Biodiversidade Tropical (extinto)
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade Tropical
Centro: CEUNES
Telefone: (27) 3312 1701
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Navegando Biodiversidade Tropical (extinto) por Autor "Araujo, Ana Carolina Sberk de Araujo"
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- ItemDiversidade genética de Topirus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) em remanescentes florestais de Mata Atlântica no Estado do Espírito Santo,Brasil(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-06-08) Bossi, Dahiani Nunes; Farro, Ana Paula Cazerta; Tosta, Vander Calmon; Araujo, Ana Carolina Sberk de AraujoThe tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is the largest terrestrial mammal in Brazil. It is an important seed disperser at long distances, but it has been suffering from the strong fragmentation of its habitat, mainly in the Atlantic Forest Biome. This work, through mainly non-invasive methodology (fecal samples), sought to access the genetic diversity of tapirs in the Linhares-Sooretama Forest Complex, ES, as well as to suggest a minimum number of individuals present in the area, based on the individual identification of animals. A total of 66 samples were collected, 61 faeces and five tissues from capture campaigns or trampling on BR-101. From seven microsatellite markers, 40 individuals were identified. A total of 67 alleles were detected, ranging from eight (Tter 5) to twelve (Tter 3) alleles per locus, and medium allelic diversity of 9.51 alleles / locus. The observed mean heterozygosity (ho) for the seven polymorphic locus analyzed was 0.538, with Tter 3 showing higher ho, 0.867; while the Tter 4 marker had the lowest ho, 0.325; indicating, a moderate genetic diversity. The mean FIS value indicates inbreeding in the study population, since the value was positive (FIS = 0.324). When the BR-101 functionality was evaluated as a barrier (structuring between the east and west portions of the Linhares-Sooretama Complex), a FST of 0.018 (p <0.05) was observed, which shows a low genetic structuring between the two studied. As the structuring indicated was very low and not evidenced in all the parameters evaluated in the Structure program, it was considered that there is a population of tapirs in the region. Gene flow between these areas still occurs, regardless of the large mortality from road deaths in BR.