A expansão da periferia por conjuntos habitacionais na Região da Grande Vitória (1964-1986)

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Duarte, Maurizete Pimentel Loureiro
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The implementation of a governmental action precursor in Brazil of a planed and structured intervention in the popular habitation area in the 60’s was a mark of the public action in the provision of houses in Brazilian’s cities. Through the institutionalization of a proper bureau for the routing and the management of the PNH, there is the implementation of one of the most elaborated mechanisms of intervention in the popular housing problematic. Sustained by an ingenious program of creation and management of resources utilized in the conduction and in the administration of the Brazilian’s SFH, the BNH becomes, in the military regime, the largest and the most structured public department of formation, conduction and execution of the social politics and popular housing. It assumes the role of political outline anchor of the military government, introducing an ability of sustentation e management of the regime, through the support obtained within the popular bases. In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, simultaneously the governmental action of popular housing provision, there are the creation and the expansion of new urban spaces, the peripheries. The urban peripheries have become main areas of destination and occupation from popular social classes, excluded by the economic and social patterns established for the placing in of physical space. So, considering the context of modernization, urbanization and industrialization introduced in the main brazilian cities, We insert the State of Espírito Santo and the Grande Vitória in this process. In the migratory phenomenon and in the implementation of the “Great Projects” (Grandes Projetos), the Grande Vitória region had fundamental elements for the insertion in a new politic, economical and social context, marked by the creation of new spaces, in which the periphery has become a major paradigm of occupation by low purchasing power urban population. We can consider it was through the bias of habitation, which the main typology was characterized by the ‘all housing’, that the new urban functions were established, both within the social tissue and the economical. As a result, the living obtains a new signification which goes beyond its usual characteristic, assuming new roles, such as investment and speculation, producing new relations and new needs; however, it keeps 11 representing a great ideal in the society‘s imaginary, capable of stimulate millions of workers and families to keep looking for new spaces, in a continuous march of search for a housing which is each time more far away, the urban periphery.
Military government , Popular housing , Urban periphery , All housing , National Politics of Habitation , Governo militar , Habitação popular , Periferia urbana , Conjunto habitacional , Política Nacional de Habitação
DUARTE, Maurizete Pimentel Loureiro. A expansão da periferia por conjuntos habitacionais na Região da Grande Vitória (1964-1986). 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2008.