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Uso de redes neurais artificiais e análises de regressão para avaliar correlações entre resultados de ensaios de penetração de campo
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-25) Carias, Gabriele Carvalho Bahiense; Hisatugu, Wilian Hiroshi ;;; Bicalho, Kátia Vanessa ;;;;; Silva, Maristela Gomes da ;;; Danziger, Bernadete Ragoni ;;; Giacheti, Heraldo Luiz ;;
The results of field tests for determining soil resistance to penetration are essential for defining geotechnical behavior and estimating parameters in civil engineering projects. Due to the variety of tests and the impossibility of complete investigations, it is necessary to evaluate correlations between different tests, considering their specific characteristics. This research analyzed the influences on the correlations defined between the results of SPT and CPT (and their variations, such as piezocone penetration test, CPTu) soil resistance determination tests, and examined the use of artificial neural networks to correlate field test results for determining soil resistance to penetration. A statistical pre-treatment of the data was performed, evaluating the frequency distribution of the different analyzed parameters and their ranges of variation. The study also discussed the benefits obtained by considering the results of DMT tests associated with CPTu and SPT tests for identifying soil mechanical behavior, highlighting interpretation divergences when considering the three in-situ tests. Additionally, the influence of parameters such as depth, lateral friction, excess pore pressure, among others, on the correlations defined between the SPT and CPTu soil resistance determination test results was evaluated. An artificial neural network (ANN) model of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) type was developed to correlate in-situ penetration test results. The data used in this research consisted of 38355 sets of SPT-CPT-DMT results for sandy, silty, and clayey soils. The input variables of the ANN model include: SPT N60 penetration resistance index, cone tip resistance (qt), lateral friction (fs), pore pressure (u2), and material index (Ic) from the CPTu, as well as the material index (ID) from the DMT. The research demonstrates that factors such as depth and lateral friction influence the SPT-CPTu relationships, and neural networks trained only with qt and N60 showed low performance. However, the inclusion of depth, lateral friction, and the DMT ID improved the statistical performance of the model, which, nevertheless, does not fit a generic equation
Combinação de negócios no setor de saúde suplementar no Brasil : uma análise de concentração de mercado e rentabilidade
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-29) Carnetti, Wander Chagas; Scalzer, Rodrigo Simonassi ;;;;; Reina, Donizete;;; Beiruth, Aziz Xavier;;
This research analyzes whether market concentration and profitability are determining factors for the likelihood of business combinations in the Brazilian supplementary healthcare sector. The supplementary healthcare segment, in addition to being an essential segment for the population, is highly concentrated due to its economies of scale, and has a large number of mergers and acquisitions, and is increasingly growing. The research used data from Self-Management, Medical Cooperatives, Philanthropy, Group Medicine and Specialized Health Insurance Companies that were registered in April 2024 with the ANS – National Health Agency and that had active beneficiaries until December 2022, in addition to the supplementary healthcare market concentration analysis processes submitted to CADE – Administrative Council for Economic Defense. Data were extracted from 707 companies and 232 processes submitted for approval by CADE in the period between 2011 and 2022, totaling 6,618 observations used in a logit model to estimate the probability of business combinations occurring. Among the characteristics of the companies studied, it was possible to confirm the study hypotheses through performance using the ROIC proxy for return and the Herfindall index for market concentration, in relation to total beneficiaries. The results demonstrated that profitability and market concentration, in relation to total beneficiaries, can be considered as determining factors for the occurrence of business operations, either to the detriment of inefficient companies being subject to merger and/or acquisition by companies that are operating with positive returns and in a state of solvency or because companies with higher concentration indices seek, through business combinations, to reduce production costs and increase goods and services through economies of scale. These results, in addition to contributing to the understanding of a market with strong movement in mergers and acquisitions, help to better understand the factors that make companies potential targets for this type of operation
Concepção sobre deficiência entre profissionais de centros especializados em reabilitação do estado do Espírito Santo
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-24) Zuqui, Aline Cáus; Sarti, Thiago Dias ;;;;; Leite, Lúcia Pereira ;;; Sime, Mariana Midori;;; Poton, Wanêssa Lacerda;;; Andrade, Maria Angélica Carvalho;;
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) revolutionizes the understanding of functioning and disability by emphasizing the interaction between health problems and contextual factors. However, historically, different concepts of disability have spread in society and influence how people with disabilities are viewed and treated. The metaphysical (religious) conception considers that the causes of disability are related to supernatural forces, divine punishment, or protection. The biological conception is based on the biomedical model of health and understands disability from the perspective of active pathology, injury, or functional impairment, which cause a negative experience. The social model views disability as a condition of human difference and considers it a mismatch between the body and the environment, seeing it as a societal rather than an individual issue. With the establishment of the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities in the Brasilian Public Health System, the Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER) have become specific points of attention for the health care of people with disabilities. Currently, the state of Espírito Santo (Brazil) has six accredited CERs, and it is expected that the professionals in these services understand disability from the biopsychosocial model of the ICF, promoting inclusion and participation of this population in life processes. Thus, the general objective of this study is to understand how professionals in the CERs of the state of Espírito Santo conceive disability. The specific objectives were to describe the different conceptions of disability among professionals working in rehabilitation; relate the conceptions of disability of professionals working in rehabilitation to their professional profiles; outline the profile of professionals working in the CERs of the state of Espírito Santo; and perform a psychometric analysis of the Escala Intercultural de Concepções de Deficiência - EICD (Intercultural Scale of Conceptions of Disability) for use in the Specialized Rehabilitation Centers. A cross sectional, exploratory, quantitative study was conducted with professionals from CERs in the state of Espírito Santo. The research instrument was sent via the online platform Google Forms and consisted of sociodemographic questions, professional profile, academic background, type of professional activity in the CER, and the EICD. Eighty-six professionals participated in the study, 61 females and 25 males, with an average age of 39.9 years. Most participants tend to agree with the social and biological conceptions of disability and disagree with the religious conception. The alignment with the social conception of disability is an advancement, yet the biological conception remains prevalent, highlighting a difficulty in overcoming the biomedical model. Although the majority of professionals disagree with the metaphysical conception, 1/3 of the participants tend to agree with it. Comparison analyses showed that male participants tended to disagree with the metaphysical conception, while female participants disagreed. CERs in rural areas tended to disagree with the metaphysical conception, while in the metropolitan region there was disagreement. Rehabilitation professionals disagreed with the metaphysical conception, whereas other professionals tended to disagree. The EICD proved to be a reliable instrument for measuring disability conceptions among CER workers. The results prompt a reflection on how these conceptions can affect practices that do not prioritize individuals' potential, reinforcing an understanding of disability as an individual issue
Do sentido ao problema da verdade na fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl : implicações da ressignificação transcendental do conceito de transcendência na adaequatio rei et intellectus husserliana
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-12) Rocha, João Marcelo Silva da; Santos, Jorge Augusto da Silva ;;;;; Wu, Roberto;;; Sena, Sandro Márcio Moura de ;;; Curvello, Flávio Vieira ;;; Tourinho, Carlos Diogenes Cortes ;;
The present thesis develops reflections on the concepts of truth and transcendence as they manifest especially in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, with the general aim of analyzing the implications of the meaning of “transcendence” in the correspondence-based conception of truth prevalent in Husserlian thought. Structured in five chapters, the investigation begins by outlining the traditional sense of truth as correspondence in its structuring aspects and the emerging problematic in the configuration of the relationship between knowing subject and knowable object based on specific delimitations of the concept of transcendence. Thus, Husserl's concepts of “truth” and “evidence” advocated in the Logical Investigations are analyzed, delineating the four phenomenological senses of “truth” as exposed in §39 of the 6th Logical Investigation. Moreover, it is emphasized the primacy of the meaning of “true being” in determining the other senses of truth. The third chapter explores the senses of “transcendence” and “immanence”, examining the redefinition of these concepts promoted with the transition to Transcendental Phenomenology and how it reconfigures the relationship between subjectivity and objectivity, revealing the former as constitutive and the latter as constituted. This transformation suggests the loss of the autonomy of the transcendent in relation to subjectivity, a presupposition of correspondence-based truth. In the fourth chapter, a similar approach is taken to that in the second chapter, focusing, however, on Husserl's description of the senses of “truth” and “evidence” in works of the transcendental phase of Phenomenology. The aim of this analysis is to demonstrate that the formal characterization of such concepts remains in accordance with the parameters established in the Logical Investigations, contrary to what the transformations discussed in the third chapter might suggest, and that the primacy of the meaning of “truth” attributed to the object also persists in the transcendental version of Husserlian thought. Considering this, the problem regarding the implications of “transcendence” in Husserl's conception of truth is established in the fifth and final chapter: initially, it is explained how correspondence-based truth becomes problematic in the Logical Investigations precisely due to the meaning of “transcendent” adopted in this work. Finally, a justification is proposed for maintaining correspondence-based truth in Transcendental Phenomenology due to the implications of the specifically phenomenological transcendental concept of transcendence. This interpretative proposal is presented through the demarcation of a double constitutive layer concerning the objective pole of the intentional relation committed to the achievement of true knowledge. Based on the description of the constitutive processes carried out in each of these layers, it is ultimately argued that the autonomy of the transcendent in relation to the veritative relation – a requirement inscribed in the correspondence-based conception of truth – is ensured by the constitution of the transcendent as such, carried out in the foundational layer. Besides, the constitutive dependence of the transcendent as true in relation to subjectivity, imposed by transcendental reduction, is expressed in the synthesis of evident fulfillment carried out in the founded layer
Novos espaços de fruição e comunicação da arte no século XXI : ressignificações digitais de Van Gogh nas exposições imersivas
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-28) Bastos, Sandra Regina; Ruiz Torres, David ;;;;; Costa, Robson Xavier da ;;; Hora, Daniel de Souza Neves ;;
More and more contemporary installations are defining virtual reality spaces using mediation and technologies, allowing interaction between work and viewer. As a result of cyberculture, the fact is that digital media, as a tool, has been promoting and expanding art and culture, giving new meaning to works of art through animations and effects, enabling virtual processes. Technological events have generated a post-digital scenario, thus emerging augmented and mixed realities and other artistic practices that are becoming recognized and have transformed digital art into a prosperous and interesting segment, as it involves the participation of many important artists. The research seeks to present data recognizing how digital technologies transform the visual and artistic environment, influencing the practice of communication between work, artist and public in exhibitions with immersive technological mediations. The research proposes a reflection on the questions presented by several authors who study the topic of virtuality, including Oliver Grau, an author who fundamentally contributes to this research and treats sensory interactivity as essential for the study of “virtual art”. Author Anne Cauquelin addresses the theme of immersive exhibitions transcending the classic exhibition space and also shows us how virtual installations are also a reflection of the unfolding of postmodernism. Author Greice Antolini Silveira adds to the research information about the interference of images in the senses, reacting to the effects of illusion when the visitor enters the installations. Several other authors add data from research on the elements such as floor, walls and ceilings that are part of the project so that the participant feels like a scenic presence and how the occupation of the space completes the work, integrating it. In interactive installations, images are presented in a way that makes the viewer experience emotions and sensory experiences – tactile, auditory, visual, olfactory – using effects with 3D moving images and alternative materials. Immersive exhibitions have gained notoriety since the beginning of the 21st century and are currently presented in large spaces, using digital resources and bringing new parameters for coexistence, communication and dissemination of different forms of artistic expression to different types of audiences. This research investigated how digital technologies are capable of transforming the imagery and artistic environment, influencing the practice of communication between work, artist and public in exhibitions with immersive technological mediations. The study was developed based on a qualitative documentary research methodology with a case study based on reports and stories with mapping of immersive exhibitions over the last 4 years in the Southeast region of Brazil and reference material prepared during visits made in person since 2019 with the theme of artist in question. To conclude the research and to present the case study of an immersive exhibition, we will use as a reference the Analysis Methodology, developed in 2004 by Dr. Javier Marzal Felici, in 4 levels of methodological analysis. In the research we brought this context of virtuality and immersion, within which the viewer has a new look at the elements created by the artist in the real work, in relation to colors, volume, shapes and gestures. In this way, the image reproduced using digital resources places the viewer as part of the work. By giving new meaning to artistic expressions, immersive exhibitions are analyzed in this research from a poetic point of view, from the theatrical and spectacular aspect of reproductions, in addition to being able to reorganize and reorder a desired theme for a new spatiality. Within this new context, these spaces in the format of interactive installations give new meaning to works by renowned artists such as Van Gogh, allowing us to understand this new version or museum language, called immersive exhibitions, as a new space for the enjoyment and communication of art in the 21st century