French literary criticism, still very attached to biographical perspectives. Though with different proposals, these researchers are considered some of the main responsible for resizing the role of the author in literature and literary interpretation. A decade later, Italo Calvino publishes the novel If on a Winter's Night a traveler, in which, amid the fiction, he presents and discusses various topics of literary theories in vogue, especially the thesis of the author's death advocated by Barthes. The work of the Italian writer is considered by many critics as sectarian of the French semiotician’s ideas, but this premise is not unanimous. The novel criticizes the conception overestimated of the author, but at the same time, distrusts the theoretical proposal that seeks to eliminate it. The objective of this dissertation is to discuss the notion of author and the question of authorship through this work of Italo Calvino. The research had as its focus two distinct but interrelated points: to show the controversy about the author’s figure – its relevance or irrelevance to the interpretation, its absence or presence in the text – essentially discussing the notion of intention and the death proposed by Barthes, and to relate this criticism, which belittled the author’s importance, with Calvino’s theoretical thinking to, thereby, determine how the dispute involving the author’s figure is discussed in the novel. As a guide, we use the Roland Barthes’s and Michael Foucault’s thoughts, as well as considerations that Calvino himself exposed in many of his essays.
- ItemInterseções entre o jornalismo e a literatura: uma análise de discurso do jornalismo literário no Brasil a partir de Realidade e Piauí(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-25) Baltazar, Isabella Cristina Milagres; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Alvarenga, Alexandre Curtiss; Zanetti, DaniellaThis essay is a discursive analysis proposal of Literary Journalism products. The aim of this research is to debate and understand the nature of the object that appears as a contemporary narrative experience bringing for the reader a journalistic periodical product, especially with a literary treatment/approach. This attempt took a support at one analysis- with basis at the French Discourse Analysis School- from report/news published in two Brazilian magazines in distinct historical contexts of publication: Realidade (1966) and piauí (2014). The scope is the support in questions that claim for debates into the object in remarkable way, exploring much more the values discussed until now, taking in account their specificities. Having theoretical devices as support to the Literary Journalism specificities, the literature, the journalism, the French AD, as such literary theories, the purpose here is to find a conscious comprehension of this slope that presents a continuous flow of two distinct discursive ways of journalism and literature.
- ItemLeminski : poética da lemniscata(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-24) Oliveira, Marco Aurélio Furno; Albertino, Orlando Lopes; Soares, Luís Eustáquio; Silva, Paulo Muniz daDue to the studies about the theme multiplicity of the Leminski poetic, truly polyhedral, we based on the seventeenth poem from the book named Caprichos & relaxos, “Ali só ali se”, because it is a rich example of intertextuality, poetic-linguistic luddite and metapoetry and by presenting issues concerning the language based on the philosophy of the ancient stoicism, mainly the slide on the meaning and senses according to the Gilles Deleuze optics about the Logic of Sense.
- ItemShakespeare reciclado : uma adapação cinematográfica de A megera domada no filme 10 coisas que eu odeio em você(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-04-24) Carvalho, Luana Melissa de; Alvarenga, Alexandre Curtiss; Alves, Roberta Maria Ferreira; Albertino, Orlando LopesThis study analyses the Shakespearean theater screen adaptation, specifically the work The Taming of the Shrew, into the film 10 Things I Hate About You, through an intersemiotic translation reflection inspired by Peirce's sign definitions and understood as a form of creative hypertextuality. The study addresses the dialogical relations between the source text and its hypertext, considering their respective contexts. It is discussed the issues related to adaptation and appropriation (considering that cinema, as a mean of art reproduction, appears as one of the most effective ways of adaptation - literary or otherwise), which bring out questions about Shakespeare’s perpetual canonicalization or its resistance under the terms of recycling. It was also discussed the intermediality concept as an essential form of medium for the rereadings done so far.