Mestrado em Política Social
URI Permanente para esta coleção
Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2004
Conceito atual na CAPES: 5
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Homologado pelo CNE, Parecer CES/CNE nº 487/2018 (Portaria MEC 609, de 14/03/2019), DOU 18/03/2019, seção 1, p. 63.
Periodicidade de seleção: Anual
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Navegando Mestrado em Política Social por Autor "Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio"
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- ItemA integração do negro no Brasil: raça ou classe? Uma busca teórica e histórica a partir de Florestan Fernandes(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-08-28) Nery, Jonatas Correa; Faleiros, Rogerio Naques;;;;; Forde, Gustavo Henrique Araujo;;; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio;; present work is the result of a theoretical and historical research, based on Florestan Fernandes's book, “The negro in brazillian society” (1969). It treats as the central theme the theoretical understandings about race and class, trying to situate one and the other debate (race and class), from the already consolidated readings on the theme. Although the research was based on the analysis of the work itself, the development of the work resorted to the class debate with the Marxist authors, but with particular attention to the writings of Karl Marx himself. Similarly, and in parallel, went to history to understand how race arises as a differentiator or classifier of different human groups around the planet, always correlating with the Marxian analytical method. Evidently this path was not by chance. It arises as a demand of the research itself. The generating hypothesis was the statement, derived from Hasenbalg (1979), that Florestan Fernandes, besides treating the racial issue as an effect of “cultural delay”, subsumes race in class. That is, it indicates that race due to the process of capitalism development would no longer be a relevant element of differentiation. Therefore, the research aimed to analyze how it appears and are made the theoretical developments of race and class in the work "The negro in brazillian society". In order to attend to the object it was necessary, therefore, to understand what is race and what is class, and only then deal with the data concerning the integration of black people in brazillian society. The result of the research was that the statement made may have been the result of an analysis perhaps foreign to dialectical reading, since Fernandes never abandoned race as a significant element in explaining differences, even within the capitalist system. On the contrary, it concludes that the black people has become in Brazil an “index element” to gauge the kind of democracy one experiences.
- ItemA PRODUÇÃO SOBRE A QUESTÃO ÉTNICO RACIAL NA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DA ÁREA DE SERVIÇO SOCIAL NO BRASIL ENTRE 2010 E 2020(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-04-29) Silva, Ana Paula Cupertino da; Leal, Fabiola Xavier;;;;; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio;;; Santos, Claudia Monica dos;; dissertation is like productions on the debate on the racial ethnic issue in the graduate programs of the graduation in the area of Social Work between 2010 and with the objective of pointing out an overview of this debate articulated with the theoretical-methodological of Social Work. And the specific objectives: to identify how to post-production of production programs in the Social Work area, to map the production of this scenario in the context of the 32nd knowledge area; to map the productions by institution, year, debates, research lines of the program, aiming to improve the debates on professional training in Social. Data collection was carried out in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, with the descriptors ethnic-racial, racial issue and racism and 166 works were found, of which 109 were dissertations and 57 theses. And the data were also collected on the websites of the 35 PPGs in the Social Service area, from where the data of the lines and research groups of these programs were extracted. Data were treated using the content analysis technique according to Bardin (1977). The direction of the analysis is historical and critical from the Marxist method that guides the analysis of the category, in the sense of claiming the ethnic-racial debate as a structuring element of the PG courses curricula in the area of Social Work. Reflections on the relevance of the ethnic-racial debate in professional and continuing education in Social Work were carried out based on the Curriculum Guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Social Work of the Political Ethical Project of Social Work and the profession's Code of Ethics. And also about Social Work as a profession and area of knowledge in the field of applied Social Sciences, which has contributed to increasing the scope of the production of knowledge of the profession and consolidation of Postgraduate in the area of Social Work. It was possible to identify that most of the works have been focusing on structural debates, on the social and ethnic racial issue in professional training in Social Work and works were found both in Programs that have a line or group that mention the racial ethnic debate in the menus and in the programs that do not have these elements. Therefore, in opposition to the production and reproduction of the silencing and secondaryization of the racial ethnic issue by the dynamics of capitalist social relations, the racial ethnic debate has been appearing in the works, lines and research groups of PPGs in the area of Social Work.
- ItemA QUESTÃO RACIAL E SUAS IMPLICAÇÕES PARA O SERVIÇO SOCIAL NO SISTEMA ÚNICO DA ASSSITÊNCIA SOCIAL – SUAS(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-11-27) Silva, Meyrieli de Carvalho; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio;;;;; Mateus, Luizane Guedes;;; Eurico, Marcia Campos;;; Silva, Jeane Andreia Ferraz;; present study sought to analyze the racial issue and its implications for the Brazilian Social Work, and from there to understand its performance in the Unified Social Assistance System from its implementation and organization in 2011. To achieve this
- ItemAfirmação política e política afirmativa : cotas para negros na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-23) Coutinho, Arthur Lemos; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio; Forde, Gustavo Henrique Araújo; Santos, Sérgio Pereira; Gomes, Maria das Graças Cunha; Ferraz, Ana Targina RodriguesThe present work is the result of a process of reflections concerning the role of affirmative action policies for the black population in Brazil, which has been inserted in a historical context of racial inequalities. This research’s central theme is the approval of the federal Act No 12.711/12, which establishes and regulates the use of quotas and the reservation of vacancies for students’ access to undergraduate courses at federal educational institutions. The alluded law made possible a percentage of the reserve for self-declared black, pardo, and indigenous candidates. In this context, throughout successive problematizations regarding the racial aspect of the sanctioned legislation, the present dissertation aims at to evaluate the application of the Quota Act at Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) after its the approval in 2012. The perception of how this process interfered in the admission of self-declared black students in the undergraduate courses at UFES , since the implementation of the mentioned Act, was an issue that permeated the entire research. This question is explained through a statistical survey concerning not only the number of students admitted at UFES before social quotas (2006-2007), but also the statistics afterwards its implementation (2008- 2012), as well as the onset of the racial clipping (2013-2017). Therefore, the present work was carried out through a qualitative-quantitative documentary research - legislations as well as newcomers’ enrollment data -, aiming to evaluate the quota model implemented after the Act approved in 2012. In such a manner, by emphasizing advances and contradictions, it is possible to verify the importance of quotas for black people in order to promote a greater admission of these students at UFES.
- ItemHabitação e sua relação com o direito à cidade no capitalismo contemporâneo : um estudo sobre o programa Minha Casa Minha Vida Faixa 1 em Vitória-ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-30) Rangel, Shanna de Oliveira; Sabadini, Mauricio de Souza; Campos Júnior, Carlos Teixeira de; Abreu, Maria Helena ElpidioThis dissertation focuses on the current debate on the right to housing in Brazil and its relationship with the right to the city, with a focus on the My Home My Life Program (Band 1) in the city of Vitória / ES. For that, a theoretical study was carried out based on thinkers who discuss the right to housing and the city, as well as the field research, aiming to answer some questions pointed out in this study, contemplating the articulation of quantitative and qualitative data. The investigative process involved the following questions: How does the My Home My Life Band 1 program in the city of Vitória / ES guarantee access to housing? The right to the city can be guaranteed from the access to the house by the program My House My Life in Vitoria - Band 1? This work sought to identify the process of constitution of housing as a social right and its unfolding in the logic of capitalist production. With regard to the general objective, the objective was to analyze the My Home My Life Band 1 housing program in the city of Vitória, in order to understand if there is a guarantee of the right to the city, based on access to housing, from the perspective of its users. The work involved documentary research and field research. In the field research the focal group was carried out and, in terms of data treatment and analysis, content analysis and thematic analysis technique were used. As the main conclusions of the study regarding the My Home My Life program - Band 1 in the city of Vitória / ES, we verified that social factors can have consequences for the non-effective housing as a constituent part of the right to the city. consequence of the logic of how space is produced, the city, the dwelling, modifying the ways of life on the influence of the capitalist mode of production.
- ItemMovimento negro e as políticas de promoção da igualdade racial no Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-20) Cruz, Suellen Silva da; Ferraz, Ana Targina Rodrigues; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio; Forde, Gustavo Henrique Araujo; Eurico, Marcia CamposThe present study is the result of reflections on the participation of the Negro Movement of Espírito Santo in the process of implementing policies to promote racial equality in Espírito Santo. The central theme is the construction and implementation of important laws, regulations and actions carried out throughout history as a form of government response - federal and state - to the tension made by the Black Movement. In this context, through successive problematizations about the limits of social policies in contemporary capitalism, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the participation of the Black Movement in the process of implementing policies to promote racial equality in the state of Espírito Santo. To see how this participation brought impacts on the effectiveness of the policy in the period from 2003 to 2016 was an issue that permeated the entire study. Methodologically we try to answer this question through the incorporation of two categories that we consider fundamental for the analysis made in this research: totality and historicity. For that, an extensive bibliographical review was necessary to find out about the existing productions on the proposed study topic, in addition to documentary research - legislation, final report of the III Conference and data collected in the Official Gazette of the State of Espírito Santo. The qualitative approach of the research and we use widely the bibliographical research of authors who work the history of the black movement in soil capixaba. In addition, as a technique for collecting data and information in the field we used the interview. As a result, we have been able to conclude that since the confrontations and struggles of the pre-abolition period, all progress in history on minimum policies of protection and reparation for the black people has been won only on the basis of much collective organization and articulated resistance.
- ItemQuando pretos pintam na UFES, a universidade se pinta de preto? : reflexões sobre racismos e antirracismos institucionalizados(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-18) Azevedo, Simone Lima; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio; Eurico, Marcia Campos; Forde, Gustavo Henrique de Araújo; Silva, Jeane Andreia FerrazLa presente tesis de maestría investiga los cambios institucionales realizados a partir de la implantación de las cuotas raciales en la Universidad Federal de Espírito Santo (UFES) en 2013, teniendo como foco de análisis las tres funciones previas de la universidad - enseñanza, investigación y extensión -, para identificar de qué modo se realiza la articulación de la adopción de las cuotas con las demás políticas académicas y, de este modo, problematizar sobre la importancia de la política de cuotas raciales más allá de sus datos cuantitativos, comúnmente abordados institucionalmente, sobre el ingreso y graduación de los alumnos adscritos al programa de cuotas, y de esta forma pensar las cuotas raciales como un importante mecanismo transformador de los procesos formativos y políticos de la universidad que se suman a las políticas de enfrentamiento al racismo en la sociedad brasileña. En este estudio se destacan las determinaciones sociales, históricas, económicas y políticas en la constitución del racismo como expresión y elemento amplificador de la "cuestión social"; así como, las mismas determinaciones en la constitución de la cuestión racial y del racismo como elemento estructurante de la formación social brasileña en el seno de la sociedad de clases. Además, se destaca el proceso social, histórico, económico y político de creación y transformación de la universidad pública en Brasil, el lugar conferido a la población negra y a la cuestión racial en ese modelo educativo construido históricamente en el país; así como, los aspectos generales y los desafíos de la universidad pública en el contexto neoliberal.
- ItemRecepção e particularidades da teoria da reprodução social no Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-12-15) Abrantes, Juliana dos Reis; Moraes, Livia de Cassia Godoi;;;; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio;; Roncato, Mariana Shinohara; Oliveira, Rayane NoronhaThis work's main objective is to analyze how the Social Reproduction Theory (TRS) was received in Brazil and its particularities, between the years 2013 and 2022, in order to analyze the social, economic and political context in which it occurred, the theoretical dialogues and the impacts (or repercussions) of this reception for Brazilian productions. To this end, we intended to historically analyze formulations produced about the Social Reproduction Theory , with Marxist feminist studies as the main theoretical orientation. Here we prioritize a critical analysis of society, of gender oppression under the capitalist system in which we live, theorizing about the category of totality – the central axis of analysis of TRS. In this way, we sought to understand the particularities of TRS in Brazil. To carry out this work, which has a qualitative nature, bibliographical review and semi-structured interviews are used. The conceptual debate presented here aims to highlight the need to think critically about oppression and exploitation in capitalist society. As well as contributing to the social, political and economic struggles of the working class.
- ItemTRILHANDO CAMINHOS DE EMANCIPAÇÃO: O MOVIMENTO DE MULHERES NEGRAS FACE AO AVANÇO DO NEOCONSERVADORISMO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-02-16) Guedes, Bruna Menezes; Abreu, Maria Helena Elpidio;;;;; Barcellos, Gilsa Helena;;; Oliveira, Cenira Andrade de;; research has as main objective to rescue the process of organization of the Black Women's March in Brazil and to analyze the proposed demands by the March against the advance of neoconservatism in Brazil, in view of the contradiction in the face of the limits and possibilities of achievements and setbacks in government agendas that address the claims of black women. To this end, we approach the racial debate in the context of Brazilian social thought, along with the implications of patriarchy and intertwining in the end the participation of black women in politics with an emphasis on national meetings of black women. Following, we approach the articulation between the vindication of social movements of black women in front of the current governments, resulting at a first moment, in institutional achievements such as the constitution of the SPM and SEPPIR, we also point out the obstacles faced by the secretariats and, at the end, we raised the debate about neoconservatism in Brazil. Finally, we present the Articulation of Black Women's Organizations as a fundamental movement for the organization of the Black Women's March, as well as the actions developed by black women's movements since their formal organization, which extends to the pandemic period. For that, we adopted bibliographic and documentary research (based on digital sources and personal collection), seeking to rely on the dialectical historical materialist method. Finally, we conclude that the March consists of the realization of an organized act of black women's movements that continue in the daily struggle and resistance in their territories, in this way, black women were and are uninterruptedly on the march.