A dimensão política do pensamento de José de Alencar (1865-1868): liberalismo e escravidão nas cartas de Erasmo

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Afonso, Rogério Natal
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Based on the texts that make up a series of open letters addressed to José de Alencar to Emperor D. Pedro II and some political entities of state administration and written between 1865 and 1868 seek to discuss the defense of the paradox between a liberal society within a country agro-export economy sustained by slave labor. . We will take the text of a speech Alencar as ideological political elites present at the imperial court. We understand the ideological dimension of political discourse of José de Alencar in the sense of cutting Gramscian Marxist; as a world view that permeates from the common speech even more elaborate forms of philosophical discourse. From there, we will seek to understand the way of life, political representations and forms of domination present in the period from the perspective of political speech of José de Alencar, emphasizing the analysis of his defense of liberalism and slavery.
Liberalism , Slavery , Politics , Política , Speech , Discurso
AFONSO, Rogério Natal. A dimensão política do pensamento de José de Alencar (1865-1868): liberalismo e escravidão nas cartas de Erasmo. 2013. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2013.