Educação - Mestrado Profissional
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Programa de Pós-Graduação de Mestrado Profissional em Educação
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- ItemA gestão escolar democrática como espaço-tempo de formação de professores alfabetizadores(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-02) Braga, Vanessa Auer; Silva, Dulcinéa Campos ;;;;; Alcântara, Regina Godinho de ;;; Vieira, Alexandro Braga ;;; Gontijo, Claudia Maria Mendes ;;; Carvalho, Letícia Queiroz de ;; work, entitled “Democratic school management as a space-time for training literacy teachers”, had the general objective: to understand the historical processes that corroborate the non-appropriation of children's reading and writing. The specific objectives are: a) organize and develop collective processes and dialogues for training literacy teachers at school; b) analyze the historical and social conditions of the exposed problem, through dialogues and collective listening; c) reflect, collectively, on the categories emerging from the analysis of data obtained through listening to the subjects involved and discuss intervention proposals; d) elaborate, based on the synthesis of the phenomenon under study, proposing intervention in the scope of management and training of literacy teachers, with a view to focusing on new possibilities for pedagogical organizations in literacy. This research had as its theoretical contribution the concepts of Bakhtin and his Circle (2003, 2017); Caldart (2023), Curado (2018), Freitas (2018), Gontijo (2003, 2008, 2014), Vazquez (2007), among others. Methodologically, this dissertation is of a participatory qualitative nature, as it understands that qualitative research helps to understand and value narratives, expressions of thoughts, voices, writings, images, silences, among other manifestations. To produce data, it uses dialogue circles, recordings and analysis of documents. As a result, it understands the student as a citizen practicing the exercise of his citizenship through writing, recognized as a space for these exercises and also for resistance. The social function of writing is an ethical and political act, in which the subject takes responsibility for what he writes and, at the same time, demands a response, therefore the result of this research is not limited to what was presented here, because it is a process dialectic with no date to end. The epistemology used in this study has produced and will produce other and new epistemologies, a path that mobilizes transformations
- ItemAs enunciações infantis na composição curricular da proposta pedagógica de um centro municipal de educação infantil : a participação das crianças e as suas argumentações(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-06) Rocha, Flávia Santana; Alcântara, Regina Godinho de ;;;;; Nunes, Kézia Rodrigues ;;; Becalli, Fernanda Zanetti ;;; Gomes, Larissa Ferreira Rodrigues;; work aims to understand the possibilities and challenges in considering children's utterances in the curricular composition of a Pedagogical Proposal (PP) for a Municipal Early Childhood Education Center (CMEI) in the municipality of Serra/ES, with the intention of enabling children's participation in the collective production of the document. It relies on children's argumentation through their concrete utterances, recognizing them as historical and socially situated subjects. From a theoretical-methodological perspective, it highlights the studies of the Bakhtinian Circle (Bakhtin, 2003, 2012, 2016; Voloshinov, 2017), studies on language (Brait, 2001; Goulart, 2016), and argumentation (Amossy, 2011; Azevedo, 2023), in dialogue with childhood studies (Araújo, 2005; Kramer, 1999, 1996; Sarmento, 2002, 2008; among others), which understand the constitution of children through and by language. The research consists of two main movements: a) the undertaking of a document review (Gil, 2008), aiming to analyze the theme in national documents for Early Childhood Education (EI), including the most recent one, the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), as well as in the curriculum document guiding EI at the local level, in the municipality of Serra/ES; and b) conducting participatory research (Brandão, 1999; Le Bertof, 1999) involving children enrolled in the Municipal Early Childhood Education Center. With a view to understanding children's utterances— anchored in the Bakhtinian perspective — this work engages in a dialogic process with the discourses produced by children, aiming at the description, analysis, and interpretation (Brait, 2006; Sobral; Giacomelli, 2016) of their speech. The study proposed some interlocutive activities with the children — discussion circles, storytelling, drawing, outings, mini-debate forums, and other interactive resources — seeking to capture their perceptions of school from these encounters and, beyond that, promoting listening spaces to reflect on educational and everyday experiences at the CMEI. The research uses Padlet, a virtual board, as a recording tool, where the dialogic movements carried out were shared. The culmination of this process is the production of an e-book, a digital-format book — as an educational product of this work — aiming to contribute to the Pedagogical Proposal. This study indicates that, for children's utterances to be considered in the composition of a curricular proposal, it is essential that the school recognizes them as rights-bearing subjects who have something to say and who take evaluative stances. It underscores the primacy of systematizing a joint pedagogical planning in this regard and mobilizing all those involved in this construction
- ItemO ENSINO DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA EM FOCO: O DIÁLOGO E A CONSTRUÇÃO DE POSSIBILIDADES AO ENCONTRO DE UMA ABORDAGEM DIALÓGICA E REFLEXIVA(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-09-22) Alves, Daniela Figueiredo; Alcântara, Regina Godinho de;;;;; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro;;; Silva, Dulcinéa Campos;;; Vidon, Luciano Novaes;; research started from the need to critically understand the theoretical methodological assumptions that guide the teaching-learning practices of the Portuguese language teachers in a regular and public high school located in Serra/ES, especially those assumptions focused on the reflection on language/linguistic analysis, aiming to investigate the challenges and possibilities of a grammar approach from a enunciative-discursive perspective. This is qualitative research, constituted as a case study. The following instruments were used for the data production: questionnaire and document analysis. We are based on a theoretical and methodological point of view, on Bakhtin language conceptions, and on the contributions of Brazilian linguists who consider the language teaching-learning process as a social interaction and construction of meanings practice. Some of those authors; Geraldi (2012, 2013), Travaglia (2005) and Antunes (2009, 2014). The main expected results are related to the understanding of the current teachers' training situation, both in linguistic and pedagogical areas offered to the teachers who are the subjects of our investigation. For this, we are considering the possibility of working with grammatical contents in a reflexive approach, engaged with the critical and text producers, which results in being capable of positioning themselves in the different realities that surround them. Our educational product, which originated from this research, is an extension course, certified by the Pro-Rectory of Extension (ProEx/Ufes). This Course is focused on the possibility of articulating the axis of linguistic analysis and reflection on language to the other axes: reading, orality, and text production, under an enunciative-discursive perspective.
- ItemO trabalho com o teatro em uma escola do campo: abordagens ao encontro da dialogicidade e da criticidade(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-21) Bridi, Luan Eudair; Alcântara, Regina Godinho de;;;; Moraes, Fabiano de Oliveira;;; Camargo, Fernanda Monteiro Barreto;;; Silva, Dulcinéa Campos;; Carvalho, Leticia Queiroz deThis study aims to analyze the possibilities and challenges of the pedagogical useoftheater in a rural school, with a view to enabling students to dialogue withtheir social context(s) for the development of a questioning glance at their local reality. Asajustification, it is pointed out the fact that the teaching of Art ends up, manytimes,becoming paralyzed by the prescribed contents, mainly in relationtothestandardized tests, and the theatrical art, although obligatory for being includedintheofficial curriculum, ends up, in general, being explored superficially andwiththemesthat do not dialogue with the students' experience. As a theoretical framework, theresearch is based on Bakhtin's writings (1997, 2014a, 2014b, 2018) regardingtolanguage; by Arroyo, Caldart and Molina (2011) with regard to Rural Education;Freire (2002) with regard to education and pedagogical practices; andBoal (1982,2012) and Reverbel (1979, 1993, 1997) with regard to Theater specifically. It alsoemphasizes the studies by Morin (2003) and Fazenda (2006), regardingtothepossibility of an inter and transdisciplinary approach. This is a qualitativeresearch,divided into two phases, the first, based on Gil (2002), being configuredastheDocumental Consultation and the second, based on Brandão and Streck(2006),being the Participant Research. In order to producing data, filming, photographsandsemi-structured interviews were used, as well as analysis of pedagogical plans.Understanding that the researcher is not neutral, being also a constituent part of hisstudy, this research also adopts Bakhtin (2010) as a methodological referencefor theanalysis of the data produced. In the course of the research, theatrical exercises,field research, textual productions and theatrical plays were developedwiththestudents, favoring the dialogue with their reality. The videos produced resultedinadocumentary through which the entire discursive and constructive process developedwith the students was presented, reverberating in the educational product of thiswork. As a result, the research points to the importance of pedagogical workwithArtTheater at school, for its potentiality to enable provocative and reflectivelooksinabroader dimension. Thus, the theatrical approach allows the problematizationofsocial, political and ideological aspects that pervade the school reality, advancingbeyond its immediate surroundings.
- ItemO “novo ensino médio” no Brasil e no estado do Espírito Santo: o que nos dizem os documentos referentes acerca do desenvolvimento da cidadania e reflexão crítica(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-07-06) Paixão, Neusa Mara Silveira da; Alcântara, Regina Godinho de;;;;; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro;;; Amorim, Fábio Luiz Alves de;;; Vieira, Alexandro Braga;; Rodrigues, Rodrigo FerreiraIt intends to reflect on the counter-reformation called “New Secondary Education”, meeting the knowledge and understanding of documents that support this organization, namely: National Common Curricular Base (2018); Law No. 13,415/2017; Ordinance No. 649/2018 (Support Program for New High School); MEC Ordinance No. 1,432/2018, as well as documents from the Espírito Santo State Education Network: Implementation Plan for the New Capixaba High School (2019); the Pedagogical Guidelines for Secondary Education – Version 1.0/2021; Catalog of Deepening Training Itineraries and the textbook of the Life Project curricular component, from the state of Espírito Santo. The main objective is to investigate what the most recent official curriculum documents regarding the counter-reform of the New High School (2017/2018) express about the teaching-learning processes of Brazilian students and, in particular, of capixabas (state of Espírito Santo ), of this teaching stage, with a view to developing citizenship and critical reflection by students. It dialogues with Goodson (1995), Sacristán (2000), Silva (2003 and 2005), Libâneo (2008) and Freire (1997), regarding the concepts of curriculum and its impacts on the school routine, highlighting Covre (1991) to approach the concept of citizenship. With regard to language-related issues, it relies on studies by Mikhail Bakhtin and His Circle (2002 and 2006). It is qualitative based, with a documentary analysis. As an educational product, it highlights the production of an interactive catalog, aiming to make available and present to Basic Education teachers the most recent official curricular documents related to the High School counter-reformation, at national and state level. The text is structured in six basic chapters. In the first chapter, the academic and professional trajectory of the researcher is presented in line with the general and specific objectives. The second chapter deals with the literature review, presenting works that have already addressed this research theme or approached it. The third chapter is composed of the methodological theoretical framework, dialoguing with the authors who supported the study. Then, the fourth chapter consists of the presentation of the research methodology. The fifth chapter presents the documental analysis, through which it attempts a dialogue with documents related to the Secondary Education counter-reformation, in the sixth, it opens up to counterwords and, in the seventh, we present the educational product originated from this research, which was configured as an Interactive Catalog, entitled “Legal frameworks: what the official documents regarding the Reform of Secondary Education in Brazil and the State of Espírito Santo tell us”. The social, political and economic interests that are behind the change in the organization of the Secondary Education stage were evidenced, present in the official documents that guide the "New Secondary Education" in Brazil and in the state of Espírito Santo, as well as making it possible to question the curriculum imposed by the referred counter-reformation in the sense of its contribution to a pedagogical practice that provides the increase of citizenship and critical reflection of the students, considering that its immobilization ends up preventing the development of actions that demonstrate the participation of students in activities that allow, in a dialogic and discursive way, political and citizen participation, bringing language as the motto of the whole process.